Do You Remember Standing On a Broken Field? ~Boombox&YukiBlue~


Jan 12, 2009
Juliana’s blood felt red hot as she ran up the stairs, feeling the same way that her brother had not but three years ago. The pain of that day still felt fresh. Joe had told her of his plans. She had met the famous Doctor Light. She had given him safe haven without care for her own safety. She had loved her brother more than words could describe. When the good doctor showed at her door, tears in his eyes, she knew what had happened. Her brother had died doing what he thought was best for the city. Thomas tried warning her a week ago not to do this.
“It’s not safe! Your brother wouldn’t want you to throw your life away just to get revenge.” Thomas’ eyes were nearly glowing with fury and concern. He didn’t want another child to die on his account. He remembered that night well. Holding this girl, who felt as though she was going to shatter from the sobs racking her small frame. Her eyes shone now with the same determination that her brothers had, he knew there was nothing he could say to stop her.
“I’m not doing this for Joe. I’m doing this for the city. Can’t you see? This is what it has come to. Wily must die or the city will continue to wallow in this darkness forever. I am going to do what’s right, what needs to be done. The thing you and my brother didn’t have the heart to do.” Her eyes flashed, realizing what she had said. Thomas turned away from her, his own eyes welling up with tears. Her words hurt but he knew she was right.
Juliana shoved past one of the poor unsuspecting workers in the building, her steps now more than sure as she approached the office of Albert Wily. Her blood ran cold suddenly, her steps slowing to a near stop as she began to think about what she was heading to do. She had never wanted something like this. She had wanted her brother’s plan to work, she had wanted to see Doctor Light smile, she had wanted her brother to settle down and have kids, so at least one of them could have the thing they wanted, deserved even. Growing up, she said the same phrase every time their “lord and master” had done a public speech. ‘Big brother, when I grow up, can I marry the doctor? He always looks so sad. I wanna make him happy.’ Now, the same man she was worshiped and adored as a child was going to die by her hands. All because of the things he had done to the city. When Thomas had told her the things that Wily had done, at first, she hadn’t wanted to believe him. Not Wily. Not her dear, sweet Albert Wily. He was a god, put on a pedestal by her and her father, the mechanical genius that had gotten her father out of the mines. How could he have done those horrid things? It wasn’t possible. She had heard of the trial. The State VS Thomas Light. The charges had been brought against him by Albert. He was sure that Light had killed Emily Stanton, Light’s own girlfriend. ‘Oh how the mighty have fallen’ Juliana thought bitterly to herself. To have the man she has nearly obsessed over for the last fifteen years was now about to fall from that pretty pedestal. Death to the King and all that came with him.​
Wily watched the large screen on his office wall in silent contemplation as his eyes followed the form of the girl he had been watching for the last three years coming towards his office and himself. His eyes gleamed slightly in anticipation and -- what could only be called -- apprehension as he waited for her uncontested entrance into his safe haven. He knew the reason why she was coming to him. She had every intention of being the harbinger of his death. Sadly, Albert had no intention of dying anytime soon and what he intended was something that could never be contested. And, if it was contested, he never lost. He had already proven that once before. Against the very brother of the one that would soon intrude upon his sanctuary.

The very thought of what Joe had attempted caused anger to build up within him and he couldn’t help but dig his finger nails deep within the leather of his chair. His face contorted into a look of rage as he allowed his anger to flow for only a moment before he forced it back down. He had successfully ended the problem, but the remembrance of that day only brought him anger.

Albert’s eyes flashed to a dark corner where one of his most trusted robots waited in hiding for his signal. Whether that signal would be to kill or capture would be up to the on slot of trouble heading his way. However, he had every hope that Gutsman would not be needed.

Gutsman was just a precaution that he found necessary for his on mental security. Joe had gotten to close to his goal and Wily had no intention to have another close call like that again. Some would call this paranoia, but he only saw it as sensible. Especially sense he knew Juliana’s goal was to take his life. He just hoped that his plan would change her mind.

