Time to rebuild my clan (Stickyfun and Swordsman18)


Mar 15, 2011
The crew of Snake was walking through the forest, the trees all around them with some light streaming through the leaves of the trees. It was about mid afternoon and they had been walking for quite a while. Karin was not tired in the slightest not when she was around Sasuke. Just being there with him gave her energy. Though it may not have been in the form of actual chakra, it was still a kind of energy that fulfilled her.

She turned and looked at him, she could see the outline of his muscles in that open shirt of his. She could see how his muscles moved as he walked and could feel the mass of chakra that was hidden in that form of his. She had seen him use that power of his on several occasions and every time she saw him in the midst of battle, she grew weak in the knees.

Sasuke was so perfect, a strong man, an ambitious man, someone who could protect her from the likes of Orochimaru or the entire Hidden Leaf Ninja Army if that was what it came to, these were the thoughts that were floating through her mind. She gave him a bit of a nervous smile and turned from him. She was biting her bottom lip a bit as she thought about being his girl. It would be both an honor and privilege to carry his child inside of her.

It would make her so happy, especially because he was the last of the Uchiha. So she would be the first mother to begin his clan once again. She looked back over in his direction. Her thoughts lingering on about all of the things that would end the beautiful clan with those eyes that are so intense with all of those abilities. He would need to find a woman to keep it going. And not just have one child, he was going to need to have several just to guarantee the survival of his clan.

"Sasuke, have you ever thought of rebuilding your clan, like taking a woman to start it back up? I mean because should anything happen to you...then your clan would end." she said to him as she thought about all of this hoping that he would get the hint that she thinking of herself as the woman.
Sasuke stopped as Karin spoke, slowly glancing over at her with the same, cold stare as usual. At first it seemed like he was about to give her his usual response when she said more or less anything and tell her to shut up...but for some reason this time he just stared at her in silence, almost as if thinking about what she had said, which is exactly what he was doing. She was right....he was the last one...as strong as he was, if anything did happen to him then there would be no Uchiha left to carry on the name, or to retake their former glory. If he was gone then the Uchiha would die a laughing stock and be forgotten about in just a few short years, the name nothing more than a footnote in some history book somewhere. He couldn't allow that to happen....he just couldn't. As much as Sasuke hated to admit it, even to himself, Karin was right....he needed to act now before it was too late, he needed to act now to start rebuilding his clan. But she was wrong about one thing....he couldn't simply take one woman...no....one woman would be too slow....and besides, he needed to bring plenty of new blood into the clan, make it stronger than ever before....and there was only one way to do that.

As the plan began to form in his mind, Sasuke couldn't help but smirk slightly, waving a hand to dismiss Suigetsu and Jango off somewhere. He didn't particularly care where as long as it wasn't here, leaving him and Karin alone. "You know Karin...." The words finally broke a few minutes of uncomfortable silence "....you might have a point..." Slowly Sasuke began to advance on her, it would almost have been menacing if Karin were in any way unwilling. "I think...." He suddenly stretched out an arm, going past Karin's head and pressing a hand against the tree behind her. "....it is time I started rebuilding my clan. You.....you have some useful talents....talents that would serve a new Uchiha clan well if they were...spread. I think....you'll make an excellent start..." Sasuke moved closer, an arm on either side of Karin's head now as he moved almost right up against her.

"But you must understand....this will become your life. Your whole life will be dedicated to the clan until the day you die" He wasn't really offering her a choice, by now the plan was too solidly formed in Sasuke's head, but Karin had been useful in the past so she at least deserved some illusion of choice. "Now...." He licked his lips like a predator that had cornered its prey into an inescapable corner "....why don't we get started?"
When Sasuke dismissed Jango and Suigestu, she knew that something was up. She was not sure what but she knew it was something. She hoped that she had not angered him with her words and bit into her bottom lip out of nervousness. She saw his lips form into a smirk, so she was sure that whatever he was about to tell her was not going to be so bad. Karin moved back from him as he approached her. Her back finally being pushed into the back of a tree. Her eyes looked at him with those admiring little glances she always gave him. She hadn't noticed but her teeth were still biting into her bottom lip.

