The Goddess and the Light

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Hikaru Sakato

May 25, 2011
Michigan, US
The new black dress fit perfectly. She stared at herself in the mirror a few more minutes to flatten out a wrinkle or two. The woman let her hair down and smiled happily toward the reflection. Misa Amane finally stepped out of her bedroom and went into the kitchen. She bent over to pull some chicken out of the oven and took some time to set the table. Misa lit some candles and dimmed the lights of the apartment that she shared with him.

Misa rushed back into the room and peeked at her cell phone. Light was going to be home any minute now. She sprayed on some perfume and tiptoed quickly to the door so that she would be the first thing that he saw when she walked in.

Of course, she was slightly concerned about running out on Mogi when he suddenly collapsed during a game of Checkers. But that was nothing compared to how she would have felt if Light had died today. Looking to the doorknob, the anxious young woman watched it turn and push open.[/i]
As usual, things went exactly as Light planned. With everyone who knew about the Death Note dead, along with all suspicion of him being Kira dismissed, he was now more free than ever to act with the Death Note, with the public opinion in large support of him and his actions due to the disposal of all of threatened his reign. Even powerful governments recognized him as God. Things could not have been much more perfect, with Light feeling even better than he did when he defeated L and Rem. Misa Amane was the only individual connected with the Kira case who Light kept alive. If a new threat would appear within the next year or so, he would acquire her services. Otherwise, he would do away with her once that time comes.

Light opened the door to his apartment, only to be greeted by Misa, smiling and looking stupid as always. Her attire and perfume tipped Light off to this being more than just an ordinary occasion. Still, he was not going to let this girl ruin his victory. He would play along as always if necessary, of course. "Misa..." He said smoothly, acknowledging her while sounding not really impressed by her appearance. He walked into the apartment, passing by her.
"Oh...Light!" She turned her head in his direction as he walked by her. Turning her heels, Misa followed him, grabbing his sleeve within her fingertips and giving an urgent tug. Her eyes gazed at him lovingly and her arms snaked around his torso.

"I made dinner see? I knew you would succeed today. So I thought we should celebrate. We won, Light!" Misa began joyfully before gathering the scent of his cologne and releasing him. Her feet led her into the candlelit dining room and she went to the chair farthest away. She went to grasp the chair and gave her lover a smile. Misa had to maintain her image but now that the Kira mess was behind them. Now was the time to put that life aside and begin a new one.

Her life as a goddess was going to begin. Misa was one step closer to realizing her goals. One of them involved getting closer to the man in the ultimate way. Tonight, she was going to give herself to him.

"Please join me.."
Light glanced down and sighed. After all he had been through that day, through the past few months really, a dinner would be relaxing, he figured. But then again, could he relax? Being Kira has become an obsession despite his unwillingness to admit it, so would he be able to ever be normal again? Did he want to be normal, be bored, anyways? No. "Misa, I may have won today, but that does not mean we can put Kira behind us," he said, deciding to take a seat. Having control over Misa was especially important in the months ahead. He would play along for tonight in order to restore all trust and love she had for him. "I mean, there are people still out there who want me dead. I still have to kill them. We still have to kill them, for the good of all of humanity, for our new world together." Misa had practically set the scene up for him anyway. The way the lighting was, he would basically only have to reiterate what he said to lady Takada before when she was alive. Women were so easy to understand.

(EDIT: Added just a little to make it clear.)
"Light, you're so poetic!" Misa said softly as she gazed at him with admiration.

Her leg extended so that her foot rubbed against his leg. Misa adored him and was willing to do anything he told her. Of couse, when they first met, Misa was much younger and more susceptible to his words. But now that many of the obstacles were out of the way, Misa knew that now was the best time to go for the things that she wanted. Like marriage and a family...with Light. She poked at her food some and ate quietly.

"Do you like what I did? It's so romantic, isn't it?"

She knew in the back of her mind that she was much more powerful that Light because she had the Eyes of the Death God -- more commonly called Shinigami Eyes. Misa was almost certain that Light never had them himself and if he was close to making any deals then he would have conned his way out. Misa grabbed her glass of wine and drank some.
"I appreciate the dinner, Misa," he said simply. Light immediately took notice of the glass. Misa tended to act oddly when drunk, so she would be more susceptible than usual to his manipulation. He would have to take advantage of tonight. "With Near and everyone gone, I'm glad we can spend some quality time together without much worry."

