Lustful Hatred (Kiki x SHARPii)

KiKi Umara Death

Jan 26, 2009
Darkness that was all Kiki saw as she woke up in the morning. Her emerald bed curtains had been drawn during the night so she could block out the early morning sun. She let out a stressed sigh as she crawled out of her bed. Fixing the curtains up she went about moving the dorm room getting ready. Pulling out her clean and pressed uniform she laid it across her bed and looked around to see if there were any other girls around. They seemed to be still asleep. Up early again it seemed. Reaching down she pulled her night gown up over her head revealing her pale creamy skin and lithe form. Tossing the gown into the hamper she carefully pulled her uniform on and walked over to the full length mirror beside her nightstand.

Straightening out any creases she picked up the brush off of her nightstand. Pulling her waist length braid over her shoulder she pulled it loose after taking the ribbon off of the end of it. She then brushed her hair and put it back up. Brushing it back over her shoulder she stared at herself her blue eyes focusing on her put together form. Smiling in approval she grabbed her satchel off of the chair near the exit of the room and headed out. She was in the common room and moving past the other early birds to go get breakfast. After she finished with breakfast it dawned on her what class she had first. Potions. It wasn't that she wasn't good at the class because she was damn good. What ruined her mood was who would be attending the class with her.

He was almost unavoidable considering she was in the same household as him. But the Prince of Slytherin was something to behold and that something was annoying. He annoyed her to no end and as the years had progressed it had moved to the point of hatred. She hated him so much and he shared the feelings. After she exited the great hall she moved down to the dungeons and went into the potions room. She set her satchel down and sat in her seat. This was going to be a long class. The only good thing she had to look forward to all day was the few classes she would be able to avoid him in and passing time in the hall where she could move away from him.
That morning, Draco had already been awake for quite some time. It wasn't easy sleeping, what with all that had been going on. He'd be lucky if he managed a few hours, but otherwise, it wasn't very comfortable. The things he saw in his head, repeating over and over again; they were haunting. Not so much traumatizing but simply haunting. As if a ghost was always hovering over him to make sure he relived every moment in his head, making it impossible to close his eyes for a restful sleep. It may have begun to show on his face but he tried to not show it, tried not to let the sleep resonate his features. He was the Prince of Slytherin and while maybe the title didn't mean as much to him now as it did in his earlier years at Hogwarts, he still liked to maintain it.

After showering, he dressed in a very nicely tailored white long sleeved button down shirt and he pulled on black trousers, tucking his shirt in nicely. Grabbing a green and silver stripped tie, he tied it perfectly and then pulled on a black sweater vest with the Slytherin emblem proudly on it. Moving to the mirror, he combed his hair into a sophisticated coif and then grabbed his bag and wand and he left the dorms and the common room and retreated towards the Great Hall for breakfast. He didn't eat much. Just some toast and eggs with half a goblet of Pumpkin Juice.

Coming to the realization of what classes he had that day, his first one was notably Potions, one that he didn't particularly look forward to. He found the entire place to be a pathetic excuse of a school, so none of his classes he ever looked forward to. For Potions and a few of his other classes, he really didn't look forward to them at all because of a specific girl. A true nuisance she was and if he could, he'd hex her. But of course, the last thing he wanted was to depart this school out of expulsion. No, if he left this school it would be because he willed it, not by any other.

Standing from his seating, he looked at the time. Somehow he had taken longer at some point because he had maybe five minutes to get to his class. Normally, he wouldn't care to be on time for a class but if he was late to Potions or came at the last minute, usually the only seat available was next to her and he couldn't stand her. Sighing, he hurried and tried to make it to class on time. It was like a battle for the better seat. One student, usually sat in the seat Draco was aiming for and it was a race to it. Though it was one-sided because the other student didn't have to try. He made it there and Draco almost growled and he looked at the only available seat; next to Kiki. Even her name made him want to grate his teeth. Walking there, he sat down and he plopped his bag on the table loudly, purposely trying to aggravate her and he took out his Potion's textbook, slamming it loudly on his table. He didn't even bother to look at her. He knew she was there. Her 'Kiki' aura as he liked to call it, emitted so strongly, even that made him hate her more.
As the students entered the room Kiki didn't even bother to look up. She already knew what was going to happen. No one in their house really liked her that much so it was a scramble to get the seat that wasn't next to her. Draco was always late so he always got the seat next to her. Merlin when would that boy learn to be on time. She didn't like sitting next to him anymore than he liked sitting next to her. It was a pain and all they did all class was get on each others nerves. But as the scramble ended she heard an abrupt slam on the table. His bag...Followed by his book no doubt. She let out an exasperated sigh. Why did he have to be so damn noisy? Glaring up at him she fought the urge to start this day off on the wrong foot. He just rubbed her the wrong way tempting her to making some kind of remark. Looking away from him. knowing he hadn't noticed her mean stare, she tried to focus on other things. But it was so hard with his arrogant presence radiating beside her. So she went against her better judgement and looked back at him. "Do have to be so noisy? You remind me of a toddler throwing things about just because he didn't get his way." She snapped. "It's just a seat. You'll live."

