Mad Alice (Candira and SlyNuwasha)


Jan 9, 2009
Fresh air. Yes...that was what she needed. Plus about a gallon of water if she didn't want a hang over. What had been in those shots again? wonder she felt tipsy. She'd never been clumsy when she was drunk before, but now she knew better. Taking a few deep breaths the curvy blonde looked around her. The costume party was in full swing in the house behind her, lights pouring out every window--some with dance/party lights, others with the lights of lamps, and shadows of people doing some naughty things. Damn, now she was horny too. Add to the fact that she loved to play dress up and she was just begging for something to happen.

Her hair was done in golden ringlets tonight to give her a little more of an innocent look that was totally offset by her naughty Alice in Wonderland costume--figuring why not dress up like her namesake? The tiny Blue dress showed off more than it covered, really. It was backless to just above her ass, so a conventional bra was out of the question, but she'd managed to work with the built in bra of the costume. Her breasts were on display with very nice cleavage. Her abs were covered, but the light blue fabric of the dress was skintight. The skirt of the dress resembled that of a French maid's costume, only a little less puffy.

Rather than tights, she wore white stockings that traveled up her long, toned legs and ended at her upper thighs. On her feet were Mary Janes, if they were made with extra high spike heels. And she had a tiny apron to complete the ensemble. Her make up was light--just enough to make her skin look flawless. She was gorgeous and more than one person had hit on her since she came to the party that night--hence the drinking. But there was plenty other tail to chase--literally, given a lot of the girls were dressed up with animal ears and the like.

Alice was on the back porch, just getting her bearings back, though she was still quite tipsy. The night was beautiful though, and she looked up at the sky to admire it. It was almost a shame that she was going to go back into the party after a few moments.
The Tall Man took a sip of his drink, some fruity concoction some girl had given him before a guy had dragged her off to the dance floor.Not bad really, Not bad at all. He finished the drink and tossed the plastic cup aside. This party seemed to be winding down into the make out mode these parties where known for.Not that he really cared. He himself was having a grand time in this little quaint party. It was not as large as the ones he was used to at home, but alas. What could one do. He thou wasn't dancing. More just leaning and chatting up anyone who seemed to come close enough to be Interesting. He shook his head and then moved towards the door. This party was getting just a little to loud for his taste's and their current idea's of music was not something he was to fond of.

Stepping out of the House to get fresh air himself. He was enjoying this party but just needed a break from inside.A few of those silly people were smoking all sorts of things that he did not bother to have around him.The Slender man looked around as he dipped down so his hat would Not hit the door. He appeared to have come dressed up as the hatter on this costume party.a Perfect costume almost one would say. Dressed almost as a Dapper gentleman of the day. At least if your day was a little in the past and crazy all at Once. He wore a lovely Violet long tailed overcoat which seemed to have seen better days, made of some soft and fancy materiel but not that it seemed dingy from use. It looked rather well looked after and cared for. His Pants were simple and black. The shirt under the coat seemed ruffled and had all sort's colors splashed all over it.

He stretched out and cracked his back rather audible as he then relaxed and rocked on his feet. His bright green eyes looked down at his shoes. Old style shoes compared to most these kinds. the wing tips were shiny and looked almost brand new. thou most would not realize they actually were in style when he got them. Taking off the Hat, his unruly black hair would fall loose and all around his head. He combed the long hair back and then flipped the hat back on. The hat, being the most important part of being the made hater. Was black with a red band, two playing cards in it. thou Most these silly people would not even get why this was so important or even funny all at the same time.

Turning he began to walk past the girl and didn't even notice her at first. Just walking to stop a few feet before her. A silver pocket watch flipped out of his pocket and he checked the time." Oh. It's late." He said with a smile and clasped it closed hard then turned and looked at her.." What do we have here.. Is this.. a Alice?" He said as he turned to look at her and grinned as he saw her costume. The Man was handsome in his own way.. the little insane twinkle in his eye.
Alice had just been debating about whether or not she should leave the party. After all, she was sure she wouldn't be missed from an event like this. Horny as she was, she wasn't sure she wanted to spend time with any of the costumed men inside the house behind her, though there were a few cute ones. It seemed to be winding down, though, and it was probably a good idea to just go home. She'd have to walk though, and in these shoes it wasn't the best of ideas.

