Dichotomy [ Iilan | Mina ]


Jan 18, 2009
It wasn't every day that your boyfriend came home with a moving truck and suddenly announced that you and him were now leaving the apartment that you had been living in for the past couple of months for good. However, it was nothing new for Roxas. The move was sudden, terribly sudden. Axel came home from work only a few hours ago and basically just started packing up their things. Roxas was alarmed at first, nagging the other to tell him exactly what was going on, but Axel didn't really speak much and basically just said that he was sick of the place. It wasn't unlike Axel to do this, they'd done it twice before in the past twelve months, but he promised that they'd actually stay at the last place. Obviously that was a lie. However, Roxas wasn't too incredibly upset by the move. He was a little miffed that Axel started to pack up the pillows while he was laying on them, but he got over that quickly enough.

This kind of behavior was to be expected of Axel and Roxas had been more or less prepared for it. The pair had been dating for the last two years and Roxas knew more about the redhead than anyone, or at least he thought he did. He knew Axel's personality, his quirks, what he liked, what he didn't like, everything in between and he loved him for all of it. He was annoyed by the whole Axel loving to move on the spur of a moment thing, but he accepted it. He wasn't going to leave Axel just because he had a sort of drifter problem. No, he loved the male too much to do that. Besides, it brought excitement to Roxas' life. Who didn't want to live somewhere new every couple of months, honestly?

Roxas let out a huff as he set down what was hopefully the last box into his and Axel's new bedroom just before he flopped down onto the mattress, sprawling out easily. You would think that after three moves he'd be used to lifting all of the heavy boxes, but no, he was still more or less a weakling. It was good that he left all the heavy crap for his boyfriend to carry.

"We're staying this time, right? No more moving?" He called out to Axel, his eyes closing a bit as he relaxed into the mattress. Already he could feel a bit of familiarity with the place, as if it was already his home. Maybe this move wouldn't be so bad.
It had barely been three months before his reliable sources had informed him that the Organization was hot on his trails again. Now, Axel was still a member of this notorious group, but his plans differed from theirs. He was one of their "elite" members and one that the leader prized and favored, so, of course, he had been assigned the most important mission: to eliminate or recruit such gifteds like them. His target was Roxas, and whilst he had no real trouble with killing people in the past, he couldn't bring himself to kidnap, let alone murder this boy. In the end, he ended up falling for him and getting himself into one of those "relationships", and somehow, his duty had turned into some attempt to keep away from the organization. The gang had no idea that he was hiding their target, but the leader was growing antsy; thus, the manhunt had started.

Axel, being the sly, devious, street-wise rat he was, successfully distracted the organization and managed to protect Roxas at the same time from other powerful groups that wanted to harness his elemental power. Roxas was still naive and so very clueless about this whole operation that Axel couldn't help but believe he was lugging around a rag doll at times, and it amused him that Roxas wouldn't complain about or question his suspicious moves, but it was all for his sake, really.

Now that they were settled into their umpteenth home, the redhead let out a sigh of relief and took a few seconds to dawdle in front of their bedroom window, taking a peek through the blinds at the foreign scenery. His emerald eyes scanned the place, then, with a satisfied grunt, he drew the curtains shut and turned back to the blonde, a playful smirk masking his grim features. "Ya know how bored I get of these places, besides, this place has cheaper rent," he grinned, crawling on top of Roxas to plant a soft kiss to his lips.

Sometimes, he wondered if he should tell Roxas, but his better judgment persuaded him not to. There was no need to freak his boyfriend out about how he had powers, how Axel was a pyromaniac, and that there was a bloodthirsty gang out to kill them both for these mentioned abilities. No way. He sat up and ran a hand through his fiery locks, tilting his head and smirking, "Why, you don't like moving around, babe?"
Roxas kissed his boyfriend back, soft lips pressing against the other's briefly before it was broken. Yeah, he knew how bored Axel got of these places...it was a bit more than mildly irritating. When he first moved into Axel's place he figured they'd be there for a while or at least for however long the two continued dating. Axel had only moved there just a little bit before the two actually met and seemed to like his place, but apparently that was not the case. No, that move had been just like the one's after it, sporadic, out of the blue, and a bit worrying. Roxas always had suspicions as to why Axel had a problem with staying in one place for any extended period of time. He assumed it was some sort of problem that stemmed from his childhood; maybe he always moved then or something happened that he wasn't comfortable with sharing yet. He didn't even suspect that Axel was part of some Organization that wanted his blood.