He paused to eat some of his food. Misa was not exactly an amazing cook, but it was not terrible, he decided. Deciding beforehand that once Near was eliminated, which he was, Light would kill more criminals than usual. He had two Death Notes as well, one that was in possession of the task force and the one Mikami had. After a week or so of excessive killing, he would announce to the world L is dead by having some criminals write the phrase "L has lost" before dying of heart attacks themselves. Of course, some idiots would probably try to avenge L or even pretend to be him, but their identities should not remain hidden for long. Kira is on the public's good side now, whether they like it or not. "Listen, Misa, I might need you," he nearly said her eyes instead of her, "in the next few weeks. I plan on announcing L's death and defeat soon, and people may begin to work undercover to avenge him or impersonate him. I'll need you in case we only have a photograph to work with. Understand?"
Misa was in the middle of another sip of wine when Light first spoke up. She smiled and set the glass down beside her plate of half eaten food. "Just sounds so perfect," her voice said happily. Then the conversation was starting to make a turn that she did not want to make. The blonde brushed strands of hair behind her ear and looked up from the table with a frown. "Yes...Light, I understand." Soon enough, Misa felt full. She did not touch her plate for the rest of the meal.

"Light, can we just focus on us tonight? Forget about Kira for now...this is a celebration, right?"
That was the thing about Misa that Light hated. She was obedient to him, did everything he asked without questioning her morals or ethics, just to please him. And she was too stupid to figure out she was being used. But she only saw him as Light Yagami, not Kira. He was her boyfriend, not her God. And despite Light's overwhelming intellect, he could not change this about her. It was the only puzzle, the only real challenge, he could not overcome. "It is a celebration. We've gone so far, together. And I appreciate your unwavering support of my work, Misa." He leaned back, having finished his food as well. "But what do you have in mind for us tonight? Hm?" He figured he could play along for the evening. She was too stubborn, and he could not risk losing her support despite the small chance he would.
Her eyes widened at his question and she leaned forward in her seat, propping her elbows onto the tabletop. Misa's fingers wove together like a tiny tapestry onto which the gullible woman placed her chin. "I want to talk about our future. Light...I..." Misa looked away a moment and suddenly stopped talking. Suddenly not knowing how to say what she wanted, she wondered if the alcohol was making her do it. Misa shook her head and stood up. She met Light at his seat and pushed her hands onto the fabric of his shirt. Simply touching him make her heart skip beats and body shiver like something fragile. "Light..." The woman could only whisper her God's name. She was eternally grateful to him but somehow sometimes could only see him as a man. A man who needed her...
"Listen, Misa," he said, a little startled when Misa had trouble speaking to him. She was obviously trying to say something to him, or waiting for him to say something for her. He stood up beside her, looking down on her as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "I promised you long ago we could have a future together just to ourselves. That future is upon us. It is close. But we can't let our guard down yet. We can't sacrifice all of the work we've done together to get this far. Everything I plan on doing in the next month or so must be handled perfectly, and I need you for it." In all technical terms, what Light was saying was true. Their future was upon them, a perfect world where Kira reigns supreme, but the question was whether or not Light wanted to take Misa along with him for it. He will wait and see how useful she is to him in the coming month or so and then decide. Until then, he would say the words that would keep her loyalty for a long while, "Misa, will you marry me?" He reached into his pocket and revealed a ring case. He popped it open, and the ring of her dreams was inside.
Her eyes became as big as saucers and they gave a shocked stare to the box. The ring inside was one that she had looked at about two years ago while she and Light were on a very rare date. It was extremely discreet. Light insisted on staying at the tower but L granted them a day out for fresh air. They had stopped at an ice cream cart and Light found Misa again several feet behind him. She pointed at a bracelet to throw off Aizawa, who had been sent to watch them at a distance. Taking her ice cream cup while the couple walked away, Misa added, "The ring next to it was beautiful, wasn't it?"

