Cause I May Be Bad, But I'm Perfectly Good At It! (HP! ~Boombox&YukiBlue~)


Jan 12, 2009
Makoto nearly staggered out of the Great Hall, her stomach aching from the amount of food that she ate. She wasn’t used to eating so much, her appetite was normally that of a bird. As she headed toward the Hufflepuff common room, she spotted Maxwell. Her thought from earlier rang in her head. An internal fight began, her heart telling her to wait was overshadowed by the screaming hormones throbbing inside of her. She wasn't sure which to listen to. She chose the hormones and called out to him.
“Hey Leo! Come here!” Her grin spread wide across her face as she took off running to a nearby empty classroom, black hair whipping back over her shoulder. She dove behind the teacher’s desk, hiding just out of site, knowing he could smell her no matter how well she hid. She held back the giggles that threatened to escape her throat, trying to keep as quiet as she could for the time being. Gods only knew that when he found her, she wouldn't be very quiet anymore. Her mind flashed, teeth brushing against skin, deep growling rang out in her mind, moans reverberating in the hallows of her chest. She bit her lip, nearly drawing blood. Maybe she needed to think these kind of things through before she took action like that again.
Her hand slid down her side to the floor, keeping herself braced incase she had to suddenly stand to attempt running. She waited to hear the obvious footsteps that would mark his angry stomping. She just hoped that Megs wouldn’t wait up for him or, god forbid, follow him. Makoto had been waiting too long to get this boy alone and get under his damned clothes and down his pants. She couldn’t guarantee that she would care if Megs came with him. She was tempted to slam him against a desk and show him that even small girls like her could be the kind of thing he needed to please him. Her brain started on its own again.
Pushing him into a desk, getting a hold of the tab of his zipper with her teeth and slowly pulling it down… She shook her head again. She needed to stay clear minded so she could act accordingly when Leo came in the door.​
Maxwell had finally gotten tired of the great hall as he walked out into the large main hall with every intent to explore the enormous castle and burn off the calories he had just gained. His stomach was blissfully full, but he had cut himself off before he over ate. Maxwell was one to always watch how much he ate and also what he ate. Though he did like to eat - and a lot - he had a horrible fear of getting fat and ugly. (Not that he would actually tell anyone that…) It had been a true torment to sit there looking at all that meat and not scarf it all down. Then again, it had been a torment at Salem as well. He was probably certain that the Gryffindor’s found it odd that he had only picked at his cherry pie, but he was not a big desert fan. Not that he didn’t like sweets. He just didn’t like the after effects of having to many.

Stretching his arms into the air and tilting back a bit, Maxwell stretched his back to try and loosened some of the stiff muscles in his back from sitting down way to long. Lowering his arms and standing straight again, he twisted his upper body from side to side hearing a series of pops and cracks coming from his back. He let out a sigh of relief and leaned against the wall for a moment as he took in the comfortable feeling that those sounds had brought to him. He knew that popping his back was a bad habit, but what habit of his wasn’t bad?

It was as he was leaning against the wall that he heard all to irritating words coming from an all to irritating voice. His eyes shoot open when he heard the words Makoto said and they filled with anger as he watched her disappear into a classroom. He couldn’t help but wonder what possessed the girl to piss him off so when she knew damned well that he preferred to be called Maxwell and not Leo. He couldn’t help the growl that echoed in his throat as he took off at full speed after her with every intention of knocking some sense into her.

When he got to the classroom she had escaped into, he turned the door knob and thrust it open so hard that it hit the wall with a loud crack and bounced back at him. Luckily, he was already walking into the room by this moment and he ignored it as the door made contact with his shoulder. He scanned the room with narrowed eyes as he looked for the overly sensual creature that had so pissed him off only to find she was know where in side. Sure that she had came into this room, he crouched close to the ground and sniffed the air. Having a extremely acute sense of smell, it didn’t take him long to pick up Makoto’s sent of tea leaves and sugar. Maxwell could also smell something else. But he played it off as his imagination as he slinked towards his hidden prey.

His eyes shifted from place to place in the room so as to pick up any sign of his hidden friend as he moved closer and closer to the teachers desk. It was obvious that the sent was coming from the desk, but he wanted to make her believe that he was having issues finding her. He sniffed the air again to make sure she was still in the same place and was reassured by his nose as a small smirk came to his face and his eyes targeted the desk.

