Potions, Wands, Feelings, and Gryffindors {fate & london}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Something smell odd in the Gryffindor common room. That did happen, happened with surprising frequency, since the Weasley twins took up residence in this particular house. It also didn't help that occasionally someone's homework took on a strange odor. Quite often students were told to try their potions homework somewhere else. Possibly outside. But what made this odd was that there was hardly anybody in the common room.

Hermione Granger was in the common room, a book cradled in her hands, as usual. The girl had been taking some much needed time to study. They were between events in the Tri-Wizard cup, and things had been crazy lately, with Harry's participation and three houses hanging around. To add even more complications, there was Viktor Krumm and Ron to consider. Hermione wasn't even sure how she felt about either, and wasn't about to share her feelings with anyone.

But back to the strange smell. Hermione closed her book, setting it aside as she started prowling, following her nose. She'd read the potions book cover to cover already, had even checked out a few extra books on the subject. Even with this knowledge though, she couldn't quite place the source of the potion. The bushy-haired Gryffindor student was therefore just as curious as she was off-put. Puzzles were meant to be solved, after all. Hermione had been solving them since her first year, and she didn't intend to stop now.

There! Hermione stopped over a girl, who seemed to be hunched over something. Oddly enough, the girl looked to be about Hermione's age, but she couldn't quite recall her fellow student's name. that didn't stop her from tapping the other girl on a shoulder though.

"Excuse me, but what potion do you have?" she asked, craning her neck to try and see, desperate to figure this puzzle out. she cast a look at the girl too, wanting to make sure that she knew that Hermione was talking to her.
Jessi Lang bent over her small caldron as she slowly stirred the potion. It had taken the girl the better part of the summer to collect the ingredients for this Desire potion. Looking over her shoulder, the thin Irish redhead looked at her hearts desire. She could remember the first year of school so well as she was placed in the same house as Hermione. It was from that point that she fell for the smartest girl in their year.

Looking back to the potion, Jessi pulled out the last two ingredients that would bind Hermione to her. Breathing deeply, she dropped the Hermione and her own hairs into the potion, both disappearing quickly as the potion dissolved them. Slowly a new scent drifted from the Desire potion. Feeling her heart beat faster behind in her petite body, she could feel her nipples grow hard with her excitement as her B-cup breast raised with her breath.

Keeping her hands in her lap she looked at the burned piece of parchment to check that she had made the potion correctly. She was still worried about the potion as she got to the burned part of the instruction. Unknown to her, the potion was never meant to be drunk. It worked when the person simple smelled it.

Jumping as her shoulder was touched, Jessi turned around quickly, "Oh Hermione..." she said a smile spreading across her freckled face, "It's an old family potion to help with studying. My grandmother gave me the recipe over the summer... Would you like to try it? It's perfectly safe..."
Hermione had already smelled the potion, rather hard not to, with Jessi having it right there. The potion itself though, it looked completely unfamiliar, not at all like anything in the books that Hermione had poured through. It wasn't even in some of the special books that Hermione had checked out from personal libraries.

Thankfully, Jessi seemed to know what she was doing, though Hermione wound up looking worried. "Are you sure you should be trying something like that here? What if you got it wrong?"

Hermione looked around, wishing they had a bezore available to cram down someone's throat. Snape had told them it worked for poisons, though Hermione doubted this would actually kill anyone. she looked at it again, thinking. A potion to help with studying, given by a grandmother.

"I could always use something like that,' she said, remembering the horror that had been her third year. A potion like that might have made her get through it successfully, and she wouldn't have left out any possible subjects. If she tried it now, maybe she'd be able to take some of those subjects back up again.

"why don't you let me try it, and then you'll be able to see if you got it right," Hermione suggested. "I mean, I know you just offered, but it's really to test, not really to try."

she reached out for a vial or class, smiling reassuringly at the redhaired witch. Jessie reminded Hermione vaguely of Ginny, though with less of a Weasley look and slightly more freckles. Still, the comparison made her seem that much more harmless, and assured Hermione that this would be a perfectly save experiment.
Still setting with her legs crossed, Jessie slid over so Hermione could look at the deep blue potion, "It's not the first time I've made potions in the common room. It's how I got such high marks in Potion class. I haven't missed up a potion since my first year..."