He had been considering all of the options he had and he was personally favoring the act of trickery over any other idea he had came across. Calling for his blood or not, he couldn’t help but see the usefulness she may have if she were only converted to his side. She was full of passion and passion was something that could be useful. He just had to twist her point of views towards his cause and he had every intention to play on her sympathies in hopes that she might join him.

A little smirk crossed his lips as he tapped his fingers on the arms of his chair and took in a deep breath. He let out the breath slowly as he leaned forward, clicked a button on his desk, and watched as the screen changed to the front of his office right outside his door. It was when she reached that point that he would start his act. Until then, he pulled out the only remaining picture he had of him, Thomas, and Emily together. He looked at the image with a look of disgust on his face for only a moment remembering the moment. He had thought he had been happy then, but he now knew that Light had just been holding him back. Now he stood at the top of the world and Thomas was nothing more then a irritation that he would soon rid himself of forever. Something that he hoped Juliana would assist him in doing if his ploy worked on her.

Turning his mind back to the then and their, Albert reached out and pushed another button that was on his desk. The sounds of the door to his office unlocking could clearly be heard as he schooled his expression into a look of sorrowful guilt and he placed the picture within a cupboard near at hand. Then he turned his chair so that the back of his chair face the door, then he turned his eyes back to the screen and he continued his silent wait. He knew that it wouldn’t be long before his door opened and his target would enter. For better or for worse, there was no going back now and he couldn’t help but feel confident that he would win. After all, as mentioned before, Albert Wily never lost anything he wanted to win.
A loud bang could be heard three doors away from Wily’s office as Juliana shot a nearby Robot. The damned machine had scared the hell out of her. She had never intended to shoot it, but she also hadn’t expected the humanoid machine to jump out of nowhere. She cursed, she only had four bullets. They seemed to be rather had to come by at the moment, since Wily was currently worried about backlash from the people. He seemed jumpy to people, paranoid even. What was worse was the number of posters he had put up all over town, asking for Thomas’ head. It was almost as bad as the old stories of John the Baptist. Juliana just wanted the pain and suffering of the City to end. She was sure that they had never intended to be taken over by a madman, nor had they intended for him to be a madman. The way her father used to talk about him, he always sounded mild-mannered, kind and even possibly loving. He looked at the robots as his children and he had cared enough about the people of the city to give his children to them. Albert Wily had saved the people of the city from themselves, from the mines. Men actually got to see their wives and their children because of the technological advances he and his partner had found.
She scoffed at the memory. This man was not kind, he was not mild-mannered, but most of all, he was not loving. He was a vicious, brutal and unforgiving lord of the City and it’s people. She was sure that this paranoid shell of a man was no longer human by this point. He had his robots kill those who spoke ill against him, she was sure there were cameras and microphones in every room of every house. He watched everyone, waiting for more people to rise against him like her brother had. As far as she knew, Joe was the last person to try it. His death scared the people of the city further into submission. Juliana turned her eyes to the door that lie not but twenty feet in front of her. The monster’s lair. So she was to be the knight that slay the dragon and set the city free. She only hoped that her nerve lasted long enough for her to pull the trigger after she stand face to face with him. She slid the gun back into her coat and took a deep breath before bolting for the door.
She hadn’t been fast enough to grab the door handle before she collided hard into the door. Well, at least he knew someone was there. He no doubt had called in robotic reinforcements when he heard the gun shot. Her hand slid fast to the handle, ripping the door open quickly. She slid into the room, closed the door quickly and quietly. She took a deep breath, stilling her nerves and calming her rapid beating heart. Her brain failed to formulate a proper sentence for a good minute and a half before she finally managed to choke out a few words.
“Doctor Albert Wily, I know you know who I am and I know you know why I am here. But I want you to understand. This is not for my brother. You have been holding the city at ransom and that is not fair to the people. We never did anything wrong to you so why? Why would you enslave all of us here, children growing in fear of your robots rather than being thankful. Men refusing to speak of the things they have witnessed. Women locking their doors at night, praying that the doors are strong enough to hold your monsters at bay, lest they somehow manage to anger their overlord. Why would you do this? Is it all because of Thomas? It that what this is all about? A grudge match with the man who was once your best friend. Who loved you like a brother and cared enough to work with you on vital function of your work? What caused you to fall so fast? My father nearly worshiped you! You were my god when I was young! All I wanted-” Juliana stopped herself. She had to wait to hear his reasons. ‘Remember. This isn’t about you Julie. This is about the City.”​
Albert heard the loud bang of gunfire, but he had no intention to do anything about it. He saw Gutsman move in the corner of his peripherals, but he lifted his hand in a silent command for the robot to remain where he was. There was no doubt in his mind that the cause for the sound was Juliana and he was more then pleased to hear that she was not far away. Though that was more then true, he couldn’t help but have a couple moments of doubt. He had not expected her to come to him empty handed. In fact, he had watched her choose her weapon of choice. But hearing that gun fire so close to him made him a little uneasy. Not that it made any difference. It was already to late to turn back and he really didn’t want too. He would wait and see how things would play out. If things didn’t turn out the way he wanted them to, he had his most trusted robot on standby to take the girl out. And with that thought came a security that could never come from the protection of a human. Humans could be manipulated and their ideals could be changed. But his robots were loyal to him and him alone. They followed his every command without question and they would never turn their backs on him. A respect that he never got from any human. Not even his old supposed best friend, Thomas Light.

