Breaking Ginny

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Sep 9, 2010

Money, power, and of course purity of blood. Draco Malfoy had all three of these things and that was all that really mattered in the world, especially now that Potter was dead and any real resistance to the Dark Lord had been crushed when the order of the Phoenix had tried to make a desperate last stand. It had of course failed, sure a few Death Eaters had fallen but the moment Voldemort himself had decided to become involve the entire battle had been over. A few of the younger members of the order had fled while the older members bout what time they could but in the end it was all over and even now Greyback was leading parties to hunt down those who had escaped. Last Draco had heard Granger had been captured and now belonged to Snape as his personal slave...

Draco on the other hand had been waiting for something else, while humiliating the Mud blood would have been fun there was a different slave that he had wanted for himself, a pure blood race traitor whose rights had been stripped from her the moment she and her family had tried to stand against the Dark Lord, ruler of the Wizarding world in England and soon the entire world. Draco had put out the word that when Ginny Weasly was captured she was to be brought straight to his new London flat, a hefty reward put on her head... not just his fathers money but his aunt Narcissa upon the death of Potter had gifted him with a large portion of the Black Family fortune, something Potter had apparently gotten when Sirius black had died.

Money, power, and pure blood, Draco had all of these things and just a few minutes before hand he had received word that Ginny Weasly had just been captured and as instructed she had been brought to his flat, bound and gagged with her wand just out of her reach to tease her. Of course he hadn't been able to run off right away like he would have liked to, he had been leading a meeting of the newer Death Eater inductees, the children of pure bloods who had just realized the best possible thing to do was to join up with the new powers that be, as the son of one of the most prominent Death Eaters it was considered Draco's duty.

The moment he had been able to he had closed the meeting a little early, blowing off Pansy's suggestion that they go grab a bite to eat by claiming that he had important business back home to deal with, a half truth indeed. A few others had been blown off by Draco, covering up how eager he was before he apperated home, appearing just in front of his door. He did not enter right away though, instead using his wand he created a full length mirror to examine himself with, wanting to have his appearance just right before showing himself to his new slave. Well tailored black suit, custom made black leather shoes, hair perfectly in place, yes everything was just how he wanted it.

With a smirk on his face he opened the door, his shoes clicking on the marble floors as he made his way toward the bed room where she had been left for him. “Ginny Weasly, so pleasant to have you stop by.” He called out without even seeing her yet, already eager to start training her and breaking her in.

It was a true devastation with Harry’s death but it did not stop her from fighting for what was right, regardless of the consequences. Her family would not suffer, for she would never allow it and she’d always have hope, no matter how forever dark things seemed. There would be a way to still escape all this and rise above the darkness and officially defeat the Dark Lord. Her hope and faith as well as her strength would never wane.

That was the instant it all happened. That was then. Now, so much had happened, horrible things. She had been separated from her family and was in hiding and only prayed that they were alright, but nothing could be hidden from the Dark Lord or his comrades. It was only a matter of time, and with the amount of hope she had left, it wouldn’t be long before she too was found and disposed of. Her hope and faith had waned so strongly in such a short time but something still pushed her along. She knew of a world where there was once such happiness and peace. Perhaps that was her determination. Ginny did not want to give up on that.

That unfortunate day, she was found and taken somewhere. It dazzled her because she expected to be killed on spot. Perhaps that was not enough for someone like her. Perhaps they were planning a slow and torturous death or something worse than death like to be tortured to insanity by the Cruciatus Curse. She had no idea but it was bone-shaking, to be perfectly honest. The Dark Lord and his comrades and regime were completely unpredictable. They were sly and possibly most likely to betray one another for their own gain; a true evil. By the time she had arrived at her destination of fate, she had been bound and gagged. Her clothes were tattered and raggedy after quite a struggle and fiery red hair was messy like no other. She was not looking her best but somehow that did not impair her features.

There she was now; laying on a bed, still tied up and gagged, by no means in any specific sexual position or anything like that. Just sort of laying there on her side, too exhausted to try and make an escape. Her eyes soon laid upon…Draco Malfoy. She could not believe it at all but there he was. “Mm—“ She tried to talk, forcing herself to sit up to more sternly and strongly eyeing him; trying to figure out what he was going to do, what he was planning and what he was thinking. The gag had loosened just a bit from her struggling and fidgeting and she managed to let the gag fall down below her chin and rest around her neck. “What am I doing here? What are you doing here? What is this place?”
Her questions made him smirk a little bit, she had no idea what was going on. Had she not heard of what was happening to the lovely young things who had defied the wishes of the Dark Lord? It was possible that while in hiding she had not heard about what had happened to Hermione or the Patil twins. Well it had been made quite public what had happened just to discourage others from thinking in the same way, Snape was quite fond of parading Granger about in public to show everyone just how much power he had over her and Draco was thinking that he might do things in very much the same way... show the world that Potter's former girl was now his like no one else could ever hope to possess her.