His words though were making her squirm against the tree, she knew what he was implying about her talents, talents that he said needed to be spread. And so she spread her legs apart as he got ever closer to her. She could feel her desire start to build in her body. Karin knew in her heart that she wanted this, she wanted to be used by him.

Both of his hands now had her trapped there with him pressing up against her like that, she nearly let out a moan without him doing anything just in anticipation of what he was going to do to her as she heard him talk about how dedicated she was going to have to be to the clan. Did he not know that she was willing to do that anyway?

"I will give myself over to you until the day I die, Sasuke. I want this to be my fate." her voice spoke the words in a light voice that would tell him that she was quite aroused. She did not care that he had cornered her in such a way, she liked it that way, it showed who was in charge. And right now that was not her. It was him, the one she wanted to take her in the most carnal of ways.

"Yes, sir." she said as she moved into him to press her lips against his, to feel those lips that she had wanted on hers for all this time but had never had the chance to receive. Now she was and it was glorious to feel those lips on hers as her hand drifted down to feel its way into his pants, her fingers moving inside of the fabric to find his cock waiting there inside. It was just as big as she thought it was and more so. Her fingers came around it and started to stroke it. The motion was tender and gentle as her hand ran up and down along it.
((Apologies for the delay, I've been swamped with work and life recently x.x))

When Karin spread her legs for him almost instinctively, he couldn't help but chuckle slightly, slowly reaching up to grasp her chin. "Spreading your legs already? Are you so used to this that you just know when to spread them? Or perhaps you just know when someone is your superior..." Her little moan of anticipation caused the boy to lick his lips softly, just moving a little closer to her as she spoke again. So...she really was willing...no, more than willing...she was happy...she wanted this, this would make her happy....well...it would certainly make Sasuke happy aswell, though perhaps in a rather different way.

She was excited...that much Sasuke could tell. Still, he certainly wasn't an expert....for all the big talk he had come out with earlier, he was still a virgin himself after all. Still, that was going to be rectified very very soon.
The kiss was sudden, but most certainly not unwelcome, Sasuke almost immediately returning it, parting his lips and thrusting his tongue into her mouth, kissing her with raw lust and passion, before gasping when her delicate fingers made their way into his pants and grasped the straining erection within. Sasuke was rather proud of his size down there....and god it was harder than he could ever remember it being, so hard it was almost painful. The boy groaned into Karin's mouth as she started to stroke him, groaning as pre-cum oozed from the tip and onto her hands, whilst Sasuke's own hands went greedily to Karin's chest, roughly grasping her breasts through her clothing and squeezing them, pinching at her nipples through the fabric.
(I shall now be regular whenever you send a reply, within the same day I receive it hopefully.)

Karin let out a moan as she felt Sasuke's hands grab her breasts and then pinch at the nipples through the fabric. The action made her stop stroking him for a moment. Thought she should have expected it, she didn't. Karin felt that for a moment it was going to take Sasuke a bit to want her. In that regard she seemed to be quite wrong, he was kissing her passionately, and with lust clearly in his intentions.

She was wanted, and that made her very happy, it made her even more excited as she kissed him and stroked him, before stopping both actions with a smile. Her eyes had a glint in them. "Sasuke, I can't wait to bear your children." Her tone was obviously that of arousal as her voice was just a bit higher and her words were done with a bit of breath. Her fingers gripped his dick just a bit tighter as her stroking continued.

