In the Garden {fate & obnuchious}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Two girls strolled into the abandoned garden, the dark of night hanging overhead. One of them had her hands linked behind her head, and she hummed a clever little tune under her breath as she walked. Every bit of her screamed "cute," from her vibrant brown hair with its unique swerve, to her dancing blue eyes, to her short yellow dress, to her cute little brown boots. her body constantly swayed from side to side, her nunchucks clinking together behind her, almost moving in time with her beat. This tiny girl was Selphie Tilmitt, well known as one of the Garden's new leading SEEds, and a member of the group that had fought so hard against Ultimecia only a short time ago.

With her was a more subdued figure. Rinoa Heartlilly was definitely a beauty, with hair the color of the night: a single brown streak daringly running down her bangs. Her face was more angular than her friends, her brown eyes more striking than cute and daring. And her form had a tighter look than Selphie, though every bit as soft. The bouncy girl also had more curves than her slim, darker partner. still, both girls had a smile and both were moving more or less cheery.

It was female bonding. They were to train together, fighting off some of the monsters. Supposedly the monsters had gotten more anxious, and there was even talk of rogue students roaming around too. The two had volunteered, mostly because Rinoa had been arguing with Squall and wanted to prove that she could handle herself. Selphie had agreed to come along for safety purposes. So both girls had Junctioned their finest GFs, Selphie making sure to handle her old favorite Quesacotl while Rinoa stole Ifirit from Squall.

"We're gonna wipe the floor with these guys," insisted Selphie, nodding. she whipped out her nunchucks, twirling them for a bit, until she stumbled upon one of the logs. Flailing, arms waving, and Selphie hit the ground hard. Laughing, Rinoa came over to her friend, offering a hand to help her up. Both girls were bent over when they heard a noise coming from the bushes. Tensing, they turned, weapons armed and ready for whatever was to come out from there first.
What came out of hiding was definitely a monster, but not the typical kind of monster that was housed by the Balamb Garden's Training Ground. This thing had a humanoid-looking shape, with both arms and legs, though its "torso"/body was huge and rounded-ish. By looking past those things, this was definitely a plant-type monster for its distinctive hues and coloration, along with what looks like leaves sticking out from various areas of its body. Though this thing has arms, it also have four filaments sticking out of its back with a venus flytrap at each end. The purpose of those things will be known later.

Also, at the end of its arms appears to be a hand with thick and stubby fingers. It looks like that because for each "hand", there were five thick and stubby "fingers", pretty much like a human's but not normal for a human. But for whatever use those hands and fingers were for, they're definitely not used for delicate work.

For its legs, pretty much like its fingers .. thick and stubby .. only much thicker and stubbier, as if its walking using tree thunks.

What serves as its head what looks like an over sized sprout, a seedling that had just broken out of the soil.

It should be noted, by the two girls who are seeing this monster, that this monster standing in front of them at a distance of a couple of meters is an unknown and unnamed monster. None of this kind of monster is in any databases before they had prevented the Time Warp caused by Ultimecia. That this was a either a by-product of the Time Warp or a mutation on an existing monster caused by the Time Warp.
"Yipes, that thing is ugly!" chimed Selphie. She grinned and started off by casting fire, charging the necessary energies for the spell. Why bother sitting there and worrying about the strange beast when you should be fighting it? It was a plant; hit it with fire. If fire didn't work, upgrade to summoning Ifrit. Rinse and repeat till dead.

Rinoa at least thought a little more. She immediately cast scan upon the creature, glad that she had a shorter casting time than Selphie thanks to some careful conjunctioning. The information, what could be managed from the spell, would come up for Rinoa to see, flowing past her eyes. The girl studied it closely, hoping to find a weakness or at least a name to call it. While she studied, Rinoa left the actual fighting to Selphie.

The perky girl unleashed her fire spell, directing the flames toward their plant enemy. She was already planning her next attack, getting her nunchunks ready, while still watching the creature to see how it reacted. That would show them how to proceed. Though, in Selphie's mind, they were already doing victory cheers.
Unlike any monsters they had come across, Rinoa would come to see that no sufficient data would come out from her Scan. The reason being is quite simple, if she were to think through it hard. It does not exist in any form of database. That should give Rinoa pause. Whereas for Selphie...