Sighing a little when she took an interest in the potion, "We can all use something to help study. I know last year was hard for me." Jessie had been watching Hermione over the last four years so she knew how much she studied. When she found the old parchment in Knockturn Alley, she knew she had found the key to Hermione's heart.

"Well... I guess you would know if something was wrong..." she said taking the glass and filling it half way, "It might be a little sweet. Some of the ingredients are sweet..." Handing the glass to her, Jessie had to remind herself to breath as she watched Hermione. Looking at her throat, she felt a shiver of excitement run down her spine. Pressing her hands into her lap, she waited until she drunk the potion.

Like so many of spells in the magical this potion wouldn't work on anyone but the person that it was made for which was Hermione.
Hermione nodded, not bothering to hide how impressed she was with Jessie's skill. even she occasionally messed up a potion or two, though she knew that wasn't her strong suit. Having Snape as a teacher didn't help matters, since the peevish teacher always seemed to have it out for Hermione and her friends.

"I don't need it to help; I just want to help you test it," insisted Hermione, taking the deep blue potion. "Since you're so good at potions, you can probably whip up an antidote for this, I'm betting. Not that I think you'll need one."

No, what Hermione figured was that the potion wouldn't do much of anything. It would taste sweet, which it did, but it wouldn't actually do anything. Hermione swallowed it, then smiled at Jessie. A warmth had immediately come over the Gryffindor, and she felt herself tugging at her robes, wondering if the fire had started blazing hot or something. Or was this a side effect of the potion? Hermione looked to Jessie and opened her mouth, but found herself nearly moaning instead.

"Is this, is this supposed to have any side effects?" she asked, looking at her house mate. "Because I'm, I'm feeling really hot right now. Almost feverish."

And thoughts that had nothing to do with studying crossed Hermione's mind. She could feel portions of her anatomy that hadn't seen use suddenly start flaring up. Another side effect? Such a strange potion, to do something like this.
"Oh... Of course," Jessie said as she watched her, "Just to help me out." Somewhat worried that Hermione asked about an antidote, "Yeah... I can make an antidote..." she said hoping that Hermione wouldn't hear the concern in her voice.

Smiling as Hermione started to drink the potion, Jessi slowly stood up, wrapping her robe around her as she did. Watching her start to pull on her robe, Jessie smiled widened, "So..."

Stepping closer to her, "No... It's supposed to do this... You're not feeling a side effect... You're feeling it's effects," she said reaching out to take Hermione's hand. Pulling her toward the stairs, "Come with me. I know what you need to cool off." Pulling the girl up the stairs, Jessie walked them up three flights before stepping out on a small landing.

Moving over to the only door on the floor, Jessie pushed it open showing a private bedroom. "This is my room..."
Hermione pulled even more at her robes, feeling hte heat rise. It seemed centered on three key points of her body: both nipples and her sex. The latter seemed the hottest, nearly blazing, and it seemed almost like Hermione was sweating or something. Her nipples were just two twin points, each jutting against her confining bra. Certainly the robes already felt like enough difficult, let alone the girl's underwear.

Still, she followed Jessie, hoping there was a point. Up several flights of stairs, toward a landing. Hermione was hoping to find an antidote or possibly another potion. Instead she walked into a bedroom, quite confused. she turned, her face showing her puzzlement.

"I don't see anything here that could fix this," she said. "This looks like your bedroom. Is there a potion stashed away somewhere, maybe? I'm, I'm getting hotter, and I fear I may have to use the toilet soon."

Because a burning pressure had started at Hermione's groin, flaring up within her. It said something about the girl that she didn't even recognize sexual arousal. There was nothing in her textbooks about that, and she certainly wasn't going to read any lurid literature. So the poor girl was squirming, convinced that the pressure between her legs meant a trip to the restroom, not a trip to the bed.
Oh there's a cure here..." Jessie said softly as she moved around Hermione. Standing behind her, "You don't need to use the toilet. I did a lot of reading this summer and what you need is to have a release of a different type..." Walking over to her bed, Jessie took her robe off, dropping it on her chest at the foot of the bed.