Someone else had meandered out onto the deck. Or perhaps they'd come with a purpose. She was just about to wonder if it was possible to meander with a purpose when she heard a man's voice. It had sort of a silky tone--something that caught her attention. But there was something different in general about the sound. Not particularly pleasing or off-putting, but different.

She turned to him, facing him more fully now. He was a striking individual--his eyes especially unique. It took her a few moments to place what he was, exactly, since she'd been so transfixed by his face. The costume was impressive--the Mad Hatter. What a coincidence that they would run into each other.

"Well, well. Fancy meeting another person from my fairy tale here," she said, thankful that her speech wasn't slurred yet. Note to self: next time bring a flask. Just as she was thinking this she smiled back at the man. He was handsome in a strange sort of way. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something about him seemed special, if not just his taste in costumes. "I am, in fact, Alice. Well, that's my name anyway. And who are you, Hatter?" she asked.
The Hatter took his time looking her over approvingly yet still subtle about it but easy see it did happen.. Green eyes sliding over her form in a rather slow pace, enjoying how she filled out what little of the costume there actually was. He tilted his head as he looked at her and his eye's slide over her face. Eye's ended locked with her own eye's." So. You really are Alice?" he said with a wide green. The mans hand dipped up and grabbed his hat sweeping it in a long arc as he took a full bow at the waist. Black wild hair flying and the tips of it almost touching the ground, yet did not. He looked up from the bow and just smiled crookedly at her. " I am. The Hatter. that's is what you may call me Alice.and i prefer think we share that fairytale don't you?" he said with a wide grin as he moved to straighten himself up.

Hat spun and then laid down over his head in a rather fancy yet pointless show of skill with putting on ones own hat. He seemed to keep his eyes on her Own." And How is the lovely Alice this evening mmm? Not enjoying the party anymore?" He said as he moved a step or two closer. He would smell like spring and spice all rolled into one. and he would offer her a elbow." Let the Mad hatter at least escort you for a walk threw this lovely estate." He said in a teasing tone, waving his arm that's not offered to her out as if they were at some grandiose place, and not some mans back yard.
She felt a little uneasy with him looking her over, but then, she was returning the favor, after all. So she stopped feeling weird eventually. His gaze did linger a little, but she was all right with that, actually. Still a little horny and very buzzed, the girl was torn between holding the banister on the porch and going with the handsome stranger. Something told her she probably should have stayed put anyway, but a little walk would be just fine. His crooked smile was charming, along with his attempt to stay in character and his hat tricks. At the very least, he was interesting.

"I'm a little drunk, to be honest," she said with a laugh. "And it was getting to be a little much. It's almost over anyway," she said with a dismissive shrug. He had offered his arm, and she found herself taking it, all the while wondering why she was being so honest with him. Damn liquor. "But a walk would be okay," she said, a bit more graceful than she thought she would be. "So, why did you choose the Hatter character?" she asked, curiously. "I mean, I'm Alice because it's my name and I thought it would be fun. What about you?" she asked.

Alice smelled like vanilla and raspberries--and a few liquors added to the bunch. She was, however, sobering up just a little in the fresh air.
He grinned softly at her as she seemed indecisive for the moment. Watching her trying to decide if she should take the arm or not, He would then smile as she did so. His hand slide to wrap on top her hand on his arm and stroked over her finger's just barely as he smiled." It's ok. I am a little more then a little drunk." He Said with a wide grin back to her in the twisted ways of a hatter. He would turn to look around as if picking out a place for them to walk around this back yard. Seeming to choose a spot, he lead her towards a very odd looking old tree. The tree seemed to have not been there before? or maybe she just did not notice it. Either way they were strolling towards it now at a slow pace.

His head tilted as he looked over at her on his arm." I did not choose to be the hatter, being the hatter is who or what you are dear Alice. Did you choose to be Alice?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. the man smirking at her in a teasing way as he then lifted his hand to Poke her nose with it. Head tilted, he blinked and leaned his head down into the crook her neck and took a smell. the Mans breath on her neck, the nose almost touching it as he drew in the deep whiff." Why my dear Alice. You smell Delightful.!" He exclaimed and leaned back as they walked. His hand which had poked her nose thou dropped down and just stroked over her hair and collarbone's as they walked.

