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Lit M[x]M [Long-Short Term. Seeking Dominant and Submissive Characters To Play With]

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May 2, 2011
Kinks and Non-Kinks List

I will roleplay through threads, emails...and maybe PM's. Not a huge fan of the PM one though. >.> Sorry.

FOR THE SUBMISSIVE ONES!: I am very picky about my partners, and that goes for not only the ones who play dominant character, but also the ones who play submissive characters. When I play a dominant character with a dominant personality, they are just that. Period. The end. They also tend to have low tolerance and are 'villains' in some form or shape. Now, I don't mind have my submissive boy toys with their cute moments. But! I don't want whining little brats. If you think you can handle my bastard of a dominant character, let me know. You can post, preferably, or pm me. I do prefer that you post in my thread about it, but I don't mind you pming me.

I decided to go ahead and revamp my request thread.

Real Life Personal Information: I don't care nor am I bothered by your gender in real life. I don't care about your personal information. I don't want it. Also, don't expect me to give any personal information out about myself other than the fact that I am an adult and last time I checked, I have a dick and can be a huge one.

Roleplay Requirements: I am what is considered a literate writer. I love details and length. HOWEVER! I can be lenient to post lengths. I will do my best to post everyday, but due to health reasons, I may not be able to post every single minute of every single day. If I am not going to be online for a time frame [day/days], and am fully aware of this, I will be sure to let you know and I expect the same courtesy in return. Shit happens. I am aware of it.

What I Will Roleplay: I am HORRIBLE at rping females as a main character. I can do them as side characters from time-to-time, but in bed, not so great. Also, I just don't care for it. I roleplay males mostly, especially with bedroom scenes.
As for the 'title', I am not one to use the "seme/uke/seke/etc" terms. My characters have dominant personalities with a submissive, stubborn, but submissive ass. Hopefully that has driven point across. I will, however, also play dominant characters with dominant personalities and they will never, whatsoever, get fucked in the ass. Literally.
My characters may come off as being straight and even have girlfriends, but when it gets down to it, they are opposite of being straight.
Also, I LOVE to play Villain roles. Another note, I don't mind playing with male characters that are dominants who are 'sweethearts'. I think its fun to have a dominant character that is a big softy with a submissive personality and the submissive character being the jerk and the one with the dominant personality. As well, once again, I do play multiple characters and can play female characters, just not that well in bed.

Not Going To Happen
I am gain for just about anything but there are certain things I refuse to do and you cannot change my mind. Sorry.
*[1]* Toilet Play.
*[2]* RP through PM's. Sorry. Forums only and maybe, BIG MAYBE, MSN.​

Pairings and Plot Ideas
I am rusty at the moment and I am going to put down a few that have come to my mind. In the list of pairings, my character will always be the first role listed. I.E., in Prince[x]Knight, the Prince role shall be played by my character. Also, they are no particular order.

*[1]* Student[x]Student
*[2]* Prince[x]Dragon Guardian
*[3]* Student[x]Teacher
*[4]* Assassin[x]Hitman
*[5]* Roxas[x]Axel (one of the very few fandoms I will do.)
*[6]* OC[x]Pyramid Head (one of the very few fandoms I will do.)
*[7]* Fallen Angel[x]Demon
*[8]* Demon[x]Demon
*[9]* Prince[x]Knight
*[10]* Dark Knight[x]Knight
*[11]* Serial Killer[x]Homicide Detective
*[12]* Serial Killer[x]Serial Killer
*[13]* Mafia Son[x]Mafia Guard
*[14]* Evil Sorcerer[x]King
*[15]* Model[x]Fan
*[16]* Model[x]Designer
*[17]* Sacrifice[x]Dragon Guardian God/Lord

My list is not limited to the above. If you have an idea, feel free to hit me up in regards to any ideas. Thanks.