Turning back to Hermione, Jessie walked over to her. The front of Jessie's skirt stood out a little from her hips as she stood in front of her love. Moving her hands to Hermione's shoulders, "First thing we'll need to do is take your cloths off. Your going to keep getting hotter until we do. After that we can start cooling you down." Pushing Hermione's robe off of her shoulders, she hoped the girl was to far gone and wouldn't resist her.

Jessie stood close to her as she moved around to stand behind her. Her excitement was growing with each passing second. With her excitement something else grew... Jessie had been assigned a private room for a special reason. And that reason was what held her skirt up. Jessie was a futanari. Most time she could control herself, but this close to the girl she had had a crush on sense the first day of school was more then she could take.

Placing both hands on Hermione's shoulder, Jessie started to lightly rub them, "It'll be ok... I'm going to help you..." her voice dropped to a soft whisper, barely loud enough for Hermione to hear, "My love..."
"What-what are you talking about?" gasped Hermione. the confused girl offered no resistance as Jessie began taking off her robes. Standard school required garments fell from Hermione's lean body, baring the school girl uniform underneath. You could now easily see Hermione's legs pressed together, dancing marvelously: two stocking clad limbs that seemed almost to have been hit by a curse.

"I don't think I really need my clothes removes," said Hermione, flushing. True, she was in another female's dorm, but already she'd begun to notice that Jessie acted different. Hermione found herself watching the girl quite closely, her eyes scanning every inch of the other witch's body. therefore when she saw the slight rise in Jessie's skirt, she simply thought it was a wand. That was the logical thing to do.

Hands on her shoulder now, lightly rubbing. Hermione couldn't hold back the moan of delight from the touch, her head rolling back slightly, those marvelous curls sliding nearly all the way down her back. "Please help me," she insisted. Her head turned, trying to find Jessie's face. "I need you," swallow, "to help me. Please."

Wait, had Jessie said my love? Hermione had thought she'd heard it, but again, that didn't make any sense. Her mind was already starting to fog anyway, the heat between her legs unbearable. The girl's hands found her way there, thinking that perhaps if she touched it, things would get better, more bearable. At this point, Hermione was willing to try anything.
Moving her head closer to Hermione's, she smiled at as she thought about kissing her. Letting her hands move down Hermione's back, Jessie stepped closer to her. "I'm going to help you..." she said softly in her ear as her hands wrapped around her. As both hands touched Hermione's stomach, Jessie pressed her body completely against her. Letting one hand slid up to Hermione's breast, her other slip lower to touch her skirt covered thigh.

Jessie's heart pounded in her chest as she pressed her body to Hermione's. Feeling her erection grow to full hardness, Jessie wiggled as it pressed against her.

Kissing her neck, "If you want me to help you we'll need to take our cloths off." Sliding her hands along the other witches body, Jessie gripped the hem of Hermione's sweater. "Lift your arms... It'll be so much better once we're out of these hot cloths. I'm hot too... I need you to help me too." Working the sweater up, her hands rubbed across the other girls breast as she moved the sweater higher.
Jessie stepped close, and again Hermione found herself moaning. She mumbled more pleas for help, and felt the hands moving about her body. They touched her stomach, moved to her thighs darting about her skin as though this was what Jessie had always wanted. The girl moved closer, and Hermione thought she felt a wand pushing against her skin. Hermione's eyes fluttered and she tried to seek out Jessie, to ask what the plan was.

But the lusty haze prevented her from thinking of anything else. she wanted. Her sex had started to throb now, juices beginning to link into virgin panties. The unknown feelings had risen within Granger, making her quake all the more. she lifted her arms when asked, wanting the blasted sweater removed.

"Why, why do we need our clothes gone?" she managed anyway. she groaned as hands brushed across her breasts. Those two aching mounds wanting nothing so much as to be touched. Since Jessie wasn't about to help, Hermione reached up, cupping one of her own. This feeling, she should know what it was. Why hadn't she read about this before, in some book somewhere?