She may notice now, he wore fingerless gloves to fit the char even. The gloves seemed made some kind of purple silk. with little burn marks all over them. Honestly they matched the long tailed coat perfectly and seemed to feel soft when they brushed over his skin from his teasing strokes.
Alice decided to go along with this little in-character game. After all, she was something of an actress. Besides, it was just a little flirting. And if he was more drunk than she was, he seemed harmless. And anyway, she was still horny, so why not see where it all went? She smiled as he stroked her fingers and held her arm. She hadn't seen the tree there before, but she dismissed it with some sort of drunk logic like, "It must have been the angle."

In any case it was a very pretty tree, and she wanted to get a closer look. The slow pace they took was very fortunate. In her heels on grass and her coordination being what it was, she doubted she could have gone much faster without falling or tripping and probably taking Hatter with her. She caught his grin as he explained how he simply was the person he was dressed as. Another actor? Or maybe it was all the liquor. If all the shots were like the ones she'd had, it was understandable.

She wasn't sure how he'd gotten to the point of curiosity he was at when he sniffed her neck, causing shivers to run down her spine. Not that she really minded, but it didn't do much to solve her problem. She smiled at his compliment. "Thanks. You smell pretty good too," she said, pausing as he stroked her hair and let his fingers wander to her collar bone. This was beyond an innocent drunk's gestures. It seemed he wanted more. The fingerless gloves he wore made her smile. She had a thing for this kind of clothing, and he knew how to use it to his advantage.

"All right, Hatter. Tell me a little about yourself, won't you? I'll be sure to return the favor."
He grinned as he lead her towards the tree still in the same slow rested pace.His hand dropped from her collar bone, fingers did not seem to want to leave her flesh. He did it thou, but not without dragging a knuckle down her cleavage. Then slowly scrapping the same knuclke over her stomach before dropping short of anything else she may want the lithe man to touch. He smiled at her as his head tilted to the side his hat shifting on his head from the tilt."I am the hatter, i like tea, and am a very beautiful singer. Thou why don't you let me ask you a simple question Alice?" He said with a wide grin that showed off his perfect straight teeth, thou they were barely stained from all the tea he has had to drink over the years.

" How. is a Raven Like a writing desk?" He asked as he shot his green eyes up to her blue one's again as he spun to face her and stepped backwards, now leading her towards the tree this way. He reached out trying to grab both her hands. and Lead her back this way.Hands would squeeze her own as his thumbs rubbed over her knuckles as he smiled." do you know the answer my dear Alice?" He asked with a light playful grin as moved towards what might be the start of a very long and fun adventure.

The Tree which had seemed to appear out of no where had a odd shaped hole in front of it. It was a good circle, perfect and clean as if the earth itself had just vanished. and the hole itself seemed without a end as if soon you fall, you would seem to fall forever down the hole.. or at least a very long time. And would be lead down and into the world where the fairy tale was real.
Alice blushed a little as his finger slid down from her collarbone and touched far more than she would have thought he'd have the courage to touch. Still, it was enough to build up more lust for him. Whoever he was, he knew how to touch her in all the right ways. Her eyes stayed glued to his handsome face, those green eyes bewitching her as he pulled her toward the tree. She didn't look down or notice the hole as he led her ever closer. "Hm? Oh, that riddle? Ummmm, I don't know. Is it because both ravens and desks can hold information?" she asked, feeling rather strange for trying to answer such a question. Then again, she was drunk, so if it didn't make sense, it didn't really have to. She blonde took both hands offered to her and smiled as his thumbs brushed over her knuckles.

She thought about what she knew about him. He was very in character, he was handsome, he was also a bit drunk, and he liked the way she smelled. Plus, he had a way of touching her that just felt right. From what he told her, he liked tea, and he had a nice singing voice. She wondered if he might be convinced to sing a song for her.
The Hatter knew exactly where he was leading them,and he could not be happier that he was doing it.After all,he was convinced this was the Alice.The land of wonderland needed her again so desperately and she would do well down there helping him fix all the issues that had happened since she had visited years ago.The man had come here in hope of just finding himself a rather good time,and here he was finding himself the Alice.What a wonderful thing that was happening to him today! he was almost bouncing from joy. He could actually dance!. Not that he had actually danced in awhile, but this was a occasion that almost called for it.