*[1]* Student[x]Student
A few ideas to work with this one.
One Scenario: My character is quite popular and is known to be a heart-breaker. He is always finding ways to get at people, students and teachers alike, and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. He never settles for just one person, and who he actually decides to allow to fuck him is few and far between. That is not to say, however, that he won't do other things, just as giving oral and allowing others to molest him. A new student soon enrolls, due to being kicked out from his other high school for many a reason. He quickly catches the eyes of students and faculty. This new student is not one for all this attention and does his best to avoid it all, despite it backfiring in his face when he ends up in a few fights. His fighting catches the eye and even interest of my character and steadily, his eyes are set on this new student. Or this can be worked out to where they have known each other before hand, and this re-encounter sparks old feelings.

*[4]* Assassin[x]Hitman
A terrible plague has been unleashed as many are being slaughtered and killed by an Assassin. It is unknown as to the true identity of this man but that is not what is important. The assassin must be stopped! Many contracts go out to bring this assassin's head back on a platter, but no prevail. It takes some time before one particular Hitman rises to the challenge of catching this Assassin. However, when the time comes to it, admits the struggle between the Assassin and the Hitman, the two find themselves in a heated passion as a battle turns into rough sex.

*[17]* Sacrifice[x]Dragon Guardian God/Lord
I am going to try and make this cut and dry as possible for the idea I have for this one is fairly long. There is a realm where a Dragon Guardian God/Lord is reigner supreme and every so many years, he is delivered a sacrifice. A King decides to rid himself of his son who is set to become heir to his throne. He has his own son exiled and then sent to become the sacrifice. When the exiled Prince is brought before the Dragon, the Dragon is ready to devour him up; however, he is stopped at seeing the way the Prince looks to him. There is no glimmer of fear in his eyes but longing for the Dragon to end his life. This was the first time one did not show any fear and so the Dragon decides to keep his sacrifice alive, but only for the time being. However, days go by, and soon so do months and the Dragon forms a bond and connection with the lad. The feeling is mutual. The dragon can see deep into the Prince's heart and the purity of it all. He forms a partnership with the exiled Prince and promises to become his partner. The Prince's heart becomes his own, as does every last bit of his purity.
The Dragon eventually helps and aids the Prince into seizing his throne from the King. The Dragon becomes a powerful weapon and ally to the Prince as he works his way to becoming King and well loved one at that. There is a top general who serves the Prince who harbors feelings for the Prince and believes those feelings to be returned. However, the Prince only shares his heart to the great Dragon. The Prince is the only one to be aware that the Dragon has a humanoid form and the two become deep lovers. The top general sees the two lovers one night and becomes furious. He convinces the others that the Dragon is plaguing and poisoning the Prince. He manipulates a siege to take down the Dragon. The general manages to trick the Dragon and poisons him. He then returns to the Prince and attempts to convince the Prince into being his and when the Prince refuses, he convinces the Prince that the Dragon is dead and allows the Prince to see the carcass of the Dragon.
The general informs everyone that the Prince is still under a horrific spell from the Dragon and locks the Prince away. The Prince's heart begins to break as he feels himself becoming overwhelmed and a darkness begins to form within his heart. His love turns into hatred. The Prince manages to slaughter the servants who come in to check upon him. He manages to free himself and finds the General, telling the General he will be his. A ceremony is then held for the Prince and his General. All the while, the Dragon had not been dead, but only in such a deep sleep that he appeared to be as though he were dead. Steadily, the Dragon begins to come into awareness, sensing a strange darkness within his own being and fiber, that of the darkness of the Prince.
During the ceremony, the Prince pulls out a dagger, a particular poison tainted along the blade. He grins to the General as he reveals that he will never belong to anyone but the Dragon and that he would sacrifice his life as he cursed his entire Kingdom and realm. The general is not quick enough to move as the Prince slices through his only flesh and the Dragon arrives too late to watch his mate collapse. The Dragon rushes to his partner's side only to see him take his final breaths. The Dragon then ravishes the realm with the Prince's curse.
Centuries go by, and in a new realm, much like to Earth, the Prince is reborn, with both the Dragon and General searching for him.

