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Kunoichi's Requests! F/F M/F

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Jun 21, 2010
So, hi! I'm Ecchi Kunoichi(Japanese terms translating roughly to risque/sexual female ninja >:3). You can call me Kunoichi, Kuno, Ecchi for short. Ecchi seems to be the common one. :3

I consider myself a decent, fairly experienced roleplayer, as I've been doing it for around six or so years now at least. I can be a little picky on some things, but otherwise I'm pretty open.

I'm also a bit of a night owl, so RP partners who are active from the evening into the late night periods(based on my PST timezone), would be great. This could be anywhere from 5pm-5am, or later, occasionally earlier, nothing's really set in stone. Keeps the threads active and moving if we're on around the same times. :3


Contacting Kunoichi:
PMs are the way to go!
PMs are the fastest way I'll notice you contacting me, and best way to talk back and forth to discuss plot and character ideas.

Roleplaying Info!

Roleplay quality:

Literacy is a requirement. Text speak("how r u?" etc.), a lack of basic grammar, and/or the inability to spell more than a few words correctly are major turn offs. Spelling and basic grammar out of RP is just as important as IN RP, since first impressions will be made outside RP. Anyone coming to me without basic literary skills will not get my interest.

Post length is generally not a HUGE deal for me, as long as you can consistently give me at leas one good paragraph. Give me one or two paragraphs on average, and I'm happy. I generally give 1-2 paragraphs myself, though I do try to give what I get, if I can. But reading a book chapter per post, and having to stretch myself just to make my post nice and big starts feeling like WORK, not play. RP is for fun, and I don't want it to start feeling like work just to keep people interested. I'm a casual RPer, looking for casual RPers. :3

Never, ever, ever, EVER..... ever... control my characters in any way. This includes forcing me into certain actions by moving on by assuming my character's actions and not really giving me the chance to reply the way I choose. This is basically indirect godmodding, and falls along the lines of playing the outcome of your character's actions toward mine.

Just because you know something OOCly, such as a pre-planned twist/surprise/secret, does not mean your character knows it. They should not magically guess it either, or bring it on before it's time. If I plan to have my character do or say something that is meant as a surprise/twist in the context of the story, even if we know it OOCly already, don't rush it by forcing it, let me do it naturally so the story flows.


RPing preferences:

I will roleplay in threads only. It's the easiest way for me, and I have no interest in doing serious RP in PMs, nor any IM service or e-mail.

In stories in which it matters, I tend to play the sub side of things. This does not necessarily mean I will play a weak, willing little sub who gives into everything. Most of my characters are feisty and will fight back in any sort of non-con scenario. On a rare occasion, given the right character, the right partner, and a good plot, I can play the dominant role in FxF pairings, but I will not dom in MxF. Subby male character's aren't really my thing.

I will only play female(or the occasional futa) characters. I have zero interest in playing males, it's just not my thing. That said, I don't care what the gender of my partner is RL, or what gender they play in RP. I will do M/F, F/F, and Futa/F pairings. No M/M, and not really interested in Futa/M.

I don't care if my partner uses pictures for their character, or whatever they choose to do. I will use descriptions for my characters, unless I happen to find a picture I want to base a character on. Usually, each character for each RP I do is created uniquely for that specific RP, so I don't tend to have a bunch of pre-made characters to use, at least not right now.

I find myself highly preferring plot and character driven RPies, rather than purely smut filled RPies.Pure smut RPies tend to be short lived, and I can only get into them if I'm actively in the mood for it. That said, I do love having my top fetishes thrown into any RP I do, and keeping things sexy so it doesn't get too boring. But my fetishes lie more in sexy situations and events, not so much in actual smutty sex.

Kinks/fetishes and limits!

While none of these things HAVE to be in an RP, they can be. The first fetish is my biggest and I do like putting it into just about any RP in some way.

It should be noted I am far more a fetish/kink/foreplay oriented person, and plain old flat out sex does not particularly hold my interest, especially in a hetero pairing.