Moving into the room he removed his jacket and tie, loosening up his collar a little bit, taking his time as he looked over both his new pet and his room. It was quite large, in fact the entire flat was larger inside then one would think possible just by looking at the outside of the building it was located in, the beauty of magic and money being put to good use. The bedroom itself was something he was quite proud of, unlike the entry hall which had floors of black marble the bedroom had thick green carpets, the furniture carved of thick Indian Blackwoodm the massive bed in the center of it all which she was laying on was covered in the blackest of silks. That especially pleased him, they had left her dressed for him to enjoy undressing her himself. “Why do you think I had you brought here for Weasly?” He asked with a chuckle as he began to roll his shoulders a little bit, his body feeling tight and he wanted to be quite limber for what was to come.

As he set down his jacked he carefully drew his wand from inside of it, having left his own cane in the loft rather then take it with him. “You are here because you weren't smart enough to see what was coming, as a pure blood you really would have been much better off then others.” With his left hand he reached out to stroke the side of her face, enjoying the feel of her soft skin and silk hair against his hand. “However you tried to fight against the inevitable and now you belong to me... stripped of any and all rights so that you are property.” With his wand in his right hand he slowly began to use magic to burn a strip through the clothing she was wearing, pulling it apart behind the burn now that it was weakened greatly, revealing even more of her flesh to him and exciting him even further.

“I hope you understand now Weasly, you are nothing more then my little whore who will only live to serve my will... of course I am quite sure that you are going to try to fight me on this but believe me I will be more then happy to teach you one hell of a lesson if you don't submit like a good girl.”
As her gaze stayed stuck on him, her mind was reeling with a way to try to escape. Though as he spoke, with both his demeanor and tone, it suddenly seemed inevitable and pointless. Her eyes soon widened when he explained exactly what she was there for. “No…” She whispered, feeling this large lump in her throat suddenly, her eyes beginning to water. This was not what her fate was supposed to be but it was becoming real and real, with every step and movement he took closer to her. Not long, he was sitting right in front of her. Her face snapped in the opposite direction of his hand on her cheek, as if trying to push it off. “Do not touch me.” Through gritted teeth she spoke, blinking back as many tears as she could, forbidding them to fall. She had strength. It would not fade. Regardless of what he would do.

A striking pain leaked through and she let out a small cry, only to be followed by an almost scream as he ripped through her shirt, causing her to fall back on her side. His final testament, rang through her ears like a loud gong, reverberating through her soul. This was not acceptable, this could not be happening! “No! You can go to hell Malfoy. I’d die before I ever gave into you.” She snapped. There was so much fear coursing through her, telling her to simply give in to save herself. She had too much pride for herself and too much respect for herself to ever allow that to happen. Whatever happens, she would not break. She had to believe that and had to keep telling herself that, for her own sake and for the sake and hope that her family was still alive out there.

Ginny would get through this. There was so much strength in her, but at what point would it begin to wane? To be honest she was incredibly terrified of her current situation and it was such a temptation to give into the fear but she could not allow it. Especially not for Draco Malfoy. He was scum in her eyes and she was no one’s property.

“Stop this. Please, how could you do be doing this? It’s sick.” She tried to squirm herself away from him, moving further up on the bed. It was a difficult task especially since she was tied up and tightly too.
So wonderful and beautiful, honestly she had been wasted on Potter and Draco should have made this move years ago. Even at Hogwarts he could have just taken her whenever he wanted and when he was done a little bit of magic to remove any memory that she might have of the experience. Now however he would be able to use and abuse her any way that he might like without having to remove her memories. With her shirt in hand he slowly raised it to his nose and inhaled deeply, enjoying her scent as she struggled to get away from him. It was more then a little bit amusing to watch her wiggle and writhe about on the bed in only her undergarments which he would soon be removing as well. “I don't know Ginny, giving into me is so much better then the alternatives, my Father is apparently in the market for a slave and Snape has your mudblood friend.”

He wondered what that information would do to her as he raised his want and pointed it at her with a smirk. “Accio Bra.” He called out with a small sneer, the summoning spell pulling her covering from her breasts, revealing the perfect flesh to him, formed beautifully with those pert little nipples sitting dead center. Unable to contain himself Draco licked his lips a little bit before removing his own shirt, revealing his well toned body earned through hard work rather then just magic like some people did. “Its a rather simple choice Ginny.” Using her first name to mock her as he moved around the side of the bed, drawing ever closer to her. “You can belong to me willingly and enjoy everything that is about to happen to you or you can try to fight me... experience a great deal more pain and in the end the result is the exact same only much more humiliating for you.” Even if she gave herself in willingly though there would be pain and humiliation, after all with Potter gone he had to punish someone for the embarrassments he had suffered in the past.