...okay, that was longer than I had hoped, but wanted to get it all out there. Basically, with the Prince being reborn, he doesn't remember a thing, and either befriends the Dragon or the General first. The Dragon has taken on a humanoid form and can either have taken up some life of fame so that he could travel or something else. The Prince, at first, is pure of heart when he is reborn, but that is just a ruse as his darkness comes to the surface during black outs.

*[18]*Not sure what kind of pairing this would be...
I will sub in names for the two main characters, being yours and mine, to make this go smoother. Their names are set, and by all means can easily change. I am also going to be not so in depth for I want their to be room to develop and change, but as far as the basics to remain the same. Also, I figure in this rp we will have side characters to play, to help the story move along.

Sven - My Character
Vince - Your Character

Sven was born into a rich and wealthy family, having whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. He was not a spoiled brat, he was simply just spoiled. His parents were never around and made sure they made up for it by leaving him with any and everything. Sven was to be home-schooled, but he managed his way out of it when he turned 17 and made his way into a public school. That is where he first encounters Vince. Vince is known as somewhat of a hard head and at the same time, being quite popular with students and teachers, male and female alike. However, that wasn't to say he wasn't trouble maker for he did often find himself in fights. At first, Sven and Vince find themselves not liking nor caring for one another.

Sven adjusts himself into the life of a public school and goes about with a nice-nasty attitude. He is quite capable of pulling off an insult while making it seem to be a compliment. Without a problem, he shoots down anyone who tries to date him and blows everyone of them off. However, whenever he learns of someone going after Vince, he makes it a point to steal that person away from Vince. A contests soon builds between Sven and Vince to see who could woo the most, the two always competing.

One night, at a party, the two break out into a full on fight that turns from heated disgust and anger, to heated passion and rather rough sex. The two soon end up back at Vince's place, where he lives alone, drink more and have another round of heated sex. After that night, things start to change between the two, they still continue to compete and challenge one another, yet there was something different. The two start to sleep each other and hang around one another when not in school, forming a close bond. Neither one of them can explain what was happening, just that there was something drawing them to one another. Sven begins to spend less and less time at his family's estate, and more time at Vince's place.

On the side, Vince has hunting demonic beings and angry spiritual entities. Something about what he does, giving him a strange and exciting thrill. Each time he ends the life of the beings and entities, a strange feeling grows of satisfactory and a lust for wanting more and on an even grander scale.

When Sven's parents learn of what Sven has been doing, they are furious and forbid Sven to have any part in Vince's life. This angers Sven and conflict arises between himself and his parents before he leaves the estate. He runs of to Vince's in the middle of the night, rather upset and distraught. Vince offers him some alcohol to help, and Sven gladly accepts as he begins to spill what had happened. Just as Sven was about to end up back in Vince's bed, a private police force invades and arrests Vince before returning Sven back to his parents.

Sven's parents are furious and decide the best way to handle their son sleeping with a 'low-class roughneck' such as Vince, is to dispose of Vince. Once again, Sven finds a way around his parents and frees Vince, the two of them taking off. Vince lets in Sven on his 'job' and what he truly does and Sven soon begins to aid Vince.

I am going to just sum up the rest of it. Basically, the two continue on their hunt, events unfold where Vince begins to show more a dark and twisted side all the while Sven remaining at his side. They both have best friends who begin to see Vince's dark side growing and try to get Sven away from Vince, but that just backfires.

It's going to lead down the road to where basically, Vince and Sven become the main bad guys in the story. There's dark and light magic alike, demons, vampires, dragons, werewolves, spirtis, etc. in this story. I was also figuring there is, at first, some other main guy before it's Vince. Also, between the two of them, Sven is more evil but it just doesn't surface for a while and is unknown, aside to Vince.

With how and what Vince is, the only mate he could choose would have to be someone with an intense amount of power, and darkness. Thus why he and Sven are together. Also, it is believed that Vince is the one calling all the shots, until it is later learned that it is actually Sven. I do have an idea for Sven, such as a past life and so forth that led to why he is so corrupted.