“Makoto, come out. I know you’re behind the desk and you should know no amount of hiding will work against me. Now… WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CONTINOUSLY CALL ME LEO! My name if fucking Maxwell damn it and I swear by whatever god is listening at the moment. I will pound that into you if I have too…” Maxwell said as he straightened himself and glared in the direction of the desk that was obscuring his view of the girl. In all honesty, he would never actually raise his hand against Makoto. As irritated and angry as she made him, she was his friend and he didn’t go around hurting his friends. Plus, why would he want to hurt a hot piece of ass like her? The simple fact was, he really wouldn’t unless she was literally asking for it.

Maxwell had to admit that he had had some ‘interesting’ thoughts about Makoto ever sense she transferred to Salem years ago. Even before she had developed her smashing new look. But he had always held himself back when it came to her. Why? Because he didn’t want it to become weird between the two of them. He had seen it before many times. Two friends getting caught up in the heat of passion and end up not being the same anymore. He certainly didn’t want that to happen. Though she was very annoyingly seductive and goading, those where some of the things he liked about her as odd as it may seem. He didn’t want to ruin it with one long and satisfying fuck. He didn’t know if he could contain himself if she actually did a true attempt to get in his pants though.
Makoto slinked out from behind the desk, her eyes flashing mischievously. She had a sly grin that seemed to be nearly carved into her face with how hard it was for her to make it go away. This was the moment she had been waiting for. Part of her heart was telling her to say something. Something special. Her brain shook it off as something too dangerous. She thought back to all of the girls in the last two years that she had seen him with. She had watched what had happened when they had said it. She didn’t want that. She always wondered what he saw in those girls anyways. They were bubbly and air headed. She supposed it had something to do with the fact that they would put out at the drop of a hat. That more than likely helped. Her thoughts turned back to the boy in front of her. She couldn’t help but notice that there was something he wasn’t telling her most of the time. She knew he was a shifter and she knew most of the things about him so what was it? It’s not like he had to hide anything from her. He could trust her with anything.
She walked very slowly up to Maxwell and her smile softened. She could see that he was angry, that much was clear, but at least he knew that she was just goading him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, her skirt riding a bit higher and chest pressed firmly into his. She nuzzled into his neck, eyes closing to enjoy the smell of him. He always smelled of spice and what she was sure was something like pine from running in the woods. When she pulled back, she looked him in the eye. Chocolate brown eyes meeting bright gold. She stopped breathing for a moment as she took him in. He was definitely what she called attractive. All of him screamed power and grace, his face was gentle, even when angry. She couldn’t help herself. She stood on the very tips of her toes, lips lightly brushing against his, as if she was testing the waters. After all, what was the worst that could happen?​
Maxwell watched as Makoto slinked out from behind the desk and wasn’t surprised to see the mischievous sly look dancing in her expression. She always seemed to have that look on her face when she was taking pleasure in his anger and it didn’t improve his mood at all. He had a feeling that she was planning further goading on his behalf and he intended to cut her off in whatever way necessary if she did. The anger still flashed in his golden catlike eyes as he watched her near him in that slow and steady tauntingly seductive walk that she always seemed to take on.

A irritated look came to his face as she made her way towards him clearly trying to drive him crazy. He hated that walk more then he could possible say. It made his senses go wild with hunger for her sexy little body. He turned his eyes away from her to try and hide the want that started to fill them causing more irritation to course through him. For two years he had been forced to go through this. Two years without tasting her, without sensually touching her, without holding her against him as he buried himself deep within her over and over again until they both reached the edge and fell into ecstasy. He couldn’t explain how much he had been longing for her. Even for just one night.

It was then that he felt arms wrapping around his neck and he turned back to look at the only person who was in the room with him. Where hunger, irritation, and anger had once been in his eyes, Maxwell’s eyes filled with surprise as he looked back into the beautiful soft chocolate eyes of Makoto’s. Then she leaned in and nuzzled him and he couldn’t help taken in all of her scent. She was hugging him and being this close was driving him closer to a choice that he may regret later. He couldn’t help himself as his arms wrapped around her small frame. There was obviously a reason why she needed him at the moment and he wasn’t about to leave her hanging when she needed comfort. Then she pushed back from him a little. Not far enough for her to stop the growing ache in his groin though. It was all to obvious that he wanted her. He just hoped she didn’t find out just how much.

She looked into his eyes and he looked right back into hers. He didn’t hide the concern he was feeling, but he did do his best to hide the lustful feelings and wants that were slowly taking over him. Then she leaned in and pressed her lips against his. Maxwell’s breath caught in surprise as he felt those soft lips against his. But the surprise only lasted for a moment before his restraint broke and he pulled her closer to him. His left hand instantly went to her black hair and his buried it deep with in the silky locks as he made sure her lips stayed right where they were. He returned the kiss with a passionate kiss of his own. He deepened the kiss as he slide his right hand up the soft skin of the back of her leg. He could feel that her short skirt had slide up further on it’s own as he slipped his hand under the irritating cloth.