The monster just stood there, watching what the two human females in front of it was about to do. It would appear that this thing was not concerned to the growing energy that was gathering around Selphie as she prepares to cast her spell. Nor was it concerned to it's well-being.

It just ... well ... standing there.

Just waiting to see what would happen next.
"this thing is bo~ring," announced Selphie, following it with the name of her spell. An impressive gout of flames left the girl's hands, lunging toward the planty creature. Pretty soon the heat alone would get to it; it usually did. Selphie had worked hard on ensuring that her magics were impressive, including all the right junctioning and training.

Rinoa, meanwhile, frowned as the scan went down. She couldn't recall the spell ever failing before. It was even known to add brand new monsters to its database. had they come across something that couldn't be scanned? But... even the alien monsters she and Squall had fought had scanned.

"Selphie!" called Rinoa, waving her arms. "Be careful, it didn't scan!"

If only she could figure out what that meant. It had to mean... something. But Rinoa watched the creature for a few seconds, before realizing that she should probably attack too. instead of a spell, however, Rinoa launched her disk. the cruel blades spun toward the creature, hitting just after the flames did. Rinoa braced for the usual return, wondering if they'd do enough damage.
Once again, defying both logic and common sense, the plant monster just stood there and accepted all of their attacks. When the fire spell smashed onto it, it immediately combusted into a fiery pry. The reason of this, was because a very thin coating of oil which would only be secreted instantly when its body is exposed to great heat. As for Rinoa's disc, unfortunately for her, did struck the monster squarely on the chest but failed to penetrate through. What that means was that her disc was now stuck on its chest like a dart on a dart board. Worse, the monster seems to be absorbing it deeper into itself.

When the disc was 2/3 deeper, the monster began to slowly move. It first moved its right foot forward, then the left, then right, left again. It did its steps quite slowly that the two girls have too much enough time to move back and do something else if necessary. As for the inferno on it, it was slowly dissipating for the oil that fueled it was nearly consumed just as another kind of oil was being secreted but this time it wasn't catching fire.

And all this time, not a scream or screech came out of this unknown, unnamed, unusual plant monster.
"Jeez, what's up with this thing?" demanded Selphie. "I'll distract him, you work on summoning Ifrit up. That'll take care of him."

Naturally, the perky SeeD followed through with her plan. She took several steps forward, lashing out with her flail, the hefty end aimed directly at the plant creature. Selphie knew her physical attack wasn't nearly as powerful as most of her male companions; it wasn't even as strong as Quistis, but it should be enough to hold back the shambling plant monster. At least long enough for Rinoa to call upon the spiritual powers.

The dark haired girl was attempting just that. Reaching deep into her soul, she pulled for the guardian force, the demonic, monstrous Ifrit. Squall had bested the creature and quickly grown attached, but Riona had spent enough time to build some affection. the summoning would come quickly enough, at least after an attack or two from Selphie. And like the perky girl had said, it wasn't likely that this creature could resist a direct attack from a force like Ifirit.

Already Rinoa began to glow with gathering energy.
From deep within the alternate dimension, where all Guardian Forces reside after making a contract with the humans, Ifrit could sense the gathering of energy with the purpose of summoning him to the human realm. Normally this would had made him feel excited with battle frenzy, yet today he was experiencing something different.

It was not the usual battle aura, but something more. Something more primal. Most probably something very inert in every Guardian Forces that was rooted very deeply in all living creatures. Though he can still feel the building up of frenzy, but this was of a much different caliber.

Only when the human caster, Rinoa, was ready to summon him out of his current realm and into the human realm would Ifrit be able to discern the building frenzy.

As for the unusual monster within Selphie's sights, the only thing that it did after every little flicker of flame had died out was to once again stood motionless just as her frail also made contact onto its body. And like the previous instance, it too got stuck into it. But something else happened. From the contact point of her frail, small and thin vines began to creep onto her weapon.
The heat and power started to overwhelm Rinoa as she barely recognized the incoming Force. Squall had the higher affinity for this being, the greater connection. Rinoa's connection with the GF was much, much more tenuous, built up more slowly. Still, she felt him coming, heeding her call.