Most of all I like themes of stripping and nudity, particularly forced. This can be done in a wide variety of situations and stories, and in many different ways.

Just some of the possibilities I like:

Clothing destruction! I think of all the ways my characters can end up stripped, destroying their clothes is the one I enjoy most. Ripping, shredding, cutting, slicing, tearing, burning, melting, disintegrating, evaporating, freezing/shattering, ans many other possibilities. I love creative ways of destroying/removing clothing. Magic, technology, or whatever can be used to cause these things is wonderful.

Scissors in particular I find I like being used to cut away clothing, if the situation calls for a more mundane form of clothing destruction. Other sharp tools such as swords, knives, daggers and other such things are of course welcome alternates if scissors aren't an option. ;P

Clothing destruction in battle is another theme I love. Removing protective clothing, armor, and other defenses, leaving my character more vulnerable and unprotected.

Being stripped in cold weather or temperatures is another particular like I have. Stripped naked of all the warm protective clothing, and left vulnerable to the cold. ;3

Forced stripping in general is also good. Being forced to strip down or suffer consequences, or simply being forcibly stripped.

Games of various sorts that involve wagers are also great for this. Be it cards, sparring matches, or other games that can be wagered on, having to loose a piece of clothing makes a great loss to the wager.


Humiliation is the other big one for me. This too can be done in a variety of ways.

Public nudity for a modest/shy character is wonderfully humiliating. This is easily combined with the stripping fetishes of course. Being forced to strip naked, being stripped naked, or having her clothes destroyed in public where others can see her nudity.

Embarrassing underwear. If the character happens to be wearing underwear she would rather keep private/secret, exposing that underwear and making fun of it is a great humiliation tactic. Be it wearing underwear that looks childish with prints, or wearing sexy lacy underwear that seems far too suggestive for the character's personality.

Pet play. Being forced to act like an animal, treated like a pet. This would be along the lines of taking away her clothes, forcing her to crawl rather than walk, not being allowed to speak without permission, eating and drinking from bowls on the floor. Not so much the pony/puppy girl play that involves actual gear and more BDSM themes. The only real accessory I care about with pet play is a collar.

Other things:

Breast and nipple play. Lactation, milking, drinking breast milk.

Light/erotic torture, including things like tickling/tickle torture, ice cubes in sensitive places, hot wax dripping, flogging, whipping, and various other tactile sensory teasing.

Sometimes some characters will be slightly pain-slutty, which works well with the whipping/flogging themes.

Monsters, beasts, creatures, demons, especially tentacles.

Transformation. Limited transformations are fine. Things like werewolf transformations, or similar things, and breast expansion. Forced changes out of my character's control are fun, particularly if it causes clothing to tear off. ;P


Anal anything. You can play with my butt, but not the anus. No plugs, penetration, tonging, even touching of the sphincter. Don't even mention it.

Scat, or piss. Closest I get is being forced to piss while being watched, or my char being made to wet herself.

Death. Can't enjoy things if you're dead.

Mutilation, dismemberment etc. Exception if the char is a cyborg with false limbs or something like that. Or if I plan on having the char end up with false limbs.

Serious injury, unless the character is a healer that mends quickly.

Inflation. Breast expansion and that is fine, but leave my belly alone.

Pregnancy. Not interested, also, see above.

Over-sized cocks. It just doesn't work. My characters aren't made of elastic.

Head shaving.

Any body modification, alteration, or transformation should be asked about first. I'll give consent, or not on a case by case basis.

For anything else, if it would lead to any of the above listed, it's probably a no. Otherwise, if you're not really sure, just ask first.
RE: Kunoichi Returns! Looking for fresh RPs FxF MxF threads

Roleplaying themes, pairing, plots

I'm open to ideas you bring to the table as well, whether based on any of my plots/pairings but altered, or ideas all your own. At the least I will hear them out. :3

There are certain themes and things I do like in various RPies. Not all of them can be done in the same RP, but some can be combined.