Basically, this rp is going to have a mixture of modern, fantasy, high school setting, intense sex, gore, violence, romance, etc. After all, why can't bad guys have lovers?

I do apologize on the vagueness of the plots at the moment. I will be working on them. I have had a brain lapse in the midst of typing this and lost what the ideas were.
Also, something to note, I do love plots, however, I don't mind just pure smutt on the occasion either.​

My Characters
Here are some of my characters. Since I have no art of them and not the best artist, I have found images/art references to use that best bring out what I had mind, in regards to appearances for my character. As for their information, I am making them as simple as possible and leaving out all the extreme detail so that I can manipulate them some into whatever roleplay I may see fit for them.
DISCLAIMER!: I did not draw or make any alterations to these pieces of work. All rights belong to their original owners.

Image Reference: X
Age: Late teens to early twenties.
Height: 5'10"
Brief Insight: Cold and appearing without any emotion to the world, aside to his silver talon hawk and his black Clydesdale stallion. His body is adorned by scars as a reminder to his harsh and cruel past, reminding him how cruel the world truly is. He once had someone rather dear and close to him, but their life was his for his the taking and he had done just that.
Types of Roles To Play: Assassin, Exiled Prince, Demonic Being, Mafia Son

Image Reference: X
Age: 17
Height: 5'7"
Brief Insight: His childhood was full of abuse as his mother was nothing more than a crack whore who would sell herself out to food on the table and drugs in her system. Those she sold herself to, often found ways to abuse Lex, particularly when he would try to help his mother into recovery and rehab. He keeps his childhood locked away and for no one to see. At school, he is known as a flirt and a heart-breaker, always flirting with either gender. For the hell of it, he would purposely lead a girl on and then would turn out and shatter her dreams. He doesn't believe in romance and feels that everyone only has one agenda. Lex uses his body and looks to get what he wants and enjoys seducing others. However, he is very picky about who he allows to fuck his ass.
Types of Roles To Play: Student, Runaway

Image Reference: X
Age: 17
Height: 5'10"
Brief Insight: Born into a wealthy family, always having people at his feet, one would think that would make Kaleb a spoiled brat, when in fact he is the opposite. Kaleb has received the nickname of 'Prince' in his school and is on his way to becoming to student council president. He even has his own fan club. Despite his popularity, adoring fans, rich home life, none of his emotions are genuine, they are all fake. He despises everyone around him, believing them all to be worthless, females most of all. In such a nice way, he can throw an insult at a person and leave them wondering if it was compliment or insult. He has his blunt moments, but he does keep them to a minimum so as to not disgrace his Grandfather.
Types of Roles To Play: Student, Model

Image Reference: X
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'8"
Brief Insight: Ever since he was young, Siin had been a prodigy. His intelligence and skill were great, and he often was found taking apart whatever he could find simply so he could see how it worked and to see how quickly he could put it back together again. His eyes were always opened to his surroundings, and he could pinpoint if even a blade of grass had been cut or a leave had been moved. Without trouble, Siin could easily pick out a needle in haystack. The thrill of the hunt is such an adrenaline rush of the lad. Wherever he wanders, comments and remarks are made about his looks and he knows just exactly how to use everything to his advantage. With such a gentle smile, he seems to be the most friendly of beings, but he has a dark and cruel side to him. His favorite hobby is to paint, and his primary paint is blood.
Types of Roles To Play: Prince, Exhiled Prince, Slayer, Hunter, Assassin
RE: Seeking Male Chara Who can handle a Sub with Dominant Personality

RE: M[x]M [Revamped Thread, Long Term?]

Did a Rabbit Hole. Link found in first post.
I would love to do a RP in which I have a submissive character who has a very fiery temper and is more confident than his partner so that he will be the one initiating sex and making demands of the other. Do you have a pairing you want to do this with otherwise I would like to do FallenAngelxDemon..
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