The Pirates' Blunder (Billiam & Ecchi)

Jun 21, 2010
Alicia fell to the floor, landing on her ass as her hand reached for something to grab onto. All she could manage was the sheet on her bed, which didn't help at all. She looks around as alarms start blaring all through the ship, recognizing the tone of the red alert alarm. She stands quickly, her towel dropping from her, leaving her nude as she rushes for her dresser. She'd just finished a quick shower after getting off of work, and now... they were being attacked. She braces herself as the ship rocks slightly again, keeping herself from falling again. Her plush breasts sway with the motion of the ship. They were around the larger end of a C cup, big enough to be plump and alluring, but not too big so as to get in her way. She had a rather curvy figure to match, not chubby, but not scrawny either. She had a bit of tone to her as well, not muscular, but a bit defined from her work as a technician and mechanic.

She wipes some of her still damp brown hair from her face, tucking it behind an ear as she tears through the drawers of her dresser. She yanks out a pair of underwear as soon as her fingers touch it, really not caring to notice what kind it was. The lights were dimmed as power in the ship fluctuates, making it difficult to see much of anything anyway. She hears a clatter, realizing her boots had fallen over nearby. She moves over to grab them, and then yank out a pair of cargo pants. She quickly grabs the underwear she'd tossed on the bed and slips it on, letting the straps fit over her womanly hips. It wasn't until she was pulling the pants up and into place that she took a second to pause as she felt the underwear against her... it was a thong. She sighs softly, too late now to go changing again, and wonders why the hell she ever got that damn thong.

She fastens her pants in place and grabs out a bra next, along with a simple dark tank-top. As she pulls her bra on over her breasts, getting everything fitted into place and reaching to fasten it, her door wooshes open suddenly. Her eyes go wide as a man stands there, looking as if he were about to say something with his mouth open, but he simply stares for a few moments. He wore the uniform of the ship's security force, showing he was in fact one of the security officers trying to get people to safe locations. As he stands there, all that comes from him is, "Uhh.. sorry....". Alicia glares a bit, a light blush on her face as she finishes snapping the bra closed at the back before blurting angrily at him. "What? Don't just stand there and stare, what's going on?!" The man blinks, regaining his more professional composure. "Right.. The ship is under attack, we believe by pirates. We need to get all crew and passengers to a safe location as we begin evacuation protocols. I need you to come with m-" He went silent all except for a loud gasp as his face suddenly displayed an expression of pain, and then he fell to the floor, bleeding from the bullet holes now in his chest. he was dead, and the thumping footsteps coming closer could only be from the one who shot him.

Alicia quickly grabs the shirt and pulls it over her head before looking around for her boots. She rushes over to start pulling them on her feet, one after the other. Before she can really strap them tight though, the figure was just outside her doorway, and as it rounds the corner, weapon first, she holds her hands up, slowly standing from her crouched position. "Don't shoot, I'm not armed." She sways a bit as the ship rocks slightly once more, feeling the looseness of the unfastened boots. They would have to do for now though, unless this intruder allowed her to fasten them... unlikely though.
Natasha stood at the commander's position of her lovely stolen vessel, awaiting news of her away team. Two krogan thugs and a turian who may or may not have been too smart for his own good. They were currently in the process of hijacking a ship rumored to be holding an important human diplomat on some mission or another. Any time now, the team should be returning to the deck with their lovely little captive in tow. And once they had her, the money would come rolling in for her safe return. It was a classic, a scheme run a million times over. Anything could go wrong, but for a proper execution, the reward was ridiculously high.

She looked down a moment at her full body suit, almost completely black, with high-heeled boots that made her already tall, lithe body stand even taller. Despite being a physically weak asari, her biotic abilities made her a terror to even the fiercest of the krogans on her ship. She strolled down to her room where she could wait in more comfortable station. She reclined on her bed, leaving a message with the pilot to send one of them to her with the woman. In the meantime, all she could do was kick back on her bed and wait for the real fun to begin.

