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RP Idea

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Apr 25, 2011
Hello again! i am looking for a new rp. I was thinking maybe a Boss's daugther, Where young 17 year old Clover's father runs a dry clears, the biggest one in town. But one day her father makes clover get a job at the story where she meet one of the men working there... and well you get the idea. The male can be anywhere between 18-38 i don't mind.

The Other Idea i was thinking was maybe a "daddy's friend " rp where young clover ends up hooking up with one of her fathers bestf riends and keeps it from him. It don't have to be her fathers friend if you don't like playing older, it could be the guy next door.

I'm open to ideas! pm only please.
OH!! FYI if the anime pic if throwing you off i do have live pic for her too i understand some people don't like the whole anime thing!!
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