Her mouth desired to taste it in her mouth, but she knew that she was not going to want to do that so soon since she was going to need him to have a great amount of sperm to ensure that her womb was going to take it. The more he had, the more likely she was to become pregnant by him. And so she was not going to do anything that could stop that from happening.
((Welcome back ^.^))

Sasuke couldn't wait for her to bear his children either.....he was looking forward to the sex sure, but he was also looking forward to a new Uchiha clan being born. Though still, just Karin wouldn't be enough....it would be too slow with just one woman. Once Karin was impregnated he would have to gather more, strong women who would enhance the strength of the clan, bring new abilities. Oh yes....the plan was already well formed in the back of Sasuke's mind. Right now however there were more important matters to deal with than simply planning.

"Nnngh...." Sasuke let out a throaty groan as Karin continued to stroke at his large, rock hard cock, before Sasuke suddenly pulled her hand away. As much as he was enjoying the sensation, his virgin body was already getting close to its first orgasm. Whilst he knew he would be able to last more than just a few times, the first load was sure to be the biggest after all this time, so it was vital that it was emptied inside of Karin's body to give the greatest chance of pregnancy. "Now.....Karin....take them off....your clothes....take them all of and bend over...." He wasn't wasting any time....but they could play around later, right now the most important thing was getting her pregnant. "I've got to fuck you hard and fast to get every drop deep inside of you"
Karin pulled back a bit as he had ordered her to disrobe, with her moving just a bit out of his way so that she could accomplish this task. But it was not like she was going to do it quickly, she was going to take it nice and slow so that he was going to get quite the show of her petite form. Her fingers started at the zipper that was on her top, and she slowly pulled it down, letting the top slip open to show her creamy skin underneath inch by inch. It passed by her breasts, releasing them from the hold of the fabric and making her moan just a little as the fabric passed to the side of her nipples. And then it was off, and she slipped her arms out of the top, dropping it to the ground as she stood there half naked with her average sized breasts in his full view.

Her shorts came off next, her fingers hooking onto each side as she slid them down along her legs. Her body was moving from side to side slowly and sensuously wanting him to know that she knew how to use her hips. Karin smiled at him with a bright little look as she walked out of her shorts. It allowed her clean shaven pussy to be seen by the one who was going to take her consensually for once. Her back was turned to him as she bent over, pressed her hands to the tree for grip and waited for the eventual thrusting into her. And to further add to temptation she wiggled her ass just a little.
((Apologies for the delay >< Life keeps throwing me curveballs))

Sasuke licked his lips once again as Karin began to disrobe, slowly removing her shirt by pulling down the zipper....she was teasing him....oh he was going to make her pay for that later on.... The boy couldn't help but let out a slight groan when the girl finally removed her jacket and revealed her bra-less breasts....he always suspected the redhead didn't bother with a bra...he'd seen her nipples poking through the jacket far too often. "Nnngh...." Sasuke's hands twitched, fighting back the urge to grab her, deciding to allow her to finish disrobing instead.

When Karin began to wiggle and sway her body, then begin to remove her shorts even slower than she had her shirt, Sasuke let out a low, almost animalistic growl, though it only seemed to heighten his excitement. The teasing...the thrill...the anticipation of what was to come....it all sent shivers of excitement through Sasuke's body.
Finally....finally Karin was bent over, hands up against a tree, wiggling her tight ass towards him. Sasuke licked his lips, his exposed cock twitching with excitement and dripping pre-cum all over the forest floor. This was it.....finally...finally he was here, about to begin rebuilding his clan.
Slowly, Sasuke approached, reaching out and taking a firm grasp of Karin's waist, slowly beginning to line up his virgin cock with her pussy. "....No more games...." With a single, rough thrust, Sasuke rammed his entire cock into Karin's pussy, the boy gasping at the new sensation, almost squealing from the pleasure, falling forward onto Karin's back. His cock was twitching and throbbing inside of her, the boy desperately trying to fight back orgasm, his body trembling against Karin's. That trembling however was what caused it, his hips gave a twitch, his cock moving ever so slightly inside of Karin's body....and it was enough to send him over the edge. With a cry of pleasure into Karin's ear, Sasuke's cock erupted, beginning to pump spurt after spurt of cum into Karin's pussy, the boy trembling and squeaking cutely into her ear as he underwent his first orgasm inside of a woman, trying to get his cum as deep as possible.
(Sorry, my new job has really been screwing me up)

