Summoning Gone Wrong (Neurok + RV)

Russian Vodka

Jan 19, 2009
Feeling the suns rays hitting his face as they went outside, Ezreal smiled. He was enjoying his afternoon in a quiet manner with Annie, heading down the main street in the Demacian capital. Everything was quiet around them for once, no one wanting autographs, but a few nodding in their direction and waving and pointing at them.

He had grown a lot since he had begun fighting. His chest was broad now, with wide shoulders, though a thin appearance. He wore his usual loose shirt and pants, the weather being warm and no excavations in need of his assistance. He smiled for himself as he looked down at Annie, having noticed how she had grown next to him a lot over the past few years.

They had developped a friendship quickly, helping each other, but also fighting when they were summoned on opposing teams. After the battles, the winner always apologised and bought the loser dinner. The thought made him smile as he noticed the shop just by a smaller sidestreet. "It's here." He told her gently, looking down as he pointed towards the matchmaking café where they had been invited to the beta testing. They were the first with an appointment in the entire group of applicants.
Annie smiled as well as they walked through the capitol, waving at the others. It had been quite some time since she had joined the league, and hit a rather sizable growth spurt. The situation had her feeling somewhat akward, and she had a feeling her powers changing had something to do with it... She had also developed more of a bond with 'Tibbers' and had stopped carrying him around as the teddybear. She had actually offered to release him at one point, he had desired to stay by her side, and now resided in a crystal pendant. She could therefore no longer manifest him into a physical body, was now able to call upon his power passively, augmenting her other abilities.

She had been looking down for awhile, toying with the pendant when Ezreal spoke, bringing her out her thoughts, and into a slew of new ones. "Ah... right." She said, looking up at the building. The explorer had been a long time freind of hers sincea year or so after joining the league, and remained so even after being forced to fight against eachother from time to time. He found him... enjoyable, and one of the few magic users in the league that didn't freak her out.

Since she had 'grown up', she had recieved many advances, but turned them down. Another effect of storing tibbers, was that she seemed to grow a penis when aroused, something that only tibbers, and a single medic of the league happened to know about, although not the reason why. This did little to calm her akwardness, but Ezreal had still somehow managed to convince her to try out that crazy robot's dating service.

She sighed, taking a deep breath as she nodded. "Alright... "If anyone tries to touch my ass though, their ass, and yours is getting burned." She half-joked, half-cautioned as they stepped inside. She approached the terminal, nervously looking around. Thankfully, no one else was really around as she accessed it. A few minutes later, her eyes widened. "So many damn questions." She groaned, shaking her head. She knew that he wouldn't let it go though, and proceeded to finish it.

She groaned again several hours later, collapsing back into the chair. By now, other champions, and citizens had filed in, filling out an application as well. A few minutes later, several of them were called up to recieve their match. "Jeez.... fleshling E652C is soooo descriptive for my date to be. Mine is too, H8MN1." She said, shaking her head. "Doesn't seem to be very effective to me."
Ezreal stayed silent as they entered, giving her a nudge in right direction and a smile as they worked through the applications. Once processed, he found her again as he stood by her. "Yea, it's a bit weird but I guess there's nothing wrong with trying it out." He said with a shrug, watching the electronic screens displaying the matches as they were made. He didn't notice much until his number appeared flashing, he knew by having read the letter that it was because there was a special match for him. The same when he noticed Annie's number was flashing too. "Come, looks like they're done." He said, gesturing for her to come with him.

They went out into the backroom of the place, being greeted by a robot presenting them individually with a board of a picture of their perfect match. Ezreal gasped as he saw who he had been matched up with, blushing madly right after as he looked up over the board of paper and picture, speechless as to what was happening. His mind had grinded down to a halt, not wanting to process the data. His heart was thumping loudly and violently in his chest, at least according to himself as he put the board down on the table by them.

"You're my match." Was all he said, still looking at Annie, unaware of what this might mean. According to Blitzcrank, there was at least 85% chance of the calculations procurring a perfect match, but to think that it was his best friend who would be his match? Ezreal would remember this day, he knew it. But he was a bit scared at the same time, what if she had been given another match than him? What if the calculations had gone wrong in some way? He didn't want to lose her.
"Yeah, until they match the wrong people and they destroy a few blocks of a city." She said with a scoff as they sat down. "Like I said, if anyone tries to touch my ass..." She trailed off, shaking her head as she looked up at the monitor. She didn't even really bother looking at the picture after it finished loading, figuring she would find out soon enough. She wasn't quite expecting this though.

