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Lust, love and sex..[MxF]

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Nov 2, 2010
Victoria, Australia
Hi there. Seems you could be stuffed to click on my very unoriginal thread name.

My guidelines:

--I only play females.
--I generally play heterosexual, guess that means you'll be playing the male, eh? I could have a shot at lesbian. Maybe.
--No incest, thanks.
--My characters have to be over 18, same with your's.
--You need to be at least semi-literate, I don't want to be sitting there correcting your mistakes in my head instead of enjoying the roleplay.
--I like medium plot, medium smut. I don't want to go straight into fuck, fuck, fuck..
--I only do PM roleplays.
--I can't post a lot every single day, I have a life, right?
--I post a fairly long intro, but average posts aren't THAT long..
--I do a fair amount of kinks, except for anything heavy like vore, gore, etc..
--I like romance. I like evil becoming good for the sake of love, etc.

[The first is who I would roleplay as]
*-Main craving. Will do the others, of course ;]
Real Life:
*Athlete x Coach
Best friend x Best friend
Enemy x Enemy
Band Member x Band Member
Mere general female x Famous band Member

Human x Angel
Human x Demon human
Werewolf x Werewolf
Human x Vampire
*Vampire x Vampire
Fem Knight x Knight
Villager x Knight
*Elven x Human
*Elven x Elven

*****Harry Potter Pairings: [This would be in their last year at Hogwarts]
*OC x OC
OC x Ron
OC x Harry
Ginny x OC
Hermione x OC
*OC x Draco
Ginny x Harry
Hermione x Ron

Le Plots.

*Is That.. You? - During high school, they were a guy and girl who were the closest of friends, but after graduating they had to go their separate ways. 5 or so years on, my character is living on her own in a small town, and heads to a pub where a travelling band performs on stage. She is startled to see that one of the males is in fact her 'long lost friend'. They both notice each other, but have to agonize through the performance where they head backstage and end up heading back to her apartment for a talk. It is there they express their true feelings they've had bottled up for years..
-This could also be done as a threesome, you playing both males.

A Shoulder to Cry On - My character, and 20 year old or so's family and home are burned down - resulting in her family and any others in the home to perish. Depressed and upset, without a home to go to, her best friend [your character] offers her to stay at his place until she can get enough money to move out. So as she cries herself to sleep he comforts her - a shoulder to cry on. But he also takes this to his advantage, to show how he really feels, and luckily she returns the feelings..

*Roommates - Two friends, living in a suburban house near the beach finally learn their true feelings, and how their bodies have been wanting each other for so, so long..

Human x Demon RP - Does this demon actually have a heart, hmm? Well, I'm thinking a 'demonhuman', a demon's soul in a human body. He controls fire, darkness and such and such. Banned from the underworld, he is forced to live on Earth for a year. So he spends his time watching a female, and after 11 months he decides to make a move after watching my character - asking her out on a date. She's a waitress at a cafe, and he's a regular so they know each other. The date leads to them falling for each other...and feeling each other up until they have to go back to her apartment before they embarrass themselves like hell xD So how will it work, him leaving to the Underworld in a month..?

Coach x Athlete RP.. - An athlete, my character, is around 25 years old and being trained by her coach who is only a year or two older then her. One day, when they are the last left at the fields, he sneaks into the bathrooms while she is having a shower. She hears him, and is almost excited as she secretly has been wanting him for as long as he has been wanting her.

Unexpected..? - Two rival elven clan having practically gone to war, and while my character is hidden in a tree with a bow and arrow, waiting for any of the rival elves to come past, but it seems that this elf comes from behind and pulls her from the tree, blindfolds her and takes her to his small hut in the middle of the forest. It turns out he was actually kicked out from the rival clan and lives alone, and as he plans on killing her the two fall so deeply in love with in the first hour that they can't help but pleasuring each other..

More plots to come.

Shoot me a PM if you're interested.
RE: Lust, love and sex..[MxF]

hi, maybe you would be interested in my story 2?

It's pretty detailed so I won't spam your thread with the details in one large post.
RE: Lust, love and sex..[MxF]

Hm! I know I want to roleplay with you, that was obvious when I first started reading your thread. But there's an issue.

I like just about all your settings. So, which ever one you're craving, I'll be more than happy to do it for you.

I can't wait to hear back from you!
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