Reaching out suddenly, with the swiftness of a snake he grabbed her ankle and pulled her toward him, using his want to cut through the ropes that bound her tight. “Submit to me or have the Malfoy crest tattooed into your back, though I think the red and green would go wonderfully with your hair I have no doubt it would cause a great deal of pain.” Reaching out he squeezed her newly revealed breast, pulling hard on the soft flesh in order to get some sort of reaction from her, to hear some kind of yelp of pain, every noise that she made only made the bulge in the front of his pants grow even harder, uncomfortably tight and they would soon need to be removed so that bulge could be dealt with.

“Just say that you are mine Weasly, just beg me to spare you pain and it will all work out for the best.”
As she was now seated at the very top of his bed, her eyes planted on him with the utmost hate ever possessed in them. Even if she was half naked, it didn’t faze her because she was not going to let him prevail. Over her dead body…

Suddenly, it was like all life had almost drained from her when he mentioned Hermione being a slave to Professor Snape. The look on her face was that of pure horror to hear such a tragedy about a great friend, especially one who was well connected with her brother. The very thought made her wonder what happened to her brother and if he was alright. Then her mind drifted off to her family and wondering if they were even still alive. If anyone from the Order or anyone who simply resisted the Dark Lord was still alive. Just from that comment he made, so much doubt had filled into her and she did not know what to believe or what to do. The easy choice would be to give into him but she couldn’t. Not ever. Her eyes soon and slowly filled with tears to which she refused to let them fall. Everything that was thinking was contributing to her self doubt and doubt on everything.

Sniffling, she swallowed the big lump in her throat, as painful as it was and regained her composure only for her bra to be taken from her in the slightest second. Looking down at herself, she tried to maybe move her arms a little bit to cover herself but to no avail. She was bound tightly and unfortunately there was no moving or covering. Because of this, she couldn’t bring herself to even look at him. Honestly, she felt embarrassed to be seen like this. She was not someone’s slave. She was a person. This was just horrible.

A loud gasp came from her as she was no in front of him, lying on her back, still bound. The way she was laying was not a wonderful sight to behold for her and she tilted her head back to avoid looking at him. He could do what he wanted. Tease her, taunt her, whatever it is he willed. Anything but actually defiling her. That was something she would not allow and the moment he cut through the ropes, her arms were free. Now, she was not a sitting duck anymore. Even as he roughly grabbed her breast while she did let out soft cries of pain, she sat up slowly and looked at him with that same hate, the same hate that had been there from the beginning of all this. The same hate that was fueling her now weakening state of mind. If she could, she just may succeed. Her hand managed to push his that was so rudely and roughly kneading her breast and she tried to make a grab for his wand, biting his wrist and using her hand to grab his wand.

When she did bit his wrist, she was biting as hard as she possibly could. She did not have very sharp teeth but with the force she was using to bite, she hoping to draw blood. Maybe if she drew enough of his blood it could weaken him. Then again, how well did he truly train himself?
While Draco had hoped that Ginny would be smart enough to just submit or perhaps so clever as to try to play along it now seemed that she was going to try to fight him. The moment he saw the hatred in her eyes he knew that she wasn't just going to give in to him like anyone with a brain would. The hatred in her eyes told him that she was going to fight him like a caged animal, that she would never give into him no matter how good of an idea it was. It was because of this look in her eyes that he knew she was going to try to do something. He was ready for it, whatever she had in mind he would be prepared and he would overcome her attempts to avoid what was coming.

Still to see her fight quite like that was slightly unexpected, he thought that she might throw a blow at him or try to kick him in the groin but for her to bite his want hand and try to grab it from him. This was unexpected but nothing he couldn't deal with, a growl left his throat because of the pain but that was the only sign that he gave of how much her teeth digging into his flesh hurt. Reaching out he gripped the sides of her jaw, his strong hand squeezing tightly to try to force her jaw open a little so he could get free. Then the moment he felt the pressure abate just a little bit Draco pulled his wrist free of her mouth, feeling skin being scraped away and a little bit of moisture that could only be blood oozing from the torn flesh.

Before she could get her teeth into him again Dominic pushed her away and took a step back to get some distance while he examined his wrist. The bite wasn't overly deep and the bleeding wasn't terrible but it was still something that irked him greatly, how dare she do that to her new master. “Oh you stupid little bitch, you will suffer for that.” He warned her, a sneer still on his lips but anger flashing in his eyes, his wand now aimed right at her. This was something that he would rather not have had to do in order to teach her a lesson but since it came to this it was time to use one of the formerly forbidden spells. “Crucio.”