It took a little longer than she thought, but perhaps the security on the boat was worse than she realized. But eventually one of the big idiots came up to her open door with a lovely woman in tow. Her clothing suggested she'd been finishing up a shower and had to dress a little quicker than she liked. Her outfit wasn't what she would have expected a woman of her status to have - it was combat gear, practically. She stood up off the bed and gave her a warm but less-than-comforting smile. "And there she is, the counselor, the lovely Miss Veronica Halloway..." She reached out and gently stroked a softly glowing hand against her cheek.
Alicia sighs as she's told by the large Krogan to step out of her room and keep her hands up. She feels the thick hands grab her and then bind her wrists behind her back in a pair of cuffs. She moves along through the halls as she pushed by the Krogan until nearing the airlock. The whole time she was insistently asking him questions like "who are you?" "what do you want?" "where are you taking me?". Clearly the Krogan had gotten fed up with her constant questioning of him, as by the time they went through the airlock, the bottom of her tank-top had been torn, the strips made from it fashioned into a gag to keep her quiet. This left a good portion of her belly exposed, to around her navel.

She looks into the room she's brought to, seeing the blue skinned beauty rise from her bed and approach. The graceful movement of the woman was a pleasant thing to watch, the gentle sway of her hips as she approached. Alicia always did find Asari to be incredibly attractive, though, who didn't? They were practically the universal race, able to mate with any others, and of any gender. The fact they all appeared to be beautiful and feminine didn't hurt their status either. She blushes just slightly as the hand brushes over her cheek, before she flinches away and glares.

From the way this woman acted, and her demeanor, that commanding authoritative air she had about her, Alicia knew this had to be the leader of these pirates. She glares hard at her first, then looks at her curiously. Veronica Halloway? Wasn't that the name of the diplomat they were transporting? And now, these pirates thought Alicia was HER?! She shakes her head hard, trying to blurt out through the gag made of torn strips of her own shirt. "Whh?! Mmh nph phrrngh hhllruhy!! Mm nmmph iph uhllphuh! Lph mm gh!"
She simply laughed at the woman's attempts to avoid her and complain about her new situation. It was to be expected, after all! She simply reached out and continued to stroke her face, watching her struggles and finding it kind of exciting. She looked so cute, gagged and handcuffed, her clothing torn. It was a good thing she had enough self-restraint to refrain from simply taking the woman then and there. But first she had to make sure that they had a clean getaway and get the ransom out on the waves.

"It's no use, little lady. You're not going to talk your way out of this one, so you might as well just stay quiet and let the big people do their business, and you'll get out of this, safe and sound. Or perhaps you'd prefer to create a ruckus, and see what that gets you..." She made significant eyes towards her large krogan underling, figuring that would send the message home clearly. Once she got the impression that the woman wasn't going to cause any more trouble, she motioned for the krogan to disappear, which he did immediately. He knew better than to get between the leader and her new prey. The door shut with a whoosh and she pulled the captive into her arms, gently running a gloved hand over her stomach tenderly. "So pretty.... This will indeed be interesting." She dragged her over to a chair and sat her down, shackling her legs in place to make sure she didn't go anywhere.

That done, she set up a small camera to record the woman struggling for a bit. She spoke from behind the camera, explaining that she had the diplomat, and if they wanted her back, they would have to wire a large amount of credits to a particular account. "Of course, you could always just leave her with us and see what the next video has to offer..." She looked at her and cocked an eyebrow that explained just what kind of intentions she had for such a lovely woman at her mercy.
Alicia looks at the Asari, frustrated, unsure of how to get the message to her that she's not the diplomat she was talking about. How could they mistake her like that? Sure they had almost the same hair color, at roughly the same lengths... and their builds were pretty similar... skin complexion was about the same too... The diplomat woman looked younger than she was, so she might be mistaken as being around the same age as Alicia... Alright so, the resemblance might be seen as looking the same to non-humans, but their eyes! They had different eye colors. Alicia's bright blue eyes were clearly different from Veronica's brilliant green ones, if one just took a close enough look.

"Mm noh HRR! Mm nhmm iph UHLHPHUH! Uh-lhhph-uhh." She groans, trying to speak her name through the gag, but the Asari clearly just wasn't getting the message... She blinks at the threat of seeing what making trouble would get her, glancing back at the Krogan and looking a bit nervous... Krogans had two sets of testicles after all, according to what she'd heard... He could probably go for hours. While that didn't sound entirely bad to a girl like Alicia who hadn't had a boyfriend since high school, it was still pretty scary. What would a Krogan's.. junk.... even look like? She shuddered a bit and looks at the Asari to pout pleadingly. Then she found herself in the woman's arms suddenly, blushing at the embrace and the touch to her partly exposed belly. She had to admit, she did have some fantasies that included Asari, but the closest she'd ever gotten was tipping them in clubs as they danced. This was about as close to any of her lovely Asari daydreams as she's ever gotten.