Little time was given for him to retort as Professor Slughorn walked into the room shutting the door behind him. Her eyes quickly averted from Draco to their teacher. Reaching down into her bag she pulled out her book and opened it to the page that was now scrawled on the board. He began discussing todays lesson as she took out parchment and quill. She was always prompt on her notes and the only useful thing the other Slytherins got out of her was copying them. So she now wrote, her notes at least, in invisible ink. She could cast a charm on them later to reveal what she had wrote. She had never known if Draco had been copying her. But if he had been she would find out today. It would be quite funny to hear his frustration because she was sure he would at least express in a grunt or something. Not too mention it would be a small triumph for her. One thing was for sure though, small triumph or not, it was going to be a long class period and she had him for two more classes after that.
Casting a look full of annoyance because of her unfortunate existence in that room, he sat himself down on the stool, about to open his mouth to retort back an equally insulting comment but had no chance to do so as Professor Slughorn came in, starting class. Letting out a heavy sigh, Draco opened his book to the page allotted on the board and took out a parchment and quill to take notes. He normally did copy off of her, finding her only useful for that but he wouldn’t make it obvious; something he took pride was his slyness, especially when it came to cheating. He took a small glance at her notes and saw nothing on her parchment though she had clearly been writing something. Invisible ink; clever though it probably made him hate her more. No matter for he was perfectly capable of taking his own notes. They may not have been as well written out as hers but they’d get him by which was the whole point after all.

After a small session of note taking and with Professor Slughorn giving his rather whimsical lectures, they were cast off on their own with the assignment at hand: Create a perfect draft of Veritaserum. After all, it was advanced potions class and such tasks would be necessary. Draco didn’t boast himself an excellent student in any class. He didn’t need to and quite frankly, that year especially he didn’t care. As he explained on the train at the start of term, he may not be back the next year, which is kind of what he was hoping. This entire place a pathetic excuse for a school and to be stuck in class with such a loony professor and a nuisance of a classmate and housemate, it made it even worse. They all would learn though; eventually. Especially her.
She felt his eyes move over her and most likely onto her paper. He would find nothing of course and this made her smile once more. She delighted in torturing him in any possible way she could. Besides he would do the same to her. She knew that much for a fact. As she finished scribbling down her notes she heard the assignment and immediately went about setting up for the procedure. She carefully prepped the ingredients and went about the process of making the assignment. As she went about her work she couldn't help but cast a glance over at her aggravation. He didn't seem interested in his work at all. Now come to think of it he hadn't been interested in anything at all...Aside for insulting her of course. He always kept up on that. But other than that he almost seemed like he wasn't there. Like his mind was elsewhere...Pursing her lips she narrowed her eyes for a moment concentrating on his face. Why she was doing this she had no idea. But now that she was she was beginning to see the hollowness in his eyes...Wait why was she staring into his eyes? Catching herself she recomposed herself and hoped he hadn't noticed her weird little moment. She then went back to making the Veritaserum paying careful attention to it like she would with any other potion.
It really was like he didn't have a care to try at all. As other disbanded to retrieve ingredients and start for their potion, he simply sat at his station, his quill in his fingers grasps, scribbling nothing onto her parchment. Everyone was making quick haste because they had until the class ended and he was moving at half the pace they were. Eventually, he managed to gather what he needed, like the others but while many were probably paying attention to what they were brewing, he wasn't. Draco's eyes were more firmly planted at the window, catching the time of the day by the brightness of the sun and air.

Looking down at his book, his finger traced over the start of the procedure to which he did with dull emotion. As his attention was elsewhere, he did feel eyes on him and that caused him to turn directly to the source, to which the nuisance put her attention back on her own deal. It was almost like an angry smoldering appeared; angry suited him and only complimented his already handsome features. Slughorn was going around, watching students as they attempted to brew this potion, some having troubles, other finding it to their strength while a very small few, Draco included showed no interest. He didn't bother for he focused on students who had a chance. Clearly, Draco wasn't one of them, or at least to his knowledge.