His trust in humanity was dwindling to non-existence by the day and he wasn’t sure if that was such a bad thing. After all, humanity had done very little for him and none of it had been good in his way of thinking. He had done his best to help the people of the city even if it was to get his revenge. He had made it so that the men didn’t have to suffer the mines and he had even attempted to protect the people. But just like Thomas, they had turned their backs on him. It seemed like no matter how hard he tried, nothing ever seemed to go his way. Yes, his methods could be considered a little on the rough side. But he had given exactly what the people wanted. He had given them security. He had given them the chance at a better life. It was not his fault that they didn’t see it the same way as him and it wasn’t his fault that his robots were being forced to kill them. It was all the people of this cities fault. It was their fault that they couldn’t willingly accept the gift that had been given them and conceded to his wishes for Thomas‘ capture. It was all their fault. But it was especially Thomas’ fault.

Though this was all true, Albert had hopes that maybe their was still one person in this city that could understand him and his reasoning’s. That maybe he could persuade just one of them into thinking that what he was doing was for the better meant for everyone and just in it‘s own sense. If he could do it to one, he was certain that he would be able to make everyone understand. He knew what they all thought about him and it was mostly right. He did have a grudge against Light and he would do anything to get the justification that he longed for. But they also failed to realize that, after the grudge was settled, that things might change. But he had no intention of changing them until he finally had Light in his hands. They blamed all of their issues on him, but the real reason why they suffered was themselves and the man that seemed to evade him around every corner.

It was as he thought about this, that his prey ran into the visual of his camera --literally-- and did a head first dash into his office door. Albert couldn’t help the smile of amusement that came to his face and he had to fight back a fit of laughter that threatened to come with it. He couldn’t help it. It wasn’t every day that got to watched your would be assassin run face first into a unlocked door. He was sure that anyone else in his situation would have been done the same. But he quickly changed his expression back to it’s usual cool and sober look as she corrected herself and walked through the door. As he expected, Juliana began to speak instantly and he listened to her words in silence.

She didn’t say anything he hadn’t been expecting. It was always the same. Though he was a little surprised that she was not here on behalf of her troublesome older brother. Sister like brother he guessed as he turned his chair to met her eyes with his own. He allowed his eyes to soften sadly and he allowed his face to take on a slight grimace as he said, “Yes, I know why you come here Juliana Stanton. I have been watching you for a long time. Wondering when you would come and call for my life and I have no intention of fighting you if you find justification in doing so after we have spoken. All that I ask is that you listen to what I have to say before you do so.”