-Fantasy. I like elements of non-realism. Fantasy, magic, suprnatural, scifi. Anything that takes the RP away from being mundane. Normal realistic modern RP themes tend not to interest me much. If you want a school RP, take a lesson from anime and throw something abnormal into it, etc.

-Reverse trap. A trap as most would know is a male to appears very feminine and/or dresses as a girl. A reverse trap would be the opposite of that, where a girl dresses and pretends to be a boy for various reasons. It might be that she sees males as getting more respect then women, or it may be she's doing things that are forbidden for women to do, like becoming a soldier in a kingdom.

-Combat. In certain types of RP where it fits, I do enjoy a bit of RPied combat. Particularly if it involves my character's clothing being damaged and/or stripped away during the combat. No godmodding here. Attacks are attempts, the defender says whether they work or not.

-Nudity. Covered already in my kink/fetish section. I like things happening that involve my characters ending up naked or partly naked. : P This can include being thrown into a situation unexpectedly, such as something suddenly forcing my character into some adventure, while she's not.... dressed for it.

Basic pairings and plots

Bold red = the role my partner would play
Italic blue = the role I would play

** = craving this plot

Some roles could be done either way, the role markers will show which I would prefer to play.

Most of the plots can be done as either yuri or hetero.


Some general races and roles I'm willing/like to play that may or may not be mixed with the limited plots:
Elven, drow, hybrid(think nekos), human, warrior, thief, mage, noble/royal.

Another note: Medieval is only the style of the world around our characters, but it is fantasy and thus probably not even on earth, so deep knowledge of the medieval period is not required. These worlds might even have tools or "technologies" that are still rough but beyond what medieval earth had. Steampunk influence is also just fine.

Caught bathing premise**
There is no real set pairing here, it's only a premise to start a story. I'm willing to play a variety of different characters in this one, and I'm open to various types of characters my partner might play. I could play a human, elf, drow, hybrid who could be a warrior, traveler, thief, mage, or other combinations.
The premise is my character is out alone in an expansive forest, at a large lake in the middle of this forest. She's out for a late night bathe/swim in the moonlight and cool night air. Someone wanders up and finds all her things on the shore, weapons, clothes, supplies, tools, money, etc. They decide to pick these things up as they see my character out in the water, and then make their presence known to her. They can then use her things against her, threatening to walk away with them and leave her unarmed, naked, and helpless in the wild, unless she does what they say. Maybe they'll coax he out of the water, make her build them a campfire before discussing what plans they have for her.
This plot could turn into master x slave, or being a forced traveling companion, or guardian. It could form into an adventure story where my character is dragged into a journey with yours, forced to adventure along. Or maybe your character decides to let it last and sets up camp at the spot for a few days, keeping my character there by holding onto her things. Will she ever get them back, or will she be stuck naked through whatever journey or adventure might happen? It's up to you. ;3

Guard x Noble/royal
A young woman has lived secretly as a boy, training to be a royal/noble guard, with dreams of one day becoming a skilled knight of the land. Only males are allowed to train as a soldier and to become knights, women are forbidden from it. She is assigned to be the knight of of one of the royal/noble family. She is to be with this young woman or man, about the same age as herself, to protect them. What happens when the noble/royal discovers their protector's secret? Will they use it against her? Support her and keep it secret?
This could be done while the noble is traveling, and my character is with them to protect them, or it could be at their home. If the noble is female, perhaps she has been forming a crush on her protector, only to then discover her secret. If the noble is a male, perhaps he finds my character bathing and doesn't realize who it is, until he with his protector and something causes her secret to be revealed. Something such as clothing torn open in battle. He then would realize his protector is the beautiful girl he saw(and maybe spoke with?) when he found her bathing.