"I Honestly don't know the answer myself dear Alice" He said with a wide grin as he looked directly into her own eyes. He would then leaned closer to her, his hands wrapping tighter in her own hands." Why alice, i think your.. turning a lovely shade of red" He said with a wider curving of the lips. His head tilted as he leaned to kiss her nose. He would then push her arms out wide from her as he pulled her close the same time. The way he pushed her arms out their chest's would meet unless she stopped him and then he would force her arms behind her back as he grinned slightly." Thou i would say that is as good as any answer i could come up with myself." He was strong, and limber. The man stronger then his lithe frame looked like it should be. And his mouth dived down and placed a very demanding kiss on the woman's lips unless she found way to avoid it. Tasting of oak, and smoke. of the very spice of life and vanilla himself.
She was aware that he was happy to be with her, but Alice couldn't quite figure out why. It seemed a bit bigger than her costume, but then again, who was she to judge? She was enjoying his strange company for the time being, so why question it? The gorgeous blonde laughed as he told her he didn't know the answer and noticed her blushing. It only made her blush more. Her heart rate sped up a bit as he kissed her nose. She was caught totally off guard as he pulled her close by spreading her arms. She gasped and kept her blush as he pressed against her. When he moved her arms behind her back, it didn't hurt, but she certainly couldn't move, and she was getting a little concerned with the way things were going.

And then he went on about the riddle, holding her there in place with a strength she hadn't realized he possessed. Alice was rather surprised as his lips found hers in a rather demanding kiss. She couldn't help but return it, wanting a bit more. The smokey taste was a little surprise, but spicy vanilla...there was an interesting combination. She kissed him back, tasting almost exactly the way she smelled.
He was lost in the taste of her Mouth. So enraptured by the lovely taste,he seemed to stop his plan of dragging her towards the hole.This was exactly how she smelled.This was how he had hoped she would taste, this was but perfection.His tongue would deepen the kiss going out his own mouth to go towards her own and tease against her own. His head would tilt so the kiss could continue as long as he liked, He would take this deep kiss as long as she let him, or till his breath ran out which ever came first. Nimble hands would drop her own hands and reach down and wrap around her rear threw the barely there skirt and squeeze yanking her close as he could so that her chest was squashed to his own.

Thou like all good things, this kiss would have came to a end, so soon she or he ended it. He would pull back panting some flushed with pleasure from the kiss. His pale skin was a tinge red as her own. " Hello Alice, and lets get, this adventure on the road."He would then spin yanking her with him and falling directly into the hole.. which would put them into a free fall. The man growled and went back in for another of those demanding kisses as he held her close and they fell if she didn't fight to much.She was like his own personal drug, tasting of the ambrosia all mortals are denied.
Alice kissed him back, relieved when he let her arms go. her hands immediately found purchase on his chest and shoulders, her body leaning into him a bit more as his hands came down to her ass. He yanked her closer and squished them both together even more. As strange as it was, she was quite enjoying herself and the way he tasted as he held her like that. She let the kiss drag on until it seemed she was running out of air. She broke the kiss slowly, panting softly.

He said something strange and she squealed as he spun them, yanking him down with her through a hole. She screamed, though her mouth was soon covered with his again. She decided to focus on the kiss, considering it was probably one of the last things she'd ever do. She pulled him closer and kissed him deeply, her tongue clashing with his, tasting him, feeling him. She was going to make this count, damn it.
The Man's hands sliding down her legs guiding them around his hips some while they fell down the hole. He himself knew that he would have awhile to enjoy the act they were engaged in. Hands moving to stroke against the top of her thighs. Rubbing the flesh between any panties she may have on and the top of her thigh highs with slow smoothing stroke's.Hands strolling up and down from that area to her rear and back down slowly as they fell down the long open wide hole.His hips would be also pressed into her own, thou not moving yet just actually enjoying the pressure of her against him even threw their clothes.

