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The Rising Storm

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May 3, 2011
Maryland. Hell
The rp is simple.
1. I am st. i say goes, simple. Just easier have 1 in charge. Ill rp the npcs around pcs for interactions as well as a Pc my own.

2. Character sheet.

3. No power/god character's. You can have a potent/skilled character without a Mary/gary complex.

4. Have fun. Pm me any ideas you have etc. this all about group effort and fun :)

Setting :
The world is very similar to our own. The same trials and tribulations define and make men. People die and are born. People burn themselves out at two jobs or go college trying make it in this fast paced world.. Thou one difference. About a Year ago. People started showing Up with these.. Abilities. Now their a rumor, a under biting tension. So rare their like myths or rumors.. But everyone's heard about them.. And what some normal Human's have done to people with them. human's are jealous and fickle lot. These special people been killed or damaged just for being born a little different.

Mankind is the brink of some event. What caused these powers? Why? whats the true reason's behind the whole change in human evolution? or as the crack pots some say. Devils existing.. or aliens messing with our genetic strains.

The story starts simply at a Hidden meeting. Nothing to out ordinary. Just a bunch people.. In a rec center in down town Baltimore. The Meeting is something Whispered about in the hallways and mummers of places.. Trying to avoid the violence that's followed them in other places.
Sheet :

Name :Lilly Evens
Age :19
Light description/picture.:


Powers : Only weak and maybe 1 or two. Powers can grow with time, but this about first year or two.. She can change her form but only to a Tiger right now and her healing powers can only heal light wounds nothing like a bullet to the head but no matter if her head comes off she is dead.
skills : nothing big but she knows martial arts

Basic history.:Well she was born different from her sister and brother no one can explain why she is the only one in her family with powers. Some say she was switched at birth as in her mom's real child is out their some were.
Name: Luis Silva
Gender: Male
Light description/picture.:

Sexuality.: Straight
Powers : Telekinesis (at this moment the biggest object he can move would be a small rock) and VISION (this ability makes him notice and see what others can't)
Skills: Stealthy and knows Karate
Basic history.: Nothing much to tell he as a sister both his parents are together and he's a college student of genetical engineering sciences
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