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dealing with adversity.(risi and darkened)

May 23, 2010
(Note, views stated here are solely the property of my character and do not reflect my opinions about anyone. They are merely stated to flesh out the character fully.)
Clemente Genovesi was a fairly low level soldato in a fairly unknown crew in new York. In other words, small fry. He did his very best all the time, but thanks to his very politically minded capo, he got passed over constantly. He was careful to keep all of his disapointment inside, and constantly prayed to catch the eye of the boss, Vincent Gnucchi. The whole situation made him the laughing stock of the crew, never mind that he brought in the most money every month, that all the store owners, pimp, and bookies respected him, all his 'coworkers' ever called him was 'limp dick'.
The reason behind the unfair treatment was far deeper than the unfortuate grunt could imagine. In truth, his captain,Biagio Salvatore, could see the potential in him, and it scared the man deeply. If anyone should catch a proper whiff of his ability, Clemente would be the Don's own. So, he sabotaged the various dealings where he could and took the credit everywhere else. Nobody was the wiser, and Biagio was riding high for it.

None of that mattered at that second, however. Clemente was engaged with a huge,foamy mug of Guinness,one of the few things the irish got right, and a box full of tripe and noodle stew.
The trim and imposing italian greedily stuffed his face in silence, occasionally stopping to down a mouthful of the bitter lager. Troubles forgotten in that rather happy moment.
Bianca rubbed her eyes furtively, wishing that she could go home soon. She was tired of sitting at the 9-1-1 emergency call center, yes she was able to help people, but most of the time there wasn't anything she could do for them. "Little Jimmy's stuck in in a tree! Help" "Okay ma'am, just calm down ma'am..." If her son/daughter/sibling or what have you was stuck in a tree she would be a bit less than calm as well. Those were the happy calls though, she dreaded the ones where there was the imminent threat of death. She had heard of too many domestic disputes that ended with loud gunshots ringing through the wires and into her headset. The green digital numbers flashed 8:00 PM at her on her desk and she began to shut down her station.

It wasn't 8:03 before she had already begun heading for the car, keys in hand as well as her phone, just in case. Once in her car, she checked the back seat for any hiding masked men and put her car in reverse. Bianca's blonde little head had never been attacked, not even one hair on that scalp, but it was partially due to her diligence and her attitude. Or so she told herself. She was a strong woman with opinions that needed to be expressed honestly, so thats what she did.

She pulled into her apartment complex downtown and pulled into her designated parking spot. She took one good look around her car before she exited and held her house key ready to insert into the apartment's front door as well as the one that matched her own personal home door. Once she was inside her house, her Siberian husky bounded towards her. She met her with a smile as she set her purse down and began to take her out for a quick walk. And when she returned, there was a glass of wine and a Lifetime movie on the DVR with her name on it.
Clemente was about to throw out his empty take-out box when he heard his neighbor close her door. 'Great..' he lamented to himself as he prepared to hunker down with some loud videogames, now he would have to wear headphones and cut back on the smack talk. He wondered why he ever agreed to be the in house handy-man, ever since Bianca moved in she had been taking advantage of the fact that he lived next door.
Originally, he accepted the supers request because he was bored and knew how to fix stuff, the enforcer never thought that he would be constantly harassed by his neighbor...

Today, however, there was no insistent knock on his door, so he believed he was safe for the moment. With that in mind, he placed his deluxe headset on and cranked it to max, the small drivers filled his ears with gunfire and chaos as he beat the hell out of a group of twelve year old punks at halo. A large happy smile spread across his face as he heard a chorus of badly delivered insults fly his way.
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