! Swore I'd Never Stray From You. (HP! ~Boombox&YukiBlue~)


Jan 12, 2009
The train always seemed so empty where the young girl sat. It didn't help that to everyone else, she was just the weird know-it-all that talked too much and was always stuck in a book. She heard yelling a few compartments over, yet she ignored it, pretending that the stupid boys were just celebrating a birthday or something of the like. Turning the page in her latest book, she sighed. Second year and she still hadn't met anyone that would actually speak to her. Unsure of what to do, she had simply picked up her book and started reading. A loud bang on the wall directly behind her head pulled her from her book once more. She shook her head and set the book to the side, opting to sleep rather than continue her attempt at reading. Such noises were unhelpful to intellectual quests. Rue wrapped her cloak into a semi-round bunch, deciding to use it as a pillow. It was better for her to have a pillow at any rate. She had been over-heating for the larger part of three hours. Rolling on to her side, she closed her eyes and relaxed, trying to fall asleep. Another loud bang alerted her to a sudden presence in the compartment. He was vaguely tall, black hair that appeared rather greasy, his face was twisted in a grimace but from what she could tell he was attractive for his age. He was breathing heavily and seemed rather nervous. She noticed the red marks that covered his flesh. She realized then what was going on. The boys were just being loud and annoying. They had been tormenting the poor boy. Speaking up, the boy jumped when she first spoke.
"If you are trying to hide from them, you can always cover yourself with my cloak and I can pile some books on you for good measure. I'm sure no one would find you." Her tone very flat and dull. She didn't like seeing other people be tormented. She had dealt with that enough at home with her brother. Holding out her hand to the boy, she thought it best that she introduce herself.
"I'm Rue. Second year with interests in becoming an Auror." The boy looked her over, scrutinizing her for a moment before taking her hand and giving it a firm shake.
"Severus Snape. My name is Severus."


Rue didn't care how much her lungs were burning, she had to get to the hall before everything fell apart. Trying to get Severus moving was hard enough. She didn't like thinking about why they were heading to the Great Hall anymore, she just wanted to get there and get it over with. The death of students was bad enough but to lose Tonks and Remus too... She just didn't know what to think anymore. At least Harry was alright. Well, as alright as he was going to get after losing so many friends. After nearly losing Severus, she knew how the boy felt. Rue turned to look at the man in question and sighed. She had barely managed to save his life and even after she did, he still regarded her in the same way you would a kicked puppy dog. It was like he felt bad for her. All she wanted from him was some form of acknowledgement. She didn't give a damn about Lily anymore. He had kept her son safe like he had said he would. Now it was time for him to move on with his life. She just hoped he could.

Taking her seat, she patted the one next her for Severus to sit. Looking to the front of the room, she was unsure how to react to all of this. It all seemed too fake to her. She kept telling herself that none of it was real and that she was just going to wake up in her old bed in the Ravenclaw Dorm, every bit of the now terrible past having been nothing but a dream. She took a very deep breath and closed her eyes, letting the wave of grief wash over her before shoving it back down into her chest. Unsure of what to do, she took one of Severus' hands and tried to focus on what was left of her friends.​
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