Draco's eyes looked up again, but this time out the window but at the grand clock in the room, staring at the minute hand as it drew nearer and nearer towards the time for when they would be dismissed. He wanted it. Desperately. Like he had any need to go to classes. All the classes were ridiculous.
As Kiki was drawing to a finish Slughorn made it around to her. He spoke with her for a few moments before going on his way. He knew she was doing fine. As she finished and put some into a small vial for grading. Casting a glance over at Draco, as she walked up to their teachers desk, she saw he was showing no interest in the matter. In fact he wasn't doing much at all. 'How pathetic...He can't even make a potion for a class without being stingy." She thought as she turned in her vial. Returning to her seat she saw where his gaze was meeting. The clock? Oh so he was wishing for the class to be over. She was too. So she could get the hell out of there and avoid him in the hall for a few minutes...Before ending up in the same room with him again. Soon Slughorn dismissed them and she happily gathered her things and darted for the door.

She wanted some breathing room on the way to her next class so she took the long way around. Hoping to avoid him at all costs for the next ten minutes. As she walked through the halls she thought back to her odd moment in class. The vision of his eyes flashed in her mind again. He looked so...gone...So distant. Hollow. That brought her back to their first year and how, even though they always had an arrogant look in them, his eyes were always so alive. Why were they so dead looking? What had happened to him to make him look so unfeeling? There were rumors floating around...Bad ones involving the dark lord and how Draco...had become a death eater...She wouldn't be surprised. But why?...He was bad...But he wasn't that bad. Was he? Suddenly she found herself lost in her own thought and immediately removed herself from the situation. Why did she care anyhow?
As class finally came to an end, Draco gathered his things, not doing much to clean up his station and he left the class in a hurry. He took the long route, same route that she was taking but for a different reason. He had no intention of going to class; instead he had other troubles that were far more dire and would cost him a great deal if not done properly. As he walked, he spot her, walking along. Oh why did she have to take that route? He was headed up to the seventh floor however so perhaps they wouldn't be clashing, thankfully.

