The War of Old Friends (sinful & Ecchi)

Jun 21, 2010
Megumi was always a good student back when she was in the academy. She did well on her assignments, she learned the lessons well and trained hard. She would have been top in her class most likely, if it weren't for her one major flaw.. she lacked the average amount of chakra most other ninja possessed. If she used too many jutsu, it caused her to pass out, and made her look pathetically weak. However, there was one person who didn't care about that, her best friend who happened to be a boy from another hidden village. They would often meet in the woods outside her village to do some training and just talk. Eventually though, they grew apart, meeting less and less as their duties to their villages took up more of their time and effort.

Around age 16, Megumi got fed up with being stuck as a genin, and given only low level missions due to her problem. She researched and found a special forbidden seal that would produce excess amounts of chakra in a normal ninja, but for her, it might just make her as strong as the others. She proceeded to brand the seal into herself, on her chest, and felt the surge of power in her right away. The drawback to this, is it could be unstable at times and create strange unexpected side effects. She wasn't worried about this though.

Now 18, Megumi has risen to the rank of chuunin, and well on her way to becoming a jounin. The seal paid off for her, even if the side effects from it were a bit annoying. There is a war raging between two countries, and her village has been hired by one of them to fight the enemy. What she does not know, is the other country has hired the village of her childhood friend. Megumi has been sent along with other chuunin and jounin squad leaders to the front lines to spy on the enemy camps and find weaknesses in their defenses.

Megumi's team scouts through a forest deep in enemy territory. They split up, Megumi going off in a different direction. Her long dark hair was tied up in a high pony tail. She wore a dark red kimono loosely over a dark, skin tight, sleeveless body suit. Her silvery eyes scan the area for any signs of movement carefully, her short sword clutched tightly in her hands. Her face was hidden behind a dark cloth mask matching her bodysuit.

Megumi leaps from tree to tree searching for signs of the enemy or one of their camps. She stops as she hears something and slowly looks around again, searching for signs of movement.
Takkun was just an average student a few years back, enjoying the days in the academy. He didn't have many friends within the village, mainly because they were all obsessed with training, whereas he was not. While in the academy, he used to just study scrolls and learn new jutsus, but the teachers would tell him that training and learning from experience was much better. He didn't care for training, he knew he was going to have to do it when he became a genin.

When he finally did become a genin, he was sent on low level missions constantly, such as searching for lost pets, cleaning up elderly people's homes or yards, even fetching water for the really old folks. He hated doing all those missions, but whenever they were sent outside the village, he'd always meet with his best friend, Megumi, who lived in a different village. He loved spending time with her, always playing and talking about what they learned or what they were doing. After a while, they just stopped meeting up, and so he nearly forgot about her.

At sixteen, Takkun was a Chuunin, ready to become a Jounin. He knew lots of jutsus, he had a few battle scars even, and he was one of the best ones in his village. Whenever someone asked to spar with him, they'd always lose against him, but Takkun didn't know if they did it on purpose or if he was really that good. Surely there was someone better than him outside the village, so he wasn't that worried about it.

When he finally turned eighteen, he has been a Jounin for a year now, and so when war broke out, he was hired by the other country, not knowing what his enemy will be like. When he got orders to guard the border, him and his team quickly dispersed and spread out in about 200 meter gaps on the border. After a long while of waiting in silence and camouflage, a group was spotted traveling through trees. After they were just a few trees past them, Takkun and his group began to pursue, silently.