"No," Roxas answered truthfully, sitting up as well. He wasn't going to lie to Axel, moving this much kind of sucked major dick. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy the new experiences and scenery that came with each move, no, he loved that. But you could get both of those things from traveling. Nobody moved every couple of months just for those two things, no, there definitely had to be another reason. He wasn't going to push it though, it was just part of Axel.

"It sucks, but I'm here, aren't I?" He smiled at the redhead, leaning towards him to kiss his lips softly again. "Besides, this place is nicer than the last and I've never been here before and I've heard nothing but good things about Twilight Town, so...I'm more okay with this move than with others." That should make Axel happy considering how unhappy Roxas was after they moved the second time and he was basically stuck indoors all day because he hated the entire neighborhood. At least he was trying this time!
"It's nice moving around once in a while. The same ol' neighborhood gets boring pretty fast, and besides, I'm not a... settle-down type of guy," Axel admitted with a fox-like smirk, running his chiseled hand down the length of Roxas' milky thigh. He also had to confess, though, that even as he may seem like a promiscuous goofball, he was actually quite the opposite. To prove it, Axel had been "dating" the blonde for a while, now, and was currently working his ass off to keep him from a bloodthirsty organization out for both their blood. If that wasn't some sort of passionate dedication, he didn't know what was.

"You'll thank me one day," he snorted with a brief chuckle, sliding halfway on top of Roxas and supporting his weight with his sturdy forearms. With a delicate gesture not characteristic of his brutal looks, he grazed Roxas' cheek with the back of his digits as if he was some fragile petal, admiring the way the light seeping through the blinds bounced off of his mesmerizing blue eyes. To think, he pondered, 'Roxas has the whole ocean in his eyes...' He meant this in a different sense than the romantic inference, of course. He was aware of what sort of "gift" his boyfriend possessed, and as an ex-member of a power-hungry organization, his infatuation with such strength allured him and, quite frankly, tickled his curiosity.

He glanced at him, then ran a hand through his own mane of fiery crimson hair, the corners of his lips tugging upwards into a mischievous smirk. "You wanna take a walk around town, or would 'christening' our new bed seem like a better idea?" he grinned, sliding his fingertips under the hem of Roxas' shirt to fondle his smooth, flawless skin.
The blonde beneath Axel rolled his eyes at the male's words and actions. He wasn't a settle-down type of guy? He would have believed that two years ago before they started dating, but they'd been going strong for quite awhile now and there wasn't an end in sight. Unless Axel had them continuously moving so that eventually nobody would know who they were and he could finally kill Roxas without there being an suspicion, but that was highly unlikely.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure I will." Roxas rolled his eyes, but then locked them with Axel's own emerald ones when he brushed his cheek. He liked to tease and play with the redhead, but he truly did love him and care for him and he knew the other only had his best interests in mind. So if that meant moving every couple of months he'd be happy to do so...as long as he didn't have to carry any of the heavy shit. He smiled up at his boyfriend just a tad as they held one another's gazes. Unfortunately for Roxas, the sun was shining right in his eyes and they began to water. However, in Axel's view, he may have seen the blue of his orbs begin to spin just a bit, twirling like whirlpools. But then within moments the anomaly was gone, Roxas blinked a few times and everything was back to normal.

"Mm," He smiled at the offer of either taking a stroll around the neighborhood or sex. His eyes closed at the feeling of Axel's warm fingers sliding against his equally warm flesh. "Well...how about we have sex and then take a walk around town? Or we could do them in reverse. Your pick." Already though, Roxas' own hands were sliding down Axel's back and dragging the end of his shirt up over his back.
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