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Role Playing Partners Wanted.

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Oct 30, 2009
The Land of Lost Souls
Hello you'll find some of my story plots.....more to come later.


This story takes place in New York City......a human ginny pig escapes from a government lab ending up in the city. He has been used by the government as a living order to make drugs that will cure diseases.....but all they did was create a monster. Now free and running loose in the city he infects everybody who survives an attack from him......they in turn become wild.....brutal monsters passing on this super rabies to anyone who lives through an attack. This story follows a small group who are trying to survive this outbreak and make it out of the city alive and uninfected.

Story 2 Mom's Dirty Secrets.

This woman has a very high sex drive, it's so high that she takes a job working at a local brothel, she wants more sex then her husband can give her. She does care whether it's a man or a woman, she just wants to be fucked and she enjoys it rough. Her family doesn't need the money as her husband is a successful businessman, he just doesn't have the time to spend with her. Everything is going along fine until one of her clients turns out to be her own son. When he finds out that his mother is working as a whore, he forces her into having sex with him. This story has blackmail, rape, incest, I'm just looking for the right partner.

Story 3 Untamed. CLOSED
Spring 1883, a young couple Katie & Martin Brooks arrives at her uncles 300 acre ranch just south of Victorville, California. After her uncle's death this land was left to her in his will, newly married they came west looking for a fresh start and to raise a family. They soon found out that this was not some happy fairy tail land, but a land controlled by brutal men who took what they wanted, and there was little justice to stop them. The town of Victorville and most of the area around the town was owned by one man, a man named Victor Crenshaw. The only land Victor wanted that he didn't have was the 300 acres of land that borders the Horseshoe lake, where after Katie's uncle Mathew's mysterious death a year ago, Victor could water his cattle without trouble.

Victor offers to buy the land from Katie, but time after time she turns each one down even when he offers 3 times what it's worth, she still says no. Victor is a man of little patience and soon he will send his brothers Black Jack Crenshaw and Jimmy to force Katie to give up the land. After she was raped, her ass branded like she was cattle owned by these men and her husband murdered, Katie left the town and roamed the west. She would come back after 2 years on her own as a female outlaw, Katie finds and ally in a United States Marshal who is hunting both Jack and Jimmy for robbing a stage of a federal payroll. Note: the name of the female character can be changed to what ever you wish.

Story 4 The good, The Bad, and The Heroes.

By day they are lovers engaged to be married, by night they are Superheroes fighting crime in New York City. He is a rich businessman, she works in the Police Department, the only thing is that neither knows about the others secret identity. One of her oldest foes comes back to town with a plan that could bring the world that she knows down around her. He will team up with a great evil from another dimension and use mind control to break her will, making her a willing sex toy for her old enemy to use, and a new threat for the other heroes in town.

Story 5 The Night Stalker.

An LAPD Detective (you) and a Newspaper Report (me) join forces to battle a vampire who is stalking the streets of LA. This vampire takes a liking to your character and beings stalking her, his plan to make your character his new bride.


A 1940's style Detective story that features me as a tough private detective and you as the first female attorney/ private detective in Los Angeles. I have one case for them too work on....but I'm working on other cases which will be posted later. Case number 1 The Innocent Murderer.

Story 7 Out of Time.

In the future time travel is possible and with people taking trips into the past there must also be those who protect the time line from those who would do evil. Two time agents who catch crooks and keep the world from being taken over by warlords looking to control time & the world.

Story 8 Punishment Inc. NEW STORY

This story is about an elite group who hunt down and punish rapist who escape justice. This group is made up of mostly women, but they do have some men around. All of these women who are in the group have been raped themselves. The men have had someone they loved who was raped and like the women in the group, their loved ones didn't get justice for the crime committed against them. This group is funded by those people who they have helped get their revenge. Most of these people continue to help out even after they've seen justice done. They become the eyes and ears of this group and often help when the police are trying to find this team. This group has become modern day vigilantes and are always hunted by the police.

Story 9 Dirty Little Secret. CLOSED

A brother & sister who've lived a life of wealth get thrust into the real world after the deaths of their parents. Soon after finding out that their parents had a lot of debt the two realize there is little left for them and they must make their own way through life now. This leads them to seek comfort in each others arms as they try and make a new life in the real world.

Story 10 Forbidden Affairs.

This story takes place during the American civil war were a beautiful southern belle falls for a union cavalry officer. PM for more details. Note: If you have something against having affairs while married, don't PM me.