The fiery energies swirled around her, coursing forth, until finally she threw her hands out. The guardian would soon be pulled forth, its abilities called upon yet again. Yet Rinoa felt like there was something slightly off here, something not quite right. The energies felt different, and she could feel a warmth within that didn't feel like the normal summoning.

Meanwhile, Selphie was attempting to keep fighting. The flail was now stuck onto the creature, making her yelp in surprise. She gripped her end with both hands, muscles straining as she tried to pull it back, desperate to get it away from the monster. If nothing else, she wanted to be fully clear for when Ifirit showed up and started blasting away. Selphie had seen GFs in action before; she definitely knew she wanted to be no where near one when he unleashed his fury.

"Is he coming or what?" she demanded. She could see the vines and such continuing, making her brow furrow as confusion set in.
No matter how much strength Selphie exerts to remove her frail, it would not be removed that easy. With the thin small vines creeping onto it, the more strenght she would need that she does not have in her. And to put more pressure on her, the strange monster took one step forward just as its four filaments on its back was converging towards her on all sides.

As for Ifrit, he sensed the summoning had been completed and the dimensional portal for him to pass through to the other realm was fully open. But he hesitated. Normally he would be excited that he would be summoned for he hunger for battle. As he sensed it before, the otherly sensation he was getting from this summoning was much stronger than when Rinoa was starting up the summoning.

But no matter how he think about this, he could not ignore the pull of the summoning. And the longer he ignored the pull, the stronger it gets. Much more stronger than a normal summoning.

With no choice but to obey, he let himself be pulled into the summoning portal. When he appeared, like any other GFs like himself, he made a flashy entrance that increased the temperature all around them. But...

Instead of appearing in front of his summoner, he was standing behind her. Not only that, something felt different. So different that all of a sudden he didn't feel like to do combat against his summoner's enemies .. in this case, enemy .. but wanted to do something else.

Something to his summoner Rinoa.
Selphie complained quite loudly about her inability to pull off her flail, before finally trying to release it. But she found that the vines had already started moving up her arms, holding them into place. She could not move her hands, could barely move at all, for that matter. Filaments were starting to rise around her, and as they rose, so did Selphie's panic.

"Hey!" she yelled, starting to squirm. She thought about calling up magic of her own, but had a feeling that anything she flung at the monster would do just as much damage to her as it would the creature. Instead, she opted to try and kick and punch her way out, not wanting to give up in the slightest, even when it looked as though she'd have no choice in the matter.

Rinoa felt the heat wash around her, and she knew that the GF had finally arrived. She almost sighed in relief, glad that things had worked out in her benefit. GFs fought against monsters, and their skills did no damage to those who summoned them. This strange creature, which already had Selphie in its clutches, would finally meet its end.

Slightly tired, and more relieved than paying attention, Rinoa pointed at the creature. "Ifrit, kill it," she ordered. Now she just had to sit back and wait for Ifrit to act. Should be easy enough.
Unfortunately for Rinoa, Ifrit could not do what she tasked him to do. Correction, would not do what she tasked him to do. Why? For something had taken over the GF. Not in the sense of alien possession, that something on the outside took control of him. No, it was not like that. Something else. An absolute something else what happening to him.

Without warning, not even a hint of it, Ifrit suddenly ripped Rinoa's clothing into nothing. So fast he did it that he managed not to singe and put a scratch on her flesh. Should she turn around, the very first thing she would see was the sudden emergence of his monstrous cock at full erection. And if she managed to glimpse his face, despite being bestial, there was something different about his expression.

For Selphie's predicament, the four large filaments that was on the monster's back began wrap around her. Two of them wrapped around her each. One of the remaining two, using its venus-flytrap head, it tore the front of her yellow dress.

For the last filament, it passed between her legs and pressed its 'stem' against the underside of her crotch and moved itself back and forth.
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