In the present, it was so surprising how intelligent Light was. "You remembered?" She asked him, looking up with a hand brought to her lips. Tears came to her eyes and Misa wailed a little but quieted herself quickly. Hugging the man and holding onto him, Misa said, "Oh yes...Light. I will. You have made me so happy...I knew this day would come. I knew you loved me...I will marry you."
It was not like Light was expecting a different answer. The fact that he remembered the ring would surprise any girl in Misa's position, adding to the impact and surprise. This should secure Misa for a while. He returned her embrace and rested his chin on her head. "Of course I remembered, Misa," he said, laughing lightly. "We can start planning for the marriage two weeks from now, when we should be able to finally put Kira behind us, besides the occasional killing of criminals. Understand?" If a new threat arose, he could use the promise of marriage to get Misa to act as quickly and best as possible. And with Misa under control, today was Light's perfect victory, and oddly enough, it was also Misa's perfect victory.
"Two weeks? It's so soon...but if you say so then it's perfect." Misa released him and gave the man a light kiss on the lips.

She looked at the ring on her finger and thought that she was going to have a heart attack herself. Misa kept her eye on Light and then smiled happily. Unsure of what to do next, Misa looked to him for guidance. "This is so wonderful..." She said with a giggle.

"I win again, Kiyomi," she thought to herself, "I am at Light's side and you are stuck in Nothingness."
If he did not need Misa within two or three weeks of time, he would kill her. She would be no use for him anymore by that time anyways. If only she knew, then it would be a less grand day for her. "It is wonderful," he said, nodding, with an unremarkable expression on his face.

The charming was going perfectly, but Light decided to take it one more step further, so he could enjoy it as well. It had been a while anyways. He began walking away, only to turn his head at the girl, saying, "Misa, you want to join me in bed?"
"Yes!" Misa exclaimed before making her footsteps to follow him.

She entered their bedroom and walked toward her closet. Turning to face him, Misa gave Light a grin. "Please sit down." She instructed him quite simply before going behind a screen in the corner. "I have another surprise for you." Misa removed her dress while she stood behind the barrier. Her body was petite and pretty adorable. Of course, she had not actually gone all the way with Light. It was a special occasion so she wanted the night to be amazing. This night was probably the best one.

Stepping out from behind the changing screen, Misa looked down innocently and then back up to him. The silence in her walk was as eerie as someone walking on a creaking floor. For a moment, it even looked like she was floating. What she had changed into was a white night gown. It was a color that was extremely rare to find in her wardrobe. It was a symbol for many things...

"I have been saving this for you." She said as she went to him, stopping once she finally stood before him.

"On the night that you accomplished your should be able to gain something else as well." Misa pulled his hand to her bare collarbone. His touch was so arousing to her that she sighed. "Tonight you can have me. I want to be the goddess you deserve, Light."
He sat down on the bed as she had asked. He had never seen her this excited before. Granted, she usually was more excited for progress in their relationship than any of his victories as Kira, but nonetheless Misa was a very happy girl. His eyes widened when she came out, admitting to himself that she looked very fine. The touch of his hand to his chest was nice and warm. Standing up, he moved his hand from her collarbone and wrapped his arms around her body, embracing her tightly. Resting his chin on her head, Light then whispered in her ear smoothly and seductively, "You don't need to want to be. You are the goddess of the new world, Misa. You understand that, right? Tonight I will have you, and you will have me, as we will have each other for a very long time." That should do it, he thought, grinning slyly. For moments they stood there in a romantic silence.
Misa thought about his words for a moment while he held her. He was so affectionate and thoughtful. Her lips curled into a smile and Misa looked up to Light. Her fingertips ran gently down the man's chest from his shoulders to his stomach and back up again. They met at the center and she began to undo his tie. Misa looked into his eyes with a determined look in her eye. It was more of a dominant chill that overcame her. It may have been inherited from the Shinigami, those desperately uncaring things. She pulled the silk rope from his neck in one quick tug and dropped it to her feet. Then she fiddled with his shirt after the other about five times. Her soft hands smoothed over his bare shoulders. His chest was marked with her kisses.

At that moment, Misa pushed Light even further, literally. Making him fall onto the mattress again and placing one knee onto it beside his hip. Then the other so that she straddled him. Misa looked at him and the silence continued for just a little longer.
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