"Please, help me," she begged, turning to her red haired savior. "I need it."
Pushing her erection against Hermione brought a moan to Jessie. Staying behind Granger, Jessie kept her hands on the girls body touching her everywhere she could. 'The plan...' Jessie thought to herself, 'The plan is to fuck you my beauty...'

Smiling as Hermione lifted her arms, Jessie pulled the sweater off and threw it to the side. Taking Granger's hand, Jessie pulled her over to the bed. Turning her around, Jessie's dressed stood out further as her cock flexed with her heartbeat.

"Why... Because the first time I fuck you I want to enjoy all of your beautiful body," Jessie said as she watched her cup her breast. Moaning at the erotic sight, Jessie quickly ripped her shirt open. As the buttons flew around the room, Jessie braless B-cup breast came into Hermione's view.

"Oh my love... I'm going to help you... I'm going to put that fire out," Jessie said as she reached out to yank Hermione's shirt open. "You are so beautiful..." she moaned as her hand reached for the other girl. Slipping one hand under Granger's skirt, her fingers started to rub her wet panties. Her other hand took Hermione's hand and guided it down to her hard cock, "This is for you... This is the only thing that can put out the fire in your wet pussy."
To fuck her? Hermione recognized the words, and they filled her with some worry and fear. She'd never even kissed a boy yet, let alone had sex with one. Her pussy was a stranger that she briefly met during bathroom breaks and showers, not something that she played with regularly. Yet Jessie was guiding the poor, quivering mess to her bed.

"What?" managed Hermione, her sharp mind fighting through the haze of lust, and having quite the difficult time doing so. A shirt ripped open, and Jessie's firm little breasts sprang into view. Those two orbs, just big enough to cup in the hands and fill, with their rosy nipples. Without thinking about it, Hermione's hands went to them, her fingers closing about as she squeezed, almost as if testing them.

going to help. Put the fire out. Hermione's skirt fell, revealing a pair of gray panties that likely qualified as "little girl" or "grany panties." Soft cotton with a little pink boy, definitely not the type that you expected to be seen by anyone. The wet spot showed just where Hermione's nether lips were, and it seemed to be growing with each passing moment.

"I don't, I don't want," she tied. But a hand touched her panties, and the girl's protest turned into a moan. Her hand was soon wrapped around another wand, and her eyes flew open. "But, but you're a girl! is this some kind of spell or...?"

Leave it to Hermione to start wondering and questioning even in the middle of mounting lust. In truth, holding that cock with one hand, while the other circled about a breast, Hermione's own lust started to build to a fever pitch. A flush added color to the girl's skin, making her look almost rosy. Sweat started to bead. And, of course, the panties grew ever wetter.
Moaning as Hermione touch her breast, Jessie knew that she had the girl's complete attention. Leaning into her hands, Jessie's moan again as the soft hands squeezed her breast, her nipples becoming as hard as diamonds with the teasing touch.

Looking down at the soft cotton panties, Jessie felt a shiver run down her spine that traveled to her sexes. Touching the wet spot with her fingers, Jessie started to rub her nether lips through her panties. "So wonderful... So beautiful," she moaned as her hand moved higher on her panties. Finding the edge of the panties, Jessie's finger slipped under them and slowly started to move back to her wet lips.

"But you do want to... As much as I do," Jessie said in breathy moan. Throwing her head back and moaning loudly when Hermione's finger's wrapped around her throbbing erection, the girl hard a hard time not cumming right then at her touch. Letting go of Hermione's hand, she moved back up to squeeze and tease Hermione's breast. "No spell... I was born this way..." she said as her breathing sped up.

Looking at Hermione, Jessie didn't try to hold herself back anymore. Moving her hand from the other witch's breast, Jessie moves it up to the back on her neck. Holding her, she quickly leaned in to kiss the other girl. Touching Hermione's lips, Jessie moaned as her passion built in the kiss. Her mouth open a little as her tongue slipped out to touch Hermione's lips.
The feverish lust continued to eat at Hermione's mind, making her swim in a sea of lust. Another sea seemed to be developing between her lips, as more and more juices gathered, soaking the cloth. That finger drew such pleasant sensations as it ran its course over Hermione's needy body. Just feeling that slight touch against her, it made Hermione moan, shudder. Her hand clenched tightly around Jessie's member, squeezing it in an attempt to keep herself upright.

