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The Secret of the Emperor (At least six characters needed)

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Hikaru Sakato

May 25, 2011
Michigan, US
This storyline is an original based on a short story that I wrote with the same title. Here is a small excerpt:

Some centuries ago in this land there was an emperor and his wife. Their palace was built atop a mountain so that they could look over the entire kingdom. One evening while the empress undressed before her king, she had a sudden thought. She revealed to him, “We have no heir.” The emperor agreed and decided to make love to her. In the next few weeks, the empress was said to be with child. Sometime later, the high priests deemed the child a male. The land rejoiced at the news of their prince.

Three seasons passed and the queen gave birth to her son. When the baby came into the world, he did not make a sound and appeared to sleep. The midwives proclaimed that he was born to death and the emperor took him away. For a long while, the king held his son and walked through the sleeping city. He came to a house by the river and peered inside to see a room with two cradles. He crept into the dwelling and stole the baby boy inside. While holding his son in his right arm and the slumbering child in his left, the emperor went to the river and dropped the prince into the water. As the empress slept, her husband returned and placed the baby into a bassinet built for the crown prince. The next morning, the queen was awakened by the sound of a crying baby boy.

The Characters:

The Emperor
The Empress
The Crown Prince
The Fisherman
The Fisherman's Daughter
The River God

If you are interested and would like to see the rest of the story or you have questions, then please feel free to send me a PM. If you are interested in playing please respond with the following mini-app.:

(Above or custom)
(Description or picture acceptable)
Personality Traits:
(List three)
Name: Alec
Age: 18
Occupation: crowned prince
Appearance: he had the face of a child but the body of a man, beautiful blonde curls and gentle green eyes.
Traits: romantic, bipolar, and musical.
Strengths: he could sing very well and everyone loved the sound of his voice. He loved being loved and loving as well, always wanting to be in the arms of the one he loves.
Weaknesses: he is gay and it disturbs him that he prefers men to women. He has varying emotional states and can be happy one minute and yelling/ sobbing the next.
First, may I say that your story is -amazing-, really it is quite beautiful. And thank you for letting us all join in on the experience.

Now, is there any specific character you'd like to play? I'd prefer to let you have the first choice intsead of choosing the one I wanted and finding out you also want it or something.

I sort of wanted the Empress, but I'd literally play any character on here. I play females better, oddly, but I'd go for the Emperor easily.
Dear Snowe,

Thank you so much! I'm glad that you enjoyed my story. You are a very considerate person. Thank you for that as well. I do not mind that you play the Empress. Personally, I am stuck between either the Emperor (I play male and female roles.) or the Fisherman's daughter. I play female roles a little better so I am going to play the Fisherman's daughter.

Please do not be confused by the list of characters. Just because there are six main characters that does not mean additional secondary characters cannot be included. Now, if you don't mind filling out the mini-app...^_^ I'd appreciate it. Thank you again for your kindness.

If you or anyone else has any questions, please feel free to ask.
Name: Eri
Age: 19
Occupation: The Fisherman's Daughter
(Above or custom)
Appearance: long dark hair, grey eyes, tanned skin, highly attractive, petite body type
(Description or picture acceptable)
Personality Traits: kind, quiet, emotional
(List three)
Strengths: She has a great sense of loyalty to her loved ones.
Weaknesses:Her emotions get the best of her at times. She can lash out.
Name: Ezekial
Age: 23
Occupation: The Fisherman
Appearance: A man of 5' 7", skinny, short brown hair and blue eyes.
Personality Traits:
Strengths: Physical strength, riddles, fishing (duh)
Weaknesses: Other languages, writing, rhyming (he tries, but alas to no avail)

Name: Noah
Age: 17
Occupation: The Assasin
Appearance: Tall, lithe, about 5' 11" with long brown hair and almost feline-green eyes. He has very pale skin and always wears dark clothing.
Personality Traits:
Strengths: Stealth, killing, all sorts of weaponry (except maces. He just can't understand maces.)
Weaknesses: Being in public
Name: Sophia
Age: 36
Occupation: Empress
Appearance: Bright green eyes, soft and umblemished skin, large and expressive green eyes and soft pink lips. Her face is semi-round with a slightly pointed, feminine chin. She has long auburn hair with cheek-length twisted bangs on each side of her face and a semi-long fringe to frame her beautiful face, as well oddly ever-blushing cheeks and perfect white teeth. Her hair stops at about her shoulders, and cheek-bones are high and give her face further beauty. In stature she stands about five feet eight inches and weighs about one-thirty pounds.
Personality Traits: Giving, sweet, kind.
Strengths: Very diplomatic, exceedingly intelligent, strong-willed and loyal.
Weaknesses: Slightly sarcastic, can sometimes lose her cool if her people are threatened, too passive.
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