Maxwell continued up her thigh until he reached the restricting fabric of her underwear. He ran his long fingers along the rim of her underwear until he reached the middle of the front of the cotton bikini style under clothing. Then he grabbed the fabric and slide it down her legs. While he did this, he continued to kiss Makoto passionately. Then his tongue dashed into her mouth to taste the inside of her mouth. He tried to remain in control of himself as he did this. His desire for her was to strong after waiting so long. He didn’t want to hurt her though. That was the last thing he wanted to do. Thus, he completely intended to be as gentle as he possible could. He knew that he was probably going to hell for this. But at the moment hell didn’t seem like such a bad idea.

Breaking the kiss, he looked into her eyes breathing heavily in husky breaths. To make sure his consciences remained clear he asked only one thing, “You up for a good fuck or did I come to the wrong conclusion?”
Makoto pushed away from him at his speaking. She barely contained the anger that was beginning to rise in her chest. Good Fuck? Really? Was that what he thought of her? The anger was beginning to morph into sadness. She wasn’t sure which was worse. The way he spoke to her or the way he was thinking of her. She thought of him as more than just a good fuck, she thought of him in quite the different light. She nearly loved him. She stopped herself in the middle of that thought. She wasn’t sure what to think of herself now. She actually admitted to herself the thing she had been considering for the last year. She finally pulled herself away from her thoughts, he was still looking at her in the most heated of ways. She pulled her right hand back and let it go, her hand colliding with his face rather firmly, tears finally coming to her eyes.
“How could you? I-I’m not just a cheap fuck. I had hoped-” She cut herself off before she could make a fool of herself. She turned on heel and began to walk away, the tears finally freeing themselves and rolling down her cheeks. She stopped halfway through the room and fell to her knees, her face buried in her hands. She could barely hold everything together. She was falling apart at the seams. She needed someone, anyone to hold her and tell her she wasn’t those horrid names that the other girls had been calling her back in Salem.​
Maxwell was shocked when she pushed away from him. He could still feel the warmth of her body on his skin and her scent was still flooding his nose. He wanted her so bad it hurt. But he knew something was wrong. Alarm was in his eyes as he looked at the shifting expressions on her face. Yes, there was no denying something was wrong and he new that sex should be the last thing on his mind. He forced himself to push back his hunger for her. It was right as he got in control of himself that she lifted her hand and sent it flying right at her face. He was in such a state of surprise that he didn’t even try to stop the hand. Then it struck and pain shot through the whole of his check. His head whipped to the side from the impact of the smack and his eyes closed as he realized that the issue was him. He had indeed gotten the wrong conclusion.

Shame was the only thing he seemed to feel as his eyes opened again and the only thing they expressed was a piteous plea for forgiveness. His need… No his want had over came his sense yet again. Not that he had much of that to begin with. Her words stung as she spoke and it was only then that he realized she wasn’t hurt by the way he had been so sensually attending to her. She was hurt by the way he had phrased his words. With this realization, Maxwell felt a pang of guilt stronger then he had ever felt before. He was about to reply to her, but right as he opened his mouth, she turned away from him and walked away. He started to reach out to grab her shoulder. But he stopped before his long fingers could make contact with her. Even if he did stop Makoto, he had no clue what he would say to her. He had to think. He had to find a way to tell her he had no intention to come off that way. He would never consider her a cheap fuck. She was his friend and possible his best friend next to his cousin.