She turned to look at him. "Oh come on, that wouldn't..." She trailed off as she finally looked at her display, only to find it was indeed Ezreal, and Rhyze... which was not going to happen. She blinked a few times, caught off gaurd from the turn of events. Certainly, he was attractive, and nice enough. But as a boyfreind? She had other freinds, sure, but none that she shared quite that same bond with, war tended to have that kind of effect.

"That's uh... not quite what was expected..." She finally said, rubbing the back of her head. She noticed his blush, and that he was somewhat staring at her, causing her own face to flush as well. "Well, er..." She stammered, processing hte information, and the possibilities. "What ah... do you think about it?" She asked, placing her display board down as well.
Ezreal noticed the suprise on her face as well. It seemed just off, that he would be matched up with the only person he considered his best friend. He looked at the display again, there was no other match for him but he could see now that she had been matched up with Ryze as well. That old geezer had been watching her a lot lately so he figured it was probably because they had checked off the same stuff on the schedule. Biting his lower lip, he even heard her question as he notice she looked like she was blushing too.

He had always found it cute. Making Annie blush was a bit harder than he had first expected, but by now he knew the tricks around by now. "The result is.... quite unexpected." He said with a light smile. "Though I'm not disappointed by it." He added. He had thought a bit about asking her out, but he hadn't found the courage to do it. He had always been a bit difficult when it came to feelings. Slowly standing from where they had been sitting, he held his hand down towards her.

Then it happened, the pressure of the summoning trying to remove him from his current location. "It's battle time." He said with a sigh, closing his eyes as he didn't seem to register if she took his hand. He just vanished in the midst of everything a moment later, being send into the darkness just before the battle. He tried to think about what had happened at the matchmaking shop, but his mind was being overruled. He knew he was under the control of the summoner who had chosen him for the battle, but he already feared what might happen if he stood against Annie in the battle.
She huffed at his smirk, ignoring his hand and standing up on her own. She wasn't too upset about the pairing either... it was just... odd. "Look, I don't know about this, I mean, we're most likely just the first to..." She trailed off as she got another 'ding', two more matches appearing on her display. Her face flushed another shade of red, seeing Janna's, and Katarina's profiles showing up. She quickly hid it, but wasn't too suprised to find that Noxus warrior was bi-sexual.

"A-anyways, for now let's..." She trailed off, also feeling the familiar tug of being summoned. "We'll talk about..." She was cut off this time, as he was summoned, followed a few seconds later by her. She was in the rift as the summoners prepared themselves, and took a moment to view her team mates. Twisted Fate, Warwick, Nunu, and... she shuddered, seeing Rhyze there as well. He seemed not to notice her too much this time, maybe he hadn't been notified yet... For a moment, everything went pitch black, something had gone wrong. It lasted for ten seconds before lifting, everything seemed normal.

She hoped this battle would be a quick, decisive one, so that she could go back to relaxing... and sort out this thing with Ezreal. Soon enough, the tug grew, and they were transported to Nexus. She took a deep breath, nodding at her team mates. Suddenly, a ring appeared on her finger, and the summoner had her moving straight down the middle. "Right then... let's do this." She muttered to herself as she made it torwards the center of the battlefeild, waiting for the minions to arrive, wondering who it was she was going to face.
Amidst the entering of the summoning, Ezreal slipped his hands into his pants as he got a view of his team. It appeared he was the only one without the ability to crowd control as Sion, Veigar, Xin Zhao, and Pantheon greeted him briefly. He had fought with them all before and against them, it would be no problem beating almost any team with these guys. His mind was however still going through what had happened a bit earlier, that was until everything went black. He knew something was wrong when that happened, but he also knew it was the reaction of a summoner being interupted amidst it all.

He shrugged as he entered the field, getting his usual items from the vendor before he made his way towards the center of the map. He was almost praying for it to be someone easy, like Karthus or Ashe. He wanted it to be over soon so he could get back to Annie and talk with her about what had happened. His mind was still busy with thoughts as he arrived at the tower. Leaning in against it, he looked towards the middle, preparing himself mentally for what was going to happen as he felt the link with the summoner unlocking one of his three early game abilities. It was odd in his mind, the teleport he had wasn't commonly used, but perhaps this guy knew what he was doing?

