Light in the Dark [Shy x Sky]


Dec 28, 2010
The morning brought a layer of fresh dew to the ground and a crispness to the air as spring set into full bloom. A few birds chirped outside as the scenery seemed to awaken, giving an almost surreal look as flower buds opened and noises mixed, creating Mother Nature's beautiful music. Such was a day ripe for hunting, when the game was definitely plentiful and of easy capture.

Noah, a human boy of possibly 18 at most, was still shrugging off a groggy daze as he trudged outside. He had a bow and a quiver of arrows on his back, following up with a hunting knife in his boot. Noah shook his head once and gave it a small crack, looking intently into the woods. He heard racket of his father and brother slowly awakening, smirking and entering the woods. He intended on proving himself today.

Noah let his breath meld with the woods as he became silent as a panther, stalking his prey as he edged around the clearing, a deer within sigh. He drew back an arrow and released, hitting it perfectly. "Aha! Got you!" he called triumphantly as he ran to the corpse, dragging it back home.
Yes, today seemed enough of a normal day, thought Noah as he cleaned the deer. Normal enough at least.

His father laughed as he came outside. "Just one?" Noah turned and glared. "What's wrong with that?" "Well, your brother-" Again, another glare. "I don't care," Noah retorted, almost done now. He stood and snorted, grabbing his hunting gear and heading out again. "I'll show them... heart condition my ass. I can do it." Indeed, Noah had a rather ailing heart problem that could not be fixed by normal means. It was a shame too, as he was a rather large prodigy of an archer. He knocked an arrow with expert's grace as he spotted another deer. He lost focus for but a moment as he thought of failure. Missing, he went to go retrieve his arrow.

Noah simply gasped, hiding behind a bush. 'No... no, no no no...' he thought to himself, cowering as he felt the figure looming over him. Urgals! Why were Urgals here of all places?! He felt a strong tug on his collar as Noah yelped. "Hey, let me go let me go!" Finding no reply or compliance, Noah kicked around as the large Urgal brought him back to the camp, tying him up.

Noah couldn't help but to let a tear streak his face. There didn't seem to be hope now for him. He closed his eyes and prayed to the Gods for a chance of survival... he hadn't ever sinned and had never been mean to anyone in his life; as was his character. He begged for a payback of some sort; anything that would let him live now.
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