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Lesbian Slavery Plots

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Jun 4, 2011
I have several plots for a lesbian slavery roleplay...

Two kingdoms have been at war for many long years. In the most recent times the southern kingdom has been suffering many losses. In an attempt at peace the southern king sends his daughter to the Northern king as an offering. The northern king accepts the bribe and a truce is reached. The king however has no use for the young princess and so he passes her as a present to his own daughter. Unfortunately for the young southerner the northern princess is far from kind. The princess plans to make the young girl into nothing but her personal pet and toy for her own amusement.

A young girl is on vacation in Bermuda with her family. One night she decides to ditch her family and go to a local club, big mistake. At the club she meets this interesting man, they drink, and they dance, and enjoy the night, until he drugs her. Once the young girl has passed out the man cages the girl up with the other girl's he has captured. Loading his shipment of girls onto his boat he proceeds through the portal of the Bermuda triangle. On the other side of this portal is a world not inhabited by humans, but furries. The man unloads his shipment of new 'pets' to the local slave trader. Unfortunately for this particular young girl it is the baroness of this particular kingdom who takes a liking to the young girl. The baroness buys the young girl and brings her back to her large estate to serve forever as her personal pet and plaything.

A young American girl is visiting the Vatican city. One late night she finds herself bored and she hears of an interesting underground rave. After a few hours of searching she manages to find the entrance to this underground party. Once in the rave she does her thing and struts her stuff, little does she know this rave is a cover for vampires to lure in their meals. Both luckily and unfortunately for this young girl it is the Queen of this horde who takes a liking to the girl. The Vampire Queen convinces the girl to come back into the so called V.I.P. area where she will meet her fate. Her fate as the queen’s new pet, pain toy, and personal blood bank.

A new family has just moved in to the age old town of Forella. Forella is a quiet little town bordering a large forest known as the Vanishing Wood. This small town of Forella is so dull that almost nothing ever happens, almost never… Deep inside the Vanishing Wood is a large well kept mansion, this mansion is the very reason the forest received its name. The mansion can only be reached once every four years on the 29th of February… Of course the daughter of the new family in town, not having any friends decides to explore the forest on this year’s leap day. Once she stumbles upon this glorious mansion she cannot help but investigate. The young girl enters the mansion and explores each room unaware of the cruel and lonely owner. You see the owner of this particular mansion enjoys taking in the weak and tired wanderers who stumble upon her home… She enjoys treating them to a life of servitude and slavery as her personal pet and play toy.

NYU, one of the most world renowned colleges in our country. The University holds itself high in standards and holds its specifically selected student's even higher. Nobody would ever expect what was occurring within the girl's dormitory, inside room 420. Originally room 420 was registered to two young women, that was until one of them went missing. Nobody knows what happened to the young girl or where she currently is... Nobody except for her roommate. The older, and not missing, roommate had tried to seduce the straight younger girl. When she was denied and humiliated for her efforts the girl hatched a plan. A plan to turn the beautiful young roommate into an obedient lesbian slave.

In the large kingdom of Furvo, live many creatures from elves to wizards... But just on the outskirts of the town lives a young woman cast out as a witch and feared by all the townspeople. Rightfully so of course as she was truly a witch though she would never admit to it. Having grown lonely over the years the woman has devised a plot and now only waits for her victim. A young, foolish girl wanders aimlessly onto the witch’s property, giving her the opportunity she had been waiting ever so patiently for. Coaxing the naïve girl the witch gives her some of her special tea. The tea is designed to turn the poor girl into a common furry. Sadly for the young helpless girl all furry like beings in this kingdom are considered and treated as nothing more than pets and slaves.

(This plot says wolf pack however the characters are meant to be either furries or inus).
Within the Bermuda triangle, on the other side I should say, exists a large forest inhabited with many creatures. The most feared of these creatures are the numerous wolf packs within the forest that control every inch of their forest. The most powerful and threatening of these packs is the Sire pack. Unlike the other packs, the Sire pack has no alpha male, only a female. Though that is the reason they are the most threatening. The Alpha female of the sire pack has the strength and numbers to take control of the entire forest and wipe out the other packs. However the leader of the Sire is not bloodthirsty, in exchange for their existence and protection every year one pack must send their oldest Alpha female to serve the Alpha female of the Sire’s. A constant reminder to the other packs within the forest that she is the Alpha of Alphas.

Amongst the crime syndicates of the world, one name rings terror into many hearts, Manicci. The notorious Italian mob boss has been running the city of New York for years now, making many enemies. Among boss Manicci’s endless list of rivals is the Tio Family of the Japanese Yakuza. Because the main force of the Tio family resides in their native land, Manicci has been able to sabotage any move or profit the Yakuza have been attempting in NY. Boss Tio, is not a forgiving man, in revenge for his honor he sends his best assassin to NY, but not for a murder. In an effort to demoralize and humiliate boss Manicci, Tio has his only daughter kidnapped and brought back to Japan. Normally this girl would end up in one of the Tio family brothels, or worse, but for the young Manicci he had special plans. It was his own daughter’s coming of age party, Manicci, a young white American girl, was the perfect present.

Many speak of Lucifer and his fall from paradise… The people even tell myths and legends of the son Damien, but you never hear tales of his daughter. Within the fiery pits of Tartarus (Hell), The demon girl sits upon her own thrown ruling over her own little section of hell. Of course she was a spoiled Daddy’s girl… In exchange for ensuring the damnation of the souls in her little section of the infinite underworld she names a price to her father, one living human girl per decade would be brought to… service the terrible beast. Every ten years Lucifer keeps his end of the bargain, bringing his, in his opinion, wonderful daughter, the most beautiful virgin on the earth… Though it could be argued that she was not keeping her end of the bargain as the poor young girls brought to her mercy are shown a fate worse than hell itself.

The slave trade, though we will never admit it, has existed since the dawn of time itself. In modern days it has come to be known simply as the ‘Black Market’, though only a few know how it works… The first stop is the vans, the vans patrol the countries of the world looking for attractive young women. Once the van has filled their quota they move to the ‘safe houses’. On any normal occasion the ‘safe house breaks the girl’s spirits and turn them into obedient little slaves. Though on a rare occasion, a young woman will come and inspect these ‘Safe Houses’ and their merchandise. You see, the young woman is not some nobody, she is the very woman in charge of the Black Market and its global trade. Every so often this young woman will find a girl who she takes for herself to break and if the poor attractive girl is truly unlucky, the woman will decide to keep her.


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