Pausing for a moment he lifted a hand and indicated the chair closest to her as he said, “Please, sit down and I will tell you everything you wish to know. I just want you to know that it was never my intention for things to turn out this way before anything else is said.” Then he waited to see how she would react to his words and his request.
Juliana was taken aback for a moment, this wasn’t the man she had come to kill. She looked Wily over for a short moment before taking a seat in the chair he motioned to. What had happened to the man that had killed her brother, the one who took the city hostage. The man that Thomas had said would be waiting there for her. She wasn’t sure what was going on but she would hear him out. Reaching into her coat, she removed the gun, popping the clip out, stuffing it back into her pocket and laying the gun on his desk, just within arms reach. Her eyes darted around the room. Where were the mountains of Reploids that Light had sworn would be awaiting her? There had been nothing as she had headed up the tower and now none here. There was only the one she had seen in the hallway and that was nothing but a house keeper. Maybe she had made a mistake. Maybe he wasn’t the man she had been made to believe he was. Maybe he still was her god? Just maybe.
As she looked up at him, she couldn’t help but feel pity for a short moment. He looked… sad. She wasn’t sure what it was about but maybe she could get to the bottom of this misunderstanding between him and Light. Perhaps, even make them friends again. Juliana shook her head, now was no time for those kind of thoughts. Not till she was sure that it wasn’t a ploy. She took a deep breath before deciding to speak.
“Alright. I’ll listen. But the first time you say something that doesn’t sound quite right, I will have no issue revoking my kindness. Just… please. Smile at the very least, you’re making me depressed. And don‘t call me Juliana. Just Julie works. It‘s what Joe used to call me. Well… before…” Her voice trailed off in a distracted manner.​
Wily watched as Juliana took her seat. His face remained solemn as she did so. But what he was actually feeling was quite the opposite. His ploy had just begun and it was already starting to work. She had obviously been surprised by what she had found when she finally got a good look around his office and at the man she had come to kill. Surprised enough to let down her guard before the very man that had killed her brother and accept his invitation of a peaceful discussion.

Even though he was very pleased that she had accepted his invitation, he couldn’t help but be surprised when she removed the gun from her person, took out the clip, and placed the gun on his desk within his very reach. This time he allowed some of his surprise to show clearly on his face. He looked at the gun that was supposedly meant to be the end of him for only a moment, before he returned his gaze back to her. He allowed appreciation for the gesture to show on his face. However, he didn’t drop the expression that he had mastered and that had captured her trust. That is, before she started to speak and he allowed the expression of sadness to lighten just enough to allow her a little more comfort. He didn’t smile exactly, but he allowed his lips to curve ever so slightly in a attempt at a smile.

“You have shown me a kindness by removing your weapon, Julie. I know many in your position would not be willing to do the same after the rumors that have been going around about me. Please allow me to show you the same respect you have shown me,” Albert said before he turned his head to Gutsman’s location and continued to speak. “You are relieved of your duties, Gutsman. Me and Miss. Stanton are not to be disturbed for any reason.”

Instantly, the robot came to life and pushed the panel that had been hiding his large frame aside. The robot made it’s exit from the office as swiftly as it could without a question and the door closed with a slight thud behind him. Wily watched Gutsman leave the room in silence for only a moment before he turned back to Julie with a apologetic smile on his face. “Please forgive me his presence, Julie. I assure you he would have done you no harm. His commands were simply to protect and capture. It wouldn’t have been very sensible to simply wait here with no protection at all when I knew you were coming for my life.”