She heard his growl and whimpered in anticipation of him taking her, she was so excited about that she was literally shivering. When his hand came around her waist she let out a little breathy moan, her body was just waiting for the push of his hard cock unto her. When it finally did occur, she felt so full as she was pushed into with that hard cock. She was satisfied. His trembling alerted her to the fact that Sasuke was close to his own satisfaction while Karin had not even begun to be ready.

She wanted to cry out and tell him that she had wished that she were closer when he was about to. But she had already pledged her allegiance to this and so it must be this way. She moaned for a second. Her pussy clamped down on his cock preparing to milk it. And just as soon as she did she heard the cry of pleasure, her pussy did just that, it milked every drop as it worked to try to get her pregnant with his child to form the new clan.
((No problems ^.^ I know how it is believe me x.x))

Sasuke's hips continued to twitch back and forth slightly, his cock pumping a plentiful supply of hot, sticky, fertile cum into the girls body, until finally the orgasm subsided, the Uchiha laying bent over onto Karin's back, panting heavily against her as he recovered from the most intense feeling of pleasure he had ever felt before in his whole life. Once he recovered, his hands slowly started to move, getting away from Karin's waist and starting to snake their way up her stomach, stroking across the skin and slowly up to the base of her chest, then suddenly grabbing onto them, giving the hanging breasts a firm and sudden squeeze, pinching at her nipples. "Nnngh...."

Slowly, Sasuke started to stand upright, keeping his cock lodged firmly in her body. "Nnn...that....felt good....but we're just getting started..." Now that the edge had been taken off, Sasuke felt he would be able to let the real fun start. Yes, this was all for something much more practical....but that didn't mean he couldn't have some fun with this. With another firm squeeze of Karin's breasts, he started to pull back slowly, beginning to withdraw his cock. "Tell me Karin...tell me...how much you want me....tell me what you're going to do for me...."
Suigetsu walked out of the trees with his sword in hand, his eyebrow raised up as he looked at the two. He wondered what they were up to. Karin felt his presence and was not ready to do what Sasuke had planned, at least not in front of their teammate which she knew was going to change into teammates in a matter of moments. This embarrassment was what stopped Karen from begging for more instead it made her try to move away from him as best as she could. With the particular position she was in, it was quite hard to do considering the way she bent in relation to the tree, but she was still trying.

'Sasuke, get off of me, please!" Karin begged as she continued to try to put her hips down so that his cock would come out of her. All of this had been quite the embarrassing experience, it had been something that she could not predict. Just as she had not predicted Suigettsu's return. But for now she was trying to break away from the man she had so willingly given herself over to.

"Sasuke, you sure are quite the player, but you mind if you keep it in your pants till we get closer to the target?" Suigestu was not trying to outrank Sasuke, who he knew was the leader of the group at the moment. But he wanted Sasuke to realize that they had a mission to focus on rather than just getting it on with team members. He turned from them for the moment so that the two could get decent before he turned back around.
Sasuke growled in frustration as Suigetsu made his appearance, his cock twitching inside of Karin's body. "I thought I told you to get lost..." Sasuke snarled, not looking at Suigetsu, just staring at Karin. Damn....of all the times for him to come back...Sasuke was just starting to get the hang of this...and after the first orgasm had taken the edge of he had felt like he could go for a long time....now that was ruined. Karin, who had been so willing only minutes before, was now begging him to get off her so she could save her dignity. The Uchiha was tempted to deny her, to tell Suigetsu to fuck off and then resume his fun.....but sadly Suigetsu had a point for once....they probably should focus on the mission for now.

