Secrets of Hogwarts (SlyNuwasha & Vixen)


Jan 15, 2009
Outside the castle walls snow was starting to fall and in the large rolling grounds around the Hogwarts castle students were enjoying the change of the season and the first snow of the year. The hallways around the place were rather quiet as were most of the room with a majority of the students having started to depart for home for the holidays and Christmas and those who were remaining making the most of the soft snow outside with many a snowball being exchanged between different groups as snowmen popped up all around the grounds.

Inside the castle, Hermione Granger had been enjoying the snow for a different reason. The quiet hallways were productive for thought as she strolled through them on her way to the library, dressed in her favourite soft lavender sweater and old faded jeans which had seen a few years already. The hallways were dressed in their usual festive decorations but Hermione ignored them as she walked, her mind already in the library and the books she was headed there to find. The quiet of the day just made her favourite place in the castle more appealing and she knew that despite the slight chill in the hallway from the stone walls she would find a nice fire somewhere in the warren of books and a comfy chair in which to pursue her research.

Rounding the last corner she looked forward to the warth of the fire and brushed a stray strand of her wavy hair out of her face and behind her ear absentmindedly as she focused her thought on the pathway she needed to take through the shelving units to make her way to where she wanted to go.
Elsewhere in the castle the Boy was getting ready to go out and do some studying of his own. He knew with most of the student's gone he could sneak into the Library without any distractions from the students or the teacher's really. There was a few books he had heard about in the restricted section that seemed worth reading into. Some books on his heritage and the dark arts the older slytherin needed to explore and figure out what he could do. He was already learning alot from some teachers and his family's personal library but he wanted some the more rarer books the school was known for.

Smoothing back his inky black hair the boy checked himself in the mirror. One His rules was always be sharp. so he was making sure he looked like a hundred gaellon's before he even left the room. Shoes shined, check. Black jean which look brand with a Green vest that's crisp and lighter toned on back side. His white button up shirt looked crisp and was tight a little against his quidditch players Body. He was the back up seeker after all. If malfoy didn't have all the money he may been the main one. A soft growl given a little about the fact that Pounce who was everything a slytherin should not be still being seeker over him.

Turning from the Mirror he slide on his leather bracelet and his Violet tinted glassed as he smiled. His bowler flipped onto his head the mans began down towards the library to get the books he needed. He would turn into the library and saw.. The golden girl all alone. He grinned alittle and moved towards her now she didn't have that Punce weasley hanging all over her trying to shove anyone who was male except harry away. He thou waited to see where she was going, curious about what she be coming study. she was One few people in school above him in grades. her and the ice queen greengrass.
Hermione made her way quickly and quietly through the shelving without any effort. She was here so often that she knew the way like the back on her hand, especially with the recent studies she'd been doing. She'd stumbled her way across a reference in an old mythology book that had intrigued her while studying for an exam the other day and had been wanting to look into it more. If anyone knew about myths being based upon truth it was her. Almost every myth had a least some truth behind it and she wanted to know a bit more about this one. Now with the holidays upon them she would finally have some time to get stuck into it without schoolwork getting in the way so much.

Her black ankle boots made a slight clicking noise as she made he way across the stone floor inbetween the aisles which seemed to echo through the empty rooms. Even the teachers seemed to have made their way to other places, not that she minded. She knew perfectly well where to find what she needed without the librarian's help anyway. She paused halfway to the back of the shelving in the current aisle and glanced around for the moment. Despite the emptiness around her she couldn't help feeling like there was someone else there. She tried to shake it off. Maybe the librarian was around somewhere nearby out of sight. That was probably all it was.
Eye's watched her move threw the shelves as if she was at home. He knew the library almost as well as she did, but not this well. He smiled following her, watching her move . She really was a beautiful woman when you thought about it. Most thought she was a little off color. But he enjoyed her and always imagined she was like a librarian from lore. so prim and proper on the outside yet very naught and down to the core. He smiled as he moved towards her. The Mans shoes polished dress shoes. He tipped his hat down and walked by her without looking directly at her the first time.