Then he allowed his eyes to fill with a anguished pained sorrow as his mind turned back to where her words had dropped off. Guilt was the only thing that remained on his face as he hung his head in shame. “I am so sorry about what happened to your brother, Juliana.” He said in a voice that he hoped sound like someone who had long suffered from a nightmarish memory. “No matter what has been told to you, that truly was a accident that I can never repent for and I don’t expect any sympathy from you nor do I expect you to forgive me Joe’s death. It was something completely unexpected and truly regrettable. I had never intended his death. Even though I am certain that he held hopeful intentions of mine as you did when you walked into this room. You may not believe this, but I did not rig any explosives to kill your brother. He had simply chosen the wrong time to take his climb up this tower. I would have stopped him if I could. But he wouldn’t have listened to me even if I had tried. If he only knew about the…”

Albert fall silent as if he could say any more. Then he rested a elbow on his arm rest and lifted his hand to rest his forehead upon it. Then he cover his eyes from view as if he was to grief stricken by the boy’s misfortune and unable to look her in the eyes. In truth, he was hiding the slight break in the expression of his eyes. Though his face was still set in grief, his eyes had chanced to something akin to disgust. He hated the feeling of being weak. Even if it was to win someone over. It made him feel pathetic and less of a man then he knew himself to be. Worse of all, this act made him think of Light. In fact, he was currently taking all of the things he hated about his old friend and creating a new personality for himself. He was no longer Albert Wily, the strong and confident man who had no qualms against hurting others to get what he wanted. He was now Albert Wily, the tortured martyr that had been accused of unjust crimes and made to look the tyrant when his only wish was to help the city. The change in roles almost made him want to be sick. Then his mind started to drift to different thoughts.

Why did he, Dr. Albert Wily, have to put on a act for this girl? She was no threat to him. Especially know that she had willingly placed her weapon upon his desk. All he needed to do was reach out and take the weapon. Then she would be defenseless and he would be free to make her his. He didn’t need to torture himself like this just to win her over. He had other ways to manipulate peoples minds and they had a tendency to be more effective then any talk that he could have with her. He knew that this façade wouldn’t work forever anyways. It probably wouldn’t have lasted past a week. It had been a interesting thought to see if he could make someone trust him like this. But he knew that brain washing her was the only way he could ever keep her. It was time for this game to end and a new one to begin.

With this thought, a slight smile crept across his lips as he pushed himself forward and his hand shot across the desk, taking the girl’s gun into his own hands. A dark chuckle came from his lips as he lifted his eyes to look at the girl again as he pulled the gun to himself and out of her reach. There was no sign of the mournful man that he had been playing and in it’s place sat the over confident madman that held the whole city in his hands. Wily examined the weapon he had captured for only a moment and noticed a bullet that still remained within the barrel. He had known not to trust the girl’s sign of peace. Yes, she had taken out the clip of the gun. But one well placed bullet was all that was needed to bring a man down. This just proved that humanity really couldn’t be trusted.

