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revamped requests! (slightly tweaked 7/22/11 with rules/preferences.)

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Nov 16, 2009
south of heaven, north of texas.
Hello there! Let's see what we can do this time. No gimmicks, no pictures, just what I want in simple words. Before we get to guidelines/requests/etc., I shall give you my background. I started on Yahoo chat all the way back in 1999. When men were men, women were women, and 56 k on your modem was pretty beast to have. I've gradually crossed over to writing on journaling sites, but this and one other board is pretty much the only place I've considered trying board/pm rp's. Now, I should also mention I'm pretty cool with getting to know someone ooc, or chatting to plot. Really, I'm available for such things.

Firstly, I prefer to RP in messengers, but PMs are fine just as well. I think the only reason I prefer messengers is the fact that it's easier to keep the flow going. That being said, I'm not demanding or anything, but I figure if we can mutually agree on something, everything is good. Posting in threads here just feels like the equivalent of public nudity to me, and as much as I love nudity, I just don't find this very fun to show it all off. To me, an rp is between you and who you're writing with, not the whole world.

Secondly, my availability. I'm currently sitting at home with a back injury so I have time, but I understand if you don't have time. Admittedly, my curiosity gets the best of me, so if you let me know your availability, I won't be all "oh sheesh what's going on?!". Haha, it's all good regardless. So yes, I'm around, let's see what we can do.

Thirdly, I'm writing this thread specifically to find my main kink. While I'm flexible on other ideas, this thread is to help me find what I'm looking for, as I've been craving it for a while. Ideally, I want to find something heavy on the mind control/hypnotizing/brainwashing. Now, I know that there is a certain person out there that can be rather...crazy about it, I promise that I'm not out to drive you mad. Someone in their requests recently posted that they wanted a plot where their girl could be broken, their mind repurposed to serve, and that's exactly what the type of plot I want. I'm more of the dominant type, and I would only sub for the right girl. However, I'm looking for stories where I can be the dominant type, because the fun for me is watching the change, watching the tone leave her voice and her eyes change from normal to a whitewash, or even spirals as she falls entranced. Here's just a few of my ideas.

I probably haven't mentioned this much, but writing style. I write maybe a good 8-12 sentences, and can get more out of myself depending on what's being thrown back my way. I can do more, I can do less, but it's all in what you put out there for me. I'd like to think I'm fairly detailed, but I'm not itching to describe in 9 sentences just how dark and intense my character's eyes are.

lastly, a few rules of engagement, so to say:
- I am strictly looking for het rp's. I'll play the guy, you play the girl. Although I'd feel slightly more at ease if it was a lady playing the lady, I am not opposed to it being a guy. However, if I can tell you're a guy playing a gal, I will probably end the rp nice and quick.

- Please, and I am asking nicely, know the difference between your and you're. You know, all those little grammar things people ache for.

- I'm totally good with one reply a day. I just want to rp, I reckon. If we can do that, I'm happy.

- Fluff/Romance based RP's? I don't mind them, they're okay. In a way, I enjoy them quite a bit. However, I write those on places other than here. I came here to fufill this specific kink/want/need. Now, that being said, I'll cut you a deal - I am willing to perhaps try a line in that pleasantly romantic manner you wish if you are willing to play what I want. However, I want to see if you're that willing to play the lines I want. I've had a few people message me on this site where they pitch that they're interested in my idea, only to warp it to whatever they want, removing anything I'm interested in.

- Lastly, a little mutual respect never hurt anyone. That being said, let's discuss these plots.

- In Egypt, a Pharoah's daughter is beautiful and next in line to take over the kingdom (think Cleopatra-ish), but her father's new advisor has much more sinister plans. His intentions are to break her down, remake her, and have her assassinate her father, only so he can rule the kingdom through her, his newest mindless puppet for the cult he leads.

- More modern, think of a young lady who wins an audition for a music video for a brash young rapper. A little "audition" later involving subliminals in the beat of the music and maybe a few other things, and this innocent young thing becomes typical music video girl, and the rapper's favorite groupie. This plot could definitely be altered for a rock star as well.

- A young lady from a foreign country is kidnapped and smuggled into the United States, brainwashed and altered to believe she too is from the US, and is an all american pole dancer. Obviously, there would be tells to the contrary, but she would heavily believe what she's been programmed to believe.

- Not much detail on this, yet, but your typical cult leader/new follower line, programming her to obey.

- A role reversal based on the movie "Tamara". Blah blah, nerd guy gets killed instead of nerd girl. Gets resurrected, kills all your friends who helped you indirectly kill him. The catch this time is that instead of killing you, you spend the rest of your life in his control, a bitter reminder that you did nothing to change his fate.

Fandoms? Well, I certainly can/will do fandoms. I will do fandoms involving the Marvel and/or DC Universe (crossovers included), Dogwitch (bonus points if you know that), Avengelyne, possibly certain eras of Power Rangers (bonus points if the plot involves my villain gaining complete control over Kira from Dino Thunder), The Matrix (I have ideas), Dollhouse (I have ideas as well, most are only semi-canon), and possibly very dark takes on already scary horror films.

More ideas can be added, but these are my top few as of now. I also don't mind turning it more into a master/pet type relationship as well. The big no nos are pretty much anything that goes into the toilet and absolutely positively no anthros/furries/anything that a human wouldn't normally have.
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