His head tilted into the kiss as she kissed him back as deeply as he was kissing her, enjoying the flavor that she offered his demanding tongue and lips. She tasted almost to good to be true and he would not give up this taste for the whole world right now as he was caught so deep in the act. the man broke the kiss and groaned with need as he took a deep breath, before he would move to nip at her chin before licking over her soft lips.."My Lady, you taste to divine to be anything but fiction." He said in between chaste kisses before demanding another deep one.
She was crazy. He'd just pulled her into a bottomless pit with him. Why was she kissing him? HE was crazy. He'd just made them fall into a bottomless pit! Why the hell was she doing this?! Because it distracted her from panicking and screaming uselessly. Because she knew that if she only had a little time left, she wanted to feel damn good before they reached the bottom and she died from impact. So without any physical hesitation, her body responded to his every touch.

His hands guided her legs to wrap around him, so she held him there like that, her tiny skirt not really doing it's job at this point, her white hipsters on display. She kissed him with equal passion as his hands stroked her thighs, a soft moan escaping her lips as they fell toward their doom. He was incredibly calm for a dead man. Then again, what did he have to lose? She pressed against him as well, not letting him go as they fell. If they survived, she'd deal with whatever happened then. For now, she let other thoughts take a back seat as Hatter pulled away from her and told her she was too good to be true...So why did he do this?

She shivered as his lips found her chin, his tongue sweeping across her lips. Her eyes met his as he delivered little kisses between his speech and then kissed her deeply again. She kissed him back, her arms pulling his neck closer.
He was calm as any man would be with the current circumstance's thrust upon him that would break or make a man.Of course he was crazy,he was The Hatter.He knew they would have a few more minute's of falling so he was not worried about adjusting what he was doing,this was to demanding of his attention for him to truly worry about when and how they would land when they hit the bottom, but he was sure it be fun either way.

His left hand slide over her leg, stroking over that lovely leg with his nails as he would murr in delight.Finger's taking turns sliding over the leg and thigh high. enjoying it all at once.His other hand stayed plastered to her rear,enjoying how it felt in his hand to much let it go easily. A growl and he would slide his hand under any underwear she might have on and then grab it. He would rip it off and out the way not caring how it might sting her from the brutal but passionate act. His hips began to stir, she was just to exotic and erotic for him not to get even a little more aroused from the act of her around and against him.

Breaking the kiss he leaned his head down and nipped at her neck very roughly, before he began suck the flesh there enjoying how tasted even on her skin. He took a deep breath enjoying the scent even as he enjoys the flavor of her skin." Alice.. my god your.. sensual and making me as randy as a chershire cat."
Alice was keenly aware of the placement of his hands as she fell with him. She shivered as one enjoyed her stocking and her leg all at once, the other on her ass. The sounds he was making were purely carnal, and she wished she could say the same about the way her heart was beating. She gasped as his hand ripped off her panties, letting them go, her hips and inner thighs a bit sore from the act. She supposed if they were going to die, why not? It didn't stop her from blushing furiously, nor did it stop her from being more turned on.

He growled and she shivered, his hips grinding against her. She moaned softly and did the same as he broke their kiss again. She gasped and moaned as he nipped at her, sucking and tasting her as they continued their descent. His statement got her though. Randy? Cheshire cat? Was he serious? She looked into his eyes as he finished speaking and moaned softly as his lips continued. She wanted to say something to question this lunacy, but his body kept distracting her. The blonde held onto him closely, not daring to let go of him.
He sucked more at the neck, enough that by the time they did lands she would have a deep black mark against her otherwise perfectly unmarred neck. His tongue tracing up and over her pulse line to nip at the bottom of her ear." Mmm you smell so good? i think i can smell how wet you are" He said with a swipe of his tongue over her ear and a chuckle before he pulled back. He looked down and into her eyes. His green one's burned with a lust and a need for the blond who's form he was pressed against so intimately. His teeth nipped down at her chin " you want me little Alice?"

He would ask in a teasing tone as the mans hips began grind between her curled legs, teasing the curvy blond with the fact of how aroused she had him and how worked up he was. He barely felt contained in his pants. He was sure he rip out them from how aroused this little strumpet had him this second, grinding it against her soft inner thigh in the slow grinds. His one hand slide up along her side and to knead her breasts as his mouth went back to taking turns between soft kiss and nips. The Other hand still stroked over her ass ever so softly.

