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craving a non-con fantasy scenario

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Nov 14, 2010
So, lately I had a particular scenario In mind that I wanted to try.
Generally, I would play a female paladin (pic was an inspiration) on a holy quest to stop great evil. Whether it would involve recovering a holy artefact of sorts, killing certain villain or anything else is up to discussion. However, the villains, whether episodical or “constant” would make it quite hard for her. In fact, I intend her to get raped, humiliated and abused at regular basis. That’s what turns me on; however I also enjoy roleplaing, so if you can’t write a decent paragraph per post don’t pm me since I find one- two- or five- liner roleplays quite…pointless.
Also, at some point the rp may require you to play several characters

Anyway, if you’re interested pm and we’ll work out the details.
My kinks include:
-age gaps(either way)
-human/fantasy creature

And my limitations
-excessive gore
I have returned!

Those of you who have pm'ed me about that idea and never got an answer-terribly sorry! I have quickly found my partner after a few minutes after creating this thread(wow) and was not interested in it any that I think about it perhaps I should have pm'ed you that I'm no longer looking for a partner or close this thread X_X

Anyway, now I'm back at bluemoon and interested in doing this one again!
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