With a growl of frustration Sasuke pulled his cock free of Karin rather suddenly, allowing a small stream of his cum to spill free from her and splash onto the ground between her legs. Still, at least he had pumped a nice sized load into her already....more than likely she was already impregnated with his child...still...when the oppertunity arose he would be doing this again whether Karin liked it or not. She had given herself up to him now and Sasuke would do as he pleased. For now though he would grant the girl her dignity....

"Fine...." The boy turned and started to tuck his erection back into his underwear, grunting in frustration at the tightness....damn...an erection like this was going to take ages to go down...sadly he didn't have much choice. "Fine....let's get going shall we? I want to get this over with"
Karin got her clothes back on as fast as she could, some would say that she put all of her clothes on so fast it was almost as if she was always wearing them but regardless of that fact she was then clothed. She looked over to Suigetsu who still had his back turned. She was blushing quite red and there was just a little cum dripping out of her, but she was sure that some of it held. However, there was this feeling that was nagging at her in that same spot where the cum was dripping from, it was like an ache that needed to be soothed. She knew what this feeling was, it was the feeling of unresolved pleasure. Her body had the need to get off, but Sasuke had not been able to do this for her, though it was not all his fault, it had still been the same story. She was left needy.

Suigetsu could sense that the girl was finally dressed and then turned back around, to look at both Sasuke and the newly dressed Karin. He gave them both a little grin and then placed his sword on his shoulder and then walked so that they could head out to go chase after one of the tails. Karin did not dare look at Sasuke and just walked just ahead of Suigetsu so that she was not going to be all that motivated to look at the man who had most likely put a child inside of her. A child that she knew was going to grow into quite the ninja one day.

First she had to go through the process of carrying and nurturing the child inside of her until that pinful day arose in which she gave birth to it.

"Yes, let's go." she said kind of quietly, the blush and ache still persisting all across her body.
((So so sorry for the delayed response! Life has been incredibly all over the place for me lately. I'm doing my best though, promise! Hope you can bear with me ^^ ))

Sasuke made no attempts to hide his annoyance as the group began to walk, folding his arms and walking in silence, practically ignoring both Karin and Suigetsu. After all, Suigetsu had interrupted his fun and Karin had suddenly decided to try and reclaim her independence...well...he'd have to get rid of that. She wasn't just going to be a mother of his children...she belonged to him now....and he was going to make sure she knew about that. Still....they'd need some privacy for that....he didn't want Suigetsu and Jango watching him doing that after all. And if this had to wait a while, then so be it.

"Let's go" The anger in Sasuke's voice was obvious, moving to walk ahead of the group, though as he passed Karin, whilst Suigetsu wasn't looking, he reached out and gave Karin's ass a firm grasp, squeezing it in an almost thieving manner, like it was merely his property. He didn't look at her though, simply pulled his hand away and resumed walking. The sooner they got this mission out of the way the better....he had plans after all, plans much bigger than petty revenge. Once it was ensured that Karin was pregnant he was going to head back to the leaf village....but no longer with the intention of simply destroying it....oh no....he was going to take the strongest Kunoichi and use them to form a new Uchiha clan.....
((Mine has been as well, obviously. I am sure there will be a time where we will pick up the pace and our lives will calm down.))

She let out a little bit of a squeal as she felt him touch her ass but she did her best to be a little bit quieter so that it would not draw any attention to herself so that Suigetsu would not look over to them to see it happen. He didn't, she had stifled it well enough. Which was quite lucky because the next member of their of the squad arrived through the trees to just see Sasuke walk by her. He made it to the back of the group just as Sasuke gave the order to move with that commanding tone in which he had used to say his words.

All of the rest of the squad jumped up off the ground and into the trees to jump from tree to tree to make it to their destination as fast as possible. They were looking for a tailed beast. It was their goal to drag one back to the main hideout so that it could be placed in the statue, she just hoped that her master was going to be able to make it out of this next fight without a scratch and even if he didn't then all he was going to do was to bite her to heal his wounds.