If she was paying attention she notice that they were slowing down in their rate of descent, but not stopping more as if they were falling in reverse now almost.If such a thing was possible.!
She moaned softly and shivered as he suckled her neck, almost certain there would be a hickey there when they found her corpse. That morbid thought was pushed aside as he swept his tongue over her pulse, nipping at her earlobe. Her pale skin had taken on a little bit more of a rosy complexion and she only got rosier as he whispered into her ear. She looked into those crazy green eyes of his as he asked her if she wanted him, the lust practically lighting her on fire. She shivered as he nipped at her chin.

They were closely twined together as it was, her legs around his waist, her chest pressed firmly against his. "Yes," she moaned, without really thinking. May as well die without lust on her mind. The blonde moaned softly as he ground against her, one of his hands coming up to play with her breasts. Soft sounds of pleasure escaped her throat as his hands did as they liked, his lips kissing and nipping at her.

She kissed him back when she could, wondering how this was going to work. It almost seemed like they were slowing down--but that was probably just her hysterical, slightly drunk brain, tricking her into thinking that she still had time. She doubted that was true.
The shock to poor Alice may be when her backside finally landed on the ground with a soft thud. Not enough to even hurt her or bruise her flesh.It was as if she been dropped only a inch or two into the bed of soft wet moss on the ground of the cave. The soft moss was getting the back of her body now dirty as well as wet from the dew which existed in the Hole. His weight settled on her proving a reality to the fact they were now settled on cool mossy earth and not mid flight. He seemed thou not notice the wet or chill, or the dirtiness as he enjoyed her.

The Hatter did not even stop to take notice that that had stopped falling down it seems, his hand sought to grab the front of her dress and yanked it down roughly exposing one of the young girl's curvy breasts now to his seeking hand. He wanted to knead the breast, feel it pillow between his fingers. He moaned at how good she felt against him even as his thumb would grind against the nipple of the exposed breast. His hips never stopping their sensual grinds. Now the earth trapping her against the thighs.

His Lips dove down and pressed to her own with a deeper growl. the man lost in the very way she felt and tasted to him. his other hand slide up over her to rip the other breast out so now both were bared for the mans enjoyment. Head dove down and he nipped the newly exposed flesh roughly before nibbling to wrap lips around the nipple he now exposed. Nursing the thigh as his hand drove down back to that perfect backside of this innocently dressed girl.
Alice had no idea how it had happened, but somehow she'd been saved. She hadn't been sure right away if the mossy ground she felt below her was real, but when she felt the Hatter's weight press down on her, she was sure. But how? Hadn't they been falling? Her brain simply couldn't deal with the reality it was being forced to accept, so the logical part of herself shut down while the more carnal side was given free-reign to compensate. After all, he was real, and so was the way he was touching her, the way he so clearly wanted her.

Gasping, at his non-stop attitude, Alice returned his affection for her. She shivered as his hands freed her breasts, moaning as he played with each one. It was hard to believe that a stranger like him could be so into her that he hardly noticed his surroundings. It seemed unreal, but who was she to question it? She kissed him when she could, her hands tugging at the jacket he wore, carefully removing his hat.

His lips and hands were a force of nature as they attacked her with aggression she wouldn't have imagined possible from the man at the party. The growl, though, was what sent her over the edge. The animal need for her released...Her legs tightened around him, her body tightening with want and need as he stirred her up. "Fuck me," she moaned.
The Hatter did not even break the kiss as he slide his arms up and out the jacket. Letting the coat fall off exposing his soft as she seemed to tug it off of him.The mans hands sliding then both to her lovely bosom. His need to test their weight and feel how they felt caused him to groan with lust even as his head dipped down and began take turns sliding his tongue from one nipple to the next. Hands taking turns squeezing each of the lovely breasts almost roughly between his long nimble fingers,thumbs grinding the nipple his tongue did not tease at the time.His hands were forcing her chest up and together so the distance between the nipples was so short the trip between nipple to nipple to tease was barely a long flick of his tongue over the skin of her creamy orbs.

The hatter's hat rolled off and down sitting straight up as if he had placed it there carefully, not seeming worried about the hat now as he was into her with a need that was as primal as he own. He slide up and onto his knees above her. The mans body arched down over her in a careful arc so that she could follow his next command easily." Release me and guide me home." He said with a growl of need back to her as she moaned so sweetly for him. The very sound of it seemed to make him pulse harder in his pants, the mans did not seem even notice the weight her legs hanging off him caused.

