A new era

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Mar 27, 2011
the year is 2034, the soul society has been in a long time of peace since the final battle which Ichego had luckily won. after his final battle he became a captain for one of the 12 guard's however the info saying which one was hidden from the normal public only thou's in the soul society higher up's as well as the team he commanded know which one..... but this new story isn't about him..... oh no..... this new story start's with two people who chance to meet, but first let me tell you what is going on now.....

Hollow's.... every one knows of them..... Well.... At least we do... and the poor human's that can see them, new hollow's have come from there desalinate land, some looking more human.... the hollow take form of both both male and female but in now way are they arancar... these new hollow's seem not to go for the lost soul's or dead but for the living they crave soul's that have yet to leave there body's.... why this is... not even we know but there is suspected to be foul play.... but they use sexual mean's to get the soul's out of the human's body's..... now that your caught up on this i guess ill tell you about myself.....

My name is Sora, im a 19 year old girl soul reaper in training, i have yet to join any of the course guard's and i kinda don't want to.... it's a bit lame for my taste's and right now ive been assigned to look over the human world till ether i join a court guard or am forced to be in one..... now begins the story of me and.... some one else.... this person changed my life.... for better or worse you ask? well.... ill let you find out.....


Sora was walking down the rode sighing softly no one could see her seeing she had yet buy one of thou's human body thing's.... she always forgot the name of them but it's not like she cared.... what point was there to walk around looking like a human? it was lame..... two Katana's were on her back both looked a bit long but it's said duel wielder's among the soul society were rare but she just said there were to weak to even try... she sighed and walked into a nearby store and swiped a coke...
Hueco Mundo
Arrancar Number One : HIDEAKI HARUKI Nick Name: Phantom
A Lone Arrancar Walks a path that had made. Since The fall of Aizen Phantom Walked the grounds of his new home. He was not Sure But it seem like things was going to be fun. Since now that all the other Arrancar are Dead. He was The new number one. AS he walked down to a table there was ten chairs not filled as he took the one seat at the end of the table. His Blue eyes looking at each chair as his fellow Arrancar dead but that was shot lived as he looked at a small ball on the table as he smiled and sat back. Hideaki long body as six feet was something of his own. he was once a hollow wolf but now he had taken the form of a human with hollow looks. his hollow was on his left shoulder and he sighed a bit. Thinking about what To do as he didn't have the power to make anymore Arrancar to fill the seats as he was starting to think about heading to the huiman world for some fun but he was not in the mood yet as he looked at ISAMU his blade. But thats for a other time as he sat back and was getting some since there was a female hollow under the table.

Human World
Soul Reaper: Dea M smith
Weapons Twin Blades
Lunar: With a white handle and long blade about 4 feet.
powers: To blind the hollows and to stop them for a shoot time.

Star: A black handle with a blade of 4 feet,
Powers: healing of anything but death.

Bankai: Yes
Power: Dea;s twin blades become one and his blade become 8 feet long. his outfit become white and his power become that of a high ranking captain. But he is not a captain or a part of the soul reaper world. he is human with the powers.

Dea was a young lad no more the 18 as he left home to head to Karakura Town. it was a town filled with more hollow then any other town as he was not sure. But buy the time her got there he rented out a home and left his human body there after locking all doors and windows as he left in his soul body and running over roof tops looking for a hollow to kill as he jumped down to the road he did not see anyone behind him but there was someone but he was thinking it was a human that did not see him as he jump again and made his way to a other roof top unknown to him that it was a other soul reaper.
Sorta smiled walking out of the store in time to see a dark shadow jump onto a nearby roof she narrowed her eye's feeling a large aura, she tossed the now empty can into the trash and jumped after him flash stepping untill she was right above the person and with out even looking she took out both her Katana's and would try and bring them down apon him. "DIE HOLLOW!" she cryed out
Dea stop after herring {Die hollow} As he looked around he saw her with blades out as he drew his twins out to stop hers And looking at her. his blue eyes looking over her. " hay what is this?" he asked her. trying to reason with her. " I come to this town and you try to kill me" he asked her pushing her away with his blades and ready himself as he watched her.
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