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A little Rusty.... Up for anything! {m/f}

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May 3, 2011
Yeah.... So its been quite some time since Ive done any roleplaying... my current life had caught up with me a little bit, but I'm more than interested in starting something fresh and new!
I will say that I am well experienced, but as stated above its been some time since Ive had any time to roleplay religiously. I am a female seeking a male roleplaying partner, preferably someone dominant but willing to compromise in certain plot situations.

I am really in the mood to do two specific roleplays at the given moment.

1) Zombies!
Ive never really done this kind in the past, but after reading The Walking Dead Ive been curious to how this could pan out into an interesting roleplay.

2) WereBar/Trueblood inspired.
I very much like the idea of a "trueblood-esque" roleplay. So in that world, its setting so to speak, but not involving any of the existing or pre-established characters. So you can be a were, a vamp, shifter or otherwise, but I'm more leaning toward a male were partner to my female.... well, i haven't decided what I want her to be, but ill come up with it : D

So if either of these interest you please PM me, or if you have your own ideas/ plots don't be afraid to run them by me, you might be pleasantly surprised : D
Id just like to add that I am a literate roleplayer with lots of experience and I would very much like another like minded individual, meaning detailed full posts, at least 2 paragraphs per post would be preferable, but if your stuck 1 would be sufficient.

If your interested in seeing how I write, here is some of my older work.
Hey, I would love to do a vampire on vampire thing with you. I am a pretty detailed RPer with moderate experience. Are you a dominate woman? I would prefer a dominant woman, but would be happy either way. Please PM me to start planning something.
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