She stumbles, trying to keep her footing as she's dragged to a chair and forced to sit in it. The young woman groans as he ankles are locked to it, keeping her in place. Her blush was still there, wondering what the Asari was going to do to her all bound up like this, her mind slipping off a bit into a brief fantasy scene in her imagination. She looks up though as she notices a camera, her eyes going a bit wide. She had no intentions of being an unwilling porn star for the pleasure of the whole damned galaxy, that was for sure! Then, as she struggles, Alicia hears the Asari proclaim that she has the diplomat, and the reality of the situation returns to her. She sighs and slumps a bit, trying again to speak through her gag to tell the Asari pirate she had the wrong girl. Of course, it was useless until she gets the makeshift gag removed. The tone of the woman's voice as she said that last line about leaving her with them, to see what the next video offered was ominous and sent shivers through the girl as the remembered the threat earlier while the Krogan was there. She could only hope this damned gag made from her own damned shirt would be removed soon so she could tell the Asari what the situation really was.
As far as Natasha was concerned, the woman was most likely just trying to ask for her freedom, so there seemed to be no reason to ungag her any time soon. She shut down the camera and approached her captive, kissing her lightly on the forehead and giving her another of those smiles that said far too much about what it was she wanted. But there would be time enough for that later. She left her sitting there, being certain to lock her door so none of the other crew members got any ideas. Veronica was hers, and hers alone.

She went to the cockpit and chatted for a while with the pilot, trying to figure out if they had any signs of someone trailing them. Apparently the away team had done their job, since anyone left alive sure as hell wasn't gonna go after them. Satisfied that they were safe for the time being, she went to the bridge and set up the camera to transport the recorded message to some friends who would know how to post it untraceably.

She finally returned to her room, crouching down in front of Alicia. She smiled wide as she reached out and carefully rested her hands on the woman's legs, watching her for a moment. "Now, what to do with our guest until she gets freed...? We're not allowed to hurt you, that would just be bad form... But there are so many fun things you can do with someone that don't involve pain..." She giggled and rubbed up and down her legs, wondering what to do with her new friend first.
Alicia sighs and watches as the camera is turned off, shaking her head a bit at the whole situation. She watches as the Asari walks out, leaving her to contemplate the situation on her own. Here she was being held captive by a pirate who thought she was the diplomat, Veronica. Of course, it was only a matter of time before someone contacted these pirates and told them the real Veronica was safe, and that this impostor would get them no money. The captain would have to realize Alicia was not who she thought she was. If only she looked into her eyes, and noticed the eyes in the pictures of Veronica, she might realize herself.

She looks up as the Asari returns to the room and moves over to her. She looks to the hands that move to her legs, resting on them. She blushes lightly at the potential meanings behind her words and shakes her head. "Mm nph phrncuh!" She sighs, knowing the Asari wouldn't understand her with this gag still in her mouth. If only she realized she was the wrong girl, they might just let her go, since she was of no value to them. She starts to gnaw on the cloth in her mouth, trying to get the gag out.
Unfortunately, the woman's frustration only made her more intrigued. And she had to admit, she couldn't help but want to know all the things that were being screamed at her. Money was on the usual obscenities and please, but who knew, maybe it could be something really interesting! After a moment's consideration she grabbed a chair for herself and sat down across from Alicia and reached over to gently remove the gag from her mouth, looking into her eyes, and for the first time sensing that something was off. She didn't have any copies of the picture nearby, so it was difficult to put her finger on. But something was suddenly itching at the back of her mind.

((Wooh, sorry, short post there...))
Alicia sighs softly as she simply sits there, staring at the Asari for the moment. She clearly could not get a message out to tell her of the mistake that has been made, so all she can do is give her dirty looks.. that it until the Asari reaches out toward her. She flinches, not sure what the woman is going to do, but then feels the gag come loose and removed from her mouth. She moves her tongue over her lips and the roof of her mouth, trying to get the taste of cloth from it before speaking.