Just casting the curse made his wrist feel better and he kept his wand trained on her, enjoying the pain that he was inflicting. It was hardly the first time he had ever used this curse but never before had it felt so good to use it on someone else, Draco had never realized it before but now it was quite clear to him that he was indeed a sadist. With his wand still on her he stepped closer until he was able to reach out and grab her, only then did he lower his wand and with a hand tangled in her hair he pulled her into a powerful kiss, his teeth catching her lips as the curse came to an end. “You shouldn't have fought me.” He whispered against her lips. “Every time you try to strike me I will use that same curse on you.”
Ginny breathed fast as she kept her teeth latching into his skin, determined to bite hard enough to maybe make him drop his wand or let go of it even the slightest. However, his grip on her jaw was maddening. It was worse than her biting him to be honest and she couldn’t stay biting his wrist for too long. When her bite on him loosened, she let out a small groan when he managed to tear his wrist away. Panting lightly, she spat out anything that may have acquired into her mouth and she wiped it and looked at him, that same hateful glare resonating in her eyes.

Looking at him, she looked as if she was about to pounce and attack him for calling her that but before she could, she was struck back and a violent electric pain coursed through her, causing her to scream out in pain. Tears came to her eyes instantly and she couldn’t hold back for the pain was far too excruciating to handle. To think, Neville’s own parents allowed themselves to be cursed like this until they went mad. She couldn’t bare it but she wouldn’t let it diminish her or break her. No, she wasn’t that weak.

Disgusted and repulsed as his lips hit hers, she whimpered, hitting him shakily as the curse subsided, leaving her feeling so numb, that lingering feeling of pain still resonating through her. Panting slightly, she winced and looked at him, swallowing hard. “I don’t care…if you kill me, but I will never submit to you. I’d rather die a thousand deaths before I ever let myself be pillaged and defiled by you.” She spat, literally spitting in his face afterwards.
Draco was well aware of what had happened to Longbottom's parents, of course aunt Bellatrix had been happy to tell him and had of course in fact been quite explicit on the details, how long it had taken too break the two, the state they had been left in. Draco however didn't want her so broken as to no longer have a single thought inside of her head. Breaking her would be necessary but to just use Crucio over and over again on her to punish her would only ruin her. This was quite annoying, Draco wanted to have her willing to serve him, not drooling into a bowel of mashed potatoes when he tried to present her to his fellow Death Eaters as a properly behaving young woman, a pure blood who had now seen the error of her ways and realized that she had backed the wrong god damn horse.

These things had been distracting him during the kiss, something he should have just been enjoying but instead his mind had been quite preoccupied and when she spat on him he was pulled from his thoughts. It landed on the right side of his face, just below his eyes and began to slowly drip down before he wiped it away with the back of his hand. The same hand raised right away, ready to strike a blow against her before he calmed himself, instead lowering the same hand to squeeze her throat. “You really are a brave one aren't you, maybe that is what Potter saw in you.” That however gave him a quick idea about how to torment her, perhaps this will be a way to bring her down to a more humble sort of level.

“You really should behave yourself Ginny.” He mocked her with a smile. “If you thought that my curse was the worse I could do you are very wrong.” Letting go of her with a laugh he stood and walked toward a small cabinet that he had sitting on a table next to the bed, opening it up to reveal several small vials, each of them filled with silver liquid, memories for a Pensive. “You know I was there when Potter died, saw him tortured till he broke and then he was killed... I can force you to watch it over and over again if I would like to.” That perhaps might get her to behave, the thought of watching the Boy Who Lived fail over and over again, a torture for her mind rather then just using a curse to inflict pain upon her body.

Picking up one particular memory and from inside of the cabinet a small stone basin he moved back toward her, sitting the basin on another table beside the bed and emptying the vial into it, watching it swirl like something alive. “Go on Weasly, I will make it simple for you... you can either use your hand to pleasure me or I can force you to watch Potter die again and again... and when they finally track down your brothers, or your parents I can do the very same.”
Looking at him with a such a fuming desire to claw at his face and rip it apart like a crazy raged rabid animal, her eyes watched as his hand raised, as if preparing to beat her down hard—as if the strike of the Cruciatus curse wasn’t enough— but only to grab her throat. She let out a strained breath and looked at him, trying to swallow, trying to breathe, anything to remain alive. Her eyes resonated with a look of the most torturous fear, not as badly as being inflicted with that curse but enough to show fear of dying, just like this. In her mind, it was the worst way to die because then it would be for no purpose but to simply dispose of her for being completely useless. She would not let that become her fate, no matter how difficult it was becoming to resist. Not because she actually wanted to do anything with him other than murder him with her own bare hands, but because it was becoming that much harder to keep any faith whatsoever because he truly was beating down on her. She’d hate to admit, but the abuse was already taking a toll on her.

Once he finally released her, she slumped back down onto the bed, nearly crouching down, her hand pressing lightly to her throat, gasping and coughing as all the air and circulation regained through her system. Panting, she looked at him and swallowed hard, finding her heart feeling like it had just been squeezed when he mentioned Harry and his death. Moving off of the bed, she stood and she slowly walked over to the basin where he poured that memory. Something was telling her to watch it, all to just see Harry again but she remembered how he died. She couldn’t bare it because just hearing about it was enough to crush her. How she had any faith or hope left was a true wonder. Looking at him, she managed to strike him in the cheek, something that may have been proven badly nostalgic when even Hermione struck him once. It wasn’t much of a punch, just fist collision to his cheek but it made her feel strong. Only for a moment because she was now expecting something for the worse Perhaps stupid to even do but it was her rage that confined into one pitting outburst and the punch was a result of it. She had to. Regardless of what was to come next.