He stopped beside her and acted Like he didn't notice her at first. Grabbing a book down from one the top shelves. He had to stretch out to do so. The book on advance uses of runes and the history of them. She maybe being one the only other seven students in the school who would be able grasp it. or did anyway. he then rocked back off his toes and looked at her with a blink." Oh Hi"
A slight frown fell across her face at the guy walking through the library. He was familar, she was pretty sure he was in at least one of her more advance classes but she couldn't quite place him. Fact of the matter was she didn't often pay much attention to the people around her, especially in those classes but now she found herself wishing that she had, even if just so she could place a name to the face. Perhaps the holidays were already starting to effect her. She would usually remember at least that.

With a slight glance at the book he was looking at she felt one of her eyebrows raise slightly in consideration of if he could actually understand what he was looking at but she quickly pushed that thought aside. She did recongnise him though so it was possible. She let a soft smile cross her lips at his greeting, no reason not to be friendly she thought as she returned the greeting. "Hello there, nice day," and with that she continued down the aisle slightly to the mythology section she'd been steadily working her way through in the past few days without much luck. Soon she would have exhausted the options here and would need to move on to the more ancient and advanced books of the restricted section. Thankfully being head girl would allow her access to those without any hassle. One of the quirks. She did wonder vaguely what the other student was researching on a day like this which most students were out in the grounds but pushed that aside as she opened a particularly heavy book to have a glance through it before deciding if it was worth further pursual.
The Man looked over at her with a smile on the corner of his lips. His head tilted as he looked at the book she was reading, trying to discern it from the distance thou he was unable to. So he then moved over and leaned over her shoulder a little..He leaned close enough she could feel the heat his body. yet not close enough be crowding her." Light reading?" He asked her almost seriously. Thou to most the book she would have would be considered crazy reading. To him he understood what she was reading better then some, after all he still had his own thick tome in his hands. He smiled at her and then looked down and over the book." Maybe i can Help you? I am after one few in top ten,, thou i am no granger.' He teased her a little. She was the best. he knew it, at least she did better then hm in some subject's. and he did better then some in most. the Man smiled as his hand seemed to on accident stroke the small her back.

"i Myself am looking for few books and am about sneak back that way." He tilted his head towards the section of books she loved. The section only teacher's and few others would ever get to see. He needed it for his project and he knew she would be able go there. But of course, hed go either way. He was a Slytherin and would not be stopped by silly things such as the rules. Hand rubbed her lower back just alittle more before he literally would Walk by her. and go on the way to the section of books he just mentioned.. and without Premission!
Her eyes snapped up from the words shed just been studying as he lent in over her shoulder and she turned slightly in an automatic but needless reaction to see who it was. Silly really seeing as they appeared to be the only ones in the library at all. "didn't anyone ever tell you it was rude to look over peoples shoulders?" she asked primly before snapping the book shut. She didn't really want anyones help so she avoided the question of what she was looking up for now hoping that he would get the hint and leave her in peace.

His hand accidently brushing against her back made her feel weird, a little nervous and edgy but she wrote that off as his being a slytherin combined with her current annoyance with him. So much for having the library to herself. Her eyes widened at his uncaring mention of going into the resricted section. "you do realise I'm Head Girl don't you?" she queried, one eyebrow raised before stepping forward as he began to walk away from her and towards the section and grasping his wrist to stop him. "Do you have a permission slip?"
He grinned seeing her act so shocked and casually ignore the touch.He shrugged and continued on for now as she shoved off his offer for help, the boy then grinned a little at her as he stopped as she grabbed at his wrist. His own hand looped back at her own wrist. He moved to rub his thumb against the inside of her wrist as his finger's stroked against her wrist. A deep grin as he just smiled at her. Eye's looking over the silver rims of his glasses as he winked." And why would i have one of those mis granger? and yes I often think about you being.. the Head girl."

He said with a grin. The smile became so large and he winked one more time to get the playful suggestion to her with a smile." Are you going punish me? Oh?" He said with a wild smile. " Now. I was going to study some stuff that i need to.. if you don't mind.?" he said with a tilt of his head. His other hand came up and pat her cheek very softly." Your very beautiful. id love talk more. so join me in the section?... so No one gets in trouble."
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