"Ugh... finally! I thought that would never get taken out..." She looks to the Asari again, then realizing she can now speak and tell her what has happened. "Okay, look, I don't know who you are... but you're not going to get a cent of ransom money for me. As I've been TRYING to tell you through the damned gag, made from my own damned shirt.. My name is Alicia. I am not Veronica Halloway. I worked on the ship you people attacked, and the idiot Krogan barged into my room and took me. I'm not the diplomat, and I'm not worth any ransom... so you'd might as well drop me off on the nearest space port." She only hoped that's what would happen, rather than just killing her and tossing her body out the airlock... or worse, tossing her out the airlock without killing her first.
For a moment she simply seemed to consider the information she'd just been given, and it soon became clear that her calmness was far more terrifying than any anger she could unleash at this particular news. She went first to an intercom system and spoke into it softly. "Aaron, go ahead and plot a course to our original destination. Don't worry about stopping off anywhere..." She paused a moment, pressed another button for the comm center and took another small breath. "Haj, cancel that mass contact, we uh... we have a serious error that I'll be working to correct. Also, see to it that Krogan retard Trax is put in the brig. He'll be hearing from me soon..." She pulled her finger back from the interface slowly before turning to look once more at the woman bound to the chair. She sighed and slumped back into the seat across from her.

She seemed to sit there staring off into space for quite some time before she spoke. "Here's the thing... We obviously can't just take you back where you came from, that would be the most idiotic thing I could possibly do. I won't just dump you at the nearest planet because you've already been in here, heard names, seen things, met me, I just can't have that kind of intel getting out. And I refuse to dump you out of an airlock because that would be doing the universe a disservice by removing your gorgeous face from it. You are my responsibility now, so to speak, and I intend to see to it that you serve a purpose on this ship. I'll see about getting you some proper attire when we reach a trading post." She gave another soft sigh and ran her fingers through her head-tendrils. "I swear I would liquify that krogan if I didn't need him desperately..."
Alicia watches the Asari, with the slightest ounce of hope in her heart that she might be released. That hope sinks though as she hears her say not to worry about stopping off anywhere. She pouts even further as the Asari returns to her and speaks, letting out a sigh. She pulls at the bindings still holding her to the chair and shakes her head. "No! I.. I don't know anything! I don't know who any of you are, I don't care. I'm not going to tell anyone anything, just let me go somewhere! I swear I won't say a word..."

She slumps a bit in the chair, at least glad the woman didn't seem to want to kill her. "Look, I'm no threat to you. I don't even know where we are. I don't know where you're going. If you just drop me off at a trade port, and leave me, I wouldn't have any way to tell anyone where you are anyway. I just want to go back home and get back to my life as usual, that's all..." She looks at the Asari pleadingly, hoping her pleas will get to her.
She took in a deep breath and, as she exhaled, couldn't help but chuckle softly. This girl was somewhere between smart and... well... not so smart. She was a pretty thing, and those pleading eyes were both making it extremely hard to not upset her, and yet they were precisely the reason that Natasha was so dead-set on keeping her around as much as possible. She had hundreds of years still to live, but spending even a small fraction of them with this lovely human would be such a joy. She got up, moved closer, and crouched down next to Alicia, gently stroking her arm softly. "As much as I appreciate the doe-eyes and the admission of ignorance, well... you've caught me in a bit of a lie. You're right, we don't need to keep you around for safety reasons, and killing you would be a terrible idea all its own. The simple fact is that from the moment you entered this room, I knew I would have you. Diplomat or no, ransomed or completely fucked, it really didn't matter to me. And now, well, I practically have a free pass. It's simply to magnificent a chance to pass up."

She stood up and walked away from the woman and began speaking again after another moment's thought. "I shall be taking you on as my personal consort. If you discover an aptitude towards other uses on this ship, that can certainly be worked into your list of duties. But you will not be released. I wish I could say this was hard for me, I wish I could say that I can sympathize or at least empathize, but lying will do neither of us any good..." She finally returned to her side and crouched down once more. Without warning, she gripped Alicia's face and pulled her into a passionate kiss.
Poor Alicia slumps into the chair, as much as she could with the restraints still on anyway. She frowns deeply as she listens to the Asari woman, before letting out a long sigh. Clearly this pirate was determined to have her, no matter who she was, even if she was no one important at all. It really was a curse sometimes, to be blessed with a pretty face. She looks up, watching as the woman moves, slowly realizing she would just have to accept her fate for the time being. Maybe this was simply a turn in the tides of her life.. maybe it was a chance to experience the life of a pirate. Hell, it could even be kind of fun if she were treated well.