Want as much as Jessie did. Somehow, Hermione suspected she wanted it more: much, much more. another moan left her lips as Jessie squeezed and played with the small mounds of Hermione's breasts. Barely a B cup, they were developing, but seemed perfect for Jessie's hands. The hands teased and pulled even as Jessie spoke of being born that way. that news alone penetrated the haze, making Hermione's eyes widen.

The magical world was special indeed.

Her hand jerked along the length of the member, then fled entirely as Hermione's lips were seized. the girl tried to kiss back, her passion and lack of skill making her sloppy. Hermione's lips slid and slipped, but her mouth was open and willing, her tongue attempting to rise to the occasion. And yet more liquid poured into those simple panties.
Jessie groaned as Hermione squeezed her hard erection. As her own finger's found Hermione's wet pussy, she gasped, "You're so wet..." Rubbing her lips, her finger's teased her as she collected her juices on her fingers. Wanting to taste her, Jessie started to push her wet panties down.

Moaning as Hermione started to jerk on her member, Jessi pressed her body against Hermione's. Pushing Hermione back against the bed, she continued to kiss her. As inexperienced as Hermione, Jessie's tongue touching hers. Catching her tongue between her lips, Jessie sucked on it briefly.

Moving her hand from the witch's panties, Jessie moved both to Hermione's hips. Pushing the girl onto the bed, Jessie pushed Hermione's panties completely off as she stepped closer. Still kissing her in a passionate, sloppy kiss, Jessie pushed her own down her legs, letting her member free. After removing her panties, Jessie's finger's returned to Hermione's wet core. Rubbing her finger's across her lips, Jessie stepped closer making her erection touch Hermione's thigh.
Fingers touched Hermione's dripping sex, making the Gryffindor gasp and tremble. A low moan left her lips as she shook, and her sex seemed more than willing to provide more juices, more signs of her mounting arousal. Prety pink lips were slid open, allowing a tongue to delve into uncharted depths. Hermione's eyelids fluttered as her head swam. So heavy, so new were the feelings.

More kissing, a body pressed against hers. Just as hot, just as needy. Then Jessie drew Hermione's tongue inside, sucking along the muscle. Another moan drew out from Hermione, and her hands squeezed even more. they'd moved to hips now, gripping the flesh, fingers digging into the womanly curves.

The need pulsed between Hermione's legs, making her throb. it was nearly painful, almost made Hermione cry, so intense was the sensation. Hands left her panties, and Hermione nearly whimpered. But she felt herself go back, her body touching the bed. The panties slid off, baring her tiny sex. Just a narrow slit among the pale white of her body, a thin line of delicate pink. A small tuft of light brown hair lined the top, declaring Hermione every bit a woman. That woman kissed passionately back, her lips sliding, her tongue lathering. Spit slid between them, but Hermione hardly cared at this point.

Fingers touched her aching core again. Rubbed. And something hard pushed against the soft flesh of Hermione's thigh.

"Oh, Merlin," gasped the witch, shuddering. "I--I--I'm not sure. It feels so big..."
Jessie gasped as Hermione squeezed her hard member harder. Breathing harder, her breasted heaved as she felt her body become hotter and more aroused. Slipping her fingers along her fellow Gryffindor's sex, Jessie could feel her own juices running down her legs as her precum dripped from her hard erection.

Blushing when Hermione called her member big, "It'll fit... It has to... We're made for each other," she panted.

Stepping closer to her, Jessie's hand moved from the other girl's lips as her throbbing member touched her lips. Looking down as her erection touched Hermione's lips, Jessie reached down to rub the witch's core with the head of her erection.