Then Makoto fell to her knees in tears. Instantly he sprang into action and he ran to her side. Falling to his knees next to her his arms unrelentingly pulled her to his chest and tried to comfort her. “Come on, Makoto! You know I’m nothing but a big dumb ass with a pretty face! I didn’t mean to hurt you and in no way did I mean to request a cheap fuck! And frankly, after two year of containing myself, It would have been damned nice to finally get with you. I mean, look at you. You’re fucking hot, Makoto. I just didn’t want to do something to you that you didn’t want… “ Maxwell said as he tried to comfort her. It was only after he said it that he realized that he still unintentionally sounded like a insensitive prick.
Makoto wiggled in his arms, trying to get a better look at him, she saw the regret, guilt and what appeared to be something toward alarm in his brilliant eyes. She sniffled, her tears beginning to dry as she cracked a slight smile. He really was insensitive some times, but it was one of the things she loved about him. He made her laugh with his silly misphrasings and ill timed comments. It was an endearing quality that even his cousin had trouble denying. She had quite a bit of trouble finding things in this boy that she didn’t love. Using his shoulders to steady herself, she propped herself up in a better position. Her arms wrapped around him and she smile softly to herself. He was right where she had been wanting him. Holding her tightly, caring in a way most girls only dreamed of, no matter how silly his last statement was. Her voice was merely a decibel above a whisper when she spoke.
“You stupid ignorant boy. I’m not mad at you. I love you too much to stay mad. I was just hurt. I’ve been having so many problems with figuring out how to tell you. I just-” Her voice cracked with the pain that was building in her chest, “I just wanted to get you to a place where I knew no one would come bursting in, ranting about clan matters or things that mean nearly nothing to me when you are around. I have been in love with you for… Gods, maybe from the moment you first spoke to me. I understand… if you don’t feel the same… I just wanted to finally tell you. I’ve been craving some form of contact with you, even if it was only once. I just wanted to feel the man I love. That’s not too much to ask, right?” Makoto waited for him to push her away, angry or disgusted, if not both. She braced her body and her heart for the inevitable sting of rejection.
She was suddenly unsure of herself. Had she sounded like a babbling idiot? Maybe he didn’t feel that way and would be scared of her now. Did she just push him away by telling him the truth? Or was it like some fairytale where he would sweep her off of her feet and exclaim how happy he was that she felt the same? She knew damned well that there was no such thing as a fairytale but she held out hope for some form of good outcome none the less. She held her breath and waited for his response.​
When Maxwell felt her squirming about in his arms, he winced slightly expecting to get back handed or something. He knew he deserved it. But naturally he didn’t really want it. He was more then relieved when she didn’t raise her hand against him and instead turned to face him. He heard her sniffles and pain shot through his heart at the sight of her tear dried face. Then she wrapped her arms around him and smiled. He knew that everything was going to be alright at that moment and he couldn‘t help the look of relief that came to his face. He couldn’t help his heart from skipping a beat when the soft little smile came to her face. Though he knew he was forgiven just by those looks, he gave a hesitant smile for fear that a smile at this moment might infuriate her further. Then she started to speak.

Maxwell couldn’t help the laughter that came to his lips before it left them and it rang out throughout the whole empty classroom. He quieted down quickly however and he gave her a gentle smile. Something he had never given a woman after such a confession. The truth was, he had been laughing at the fact that she had said she loved him. But he hadn’t meant it in a mean way. In fact, he couldn’t help but feel relieved. Of all the people he had ever hoped would love him, Makoto had been at the top of his list. Why? It just seemed right. He loved Makoto. He wasn’t quite sure just how much he loved her. But he certainly loved her more then any of those useless bitches he had bedded. In fact, he had a feeling for her that he held for no others. Not even his cousin and parents had something akin to this. It was a feeling that reached beyond that of family and friend. A feeling that he only had for her. He silently wondered if that was the feeling that a love between a man and a woman felt? To be frank, he was just to dense to make it out on his own. But love was certainly a word that he would place the feeling under.

Pulling his arms in, he grabbed Makoto’s arms and made them release their hold around him with a gentle tug. Then he took her hands into his as he said, “I may be ignorant and stupid at times. But you - my lady- are just as bad. As dense as you know me to be, did you really think that I would possible come to the conclusion that you loved me on my own?” He couldn’t help but laugh again at this as he shook his head and smiled wickedly. “And for not being mad at me, you sure have one hell of a swing,” he said as he rubbed his still red cheek. It still stung a little, but it was now less painful and more of a surprisingly pleasurable burn.

He grinned at her to show that he had no hard feelings towards the contact that had been made to his face as he lifted her hands to his lips and kissed the top of each of them ones. Then he looked back up at her with a long suffering look as he said, “Damn it, Makoto! You should have done this a long time ago! You could have asked me anytime to talk alone! I mean, Meagen is easy enough to ditch if it’s something important and this certainly is a important!” It was clear that he was frustrated by the fact that it hadn’t been brought up soon her as he gave a groan of irritation, fall backwards onto his back, and pulled Makoto on top of him. Then he took her chin into her hands, leaned forward a little, and kissed her lips unable to resist the want to taste her again.

