Ok. I don't think people are quite understanding how this subforum works, so I'll try my best to explain it in a small paragraph or two......
People can create characters from any approved world from The World Forge (or elsewhere really, if so inclined). These characters can only be in ONE RP AT A TIME!!! You travel from RP to RP by having your character enter Twilight (aka, The Hub World). This means that if you are in an RP and want to switch to another, you must make an entry AND exit in Twilight before a switch can be made. This can be done in one solid post, two posts or even a few if you want them to wander Twilight for a bit. The main thing is that they can only be in ONE RP AT A TIME.
When hopping RPs, you must announce when you are LEAVING AND ENTERING the RPs. This goes for EACH AND EVERY ONE. Not only must you make it clear you are doing this, you MUST LINK TO YOUR CHARACTER'S PROFILE FOR EACH ENTRY. And, you MUST LINK TO THE RP YOU ARE HOPPING TO WHEN EXITING ANY RP. Again, remember, if you are in an approved world, you will link to Twilight. If you are in Twilight, you will link to a regular RP. Also, if you are creating an RP, you MUST LINK TO THE WORLD PROFILE in the first post so that people know the setting that's being used.
Ok. That's pretty much it. From now on, if people don't do this, they'll receive a PM from a mod about it and it'll get tweaked without warning with a little OOC message to the poster at the bottom of their post by a staff member. That said, please follow the rules on this. They are important for mod tracking as well as for regular tracking in general. If new people join in and no one does this, then they'll be lost as to how the stories are flowing.