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I'm ready to go Medieval on someone's ass. (Open Roleplay Interest Check)


Mar 30, 2010
If there was on thing I noticed in the open roleplay section, was that most of these RPs and such have a huge focus on modern settings. I know that most may be accepting or so to a character with a fantasy/medieval background, but it just doesn't fit.

Basically, I'm floating around to see if anyone would be interested in a bar/tavern/city sitting RP that focuses on Medieval technology with the good old fantasy twist. Orcs, Humans, Elves, Drow, etc.

And I mean a open roleplay thread that you'd actually post in consistently, not just once in a blue moon (Haha).

So, anyone feeling medieval?​
Already have 2 different character concepts possibly three i could use.
im a very experienced rper of 14 yrs. Im 22 f irl.
Ive played and ran irl table top games as well as done online gaming.
Count me in too. I haven't done a medieval RP in a while.

Name: Kyla Blair (Kìla Blaìr - Gaelic spelling) Race:Human Class: F/C(Knight) Personality: Shes arrogant concieted shes very competetive. She hates to lose. Shes a perfectionist when it comes to combat and battle. She can be very flirtacious using her charm seduction persuasiveness and sex appeal to her favor. Alinment: Lawful Nuetral Description: When not in her full suit of platemail armor she can usually be found wearing revealing skimpy garments usually of fine silks or leathers. Her normal colors consist of black purples and pinks.
Example:a short one piece gown strapless open back an slit up the side base color black with purple accents.

Background: She grew up like ever commoner except she was determined to change her destinyn she started training at a young age against her parents displeasure with the matter. She took on as a squire when she was merely 14 where she perfected the knight code of chivalry. Since hitting 18 shes entered every knightly competition she could just recently began making a name for herself fighting mentally to earn the respcect of the male knights who see her as out of her element.
Id avoid letting squishypink in. He/she already annoyed people in one group resulting in players leaving the game. And are only here for sex rp not story/plot so if you wanna maintain integrity id double consider that person hun i can link you here or private and copy an paste his/her posts from the before mentioned game and let ya see what i mean. But on a different note whens the game gonna be up an running? Ya got 4 or 5 of us ready to hop in the mix.
MariahSantos said:
Id avoid letting squishypink in. He/she already annoyed people in one group resulting in players leaving the game. And are only here for sex rp not story/plot so if you wanna maintain integrity id double consider that person hun i can link you here or private and copy an paste his/her posts from the before mentioned game and let ya see what i mean. But on a different note whens the game gonna be up an running? Ya got 4 or 5 of us ready to hop in the mix.

Wow, *somebody* is a big fan of no fun. Princess Killjoy's comments aside, I'm down for a fun RP. Most people find me delightful :p
Squishypink said:
MariahSantos said:
Id avoid letting squishypink in. He/she already annoyed people in one group resulting in players leaving the game. And are only here for sex rp not story/plot so if you wanna maintain integrity id double consider that person hun i can link you here or private and copy an paste his/her posts from the before mentioned game and let ya see what i mean. But on a different note whens the game gonna be up an running? Ya got 4 or 5 of us ready to hop in the mix.

Wow, *somebody* is a big fan of no fun. Princess Killjoy's comments aside, I'm down for a fun RP. Most people find me delightful :p

Agreed. The only reason I left that other RP was because I felt that I couldn't just jump back into it comfortably. I found working with Squishypink to be a lot of fun. Apparently some people just don't know when to address something privately. Stuff like what's been said should, in my opinion, be kept that way, out of the public eye. I have no problem with having an issue with someone - I just think that if you do have a problem with someone, deal with it on your own terms.
MariahSantos said:
Squishy is the reason the zombie game close request was made by games creator. They are nothing but a pest

Really? Back it up, I want to see some proof of that.
*pops some Orville Redenbacher kettle corn and pulls up a chair* I like Squishy already. I found Squishy's posts in the zombie thread funny because they had a humorously sardonic quality to them. I write that way, but it is generally much more subtle.

Anywho, if this rp is still on, I do have a character concept going. He is a young elven liege under the service of a powerful Lord. The Lord is rather imcompetent and my character resents that someone so dense has so much influence in his life (he has to provide him with some outrageous demands as part of the homage between them, but it was an offer that he couldn't refuse). Are we using realistic pics only? If so, does it have to be of a real person? My character sheet is almost done save for the pic, so I can just copy/paste the information into your template if you give us one in the character thread.
Ummm... I don't think this one is going to go anywhere... The OP hasn't logged in since 2011...
**looks at first two posts**
**looks at third post**

Oh. I see.

Then I may as well give in to the temptation to start my own.
I like Admiral Pancake, he knows how to use the word "sardonic." You might also wanna throw out "saturnine" from time to time, but that's just my thing :3 Also, thank you to the nice people who enjoy having fun and who came to my rescue against the evil Princess Killjoy and her vile minions from Nofunland. The fight was harrowing, and everyone knows the Nofunlanders never take prisoners :p

It sucks that we've kind of all wandered into a bad case of thread necromancy. You know what? Fuck this. I'm gonna start my own medieval RP, with blackjack, and strippers! I'll get an interest thread up in a minute, and everyone is welcome, even members of the Nofunland royal family.
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