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Subby Boytoy Looking for a Cuddly Domme [M LF F][IM]

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Apr 3, 2010
Hello Bluemoon! Today I come in search of a kink of mine I oh so rarely get to opportunity to indulge in - playing a submissive. But first, a few details about me. I exclusively play male characters no older than their mid 20s and I go by EST. As summer is just about to arrive, I've quite a bit of free time until the new semester starts and can usually be found most hours of the day. I am seeking roleplay solely through IM, so please send me a PM if you wish to get in touch. So with out further ado, lets get into what I'm looking for in an RP!

Cuddling and Snuggling

I love physical signs and exchanges of affection, from plopping atop my domme with open arms, to slowly exploring her every curve with my lips and fingers. Shameless groping and fondling are always a plus, as are idle exchanges of loving caresses and wandering lips leaving a trail of kisses. From energetic mischief makers leaving a trail of toppled furniture in their wake, to the lazy coach potato that just needs someone warm to share a blanket with, I love to fool around and snuggle.

And, to be frank, I do not enjoy the darker aspects of D/S play. Humiliation, torture, pain, and non-consensual are just NOT for me. I am all about affection and adoration when it comes to playing a sub. Now that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a firmer domme with a stricter personality and rule-set, but lets keep it out of the dungeon, shall we?

Dorky, Geeky, Nerdy Girls

This is a recurring theme in practically all my ads. I'm absolutely smitten with girls that fall into this category, and I consider it a rather broad one, including the stereotypical shy and mousy bookworm, the overly confident and mouthy know-it-all, the witty, sarcastic and intelligent, the socially awkward and even the ones with stalker tendencies are all ways to quickly catch my attention. And glasses are just plain hot. That said, playing a geeky pet for me will probably be the only way you'll convince me to dom if you go through this ad and just feel the need to play the submissive.

Little Domme, Big Sub

I am rather fond of the idea of a much shorter, and sometimes younger as long as its kept within the site's age rules, dominant for my character. For all the cuddling I so adore, she'd fit rather nicely into his lap, very easily becoming the sole focus of all his attention and affections. The whole image strikes me as rather cute, and sisters and cousins work rather well for this twist when working the incest angle.

Not Quite Human

I'm not only limited to solely human characters, though I am a little picky as to what I play. Incubus and Half-Incubus characters are quite welcome for myself, along cat/puppy/fox boys with the animal ears, tails, and cocks if you're into that. As for my partner, Succubi, goo girls, and animal hybrids are just as adored, along with full body fur and scales if you feel like taking it up an additional notch. I suppose the only thing keeping me from saying outright furry is I am not at all a fan of muzzles, snouts and the like. I am only attracted to human faces in that regard.

Now here are a few writing samples with examples of possible scenes. I would be more than happy to play one of the following, an altered version, or come up with something completely new.

Contractual Obligation

Being accepted into the renown university was one thing, actually being able to pay for it was another matter completely. Yet a certain corporation was all too eager to provide the needed loans to pay for his education due to the young man being a perfect match for one of their genetic templates. The poor youth had no clue he just signed his life away, and they could collect at any time, barely giving him a semester's worth of classes before taking him away to their facilities, for this particular corporation dabbled in human pets, and this brand of slavery was all too legal with the right lawyers and contracts. He found himself with a pair of kitty ears and tail, just as the high profile, and even higher paying, costumer ordered. Would he resist, or become complacent? Loathe the woman he belonged to, or come to absolutely adore the new life dictated for him? Only time would tell...

The Pet Store

At a glance, the shop seemed to be anything but a pet store. First off, there wasn't a cage, aquarium, or animal anywhere in sight! Instead the shelves found themselves lined with various sex toys and accessories. Nothing out of place within an adult boutique, but certainly quite unusual for an establishment that considered itself a quality pet shop! Ah, but with just a flick of a switch, the mirrors that lined the walls of the store revealed themselves as one-way mirrors, allowing customers to look in while leaving the observed completely unaware. Several clusters of rooms lined each mirror, each occupied by a different variety of "pet", animal hybrids of any conceivable combination of breed and human, both feline and canine. Males lined the left, while females occupied the right, the back wall showing pairs of both sexes in "play" with one another, giving quite the demonstration of their abilities.