Especially after this. “You’re a coward.” She spoke harshly, looking down on him “You think that this abuse makes you anything godly or more of a superbly refined wizard? No. it just makes you pathetic and downright shameful to think you have to resort to this to get your way. I rue the day when you fall and I can watch the life drain out of you ever so slowly and painfully, just as you hoped onto others. And that day will come quick, for I promise you that and only that.” She snapped. After her words were spoken and resonated in the air, she swallowed hard and stepped back from him. Perhaps it was time to stay quiet and do his bidding, but she couldn’t. She respected herself too much to do that. Yet why was it that she could feel her strength and her hope waning just in a quick snap?
He had thought that the threat of showing her the death of Potter would earn some kind of better behavior from her, especially considering that he could literally drag her into the event and force her to see it all first hand. Those weren't the only memories that he had though, Snape had distributed memories of what he was doing to Granger to other Death Eaters for their enjoyment. Perhaps he could drag Ginny into the first time that Snape had raped her friend. That thought was gone from his head the moment that her first connected with his jaw, how dare she strike him, even if he wasn't her owner to have struck him was something rather foolish indeed and he would have taken a great deal of time to make her pay for it. It didn't particularly hurt unless you counted his pride, bringing back the memory of how Granger had once struck him in a similar manner, though much more harshly at the time.

As she berated him and then carefully moved back away from him Draco advanced on her, drawing ever closer to her and reaching out, gripping her throat again and then his other hand grabbing her panties and pulling them down. He had wanted to play nice with her and give her a chance to submit but it seemed like that wouldn't be happening, perhaps once he fucked her she would learn her proper place, breaking her with his cock rather then with any spells or magic. Perhaps it was better this way, the old fashioned way to show her who was in charge instead of doing as Snape did and drugging his slave until she was driven wild with lust and practically begged to be fucked. Soon enough she would learn how a proper slave should behave before her Pure Blood better.

“You should have submitted when you had a chance.” He warned her as he pushed her toward the bed, forcing her with his greater strength to bend over and put her in the perfect position for him to take advantage of. With the hand on the back of her neck he held her down while his other hand having lowered her panties went to unzip his pants and free his cock, large and hard, practically dripping precum after being erect for so long. Taking no time at all he positioned himself to enter her, slowly pushing forward and groaning as he felt his body brushing against hers, honestly he didn't care if she was dry or if she would be in a great deal of pain, he wanted to hurt her, wanted to make her suffer.
Of course Ginny knew the consequences for both striking him and berating him. Still, it hadn’t stopped her from doing so but she did fear the worst. The worst was being tortured probably to insanity, the kind of insanity where she’d crave for him to give it to her on a regular basis, being addicted to him. However, it seemed unlikely given his current manner. When he stripped her of her panties, she let out a small whine; trying to push him back but found it difficult to do for soon she was now bent over the bed. With the force and strength of his hand against her neck to keep her down, there wasn’t much for her to do, much ability to fight back or make this an even bigger struggle than before.

Knowing what was to come was like having a monster constantly creep over her, menacingly whispering what was going to happen over and over until eventually the fear consumed her and all that was left was a broken girl, submitting to anything that would then drive out the remaining emotion that was left, all until she was this completely different person with only one meaning to life; a sex slave. It seemed that that new fate was hovering over her most literally and realistically. There would be no hope. This was something she’d have to accept and as much as she tried to stray from it, she found it incredibly difficult, especially with his latest advancement into her. Her hands gripped the bed sheets tightly and a small cry of pain emitted from her lips. Had the battle been won, Ginny knew that after her education, it would have been Harry and her forever; married and on to accomplish their dreams and hopes. Every ounce of that slowly diminished from her as Draco took her completely.

Tears came to her eyes and as her head rested forcefully on the bed, forced to succumb to his vile treatment and plan, they finally rolled down her cheeks. The pain surrounding her just from entrance was painfully and slowly whipping her dreams and hopes away. The slave that Draco had longed for was being created and there was no change of that, no hope away from it. This was it and she was beginning to accept that. Just like that, a person could easily break, whether they were Muggle, Half-blood, or Pure-blood. For so long, her hope had lived on and only now, when she was coming to the end of the tunnel where no light awaited her, it was gone.
Draco groaned at the pleasure her body was giving him, wrapped so tight around him, squeezing him like nothing else, the only thing lacking was the wonderful moisture that would ease his passage but in time she would learn how to properly grow wet for her master if she wanted to avoid further pain. He could see the tears rolling down her cheek and that only made him push further into her faster, any resistance practically ignored as he forced his way deep inside of her, not stopping until he felt his hips rest against that pert little ass of hers. Leaning down he ran his tongue up over the trail that the tears left upon her fact to help enhance her humiliation. “Were you saving yourself Weasly, hoping that Potter might be the person to take your virginity?”

