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Plot Add Smut Equals Good (M/F, Seeking Male Characters)

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Sep 9, 2010
RH profile

First let me say thank you for stopping by to read this. Secondly, have a look at my rabbit hole, the link is above. Third, if interested in any idea here or even your own you would like to put out there for discussion please by all means pm me, it’s not only faster but also helps to keep this clutter free.

All ideas can and will include moments of bdsm as well as vanilla just because I want to extend my own writing. There will also be those ideas that should be placed in the Extreme section, and that will be listed within the title field. Currently I’m only looking for male characters, I don’t care what the other writers gender is as long as they write male characters.

Ideas, Plots, and Pairings:

Vampire Slayer, Bondage

Let me first say that I am not looking to do something along the lines of Buffy. I want original characters for this there may possibly be some of the Buffy world that could be included but I would rather it be our own creation. I am looking to do a love/hate romance around a vampire slayer and of course you guessed it a vampire. At the moment I don’t have any certain plot just the basic pairing.

Brother’s Best Friend, Bondage

Again I have no set plot or idea for this but I would like to give the pairing a shot. I’m thinking more along the lines of forbidden romance and their hiding of it.

A Dare Gone Wrong, Bondage
Mila, my character, was the average good girl. She followed the rules and was always the one that her friends could count on. Your character was her entire opposite. He made his own rules and settling down however wasn’t in his future. He loved women, loved them too much to want to just settle. He had even been with a couple of her friends leaving them of course wishing for a phone call that would never come.

Down on her luck with the job search she takes a job within a nightclub that one of the friends works at as well and your character (this part is up to you but I do think the working together would be better) works at, owns, or frequents. The scorned lover decides that it would be fun to turn the tables on your character and enlists Mila to do so. Reluctantly she agrees because that’s what friends are for, right, even if it goes against her own values. However, what she doesn’t expect happens. The joke goes further than just turning the tables on him and they both end up with feelings for the other.

Crime Drama/Romance,Extreme

It may have been done to death for some but I have a craving for a cop/villain story. To keep it basic and allow for both writers idea’s I am going to try and keep this as simple as I can things can be changed and altered to fit both needs. I would like to write a female undercover agent sent in to investigate a man who seems the leader of whatever crime organization you choose for your character. Of course there would be nothing tying him in other than her unit’s suspicion which is the basis for her being sent in. I would like this to be a long term role play which would start with their meeting and explore a relationship between the two as well as her getting caught up in his life style while trying to maintain being undercover and eventually being caught. I am trying to keep the idea as loose as possible to allow for idea’s on the other writer’s side with my idea’s, both can be discussed through pm.

The Shock Rocker and the Way too Uptight Manager (The title will be changed ) (Looking for the male character, Extreme)

The Shock Rocker, insert whatever name you wish, is like no other before him. He puts the rest of the shock rockers to shame and for the most part when comparing they would be considered tame. He’s everyone’s nightmare from his band mates to his management, the latest seeing more revolving doors. Most people can’t see how he remains on top, not with his crazy antics but he does bring in the money. Fans love him and always eager to see what he does next, parents hate him and want to burn anything with his name on it.

In walks the new management. She’s younger than any of the other managers that have tried to control him, an easy target so he would think. Yet, she’s tough and way too uptight not giving into his manipulative or conniving ways. She isn’t afraid to tell him he’s wrong or to go to battle with him. Most would think that she would have quit as quickly as all the others, but she is in it for the long haul.

This would be a romance with vanilla moments as well as the wilder moments. Moments of jealousy and weakness between the characters should also be involved. As smutty as it can go it definitely has to have the story with it. Both characters should and would end up in troubling moments. A dominant/dominant pairing or switch/switch with both leaning more to the dominant role while having their submissive moments. Vulgar language should not be a problem for the writer within this thread.

A Modern Day Bonnie and Clyde: ( (Extreme)

Names can and will definitely need to be changed and this would be more of a smuttier idea mixed with action and thriller but there definitely has to be a story. Asia, finds herself once again on the road running from her past in hopes she isn’t caught. It doesn’t help that her car has broken down on the side of the road but just when she’s ready to scream for mercy your character comes by offering Asia a ride to where ever her destination lies.

Of course the two discover more along the way than just their mutual attraction for each other but the others sordid past. His crimes are whatever the writer decides and Asia’s will be determined as well. The two soon discover that a crime spree is a lot more fun when they have someone to share it with.

This would be in the extreme category due to violence, bloodshed, and etc. The male character would need to be a dominant or at least dominant in temperament with no problems of dealing with a female character who is switch with more leanings toward being dominant. This one would also have language in it so the opposite writer would definitely have to be open to vulgar language. *Update on Bonnie and Clyde: I have found a writing partner to do a F/F version of Bonnie and Clyde but I am still craving a M/F version.

Pairings, I can do either but only the female character:
Vampire (No Twilight! Think more The Lost Boys)/Human or Werewolf or another Vampire (M/F)
Werewolves (No Twilight! Think Underworld or An American Werewolf in London or Paris/Human or Vampire or Werewolf (M/F)
Rock star/Pop star, Manager, or Model (M/F) ***Always Craving***
Undercover Agent/Criminal (M/F)
RE: Seeking Literate RP’s (M/F, F/F)

New plot added, The Shock Rocker and the Way to Uptight Manager, so bumps. :)
RE: Seeking Literate RP’s (M/F, F/F) (Looking for Male Shock Rocker)

Willing to di rock star plot. I even have original pieces if you want sound samples.
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