They were about a day away from where they had been told where their target was, but if they moved quickly, they could cut that down to half a day. This was only going to be accomplished only if they stayed focused, which at the moment was asking a lot from Karin since her body was rather distracted from what was going on, but she was going to do her best to keep up.
((Here's hoping x.x A busy life is both a blessing and a curse. No time to relax but at least you don't get bored ^^;; ))

Sasuke travelled in silence, clearly angry at both Suigetsu and Karin. Suigetsu for interrupting and Karin for suddenly trying to go back on offering herself to him. He owned her now...if he wanted to grab her and fuck her in the middle of a crowd then she was damn well going to let him and be happy about it. Still, he would give her time to adapt for now....after all Suigetsu did have a point that they needed to complete this mission...if they just abandoned it then there would be questions, others coming after them. On the other hand if they captured and delivered the tailed beast then Sasuke could just take Karin and leave. He would take her to an Uchiha stronghold, somewhere they wouldn't be disturbed....somewhere that they could begin to form a new Uchiha clan. Still, Karin wouldn't be enough, though he was already forming a plan to resolve that little issue.

There were plenty of strong women in the Leaf village....ones with very special and particular abilities. There was the Byakugan for one after all....but before that he needed medical skill....to ensure safe and healthy delivery of the children. Yes....Sakura Haruno....that was who he would take next. She would be easy to manipulate, so blinded by childish crushes and petty loyalty that before she realised what was really happening it would already be too late.
A slightly evil smirk made its way onto Sasuke's lips, before he accelerated a little. He wanted this mission over with as soon as possible. "Hurry up! I want this tailed beast captured and delivered by the end of the day!"
A few days later...

The fight with the beast had been difficult but then again it was not as hard as it could have been to capture the two tail. Karin was of course on the sidelines as the rest of the team dealt thee blows to the beast until they were finally able to get it under control and take it back to base. She was already able to see the changes in Sasuke, the way he looked at her, not really seeing her as a person but as something that he owned. It was not as if she did not like being looked at this way but she was just not sure how others around them were taking the fact that she was Sasuke's property.

Jango and Suigetsu were both seeming to choose to ignore this current fascination of their leader's they knew that he of course owned Karin by this point but they were not sure what else was on the agenda. However while they were just walking away from the Akatsuki headquarters with no exact mission in sight there was this feeling that something was coming and it was something that was quite powerful. The wind blew just a bit in the forest that surrounded that place.

Both of them got on their guard and were ready to fight whatever was going in front of them. The wind picked up more and the trees thrashed just a bit more and then out of nowhere there was a kunai that passed right by Suigetsu's face, cutting his cheek leaving a side trail of blood going along his face. His eyes focus and he sees a woman dressed in all black, but the thing about the long flowing Yukata she was wearing was that it was completely black, there was no designs or nothing on it, it was as if it was mourning clothes.

"I wish to speak to Sasuke, for I have foreseen something." Her voice would be carried by the wind, allowing them to hear that sensual soft tone of her voice that was not like something that they would expect from someone with this much power. But then they saw what made her so different, her eyes were not the color of some normal ninja, no both of her eyes were mostly red with a black marking in the center that looked like an open flower petal.

She was an Uchiha. For only a Uchiha could be so powerful. And that was exactly what Karin was detecting.
Sasuke had dusted himself down casually after the battle, acting like it had been nothing to him, though he had been having a relatively tough time of it...this was a tailed beast after all. Still, they had won, they had subdued it and they were able to achieve their objective....which brought Sasuke that one step closer to his own objective....his eyes lingering on Karin as the battle was over, his gaze never truly leaving her even on the trip back to deliver the beast. This would be the last time, this would be the last time Sasuke would be doing this...he had far more important things to be concerning himself with.