She starts to sit up again, tugging some at her restraints. "Alright, fine... But could you at LEAST untie me already? Please? This is getting really uncomfortable..." She sighs again, then lifts her brow some at the next statements. "Consort? Don't really know much about that... I could be useful in other ways though. Just.. untie me will ya? If I'm gonna be stuck here, so be it.. As long as I'm comfortable, I'm happy, I guess." She looks up as the Asari nears again, hoping she's going to finally unbind her, only to find herself locked in a surprise kiss with the blue skinned beauty. She couldn't say she'd never fantasized about something like this... and maybe even enjoyed it just a bit. Still, she moves to pull away, blushing faintly. If able to get out of the kiss, she would simply mutter a soft, flustered "Uhm..."
Of course she didn't really seem to listen too much to her captive's pleas, though she was glad to hear her attempting to placate Natasha and convince her that she was good. It was a good sign of her attitude. She was a bit fiery, but the way things were going, she seemed tempted to appeal to Natasha's importance. But before the woman had much more time to work on her defense, Natasha was kissing her deeply. She could feel Alicia attempting to pull away, but she held her fast with a hand on each cheek. She seemed to be struggling not because she disliked it, but because she didn't want to like.

Even more exciting, when she pulled back, Alicia seemed almost stunned, and not necessarily in a bad way. She couldn't help but laugh brightly as she reached out as if she were about to untie her, but stopped once again, looking directly up into her eyes. "You are bright, I can see that. You know that if I untie you and you try to do something, try to run, you will not survive the attempt." She had said her piece, and didn't wait for her to respond as she finally freed the girl's body before moving over to her bed to take a seat, petting the spot next to her.
When the kiss finally ended, Alicia watches the Asari with rather wide eyes, and a faint blush. She nods at the woman's words, hearing the seriousness of her tone. "I understand... not like there's anywhere TO run on a ship in space anyway..." She sighs as she's finally released, her hands rubbing at her wrists gently, then looking over to the Asari. She stands and slowly moves toward her, eying the spot she was patting on the bed. "So uhm, you know my name... Guess it couldn't hurt if I knew yours now, right?" She looks at the spot on the bed again, and with a soft sigh, hesitantly sits next to the Asari.
The woman's shock was so delectable. She had to bite back a laugh at her combination of nervousness and obvious arousal. She watched her take a seat a bit awkwardly, asking for her name. Perhaps this was the best time to push things forward. She gently pulled Alicia into her arms and nodded slowly. "My name is Natasha, my dear, though at this time I would prefer it if you'd call me "Mistress". It's so much more... formal and appropriate if you're going to my new slave." She laid down and pulled Alicia on top of her, giggling softly. "So how are you feeling? You're looking a bit red in the face, pretty one. You must be enjoying this more than you're letting on."
Alicia tenses up as the woman wraps her arms around her, still not quite sure what to make of the pirate captain, or her intentions. That was soon to be made rather clear though. She blinks, looking flustered as she hears that bit about calling her 'mistress' and being her slave. "Mistress? New SLAVE?" She shakes her head, frowning. "Nonono! I said I'd work on your ship.. but I meant, y'know.. as part of the CREW.. I'm not going to be anyone's slave..." She gasps softly as she's yanked down into a laying position on top of Natasha, her arms out to prop her up as she looks down, blushing a bit. "I'm not enjoying anything. I just... I don't know. I just want to settle in I guess, if I'm going to be stuck here... as a worker..." She frowns some, trying to make her point again, that she would not accept being considered a slave.
She simply laughed at the woman's insistence that there was no joy in her touches. She reached down and began to stroke the woman's breasts through what remained of her shirt. "I am going to preface this by reminding you that I know multiple ways of torturing someone with biotics, a crew that I'm sure would be eager to take much rougher advantage of you in the event that I find you intolerable, and if all else fails, an airlock begging for a victim." She gave an evil grin that showed just how serious she was. Natasha had her sweet side, but she also had a very, very cruel side. "So, here is what I am thinking... You give this a shot despite every neuron in your brain screaming no. Give it, say, a week, maybe two. In that time, we'll also see if you've got any other special talents. Or perhaps you'll discover a proclivity for slavery after all. But if you turn out to be completely useless to me, well... we'll see..." Of course, all this was mostly just for show, for calming the woman down. She would take her, one way or another. To prove this point more solidly, she reached down and removed what was left of her tattered top, and leaned in, suckling at her breasts softly.
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