The Raven & The Snake (LoverAiden & KiKi)


Mar 6, 2011
"Oh I can't wait for this class to be over with. I have a free period after this and I plan on making the most of it." Jay laughed with his two friends Rob and Ben. They were just making their way into Potions. He didn't like this class as Professor Snape always favored his own house, not to mention his star child. He rolled his eyes at the thought of Kiki and found his seat, laying his book on the table and almost falling into the wooden stool that was at his table. He looked around the room and saw the normal collection of students, all muttering among themselves. 'Well lets hope this class is more interesting than any of the others have been.' he thought too himself.
Kiki walked into potions quietly and took her seat in the back. Oh merlin this was going to be a day from hell. She could already tell. Her entire morning had been spent in a blur of classes and of course dodging the company of her hated rival Jaycn. He was so arrogant awfully mean for a ravenclaw. She thought him to be more of a Slytherin but then again he was to stupid for that. No more of a Gryffindor. But then again he wasn't that brave. What was he doing here? She laughed at that thought. He hardly fit into any house so why was he at this school? With that last thought she pulled her supplies out of her bag paying little attention to her surroundings. She knew the the lesson for today so she started seating up before her father even entered the room. Just as she thought about him he walked into the room slamming the door behind him. This got everyones attention as they all calmed and quited down. Professor Snape paid them little mind as he begin to scribble today's lesson on the board. She paid no mind to this considering she had already read today's chapter before bed last night so she had already moved on to making today's potion. So as he was teaching class she was already brewing her potion.
Jaycn was trying extremely hard not to fall asleep as Prof. Snape droned on about the proper way to produce some certain potion. While scribbling some of the words on the board down on his parchment he heard the sound of a cauldron boiling. He was sure he knew exactly who it was, but his curiosity made him double check his gut feeling. He looked over his shoulder and there she was, Kiki already working on the potion. 'Must be nice to have a father as a professor.' He thought sharply and shook his head. An evil thought came to his mind as he slowly pulled his wand out of his robe and held it under his desk. Snape had an uncanny ability of seeing things behind his back, but Jaycn had been practicing this for five years now. "Expelliomous" he whispered as he focused on some of the ingredients on Kiki's table.
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