Walking on passed her, Draco turned and he looked back at her, now walking backwards. "For the record, it wasn't the seat that bothered me, but the thing next to it. For all I know, you're contagious and whatever it is about you, I would never want to catch." He sneered, turning and continued on walking, turning at the corner and headed right the stairs, planning to take them all the way to the seventh floor because that's where a real challenge lay before him; supposedly at least.
As she walked along she felt his obnoxious presence behind her. She tried to ignore him and she found she could not. So she was about to turn around ask why he was following her when he suddenly passed her. Her eyes narrowed concentrating on him knowing that he was going to turn and say something to her. Just as she had the thought he turned around and spouted off something....Something rather infuriating. She stopped in her tracks and stood there watching him go. How dare he...He could have just moved on and not said a damn word but he had to start a fight didn't he? Pursing her lips to try and calm herself she found that she couldn't he had pissed her off and that was that. She'd blow off class just to deal with this. So with that in mind she followed him and found him. Wasting no time she marched up to him, grabbed onto his shoulder, turned him around, and slammed him against the wall. Enough was enough. "Alright Malfoy how about we just get all of our feelings right out in the open. Right now." She growled gripping his shirt with both hands.
Quickly, he kept walking, trying to make it to the Seventh Floor undetected. When he looked back the first time as he walked incredibly fast, it was then he noticed the little nuisance having tailed behind him the entire time. That set him off and instantly he knew he had to abandon his current plan. She couldn't know and she had no business with it either. Not so surprisingly, as he had lessened his quick pace, he was soon against the wall and he let out a small wince. Looking at her, his wand now in his hand, he pried her hands off of him and pushed her back. "Feelings? You want to talk feelings? You must be incredibly daft. The only feelings I have for you of pure hatred. You're a nuisance; a little gnat that just won't stop buzzing around!" He snapped. "There. That's how I feel. Now will you just get going?" He asked, clearly annoyed.
She was a little caught off guard when he pushed her back away from him. But soon she regained her composure and had her wand out. She heard his words and shot him a dirty look. How clever comparing her to an insect of all things. How creative of him. But still she had to know what his deal was back in the hall. She had said nothing to him and preferred it that way but he had to go off and spit a venomous comment in her face. "I had said nothing to you you git and yet you felt it was necessary to piss me off. What in Merlin's name was up with that? Huh?" She asked readying to fire a counter spell if he even dared try anything. "Is it your daily goal to anger me? I could go all day without your insults but you push me say something with your childish comments." She continued her voice heated and aggravated. She demanded that he answered before she let him go off where ever he was headed. As she waited she caught that dull look in his eyes even as he stared her down in annoyance...What was his deal?
His wand pointed at her, almost in perfect unison when her wand raised. He looked at her with the utmost look of annoyance and hatred, like he could just kill her or deeply injure her with one look. Thankfully, he was no Medusa. "I had been dying to tell you that since class when you compared to me a spoiled child not getting his way. How dare you even say such a thing as that to me!" He stepped to her, now pushing her against the wall, his body and his face alarmingly close to hers, his wand pointing at her neck. "And what of you, huh? Staring at me in class? Don't think I didn't notice. I know the feeling when your eyes on me. It's like a fire burning in my face. Not in a good way." He quickly added, pressing his wand a bit more aggressively against her neck.
She could almost feel his gaze burning into her as they stood pointing their wands at one another. She was glaring at him just as much and oh if looks could he'd have been dead when they started this fight. Why did he have to be so annoying and rub her the wrong way 24/7? Why? As he spoke she concentrated on him still expecting him to fire off some sort of hex in her general direction. But suddenly he was right in front her with his body nearly pressing against her own. His face was nearly inches away and she could feel his breath against her skin. With him that close she was able to see his eyes again. His cold almost dead unfeeling eyes. She almost froze up having trouble finding the words to his question. Feeling his wand press against her neck she pressed her own against his chest to show she still had a bit of control. How should she word her answer without sounding like she had been concerned? Finally she managed to spout something off. "Well if you must know I'd like to know when you lost your fire. Your eyes..." She swallowed not sure if she wanted to continue speaking. "You look like you've had the life sucked out of you. It freaks me out! You have your answer. Now will you please get off of me?" She asked pressing her wand against his chest even more trying not to show that she was freaked out that he was this close to her.
Draco nearly sneered at her when she spoke about his eyes. How was he to say anything to that when she seemed to have called him out on how he truly was now. Before, he had such life in his eyes but ever since the previous year and now all this, it was like the very youth and deviant vibrant likeness was sucked right out of them, leaving them to be these soulless, even lost eyes. Lowering his wand, he stepped back from her, he seeming to have his guard down until he pointed it at her. "Expelliarmus."
She stayed completely still as he stared at her for a moment before sneering. Then...He said nothing...Did he have anything to say? It seemed he didn't. For once he didn't have a come back. No venom to spit in her face? No terrible insult? Not even sarcasm to offer? She was actually relieved that he was quiet. She didn't know if she could handle anymore of his bullshit. When he stepped back she made the mistake of lowering her guard. She though it was fine considering he was lowering his wand as well. But then before she could blink she was disarmed. Her wand flew from her grip and landed a ways away from her. She just stared at him after that wondering what he was going to do. After a moment she spoke. "You feel empty don't you?" She asked looking into his eyes.
Once he disarmed her though, his wand never lowered, as if he was ready to go in with an even stronger and dangerous curse. He took a step closer to her, as well as another until he was maybe a foot away from her. He was getting ready to fully hex her now, to maybe silence her and keep her under his control but that would be too risky; before she even gave him the chance she spoke. It's like she knew but he wouldn't and couldn't admit it. "Shut up." He snapped, moving to her again in a swift movement, pinning her hard to the wall. "You don't know what you're talking about or anything! So shut up or I will make you!" His hand was shaking. He wouldn't show fear but he refused to let a girl like her who set his rage off like a time bomb to get to him like this. As if she was trying to penetrate through this guard.