A pity that Potter was dead, Draco would have very much enjoyed showing him the memory of this event. A curse might hurt the body but something like this would be something that couldn't be recovered from. After a bit he recovered, resting against her before he started to move quickly, not giving her any time at all to adjust or grow comfortable with him. Everything that he did was completely devoted to his own pleasure, nothing at all cared for hers, even when he used his want to add the slightest amount of lubricant to his cock it was only to let him fuck her harder and faster. “You like it though don't you, you need someone strong enough to take what he wants, someone who won't put up with any attitude or rebellion from you.”

(sorry its a tad short)
[no worries]

As she felt him push deeper into her, a somewhat louder cry of pain escaped from her feeling him push through her hymen like it was nothing. The very pain coursed through her body in this unbearable and uncomfortable feeling, her grip on the sheets tightening as more tears cascaded down her cheeks, staining the sheets as they made contact. Sniffling, she felt his tongue touch her cheeks, as if they were laughing at her and her tears, like he found some sick pleasure in her torment and pain. Sadistic bastard, she thought.

Though the moment he called her out on saving herself, she felt nothing but the shrewd and dark cloud of embarrassment swarm over her, taking part in her breaking and breaking in. It made all the more unbearable. Oh if Harry were only alive...

Not even giving her a chance to grow the least accustomed to his length and girth into her, she let out loud cries of pain, whining, her teeth biting her lip so hard she could have drawn blood. Her hands gripped the sheets even harder, as if her nails could penetrate through the cloth and pierce her own hands and flesh, she trying so hard to resist and not fall prey to his influence. "Y-You're not strong!" She cried. "You're a c-coward!" Speaking the very words, there was almost no emotion or malice towards them as if there was none left in her. As if she no longer had the will to stand up to him because it became all the more difficult to resist him and simply give in, becoming what he wanted her to become. She wanted to keep trying to resist but it seemed futile. This was it. The end for who she was and the beginning of her future as his pet.
With the extra lubrication Draco found it easier to move in her then ever before and the mild discomfort that had come from her dryness was immediately gone. Now he was moving faster and fucking her harder, his body smacking against hers with every thrust as he leaned down, reaching beneath her body to maul her breasts with her hands, no longer seeing a need to hold her down by her neck when the entire weight of his body would do the job nicely. His fingers found her nipples, pinching them tightly and twisting in order to increase the pain for her, wanting to break her down as swiftly as possible. “You chose this pain Weasly.” He told her before biting her neck lightly, teasing her by being gentle with that rather then biting hard enough to draw blood, this one action at odds with the rest of what he did. “Had you offered yourself to me I would have ensured that you enjoyed yourself.”

He was mocking her now, even if she had submitted there would have been a great deal of pain for her but in the end through magic or his own abilities he would have ensured a orgasm that would have left her unable to move or speak for hours to come. As it stood she didn't deserve such pleasure and perhaps in time he would reward her with it... but for now his own release was rapidly approaching. With a growl he redoubled his movements, thrusting harder and faster then ever before as his hands on her tits helped to pull her against him to help meet his movements.

“How would Harry feel if he knew that you might one day carry my child?” He asked with a chuckle before twisting his head to capture her lips in a deep passionate kiss, his teeth catching her lips before his tongue thrust deep into her mouth. As he did this he thrust into her one last time before erupting deep inside of her, his breathing heavy and his body near exhausted after such a powerful release that filled her with an immense amount of cum. As he broke the kiss he remained inside of her for a few moments before giving her ass a quick smack as he pulled out, spilling the cum and blood of their intercourse to the floor as it leaked from her.

“If you wish to be spared this pain again you will not ever try to fight me.” He warned her with a small sigh, sounding almost disappointed in his pet. “I can use any number of potions to restore your virginity and take it from you over and over again or I can use different potions to make you enjoy every single touch that comes from me.” His wand was soon retrieved from the floor where he had let it fall, a simple wave and murdered spell causing a rope to bind her wrist to the bed post, making it impossible for her to move more then a few feet from the bed and then just out of that reach his wand was set down upon his dresser. “I suggest you get some sleep though.” He warned as he stripped from the rest of his clothing, climbing onto the bed and making himself comfortable.
It hurt a little less with the extra lubrication he provided but nonetheless, it was like her body was being ripped apart and she wanted nothing more than for it to stop. It hurt so much and the fact he wasn’t being gentle as it was her first time, only accounted more for the pain. As he thrust into her and allowed his hands to grope her everywhere, more tears came from her eyes, as well as cries of pain emitting from her lips; this was not how she wanted her virginity to be taken. She wanted to give it away, not for it to be forcefully taken. The tears that flowed down her stained cheeks were a reminder of that. She knew, she could have simply given into him and let him take her willingly. With her pride and who she was, it wouldn’t have gone down that way at all and therefore, it had to be like this. There would be no orgasm for her, but through it all, her guard had broken, her resolve had weakened and her body was falling prey to his actions, finding some kind of surprising pleasure in it all.