Sorceress x Apprentice
(Yuri specific plot.)
A powerful, and rather sadistic, sorceress seeks an apprentice, both to pass on her abilities to so her legacy will live on, and to toy with for her own pleasure. In a large city a guild of mages exists, training you magicians to become powerful mages and protect peace and order in the lands. Only males are permitted to learn magic however. A young woman has secretly made her way into the guild academy under the guise of a young male to learn, having a natural magical talent. When the sorceress comes to the city in her search, she finds this young woman, though believes her, like the rest, to be a young male. Seeing the girl's natural talent and raw power with magic as the mages try to fend the sorceress off, she takes her, transporting the girl and herself away to her lair to train her. She lures the girl into her training with promise of true power, the girl accepting as she believes she can one day defeat the sorceress and return home to defend the peace and order. The sorceress takes joy in giving her new apprentice various tasks, both in magical training and menial chores, loving to tease and torment the girl pretending to be a boy. But when happens when the sorceress discovers the girl's true identity? Will she be all the crueler? Will she take a fancy to another woman with magic talent like herself?

Young Queen x Ruler
(A plot I've had for a while and like doing with different people titled: A Queen for her Kingdom)
A young woman has just inherited the throne as her father passes from illness and fatigue. Their kingdom is in the middle of a war with an invading neighboring kingdom. The woman, now queen has no idea how she will lead her kingdom to victory, having no skill when it comes to war. There is however a powerful neighboring kingdom who could fend off the invaders and save her people from death and enslavement. However, the kingdom is too poor from the years of war to offer any worth while trade for the help of this other kingdom. Her father had been too proud to beg for help, but the young queen is not. She travels to meet with this other ruler, to plead her case, and if necessary offer the only worthy payment she can think of.... herself.
(Het or Yuri, male or female ruler the queen offers herself to.)

The toweled adventure
A girl in high school finishes showering last after gym class. She doesn't like being around all the other girls while they shower so she always waits until most of them are gone. When she moves to her locker with her towel wrapped tightly around her body, it opens and a bright flash of light appears. She is pulled inside and suddenly finds herself inside a cave, with a whole other world waiting for her just outside.
(This would be an RP focusing on the girl going through various adventures in this other world, with only her towel to wear. Of course, she will end up loosing it a lot, but no matter how she looses it, or how many times she does, she always gets it back. Any time she finds other things to wear, something always happens to them, usually ending up with any other clothes destroyed or lost, and she ends up back in only her towel, which she always finds to wear.)

Captive x Dragon
A young woman finds herself captured by a dragon who plans to make her his pet/servant and force her into doing chores around his lair. Perhaps this dragon believes the human tendency to make and wear clothing to hide or decorate themselves is a bit silly, and decides his new pet/slave really doesn't need such things. ;3

This can be set up in a few ways:
-A princes or noble girl wanders too far from her home, and into the dragon's territory in the forest.
-A young thief seeks to steal some of the treasures from a dragon's hoard for herself and get rich.
-A young maiden is chosen by her village to be sent to the dragon who lives in the mountain near their settlement as a sacrifice to appease the dragon.
-A young warrior seeks to make a name for herself as a dragon slayer and enters the dragons domain in an attempt to slay it.

Dragon rider x Dragon shifter
In a world where dragons and humans dwell together, skilled human warriors have taken and tamed dragons to become dragon riders. Dragon riders fight enemy invaders and evil hearted dragons to defend their lands. But some dragons have special gifts, such as the ability to change into a human form. What happens when a young dragon rider must find a dragon to tame, only to find one of these special dragons in human form? Will they be able to capture and tame this dragon, or perhaps form a mutual partnership? Will there be love? Hate? Enslavement?

Mage x Adventurer
A simple story of ongoing adventure. A brave adventurer/warrior sets on on a quest, or series of quest for the good of the entire land. The ruler/elders/etc. who sent this adventurer out on this quest also sent along a helper, a mage.... in training. She doesn't seem to quite have a full handle on her powers yet, botching spells, incomplete powers, and sometimes just plain duds. She's the only one available however to send out with the brave adventurer, and she hopes the quest will help her to improve her abilities.
(This one would be a bit more laid back, a bit silly, but still has potential for romance and some sexy themes. Het or Yuri.)

Some of these could involve my character being a mermaid. Mer form while submerged in water, human while out of the water.