Pushing the girl back on the bed, "Move over so I can join you..." she said not sure how much longer she could wait. "If you want me to stop... You had better tell me now..." Deep down Jessie hoped the potion would last long enough that she could snuggle with her crush after they were done. The young witch didn't realize the mistakes she made on the potion could last forever.
Made for each other? Did the girl even realize what she was saying? Yet, yet Hermione felt her body humming, aching, wanting that thing that throbbed between Jessie's legs. That huge cock, it could plunder her tiny sex, ravish her and leave her breathless. Fill that gaping void. The words rolled in Hermione's mind, and she moaned again.

The moan grew even louder as the head of the cock pressed against the tiny slit. Hermione's lips seemed to part just slightly, as if moving to kiss the head that touched against them. Just a kiss of sexual fluid, just a touch of the soft petals. Only a hint of what was to come, a tease. Enough to make Hermione moan all the louder.

Move over. Pushed back. Hermione didn't resist, instead laying there panting. Her legs were spread wide, knees slightly bent, sex completely exposed. It glistened in the magical lights, the tender pink moist with want.

"I--I," stammered Hermione. She swallowed. Her voice had left her, throat gone dry with arousal. Instead she simply shivered, her body arching, the lust overtaking her mind and sapping her of her will. She wanted this, needed it, ached for it, and her body would have it, one way or another.
Reaching down to rub her hard erection against Hermione's wet lips, Jessie hoped she wouldn't stop her. Jessie was afraid she wouldn't be able to stop. She was to turned on now to stop...

When Hermione started to speak, Jessie's fear rose up. 'Was she going to stop her?' she thought to herself. Pushing a little more against her, Jessie moaned as the head of her cock started to part her lips.

Gasping, Jessie continued to push, her cock slowly parting Hermione's lips. Moaning, her fingers tightened around the base of her cock as her fear of cumming to soon raced through her head. Jessi had spent the last year masturbating and now she used that little trick to hold of until she was fully in her. Slowly sinking deeper, Jessie stopped as she felt the resistance of Hermione's virginity. Looking down at her, Jessie looked in her eyes as she waited until her need to cum pasted.

She knew that her next move would take Hermione's virginity... She knew that she was ready, now she would wait until Hermione was....
What was Hermione going to say? the words were there, dangling at the edge. Stop; I don't want this. I'm in love with... someone else. But was she, was she really? This was too much, and she wanted it. Hermione knew enough to know when she was aroused, and her sex was practically dripping all over the cock that rubbed against it now.

The cock parted Hermione's lips, just pushing against it. Hermione tensed, sucking in her breath. Her eyes pinched shut, her back arched, and she found herself whispering. Yet the lips parted, sucking in the flesh and surrounding it with a needy warmth, an accepting hole ready for the cock. It sunk ever deeper, stretching the tight hole. As it sank, Hermione held her breath, seizing her lips between her teeth, tensing for it.

Looking in the eyes. Hermione opened her mouth, but found words failing her, instead she closed her eyes, rolled back her head. Braced. shifted. Ready. what else could she do? Her body wanted this, and it wasn't going to allow her to back out, no matter what Hermione may want in the end.
Jessie moaned as she felt the warm depths of Hermione's sex. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried not to cum just from being inside of her. Swallowing she breathed deeply as she opened her eyes. Looking at Granger, she slowly pulled back, her erection almost leaving her.

Leaning down, their breast touching, Jessie kissed her neck as she slowly started to push back in. Pulling back out some she whispered in Hermione's ear, "I love you..." Thrusting in quickly her hard cock tore through Hermione's virginity as she sunk deep into her core.

Panting, Jessie eyes were shut tight as she fought of the urge to cum. Even though she wanted to fill Hermione she wanted this to last as long as possible. Taking several deep breaths, Jessie waited a couple minutes before she started to pull back. Moving slowly she hoped as she started to move in and out, Jessie could feel her nipples rubbing against Hermione's. Kissing the Gryffindor's neck, tried to find a rhythm that would make bring them both pleasure.

Jessie knew what it was supposed to be like their first time. Trying to bring Hermione as much pleasure as she could, Jessie let her body rub along Granger's as she moved. Hoping she could last long enough to give Hermione an orgasm, she continued to thrust into the girl slowly finding a rhythm for them.
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