Once the enemy stopped, so did they, and began moving closer towards them. Once close enough, Takkun leaped up at the female and cought her in his arms, a kunai pointed at her throat. "Who are you and who do you work for?" He asked quickly, not letting the girl go from his grip.
As Takkun grabs Megumi, she turns into a log... as it was not Megumi at all, but a replacement jutsu. What came next was inevitable as Megumi drops from a branch above, swinging her short sword at this enemy. She says nothing while she attacks, simply trying to fend him off. She didn't know who this was, presumably because he was also wearing a mask, as many ninja did, but either way she didn't get a great look at him while she attacked.
Takkun was surprised when she turned into a log and then looked above him. He managed to just barely dodge the attack, but the sword just barely slashed the back of his full-head-mask. As soon as he landed on the ground, it fell off his face, revealing his face and the scar under his right eye, right on the cheek bone. These people seemed to be skilled, and silent at the same time. He growled a little bit and soon jumped back a few paces, using his ancient technique of mixing the elements to create wood. Several long branches extended towards the woman and wrapped around her, spikes poking out and trapping her. "I will not ask again..." He snarled from far away, knowing that it was the real one this time.
Megumi watches as the man drops to the ground, having barely avoided her sneak attack. She sees a glimpse of his face, but doesn't recognize him due the the scars, and the years that have passed since they last saw eachother. She does see the branches moving toward her though, and slashes a couple before they can grab her, however her legs are trapped, the spikes growing out from them tearing into the legs of her bodysuit beneath the loose kimono. She could feel a few scratches on her legs as she struggled, trying to get away and slash at more branches as they trap one of her arms. The hand holding her blade escapes capture as she just keeps slicing away any branches that come for it, but she still cannot move or get away. "Release me!"
"Never!" He shouted in protest and finally fully trapped her from being able to move an inch. He saw his teammates trap the other members of her squad and sighed in relief. He hopped up to her, standing closer to her and ripping off her mask to reveal her identity, as well as revealing her headband from which village she was. Once he saw the sign of her village, he stepped back a little bit, looking at the woman in front of him. She looked so familiar for some reason, even from the same village of the one girl he was friends with. "Village Hidden in the Grass..." He spoke softly, naming the village she was from.
Megumi glares as she wriggles and squirms inside the tightly binding branches, th thorns scratching at her and creating small tears in her clothes. She glares at the man as he moves up to her and tears her mask off her nose and mouth, revealing her identity. Her headband was actually worn around her neck, as it always was, showing the insignia of her village. "Release me!" She still doesn't realize who her captor is as she struggles for freedom.
"Megumi..." He whispered and then examined the girl further. "Your name wouldn't happen to be... Megumi, would it?" He finally asked the girl, wondering if she found him odd if she wasn't the girl he thought she was. She looked just like her, but more matured. He was sure of her face that it was her, but that body was completely different. She was so much more.... Feminine this way. He stood back and removed the spikes from the wood, but kept her trapped.
Megumi blinks as he says her name, and asks if it is her name. She frowns at him, glaring even harder. "How... how the hell do you know my name?!" What else did he know? Did their people have that much information on them already? Had they infiltrated their village? "What do you know about us?! Let me go and fight like a man!" She huffs and pants as she struggles to get free. Her chakra builds unexpectedly, becoming a bit unstable and going wild inside her. She winces, trying to calm herself down to stop the chakra build up, reacting to her strong emotion. The side effect of this unstable chakra caused her breasts to grow larger inside her bodysuit. Takkun might not notice it, as it was only a limited growth this time. But what he would certainly notice was that line she just screamed at him. 'Fight like a man', a line she would use when they were young and training in the woods, any time he would use his tricks or act like he didn't want to fight her face to face.
Takkun laughed heartily when she told him to fight like a man. "You always said that to me, Megumi." He said and released her fully from his trap. "I bet you don't even remember my name anymore, flat chest." He told her with a small smile, sticking his tongue out a little bit at her. He ahd used the nickname 'flat chest' on her all the time when they trained together. It was his own way of countering her 'fight like a man' line, even though he did run like a coward some of the time, but only because he always had traps set and such. "Come on, Megumi, I'm sure you remember your little Takkun." He said with a small chuckle and jumped down from the tree to the ground, waiting for her to join him. He couldn't believe that she was actually here, as an enemy, but he quickly forgot that they were enemies, and could only focus on the part that they are friends.
Megumi looks at him curiously, confused at first, until she heard that line. "I am NOT a flat che-..." She cuts herself off as she realizes who this man is. he had changed now that he was grown, and she hadn't seen it before, but now that she started to look more closely at him. "T-Takkun? Are you really... Takkun?" Her eyes go wide as he says it himself and she's not sure what to say then. She watches him as he leaps to the ground and then follows him down as well, her breasts bouncing some as she lands. They were currently on the large side of a C cup. She would have to let out some of her chakra to reduce them back to normal. "You... you're the enemy village? Of all people for me to find out here..."
Takkun watched the woman land and told his squad to let the others go, that they were only enemies in the war, but not enemies at this moment. "I can't believe I haven't seen you in so long." He said with a small smile, blushing a little bit. She was so beautiful, and after all these years, she's actually grown a lot more than he thought she would. He went over to the tree they were fighting on and sat down against it. "We have so much to talk about, so much to catch up on." He spoke softly and waited for her to sit down with him so that they could talk about their past and what happened when they stopped meeting each other.
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