Closing the gun, he pointed it at the girl’s head. He had no intention to actually fire it, but he hoped that fear would hold her in her place until he could get Gutsman back in to capture her. He pushed another button on his desk and it made a slight buzzing sound as he leaned toward a speaker on his desk and said, “Gutsman, return to your station in my office and seize Juliana Stanton.” Then he released the button and he smiled with dark amusement as Gutsman barreled into the room and grabbed for Juliana to capture her. This game was over. Now it was time for the real fun to begin. “You are a fool just like your brother, Juliana Stanton,” Wily said flatly before he continued, “He thought that he could take me out and save the city as you do now. But you have both failed to understand one crucial thing. I am this city!”
Juliana’s breath caught in her throat as she realized her mistake. Well, there went the only sure fire way of getting out of the tower. She looked up at the man in front of her, her eyes darting from the gun to his face. In that moment she noticed his mistake. She had the clip in her pocket. He had no ammo. Her brain acted quickly, she jumped from her chair, her left hand grabbing him at the wrist and her right swinging in a low arch, snapping his arm at the elbow. As her left hand dropped his, it swung at his face in a quickly balled fist, colliding with his left cheek. With the same speed, she bolted for the door not but four seconds after the large reploid walked through. She looked the bot up and down, trying to figure out how to get past the goliath of a machine. Not stopping her run, she dropped to her left hip, sliding between the bots dangerously large legs. She skidded to a stop at the door, looking back long enough to look at Wily where he stood at his desk before running out the door toward the stairs.
Light had been right. He was nothing but a monster. How stupid of a little girl was she, to believe that a monster like him could ever be brought back to the light? She let out a loud sigh as she reached the door to the stairs. She could hear him yell something to the robot, causing her to fling the door open violently. She forced her already throbbing legs to continue running as she reached the first flight of stairs. She could hear the bots down below her. She poked her head over the railing to look down, seeing a group of five on the stairs just below her. She waited a few moments before coming to a decision. She hoisted herself over the rail, dropping down behind the bots on the level below. She felt something in her right knee pop and she realized what happened. She couldn’t run with a dislocated knee. She wasn’t going anywhere now.​
For once in his life, Wily found himself completely off guard as one minute his prisoner was sitting under his control and the next she was upon him. His eyes enlarged a little as she grabbed his arm and pain shoot through every muscle in the limb. The gun fell to the ground and a loud bang irrupted from the object as the bullet in the barrel was released leaving a hole in his desk. He couldn’t help the cry of pain that exploded from him with the breaking of his arm. His cry was cut short though as he was released and a fist met his face. Then she was no longer there but on her feet running for the door. Then pain was replaced with amused anger as the door opened and Gutsman stood before her. He hadn’t expected her to slide underneath the robot and instantly irritation filled his whole being.

“What are you doing just standing around?! Capture her!” Wily yelled at the behemoth of a reploid as he grabbed his own broken arm and yanked it straight with a loud snap setting it back into place. Expecting the pain this time he bite his lip to hold back the scream of pain as the bones in his arm moved back into their proper position. His arm throbbed from the pain as his teeth sank into his own lip until it bleed. Then he felt the nanobots with in him begin to repair both bone and muscle. He didn’t wait for them to complete their job though. He quickly leaned forward and pushed the com, link for the whole tower. “Seize Juliana Stanton alive at all costs! She is not to leave this building…” Wily yelled hearing his own voice echoing through the doorway.

Then he leapt to his feet and ignored the pain in his appendage as he ran for the still open door. Gutsman was no longer there and he was pleased. He quickly looked over the railing down the spiraling stair case to see how far she had gotten and his eyes lit up with delighted amusement when he found her upon the ground already surrounded by his creations. A smug look came to his face when his eyes landed on her. He watched as Gutsman took the last step on the level she was on, walked over, and picked her up by her arms. Lifting her clean of the ground. Then the robot turned to his watching master. Waiting for further commands from him.

A sick joy came over Wily when he saw this and he started to walk down the stairs towards them slowly. He couldn’t stop himself as a chuckle started to leave his throat. Then he opened his mouth and the laughter of a madman left it. Even though he had been enraged by the girl’s vandalizing of his body. He, Albert Wily had still ended up the victor in the end as it always should be. He felt the pain in his arm completely deplete as his laughter did. Then he took the last step onto the floor where his helpless prey now waited for him and he smiled a smile that would make babies cry and women scream in fear at the sight of it.

“Now that wasn’t very nice, Juliana. But I guess I can play by your rules if that’s how you want it to be. Put her down, Gutsman.” Wily said as he approached them and instantly the robot followed his masters command letting her fall from his hands and on to the ground. A reploid stepped to the side so Wily could enter the protective circle that had surrounded the large reploid and the girl. Then he walked over to the fallen girl, grabbed her hair, and forced her to look him in the eyes and said, “You have made a mistake thinking that you could harm me and escape from my tower. Now you’ll pay for it.”

With that, Wily kept a grip on her hair and started to drag her back towards the stairs by it. Turning to Gutsman he said, “If she tries to escape again, kill her. I can always find a new test subject that can be just as useful as she. I don't have the time to waste on disorderly subjects...”
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