Sisterly Love

He was born to an old money family that had broken the norm long ago with a heavily matriarchal system. Whether it was by the nature of their genetics, or just pure coincidence, sons were a rarity as the family often found itself blessed with an abundance of daughters. And when the unusually occurrence of a boy being birthed to the family line took place, he was always raised to serve as a pawn, either to be a subservient pet to be gifted to another family as a sign of good will during major negotiations, or as a token husband to introduce another powerful woman into the family. This boy was different, though. Even as the family matriarch began to finalize the machinations that would decide her own son's fate, one of her daughters took a rather healthy, and possessive, interest in her brother's well-being. As one who personally trained and indulged in her brother's role as an obedient toy over the years, she couldn't bear to see her beloved pet go, and used her considerable influence to ensure he would never leave her side.

Succubus Socialite

She was a brat, no denying it. Spoiled rotten to the very core, pampered by her parents since the day she was born into a life of luxury. Whatever she wanted, it was handed to her on a silver platter. And it was all due to her seclusion, living apart from the rest of the family in an isolated mansion, with doting, but infrequent, visits from her parents. Such is the curse of being a succubus daughter to a human couple! The news of an infernal affair would drive the media into a frenzy, so her socialite parents had no choice but to raise the girl in secrecy, trying their hardest to buy their daughter's happiness. Luckily for them, it worked for the most part. Though now an adult, the arcane counter-measures used to curb her lustful nature began to wane, and precautions such as an all female staff at her disposal began to frustrate and drive their daughter insane. Ever the pragmatic couple, an arrangement was made to both satisfy her needs while preserving their image. The son of another well respected family was offered as a pet to their daughter as a gesture of friendship, giving their daughter a new toy, while improving their standing...and maintaining their secret.

The Summoning

Ah, mortals, so capricious, fleeting not only in their temperaments but tastes and desires as well. The modern age of the night club hookup and one-night stand was a veritable playground for the Incubus, rarely finding any need to hunt when prey came so willingly to him! Loosened morals and cast off superstitions among the populace made it almost to easy for him, leaving the charming demon complacent as he melded in with society. Still, practitioners of the dark arts existed alongside the unaware, occasionally preparing rituals to lure out his kind. An irresistible beacon, if you will, that any self-respecting Incubus just couldn't ignore! Such magics were practiced when seeking the aid of usually benign demon, whether in preparation of a more potent ritual, to sign a contract for his services, or perhaps just for an evening's worth of entertainment. Yet sometimes the unwary find that their company is sought for a...longer-term partnership, becoming captured and bound as familiars, pets, slaves and toys.

Witch's Apprentice

Every witch and sorceress worth her weight in arcane artifacts had herself a worthy familiar, an enchanted being adept at magic with which to aid in her day to day tasks, overly complex rituals, and sometimes simple companionship. When the boy thought he was to be an apprentice to a skilled weaver of spells of no small renown, he found himself sorely mistaken. Oh, he was indeed instructed in the ways of sorcery, there was no doubt about that, but he was also imbued with more than a couple spells himself! The black ears and tail that served as the hallmark of a black cat made it quite clear he was to be the witch's familiar and not her apprentice, and he was expected to take care of more than just her magical needs...

And finally, a quick run down of my kinks. Nothing in the Yes's is required, as I can be very happy with very vanilla, but the No's are non-negotiable. If you like something that isn't on either list, then feel free to mention it!

My Kinks

Sub/Dom, Ageplay, Incest, Transformations, Oral, Anal, Spanking, Masturbation, Cuddling, Teasing, Foreplay, Fondling, Light Bondage and Discipline, Magic.

My No's

Rape and Non-con, Humiliation and Degradation, Furry (muzzles and snouts), Scat, Watersports, Vore, Gore, Blood, and Snuff.
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