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You know you wanna... (Futa/any)

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Apr 19, 2011
As you've probably assumed from my name... I enjoy playing anything involving Hermaphrodites (Or other types of Futas). And you would be quite correct in this assumption. For once! Guess that goes against judging book covers... but I digress. I play Futa/Futa, Futa/Female, Female/Female, and even Futa/Male... I play both female, futa, and male, with either gender.

I consider myself to be literate. I can read and write afterall... Of course, I do make the occasional gramatical or even spelling error. I expect no one to be perfect on that score. Just as long as I can understand what you're trying to say, then we're good! Which of course means, no text speak. Generally I post between 3-5 decent paragraphs. Much more on an opening post however, where one needs to get a lot of character information out all at once.

I enjoy smut... But, there has to be a plot to give the smut a 'reason for being'. So... I enjoy smutty plots.

Things I wont do
~Macro (cocks or breasts... I like some realism. lol)

**Anything else I discover to be distasteful from extremely odd requests will be added some day.

Things I will do
Well, I guess that leaves everything else here... at least until it ends up on the previous list. I will be making a F-List or Rabbit Hole, and add it here at some point. But trust me... generally, the kinkier the better.

~Futa (duh!)

Potential pairings and plots forthcomming...

Send me a PM if interested, please dont post here.
I like you.
I want to role play with you.
Pm if interested.

*looks at half assed haiku*
I love futas! And I love incest, so getting a mix would be fantastically aweome! If you want to play, I'd love to hear from you.
Also, bump.

Also, also: give kevin a look, he's funny and loves futas.
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