What came next however was a surprise, even to him. A strange woman appeared out of nowhere, even managing to cut Suigetsu, actually drawing blood from the ninja....Sasuke hadn't seen that in quite some time, normally the boy was fast enough to turn to water before he could be harmed. Whoever this was....she was good. But when he met her eyes....that was what surprised him the most....the Sharingan....an Uchiha? But that was impossible....he was the only one left now, after he had killed Itachi there had been no more.
"Suigetsu....Jango.....get out of here..." He raised an arm, dismissing them, his tone clearly indicating he was not to be argued with. "I want to hear what she was to say....." Sasuke continued to stare at the woman, waiting until the other two men were gone, though he hadn't dismissed Karin, he saw no need for that. "Alright.....let's hear what you have to say...."
"You are surprised, that I can tell from the look that you are giving me, but do not worry, I am not here to fight. I am here to give you a message and an ability that you will need on your quest to bring our clan back to life." She walked closer to him, looking deep into his Sharingan eyes with her own. He would be able to tell now as she walked down the path, that she had the Mangekyo just as he did. Except her pattern was a flower petal unlike his star. He would be able to see that she was wearing heeled sandals much like what Tsunade, or Karin do. But they would also be black, just like the deep black of the yukata that covered her body.

Jango and Suigetsu were already gone, though it was not as though Karin noticed since her eyes were too focused on the woman's long dark straight hair, her pale skin and that body of hers that made her better than a lot of the girls around, with one of those girls being Karin.

"I am called Hana, I have no need for a surname any longer after my husband died." She felt it necessary to at least give him a name and the reason behind it as she stepped just a few feet from him. She gave him this expression that looked like a small smile but it was not complete. It was like a smile that a person you are an acquaintance with would give you.

"My Mangekyo allows me to see into the future, and I have seen the one of our clans and how it has a complete rebirth in this Land of Fire. There is however a list of people that threaten our up and coming clan, so I believe that it is best that you deal with them now rather than battle them later."

Hana handed him a list with people's names on it:
Naruto Uzumaki
Shikamaru Nara
Gaara of the Sand
Rock Lee
Neji Hyuga

"These six people will be dangerous to the future of our clan if they are not dealt with in whatever means necessary, which is why I brought this, so that you can make them useful instead of making them just corpses." Hana pulled from her pocket a medium sized scroll. She handed it over to him.

"This scroll contains a rather long lost medical ninjustu that I found a way to simplify down to just a seal. However to do the seal you will need to read the entire scroll. But before that, watch me as I do this with your Sharingan." Hana then moved her hand in a number of configurations focusing her chakra in her hands that would be useful in creating the seal, and then she ended it by placing her hand to the ground where writing came from where she had placed her hand. It was obviously a seal.

"The seal I have shown you has the power to permanently change any male that is sealed with it into a female."
Surprised was probably an understatement. Sasuke had been convinced he was the last of the Uchiha, yet here was another one stood before him, declaring she was capable of seeing into the future. He was skeptical at first, but then she seemed to know his plan....how could that have been? He'd only thought of it less than 24 hours ago, hadn't told anyone. Either this woman was telling the truth or she could read his mind....at this point either one seemed plausable. The only thing he was certain of was that this was real, not Genjutsu. "Threaten the clan...?" Sasuke frowned, then took the list of names, looking it over. Why was he not surprised? Of course Naruto's name would be on there....the only other one that really concerned him was Gaara, but since losing his tailed beast the Kazekage wasn't as much of a threat as he once had been. Besides, Sasuke had beaten him once he could do it again.

"Hm? Make them useful....?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow, taking the scroll. A medical Ninjutsu? What use would that be to him? Before he could ask he looked up, watching her movements carefully, then couldn't hide the look of surprise when she explained what the seal did. "Change any male into a.....? What? Just what use is a stupid technique like that going to be to....me...." Sasuke blinked as the realisation hit him. He looked back down at the list of names, then back up at Hana, chuckling slightly at first, then bursting into laughter. "Oh this is just too much. You want me to turn these people into women and use them? Oh that's just....."