His words mocked her, taunted her, even embarrassed her. For what reason? He had made it clear that she was his now, and even her body was responding to that now, agreeing with him. Her mind would come around to it, no doubt at all. Her cries turned into minor moans, though still so loud in volume. There wasn’t a pleasurable feeling behind her moans but something that was coming from her as a reaction from his rough pounding and fondling.

Her eyes nearly shut so tight when his lips crushed onto hers in what was a lustful kiss, she barely kissing back. It was like she was forcing herself not to, trying to keep up with the fake guard and resolve but it was no use. She had been broken, and there was no point in denying it. For when he finally came, a loud moan came from her, and her body went like-limp on the bed, she panting incredibly hard. Ginny’s body felt numb. Like she couldn’t feel a thing physically or emotionally. He got what he wanted. She wanted to know what it’d be like to really feel the pleasure. Her mind was so curious now that it had finally snapped out of that fake loony dream of being free and filled with hope. No, she was filled with his cum, filled with the longing and yearning for pleasure; to please him and to be pleased in return for good behavior.

As it all ended, her mind played it all back, feeling like it was a nightmare. It was no such thing. It was the real deal, such a morbid life now. But perhaps one rape was all it took for her to break. To break and ready to become what he wanted; a sex slave. She had no care or desire to be anything else, to learn what he wanted her to be. He was her master and she would please him. While her wrist was tied to the bed post, she lay down on her side, not feeling an ounce of pain from any movement and looked at him, her tired and dried eyes blinking lightly. “Forgive me. I promise to do better next time.” Looking up at him, her head rested on the pillow, her free hand touching his hand gently before her eyes closed and the exhaustion consumed her. She was his now. Ginny was broken. What was next?
Draco hadn't expected this, the moans seemed so out of place considering the force that he had used to on her but he was hardly disappointed. There were two possibilities, she had either faked her enjoyment of the act or she was broken so easily. The first would be quite alright with him, faking it wouldn't work out for her in the end because Draco would bring the lie into reality. All though the alternate seemed just as likely, with everything that was going on in the world it was no stretch of the imagination to believe that her rape had been the final straw needed to break the camels back, with the whole world falling apart around her where else could she turn except into the embrace of the one man who might be able to protect her from danger.

As he lay in bed he looked very closely at her, it was like a dream come true to have Ginny as his. Even before The Dark Lord had risen Draco had wanted to possess her, and it wasn't just because he wanted to take something from Potter, she was beautiful and pure blooded if a little bit misguided and her family lacking, more then once he had wanted to take her and show her how much better life as a Pure Blood could be if she would just embrace it. He wouldn't have called what he felt toward her love but there was no doubt that it was a deep infatuation with Weasly, a desire to possess and show her the truth and now he had that chance. “I suggest you do better next time other wise you will be in a great deal of trouble.” He warned as he took her hand and gently pressed his lips to her knuckles, showing her tenderness before moving closer to her, pulling her body tight against his as he rested, the feel of her flesh rather soothing against his own body.

It didn't take all that long for him to fall asleep, a few minutes and he was out experiencing the most soothing and restful night of sleep in years. However all good things had to come to and end and after a restful eight hours his alarm softly chimed, waking him gently to the sight of his possibly broken slave who lay in the bed with him, close to him. It seemed as though she were still sleeping though and that just wouldn't do, a proper slave would wake up before her master and make sure that he was greeted with pleasure the moment his eyes opened. With a growl he reached out and wrapped his hands in her hair, roughly tugging her closer to him.

“You might thing that simply behaving yourself will be enough.” He growled as her eyes began to flutter open. “But this is hardly the truth... I don't know if you really broke yesterday or if it was some foolish attempt of yours to fool me but today the real work begins... today I train you to be a proper Pure Blood in public but my personal fuck toy in private... now get to work and wrap your lips around my cock.”
The sweet tenderness she had expected for maybe the slight moment was more than enough. Enough to make her want to see it again and all she had to do was please him and everything would be fine. She could live this life and not fear it; learn to accept that this was her destiny. Harry wasn't coming back. No one was going to rescue her. The closest thing she had to protection was Draco and his wicked and sadistic sense of showing it. In these times, it was more than enough, especially to experience such a sweet and tender moment. That's all she needed. All she wanted and as he soon relaxed back for a full night's sleep, so did she. Her body did remain number, but it was perfect to be able to lull her to sleep, her body staying comfortably close to his, until the next morning came, with a gentle chirp of an alarm.

