The Snakes Dance <Sly and Exo>


May 3, 2011
Maryland. Hell
The older slytherin Boy sat before the fire in the dungeon. He was just relaxing there looking down over a Book which he was reading about some darker aspect's of his heritage's magic. Looking prim and proper as always. He didn't wear his robe as it was alittle later in the evening. Fit and tailored shirt, crisp and white against his green vest. Tie off leaving his shirt unbuttoned a few buttons so he can breath easy. The Mans pant's crisp and his shoes shined enough to reflect the green lights in the dungeon

He flipped a page, His ice blue eyes dancing over the silver scrawl in the book as he chuckles alittle. His hand stroked threw his black hair. cut short and looking as stylish as the rest of him. the shirt hinted at his tattoos which were hidden by the shirt. Spinning his black wand in his free hand. he just was lost in thought. the man trying to find a edge in the house.
Darci walked into the common room, shivering slightly from the chill in the dungeon's dank hallways. She'd left her robes behind when she'd gone to the library earlier, and she was really regretting it now; her cardigan was nowhere near enough to keep her warm, and the short school-skirt and tights were frankly impracticle. It was a wonder to her, sometimes, that all the students weren't constantly suffering from some kind of epic wizarding flu.

She'd chosen to go 'au naturelle' today - she hadn't had the time or the energy, this morning, to bother changing her appearance much, so her natural state won out: slender build, dark hair (to just below her shoulders), pale skin, gray eyes. As an afterthought, she'd added a fleck of green in her hair (nothing like house pride, after all), but otherwise she'd not bothered much to morph her attributes. She'd been known to do it in the past, of course - many of her friends were extremely jealous of her ability to more or less mould herself to her own whims (and the whims and desires of others). But for now, she was as she was.

The common room seemed empty, initially, but she soon noticed the figure by the fire. He was in a few of her classes, she thought...but she couldn't quite recall his name. She sidled over to the fire and stood before it, warming her hands.

"Thank Merlin it's warm in here, huh?" she commented.
Eye's slide up from the tome In his lap and over her in a smooth yet subtle glance. All at once taking her completely in, yet moving right to her face with a smile. He would tilt his head as he looked at her threw the violet tinted Lenses. He had them for the fact to much light would bother his eyes. " Well Hello Hello little Darci." He said in a friendly tone as he smiled gently. " Want to take a seat close to the fire with me".He would not to the chair across from him, and then threw her a small but approving glance. " I would enjoy just spending a little time just relaxing before bed."There was two seat's. One across from him. Or one beside him. that would be close enough enjoy the fire and talk with him easily.

He closed the tome which was on his lap. Sliding down the thick velvet book holder and putting it to the side on a small table." Oh you went almost Natural today. Its a very nice look for you." He said as he leaned back and went back to spinning his wand in his hand, causing his forearm to flex under a dragon skin bracelet. charmed most likely.
" Any reason you decided not to change, as much." Seems even if she couldn't recall him, she had made enough of a impression for him to know her.
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