Still....it wasn't a bad idea. Naruto's power in the new Uchiha clan? The potential intelligence of Shikamaru? Not to mention the vast amounts of land and wealth his family held. The power of Gaara....the Kazekage in the palm of his hands. Rock Lee.....he was unworthy....perhaps Sasuke would just kill him. The abilities of the Inuzuka clan that Kiba could bring would certainly be useful. And Neji...well...he had been planning on taking Hinata for her Byakugan, so an extra Hyuuga would certainly help. "Oh yes......yes this could work out just nicely.....and..." Sasuke took a step forward, suddenly grabbing Hana's wrist. "Perhaps we should bring in a little more fresh Uchiha blood too hm?" He smirked, dropping the scroll and grabbing Hana's other wrist, suddenly pulling her against him. "Oh yes....." His tongue flicked out and licked her cheek. "If you can see the future you must've already seen this coming....."
"Yet, you did not. For I am incapable. You are the only one who can lead our clan into power." Hana told him as she was licked. Her expression remained serious the entire time, she was not lying. Hana would not lie about such things for they had been the reason that she had been depressed for so long, until she saw the future that he was ushering in. That was the only thing that brought her happiness. The knowledge that after the senseless murder of her clansmen by the Leaf Village and the murder of her husband by a Rain Village ninja right before her eyes, her clan was going to live on. This potential to see happy, bouncing Uchiha children around was the only thing she felt was worth living for or she would have died long ago.

She stepped back from him just a bit. Her eyes staring at him intensely, but then she turned off her Sharingan to show that she had purple eyes when they are regular. She blinked a few times as she adjusted to being in the present rather than in the future. It was a strange shift for her, but it was not all that unexpected since she knew that she needed to turn her Sharingan off to rest her eyes. Unlike most users who just go blind if they overuse their Mangekyo, she will lose sight of the present if she used it for too long with her mind stuck ever in the future unable to effect the present. So she had to watch the amount of time she used her power.

"I can travel with you if you like." She pulled her hand back from him with a smile. Her eyes drifted over to the trees behind them, as if she was waiting for something for a moment, and then as if they had been summoned by her, Suigetsu and Jango reappeared. They looked at the regular Hana with a bit of question, but knowing how she had appeared they were not going to question that she was powerful.
"Oh? I see..." Sasuke released Hana's arms when she moved away....so she was incapable of having children....no wonder she seemed to be so enthusiastic about helping him to rebuild the clan through whatever means necessary....even though she was another Uchiha, he was still the last hope they had to survive. He could already tell she was telling him the truth....there was no need for her to lie about such a thing.....still....it was such a shame...it could have been advantageous to have kept some more purified Uchiha blood in the line.....oh well. Perhaps it was just as fitting that the clan was going to be more diverse, this was a new Uchiha clan after all, the old one was gone forever, and this just confirmed that fact.

"Very well....you can accompany us....I suppose it's only fair that you be here to see the rebirth of our clan....since you'll be having a hand in it as well..." He chuckled, then looked over as Jango and Suigetsu returned, frowning for a moment. Still....at least he hadn't been in the middle of something this time around....still....this also raised a new question....what was he going to do with those two? They could be useful in his abduction of people from the Leaf and Sand villages.....but he'd have to make sure they didn't get ideas on trying to take any for themselves....at least not any that Sasuke wanted anyway. "Alright....let's go. We have a new destination.....we're going to the leaf village....our mission....abduction..." He smirked slightly. "Two people for now....Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki....." He couldn't help but grin slightly, they seemed the two most fitting to start with. "We're going to take them, bring them to an Uchiha stronghold.....then....I'll be using them in my plans...."
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