He only left a small peck on her lips before he realized he had forgotten to say something and he pulled away. For the first time in his life, Maxwell actually seemed a little shy before he managed to mutter out, “If you haven’t guessed yet, I think I love you as well. You always seemed to have this irritating something else that I can’t explain for the life of me. But the more it irritates me, the more I come to cling to it. I know I sound like a real freak saying that shit… But if that irritating little thing that makes my heart skip beats and hurt is love, then yes. I love you, Makoto.”
She wasn’t sure which was worse at first, his laughing or the fact that he seemed happy that she said it. She wasn’t sure what to think. Makoto’s head was spinning and her heart felt like it could explode. There was no way she was that dense, but she had hoped he would figure it out, even if it meant having some kind of tip off from Megs. When he mentioned the swing, she flinched. She’d slapped him with her left hand, and she was right handed. She didn’t tell him that however, figuring he already knew that obvious fact. She’d only hit him at half strength and that was bad enough. She didn’t like hurting people. She knew Megs was easy to ditch but that wasn’t much of what she had been worried about back in Salem. It had been his “fan club”. ‘More like Stalkers” she thought to herself. She’d been more jealous of those girls than she really wanted to admit to him. They had been able to do things she couldn’t. All she had wanted was to be the one to hold him at night and be able to wake up next to him in the morning,, assuming he didn’t leave of his own accord.
She squeaked loudly as he fell back, she wasn’t expecting that, or to be pulled into him once again. Her mind and heart ceased all function when his lip touched hers. She prayed for him to deepen the kiss and was vaguely disappointed when he pulled back. Makoto laid her head on his chest and listened to the sound of his heart as he spoke. She felt herself relax when he said the three words she had been hoping for. She sat up, swinging one leg over the other side of him, straddling him and placing her hands on either side of his head. She grinned mischievously at him, her eyes filled with caring and a touch of something a little less appropriate.
“Maxwell, is there any way… that we could still…” her voice trailed off as she thought of a better way to phrase it. She had never thought of it a making love before. That concept was still far to foreign to her. She wouldn’t use that phrasing until she knew for certain he would be alright with it. She loved him and he loved her, but that didn’t automatically mean he would “make love” to her right off the bat. That was normally something for couples who had been together for years and older couples over the age of 30. It just seemed to… old to her. And very not Maxwell. She leaned down, her lips sliding against his in a rather sensual way. Pulling back ever so slightly, she nipped at his lower lip, trying to elicit a reaction out of him. Her body was beginning to heat up, the junction of her leg growing warm and wet as she thought of finally having him.
She vaguely wondered what kind of a lover he was. She’d had several different types. Soft and slow, hard and fast, rough and kinky. What flavor was he? Maybe the perfect mixture of them all? He could be the good, hard fuck he always seemed to be or maybe he was a very gentle, caring lover that makes your skin glow and the trip into ecstasy slow and mind blowing. Makoto wasn’t sure, but she was damned determined to find out.​
Maxwell ran his right hand through her hair as he spoke to her. He felt her soft breath against the cloth of his shirt and felt every movement of her body. She sat up and he let his arm fall to his side. He felt her leg as it moved across his lower body. Then she was straddling him around his waist. It felt good to have her wrapped around him like that and he squirmed a little to make himself more comfortable underneath her weight. He lifted a brow at the mischievous look on her face and, after her words, his lips slipped into a smirk. It didn’t take a genius to guess what she couldn’t bring herself to ask. She wanted exactly what he wanted. He could tell from her body language and the heat between her legs. Not to mention the smell of her.

Then her lips brushed against his for only a moment and he felt something akin to a electrical shock coursing through his body. A small tremor ran down his body as her teeth made contact with his lower lip and she started to nibble on it lightly. His body was already starting to react to her gentle tempting and he knew why. He had wanted her for way to long and now he had nothing holding him back. She had given off all the signs and had pretty much asked her to fuck her until she couldn’t take anymore. And that was exactly what she was going to get. However, he had every intention to keep some control over his urges. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her or scare her away.

With this in mind, Maxwell wrapped a strong arm around her slender small body, rolled them both so she was on her back and he was now propped on one hand and his knees between her legs. Moving his arm up her from her back, he placed it behind her neck and kissed her deeply. His lips moved against hers with a long chained hunger that begged to be all let out at once. Using the arm with the hand propping her neck as a stable hold above her as well. His other hand, roamed up her shirt until they reached Makoto’s soft fleshy breasts. Taking one in hand, he began to message one of the mounds on her chest with gentle knowledgeable precision.

Then he parted their lips and he lowered his lips to the hollow of her soft skinned neck. First his kissed the gentle flesh, then he nibbled it softly. He enjoyed the taste of her skin and he was completely engrossed in his menstruations upon his beautiful Asian mate. Then one of his fingers brushed across the tip of her nipple and he paused to take in her reaction.
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