Then the minions arrived, a few moments after he had been there as he waited for the ranged minions to pass him before he followed along, his gloves on and ready for the battle at hand. Though upon arriving by the middle, he saw his opponent. For a moment, his mind was in conflict, he had to fight her. Whether she was his match or not. He felt the loosening of the connection for a moment, something was wrong with his summoner. But he ignored it for now, taking the orders that swarmed into his head on where to move and when to attack the enemy minions as he played the first few minutes rather safely against Annie.
Her hands glowed with fire as the minions charged torwards the middle, already attacking as minions are just as her own met in battle. Her eyes were scanning a head, keeping a close eye on the brush as well. Her eyes widened as she saw Ezreal. Her summoner seemed to become less agressive, and a little more defensive, disentergrating with near perfect timing.

Her vision sudenly whied out again, and she was let standing there, the enemy minions charging at her, one of them cutting her legs. Her body automatically responded, launching a disentergrate, followed by a stunning cone of fire as she hobbled backwards, wincing in pain. Somehow her summoner was no longer in control. Annie moved as fast as she could, barely managing to get past as her own minions covered her retreat, heading torwards the brush, it was going to be a pain to walk all the way back like this.
Ezreal felt the link smash too, the break between him and his summoner. As his first sight was seeing Annie being hurt, he felt something swell up inside him, affection for the girl. He bit any rivalry into him that might show from the battle as he ran towards her, seeing the minions hurting her. When he was within range, he did his shift ability, knocking one of the minions down before it could touch Annie. Even if it was his own side, he felt no remorse as he knocked a second one down with a quick Mystic Shot. Turning towards Annie, he didn't seem to realise that his brain was on auto mode.

Taking her hand, Ezreal pulled her in close to him, counting the seconds that had passed since his shift. He knew it would be ready again soon as he held her in his arms, seeing two minion waves treating them like hostile jungle creeps and ignoring their internal feud. Gasping for a moment he looked over his shoulder, seeing the brush and getting the idea. Without asking for her permission, Ezreal shifted her with him, passing to the other side of the brush before he took her hand. "Come, something's wrong." He told her in a gentle tone.
Annie's eyes widened as she saw Ezreal rush torwards her. She froze for a second in confusion as he teleported next to one of his own minions, taking it down. She reacted without thinking as he grabbed her towards him, her hand glowing with fire again as she blasted his face. What is the meaning of this?! There ar rules to..." She was cut off as he teleported again, taking her with him into the brush. She pulled away from him, her amulet glowing brightly.

"What is going on, i'm not actually forced to..." She trailed off, staring up at him. She let the spell pass, the glow fading as she watched the minions fight. "Just what the hell happened?" She asked, not sensing her allies either, she was completely cut off from the summoner, something would most likely be corrected by the council quickly. She grabbed his hand this time. "Quickly! They can't see us now." She shouted, pulling him along into the forest. She took a quick look around, pulling him in behind the Golem, it's rather large stature hiding them. She panted slightly, sitting down as she looked up at him again. She blushed slightly, seeing his blackened face. "Sorry about that... wasn't expecting this..." She murmurred.
Ezreal flinched, hearing her voice first but the sudden blast of fire singing his eyebrows off caught him by suprise. Letting her pull away, he noticed the glow from the amulet before she begun talking. Shaking his head, he looked at the minions for a moment, he hadn't interpretted what had happened fully yet as they stood there until he felt her hand in his own. "Okay, okay." He replied with a light smile on his face, not seeming to mind her rushing as he followed along. Holding her hand as he noticed the golem in front of them, it wasn't active yet so that was good as they made it past. Looking at her, he grinned lightly at her comment.

"It's okay, you still thought the battle was going." He replied in a light tone, wiping his face in the sleeve of his shirt before he sat down. "I must've freaked you out a bit too, suddenly teleporting that close in to you." He added with a nervous chuckle, sitting next to her as he gently put his arm around her shoulders. "So what now?" He asked after a few moments of silence, looking around at the trees before looking down at Annie.
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