Story 11 Planet of the Dick Women.

This story is about a spaceship from earth that is sent out looking for a lost scout ship. This scout ship was lost near an uncharted planet.....a planet that is controlled by futa women. The date is 2271 earth is at war with a great galactic empire known as the Cruzan.......this war is out of control and shows no signs of stopping. Soon the battle will come to this planet controlled by the futa women........each a powerful warrior in her own right.........but which side will they be on?

Story 12 DARK TREK

My own twisted version of the Terran Empire from the Star Trek Mirror Universe. This story will feature both original characters and characters from the star trek universe.

Story 13 Mama Knows Best.

This is a story about a mother & her two daughters and how they survive in the great depression of the 1930's after losing both the family farm and their husband & father. This mother who once was a prostitute turns too bootlegging moonshine with the help of a black man who was friends with her late husband...Mama is grateful for his help and shows him in the bedroom. Moon shining starts out okay until the youngest daughter Bobbie Sue is caught by the local sheriff selling the homemade booze....she is thrown in jail and Mama must use almost every bit of money they have made from the moonshine to bribe the sheriff into letting her daughter go. Once again almost broke Mama turns to what she knows best....being a prostitute and although it goes against her better judgment she allows her two horny daughters to work with her. She knows they'll make more money having the three of them working but this too turns out badly when after having sex with a small group of men.....Mama & her girls are robbed.

These men after fucking Mama & her daughters turned around and took every last dime they had. Mama is disgusted by everything that has happened too her & her daughters in the past year. They had been used by greedy......corrupt men & banks.....everything they had was taken away from them. The newspapers were filled with stories about new age outlaws like John Dillinger....Bonnie & Clyde.....Pretty Boy Floyd.....Baby Face Nelson and Machine Gun Kelly. Mama had been pushed past her breaking was time that she & her girls started taking from those who take from others. Mama & the girls hit the road with Uncle Barney who was the black man who made the moonshine. They ended up in Texas where Mama planned on hitting their first bank...but she didn't know that another new age outlaw was planning on hitting the same bank on the same day. Mama & her girls are in the bank waiting for the chance to strike when Eddie “ Dutch” Dunn and his partners come in. They hold up the bank which causes an argument between Dutch & Mama about who is robbing this bank.

A gun battle breaks out between the bank guards and Dutch's partners which brings Dutch....Mama & the girls into the fight. Dutch's partners are killed but he gets away with Mama......the girls & Uncle Barney. Mama & Dutch form an alliance after the failed bank job....she knows he useful in this area and he's also handsome. This story starts just after Mama & the girls loose everything and must now fend for themselves.

Story 14 The Golden Shields CLOSED

This story follows the daily grind of two police detectives working the robbery / homicide division in modern day Los Angeles. The female lead ( you ) has been working in the LAPD for 5 years, but has just been promoted to the rank of detective. The male lead ( me ) has been on the force for 15 years and is a Detective Sergeant. My character is known for his heavy handed tactics when dealing with criminals. Your character's job is to learn the streets and try to soften her hard edged partner. Your character also happens to be the daughter of a former partner of my character. These two must learn to work together and while doing so they become closer on & off the job. Part of this story will deal with tracking down a serial killer & rapist.

Story 15 The Golden Shields Version 2. CLOSED

This story follows the daily grind of two police detectives working the robbery / homicide division in modern day Los Angeles. The female lead ( you ) is a 10 year veteran of the LAPD. She's works as an undercover detective mostly.....changing her look as well as her voice to meet whatever disguise is needed. She's just made Sergeant but often runs into trouble with her superiors. She's can be head strong and doesn't like being treated special just because she's a woman. She's known as The Brass Cupcake in the department. The male lead ( me ) has been on the force for 15 years and is a Detective Sergeant. My character is known for his heavy handed tactics when dealing with criminals. He's known for kicking in doors and being hard nosed. He also has trouble with his superiors. These two are thrown together since neither can seem to hold onto a partner for very long. They must learn to work with each other or both are done as cops and while doing so they become closer on & off the job. Part of this story will deal with tracking down a serial killer, a rapist and dealing with a gang of killers.

NOTE: The name of the female character in Untamed can be changed to whatever you want it to be.

If you like something just send a PM then we can talk over the details.
RE: Role Playing Partners Wanted.

Check your inbox cuz I sent you a PM~
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