Juri's Pet (Vicodin & Ecchi)

Jun 21, 2010
Takami leaps from rooftop to rooftop, moving around the city in the light of the full moon. Long dark hair tied in a tail flows behind her as she leaps through the air and runs across each rooftop.

The modern ninja was dressed in a form fitting bodysuit, dark colored and sleeveless. A matching mask was worn over her nose and mouth to conceal her identity. A short sword is strapped to her back, while various shuriken and throwing knives are worn all over her person.

She stops on the edge of a building, squatting down and resting her arms on her thighs as she looks over the streets. She was a hired sword, spying, stealing, and guarding for anyone who paid the right price. She was even known to pull the occasional assassination as ninja were so well known for, but it wasn't quite as in demand in this day and age. Right now, she had no employer, and money was getting tight, so she was out scouting some targets to steal from for herself. She looks into the dark street, dimly lit by street lamps, and rather quiet. She sighs softly, wondering where those who went for evening walks, or went out drinking late were at.
Takami was out on the wrong night. Juri Han was walking along the streets, her senses alert and up while she thought about her recent nemesis, Chun-Li. That woman was trying her hardest in order to put Juri into jail, but the woman was not strong enough to take her down. Juri was just too powerful, and she loved that fact. All of the power that came from her eye was beautiful to use, and a blast to kill with.

Juri stopped when she heard the sound of Takami landing on a rooftop nearby her, and she jumped up in the air, landing on her bare feet behind Takami. "Looking for me?" She asked as she then let out a small laugh, bending her leg at the knee as she raised it, confirming that she was ready and in her battle stance. "Little girls like you should be home playing with dolls, not out with the big girls." She said. "Here is a little tip, beg for mercy before I eat you all up."
Takami blinks as someone leaps up to land on the ledge near her, looking the woman over slowly. "Looking for you? Not in particular. Who exactly are you?" She watches her stance, frowning at the none-too-friendly words, sighing softly. She wasn't out looking for a fight, just a few targets to liberate of their heavy valuables. This was an unexpected element. "Look, I don't know who you are, or what you want, but I'm not out looking for a fight... Let's just go our ways peacefully, yeah?" She hoped talking her way out of a possible confrontation with this stranger would work.
Juri's eyebrows raised as she then took a few steps towards the girl. "Go our ways? I never do that... I only go one way.. and you are in front of it." She said as she then jumped backward, before rushing forward at the girl in midair, attempting to kick the girl in the stomach, followed by using her other leg to kick the girl in the face and send her crashing to the ground. Juri then moved back and moved forward once more, spinning in a circle with her feet extended so that her feet would collide with Takami's body 6 times, in her chest and face, before sending Takami flying once more. Juri would land on her feet and then smirk, her eye glowing.
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