She backed against the wall until she was almost one with it. He was really starting freak her out. But before she could get away he was on her in an instant pinning her to the wall. He then began yelling at her screaming telling her that she didn't know what she was talking about and to shut her mouth. But she could tell she had struck a nerve. "Will you really make me? Huh?" She asked knowing he probably wouldn't. A hexing in the hall really wouldn't serve to his advantage. After a moment she continued pushing her luck. "You never let anyone in do you? Not anymore...What happened to you?" She asked almost sympathetically at this point.
His eyes were screaming with anger and hate towards right now, probably more so than usual. His wand pointed at her with a semi-steady hand and he glared at her. "Don't test me." He sneered. He caught the slight tone of sympathy in her words when she inquired what happened to him. He scoffed and he looked away and then back at her, only faintly. "If I told you, who's to say you'll even keep it to yourself. First chance you get you'll probably tell the Headmaster or anyone who'd listen; anyone who would enjoy the possibility of expelling me." He was probably making it fairly obvious by now but still he refrained from telling her the truth. "I never let anyone in to begin with. Maybe to my own amusement but never truly. What makes you think I'll start now, regardless of what happened or is happening?"
She listened to his words carefully and suddenly understood. Draco had crossed over to an even darker side. Somewhere he couldn't return from. Any anger she had towards him dissipated for the moment. Those eyes held more than just a cold look. He really was lost...Lost in his fathers footsteps...Lost in the dark deeds that he was no doubt told to carry out. Granted she didn't know what they were. But whatever the orders were he wasn't reacting to the pressure well. Suddenly she reached up and gripped his left arm gently knowing what lingered on his forearm. What was etched into his skin..."I won't tell..." She said simply.
His eyes shot to his left arm to which she grabbed, before slowly looking back at her. His wand slowly lowered until it fell out of his hands. His body not once moving from hers, the most astonished look on his face. She wouldn't tell. He half expected her to be jumping for joy at this kind of information because of what he provided, it was obvious what he was now. She'd know. She was in Slytherin too after all. They'd all know eventually. He figured she would relish the opportunity to get rid of him. But no, it was the exact opposite which threw him into kind of a limbo--not the after death kind--and suddenly he didn't know what was taking control of his body. His hand moved around her cheek and soon his lips had descended onto hers, pulling her into a passionate kiss. No doubt, she'd hex him for doing so, but he couldn't help it. Something...ignited.
She was shocked when he didn't get angry. He looked...shocked...She watched as he lowered his wand and she heard it hit the floor. But he hadn't moved away from her. What was he doing? Had he expected her to tell? She studied his face as he stared at her. Something was happening...She braced herself for the worst but then she felt his hand cup her cheek. What was going on? It seemed to happen so fast she nearly went into actual shock. His lips were pressed against her own in a kiss that, she had to admit, made her feel like she was on fire. Before she could get herself together she was kissing him back with the same amount of, if not more, passion.
Draco's lithe body pressed lightly into hers, he lightly biting on her lower lip as he slowly pulled away from the tremendously passionate kiss. Such a fire ignited in him that he had to really try to pull back and not go in for another. Leaving her with just that, he knelt down, his eyes coming across her legs as he picked up his wand. Standing up now, he stepped back from her slowly, not saying a word as he walked on, soon coming to the end of the seventh floor corridor, he staring at the wall, waiting for that intricate and eloquent iron wrought door to appear.
Kiki shivered as his body pressed against her own. Even more so when he lightly nibbled on her bottom lip before pulling away. God what was wrong with her all of a sudden? When he finally really pulled away she watched as he knelt down to retrieve his wand. She felt his eyes pass over her bare legs and it made her blush softly. As he stood it took all she had not to pull him to her again. But she let him walk away still slightly shocked at his actions. Not too mention her own. As he disappeared from her sight she could only watch him go. It took a few minutes afterwards to reassure herself that that had been an in the moment thing so she could walk on retrieving her wand in the process. Going to the hospital wing she said she was sick. They gave her a note dismissing her from all her classes for the day and she went to the common room to cool off. The entire time her mind couldn't help but wander back to that intense moment and how her heart had been beating so fast. Entering the common room she found a couch and sat down trying to relax.
Upon finding the door, Draco opened it and he went inside, spending quite a deal of time in there. It was only until around the end of classes would come that he finished, soon emerging from the once appearing door again, shutting it and letting it dissolve into the wall as if it was never there before going on about his business. While he was in the Room of Requirement, fulfilling a task that was necessary, his mind had constantly drifted back to the moment where he kissed her. He kissed the little Nuisance--though she did prove to be less of a nuisance that day--and actually enjoyed it. He had to rid the thought out of his head as he walked to the Slytherin house, walking into the common room; speak of the devil, the first person he saw and perhaps the only person he saw was her. It was almost as if his resolve was the same as before their kiss, his attitude reverting to how he had always been towards her. "What's up with you?" He asked, almost looking her and her entire figure over but had to hide that with a look of disgust that was more forced than ever before, though not obviously. What was happening? Could he...with her....never!
She was lost in her own thoughts trying to flush the image of them pressed against the wall lost in that suffocating moment. The intoxicating image just loved to taunt her. She tried to be angered that it happened. But she just couldn't. It had been overwhelming to her senses. Almost like a poison. Just as soon as she had the thought out of her head she heard his voice. Was he really trying to act like it never happened? Well then fine. She would too. It took her everything she had though to fix her eyes in a glare and look at him. "Oh nothing. I was just trying to purge my mind of the image of yo-...." She couldn't do it. She couldn't hold her composure. Stopping mid insult she stood and went to leave the main room. She had to get away from him. What was going on?
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