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Weekends here!

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Church Thanatos

Jan 17, 2011
Well now, looks like we're heading into the weekends. SO that means I can rescind my e-mails preferred stance and look for any kind of format for RP's.

Lets see if I can put into a more organized format what i'm looking for.

First and foremost: No thank you for the Scat/Gore/Water Sports/ and just death xD

Kinks: Other than those listed above I do enjoy quite everything, a few of my favorites are a female partner who is a little more than submissive...I like it when we're on an even playing field....hell or even having a little fire and sass.

Pairings that I think are pretty neat


Law Enforcement/Mob Leader (Capture slight force scenario)
Gunslinger/Inn or Brothel Owner (Western in progress!)
Slayer/Vampire (More of a modern time frame)
Bard / Faiere (A lusty little adventure)
Bard / Princess (A romantic tryst, the royalty lured away by the vagabond)

AND I'm always open to suggestions, or if you just want to brainstorm? That's fine too...

Well looking forward to your PM's hope I gt some soon :D
Woo the views just keep climbin, though if I don't get any PM's its going to lead to a slightly boring weekend ;-;
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