It was honestly a far more pleasant sleep than she expected and had after a long time. Not by much but enough to make her actually sleep. While asleep, she didn't have to worry about being discovered and killed. She could actually sleep. No more waking up in the middle of the night for the fear or insecurity of someone finally finding her or getting her. It was all so beautiful and restful, a dreamless sleep--thankfully too. It was all wonderful until she felt her hair being so roughly grabbed, causing her to wake so quickly from her sleep. As her eyes fluttered open, she let out a deep exhale, mostly of tiredness and swallowed hard, nodding. "Y-Yes. Forgive me." She had no idea that she was to wake before him, that he'd required such an extraneous task of a morning blow job; none of this she knew at all and it embarrassed her; he made her feel so embarrassed that now it was like she lived to prove him wrong. Make him believe she was a rightful Pure Blood in public and his amazingly personal fuck toy in private. He'd know, and he'd learn.

Moving to sit up, she let him lay back as she tried to move. Her wrist was still bound to the bed rail so she managed to alter his positioning and her sitting and moved her hand around his cock, stroking him; she was neither gentle nor rough but the perfect amount. Her mouth moved down on him, her tongue coming out to run along his length in a very smooth and sensual way, buttering them both up before she took him into her mouth completely now, her tongue rubbing along and around his underside. Her moved on him in this most comfortable pace, already going fast for him, her mouth so nice and tight around his length, all the while her hand stroked him.
No sign of aggression or resistance in her eyes when she woke up. Draco smiled to see how she immediately asked for forgiveness and then got right to work pleasing him how she was supposed to. His cock which had already been standing at half mast at the sight of her in bed with him grew hard right away as her tongue began to move over his member, taking him into her mouth. She had been a virgin before but Draco had to wonder if she had practiced this on someone else before, had Potter perhaps enjoyed the feeling of these lips around his own cock before his death or some other boy from the Gryphindor House. With a growl he took the back of her head and forced her to swallow the entire length of his cock before pulling her off of him, the thought of her sucking off Potter had really killed his sex drive. “Enough for now pet, I think that it is about time that I got a little bit cleaned up.” She had at least gotten the cum and other dried fluids from his cock but he knew he smelled of sex and sweat from the night before.

Reaching out he took the rope that held her in place and quickly untied it, the rope responding to his touch where hers wouldn't have been able to loosen the knots at all. With her arm free Draco crawled out of bed and began to stretch a little bit as he stood naked before her. “Get out of the bed and on your hands and knees, my pet hasn't earned the right to walk just yet.” Right now he was going to be exceptionally cruel to her, take away what might be considered basic rights to some in order to push her, to see if she had been truly broken, “Now get moving, we need to get to the bathroom so that you can clean me.” Perhaps later he could have her clean him with only her tongue but now a bath would do perfectly.

Without even turning to look at her he made his way from the room, grabbing his wand on the way out. The apartment always looked wonderful to him as the sun was first came through the windows, however he didn't take any time to admire the view as he crossed the hall into his bathing chamber, that room alone taking up as much space as the rest of the apartment would have it it weren't so heavily enchanted. It was mostly done in black and white marble, tiles off set in a pleasing pattern, leading to the center was a massive bathing pool, large enough to swim in dominated the room, faucets along the far side of it and a shower head above to allow for more relaxation. With the wave of his wand one of the faucets turned on and as he climbed in the pool began to fill with hot water. “Hurry up.” He called. “You have work to do.”
When suddenly she was pulled off of him, his mood seemed to have shattered and she frowned. "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry...I thought it'd be easier than I thought it'd be but I guess I need to practice." She spoke quietly, swallowing hard, ignoring the taste from his cock. She hadn't ever sucked anyone off before, not even Harry. Nothing like that at all. She simply snogged in the past. So why he seemed so angry, she didn't understand but perhaps it was something she had done. It had to be. But it's not like she would let that ruin her or stop her. Ginny had to please him, had to make him feel good, had to make sure that repeats of last night did not occur. Happily, she would be his to play with and it would always be willingly; she wanted to know how it felt to be pleased, to be rewarded for pleasing him.

Looking at him, once she was free, she didn't make a run for it or his wand or anything. She did as he said and moved onto the ground, on her hands and knees, her eyes looking up at him again. As she moved, she ignored any pain that may have been in her body and forced herself to move as fast as she could. Her hair moved out of place and covered one shoulder, some locks of hair coming in her face just a little bit though not in an unsettling and unattractive way but in kind of a sexual way, all on accident.

As she ventured towards where he was, Ginny took a moment to check out the place, check out her surroundings. In the daylight, the place looked so pretty and not so horrifying, compared to last night but then again, she wasn't the same person. Now, she was what he wanted and that was all that mattered. Upon hearing his voice, she moved quicker until she came to the pool that he was sitting in. "A pool?" She asked, raising a brow but seeing the structure of it and the kind of water going into it, it looked more like a bath than anything else. Biting her lower lip she sat up on her knees and looked at him. "Would you like me to get inside or stay out to wash you?" She figured that's what he meant.
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