Pirate x Captive

Pirate x Stowaway

Pirate x Rival pirate(captured)

Pirate captain x Mutinous first mate


No particular plots yet. But, ninjas! My name is kunoichi after all, ninja RPies are a must for me. Ninjas with special abilities(but non-naruto in this case) are a plus. Adding in that element of fantasy. Mystic ninja arts/magic.


Something I've come up with that is a semi "magical girl" inspired idea, inspired by various anime like mai otome, sekirei, and seikon no qwaser.
While most people live their normal lives, going to school or working and just trying to get through life, others find themselves caught up in something much more exciting and unusual.
Strange women called Senshijin with mysterious abilities have begun to appear and find normal people with whom they have a bond, and with these normal people they form a "contract" that binds them together. The human with whom the contract is made becomes the master of the Senshijin, able to summon her to their side and activate their full powers for combat. Without this activation, the Senshijin's powers are limited in a weakened state. The activations usually put the Senshijin in a special battle outfit that fits their style and abilities.
Some people choose to use their Senshijin for their own selfish gain, using them for power, to take over places and rule them like a gang or crime boss, and some seek to steal contracts by killing the masters of other Senshijin and force those masterless Senshijin to contract with them. Other masters use their Senshijin to combat these corrupt masters, to protect those they care for, and many of these masters form a deeper bond with their Senshijin, even to the point of love.
(I would like to play a Senshijin contracted to a non-corrupt master(though he/she could still be a bit of a pervert for the humor of it). It can be a male or female master and would focus more on their relationship and any fights they get into with other Senshijin and their masters.)

Vampire/Lycan x Hunter

Young hunter x Vampire/Lycan

Vampire x Lycan

Lycan x Vampire


Space pirate(s) x Captive

Space pirate x Rival space pirate(captured)

(I'm open to suggestions here, don't have many pairing ideas off the top of my head. Much of my scifi knowledge and ideas come from fandoms like star wars, mass effect, etc. which are listed down under fandoms.)

Post Apoc:

No real pairings or plots here just yet, but the setting does interest me. I'll post anything I come up with.


Special note on fandoms:
I like playing in the world/universe/setting of fandoms, but I REALLY prefer to avoid cannon characters. There are very few cannon characters I would ever choose to play, and highly prefer original characters I create. It allows for more creative freedom without being restricted by pre-existing characters. I do also highly prefer my partners to play original characters as well, rather than cannon. It's not too much to ask I think.


Pokegirls. Not the girls from pokemon, but rather a universe similar to that of pokemon's in which the "pokemon" are pokegirls. They're all females of various sorts, some appear anthro, some are more hybrid, and others just look more human. They all have powers similar to their pokemon counterparts, but their names are often sexualized parodies. Some don't even have pokemon counterparts, they're just unique pokegirls. I'm pretty open on what they are though. There is a site that has a lot of information on the pokegirls, but we can always sort of do our own variant as it's all fanfic stuff to begin with. This allows for plenty of interesting story, and fetishes as well since the pokegirl world has a lot of sex focus.


Star Wars:
Jedi(apprentice) x Sith Lord
A young jedi, or padawan on a solo mission encounters a sith lord. This jedi has instructions only to report on the sith and not engage. However, the sith sees through the young jedi's disguise and approaches her, offering stength and power if she turns to the dark side and becomes their apprentice. Perhaps a fight happens between them and in the end the jedi girl is forced to become the sith's apprentice, or she chooses to turn on her own.
(Yes, this is open to yuri as well, female sith lords may apply. ;P Lots of potential for teasing, embarrassing, nudity and such with special sith "training". ;3)

Video games:

Red ninja
Assassin's creed
Mass Effect


Seikon no Qwaser
Inukami(currently watching)
Mai Otome
Queen's Blade

(These are not the only anime I've seen, just the only ones I can think of right now that have roleplay-able universes(and most of them have plenty of ecchi ;D). If you have suggestions for other anime universes, feel free to ask me about it, maybe I've seen the anime. :3)
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