His belt would come undone easy, as would not his pants if she did what asked, his body as toned down there as she felt his upper form to be. The hatter was thick and long, endowed in a way no mortal man could or should truly be outside the fantasy of a fairy tale or some woman's trashy romance novel..He would pulse hotly in her cool hand if she touched him, hotter still considering how cool the cave was his skin would almost seem feverish.
((I don't mean to be rude, but it was kind of hard to read that last post...could you maybe proofread a little more?))

Alice managed to help get him out of that jacket with little trouble. The next thing she took was his shirt. At least she started to. His need to grope and suckle her breasts put a stop to her efforts momentarily. It was so intense and it felt so good as he played with her body. He was like an animal--wild and without restraint. She moaned as he teased her tits, offering them up to him as she arched her back to be closer.

It was clear that he wanted to be inside her as quickly as possible. His next growl was a command that told her so. Her legs let go of him and spread a bit, her knees still bent as she reached down between them and undid his belt, tugging it out like a magician gets rid of a pesky table cloth. She tossed it aside and undid his pants, careful to let him free without hurting him. Her hand stroked him a few times getting a feel for the size of him. Alice was shocked at his size and gasped a bit as she guided him down to her entrance, blushing as his tip pressed against her.

The blonde looked up into his eyes and then her free hand worked to free him of that damn shirt of his. She wanted more of him, since so far he'd been tasting and exploring her, and she was left to do nothing but react.
Hatter would growl with need as he felt her trying to strip him with her hasty actions. Eyes still locked on her own with the lust they now both shared, Leaning back from her his hands would leave her flesh as he looked down at her threw his unruly black hair. Those eyes that burned into her own, had a deep need,a need for her and all she offered. Feeling her trying to work him free of the shirt thou, he sat back fully on his heels and pushed it and the vest fully off his slender yet chiseled form. Form displayed to her own gaze as he dropped his eyes from her own for first time since sitting back, perfection as her own was displayed for her eyes." Pardon me,"He said softly.

The hatter was slender and in shape like few men were,form carved of marble it seemed,flesh as pale as he was and firm as it. His skin undamaged and taunt over muscles. His cock on display for her hungry eyes, veins on the thick pulsing with need for the little blond under him.Hands slide down and wrapped at her exposed thighs as he dipped down for the moment, Head diving down to taste her exposed altar. He could not resist a soft lick up her thigh. She looked so good and tasted like ambrosia above, so below she must taste even better he assumed."As much as i want, No need to be inside of you.. I want this as much"

Agile tongue would dive straight to her sacred sex, wanting, no needing to taste the woman's divine essence. He was soon licking along the crease as he growled with the need. Hands sliding over her inner thighs down to her flesh. One splayed on her belly to stroke it, thumb teasing against her clit. the other sliding under him to wrap back around her large and curvy rear, enjoying the weight in his hand as he began to lick in slow and smooth licks in a soft yet ever changing pace." ambrosia of the gods" he moaned out between the deft changing licks.
Alice was simultaneously disappointed and excited as he stopped touching her chest to sit up and then take off his shirt. The way the light played off his skin and the way his body was built was just too much for her to not appreciate. She reached out her free hand and let her fingers touch his toned and chiseled chest for the first time with nothing between them. She was still mostly covered with her dress, but her breasts was exposed, and he'd long since gotten rid of her panties. His form was utterly pleasing and she saw that he was enjoying hers as well. The blonde saw no reason for him to beg her pardon, but she would have given it to him anyway--anything he wanted really.

She looked him over and was surprised to see his large cock and feel it pulsing with such need in her hand. She blushed and let it go, however, when his hands wrapped around her thighs, his lips heading toward her womanhood. Blushing, the girl in his arms felt her heart speed up as he told her how much he wanted her. Her lips parted in a gasp as he took what he wanted.

He was like a bee collecting pollen from a beautiful flower. His tongue was light, but with just enough pressure to taste her nectar. It played at her entrance as he teased her thighs and his thumb went to work on her clit. His free hand managed to find a way to her ass and squeeze it. his compliment, though appreciated when she remembered it later, was blocked out by her own moaning and panting, as she arched in pleasure from all the attention. "Oh, God...." She'd never been able to last long when she was attacked like this. How long would she be able to last now?
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