Supernatural Sparrow/Vergil


Dec 19, 2010
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The clock teased the petite, red head sitting in a desk farthest from the exit but with the perfect window to stare out and day dream. Bonnie McCullough felt as if she was being smothered. Her class of twenty three was full today and even with her teacher's fan blowing in her direction, it did nothing to cool her. Her curls were pulled up nearly on the crown of her her head to cool off the back of her neck. When she had gotten up that morning, it had been quite cold so she had dressed in layers. She wore a light blue tank top with a loose, long sleeved shirt that came down to her forearm with a belt at her middle to emphasis her small waist. She also wore a jean skirt with black leggings that came down to her calves but that didn't matter much because of her dark purple suede boots nearly covered the bottom of them. Over her shirt she wore a black fitted jacket to keep her warm.

Up until her French class, she had been freezing and normally this class was the worst for her being cold. While she was walking down the hall to class, she stopped off in the girl's bathroom and took off her loose shirt and jacket, but left on the belt since it still looked cute with her tank top. She stuffed her shirt in her bag and carried her jacket to class. But even as she sat in class, everything just seemed to get hotter. Shifting uncomfortable, she glanced out the window. She couldn't even pretend like she was paying attention to her teacher as he spoke mainly French. She tried to focus in on anything outside of the window. Her green eyes seemed to focus in on someone on the edge of the woods. It was as if time stood still as her stomach clenched. There was a tall, lanky man on the edge of the woods. First of all, no one ever stood in the woods outside of the school and secondly, his eyes were staring directly into hers.

A spasm of fear rocked through her body while her heart stopped before picking back up and racing. The tall, lanky man wore no shirt so it was easy to see how thin and pale he was. His torso, even at this distance, showed his ribs sticking out against his skin in a harsh and sickening way. He wore ripped up baggy shorts that were help up by a frayed rope. His hair was a dull brown color and the oily strains hung down into his eyes. But it wasn't his appearance that chilled her to the core. It was the look in his cold, hard eyes. His eyes held such hostility and she knew that it was directed at herself alone.

Suddenly her world seemed to get hazy around the edges and her lungs seemed unable to take in or let any air out. The world around her swirled as she broke gaze with the man. No one around her seemed to ever notice her distress either. Unsteadily, she forced herself to stand and try to move down the aisle towards the door. As soon as she stood she began to stumble down the aisle, her teacher immediately started telling her to take her seat and when she didn't listen his voice became louder and more insistent. "Mme McCullough, asseyez-vous a la fois!" Her deprived body seemed unable to move forward and when she opened her eyes once more she could herself face down on the ground with something wet and sticky running down her forehead.

Someone moved then so she could barely make out the ceiling or the few faces hovering over her. "She's cold to the touch!" One of her class mates gasped. Matt moved over to her quickly and check to see if she was breathing. When he couldn't feel her breathe, he opened her mouth and noticed something shiny near the back of her throat. He swished his pointer finger around in her mouth and caught onto a part of a chain. Gently, he dislodged the necklace from her throat until Bonnie's gag reflex kicked in and she turned onto her side and coughed.

The chain fell out with a clatter onto the floor. Bonnie gasped for air, looking around her terrified. Matt and the other people who surrounded her faces looked completely baffled by what happened. Her eyes fell to what was on the floor beside her. A gold locket laid there, oddly shining in the dull florescent lights. Knowing exactly, what must have happened, her hand scooped up the locket and she clambered up to her feet. While the other's protested, she snatched her bag and darted out of the room.

By the time she reached the side walk, tears were already streaming down her cheeks. Tomorrow she would be a freak at school. No one would understand what happen. She didn't even understand what happened. One minute she was staring at this man and the next she couldn't breathe. He had to have done this to her. There was no other explanation. She continued to run down the sidewalk in the direction of her home.
((Creepy lol. Good intro though.))

Jack Chambers was average in every way. He had nothing unusual about him in physical appearance, his job, or anything else about him really. He led a normal life, working at an auto repair shop, graduating at the top of his class in mechanical engineering, among other things of the same. He could have gotten a job anywhere really, but he preferred the small town life, blissfully unaware of the shadows and other things that went bump in the night. That was about to change very soon. For now, rolling out from under a black Ford pickup truck after having completed the engine repairs, Jack yawned behind a greasy hand before standing up a moment later. Brown shoulder length hair, blue deep penetrating eyes, a good sized muscular build, and a slight tan to his otherwise rugged looking skin was apparent at first glance. Still, despite his appearance, he wasn't a dumb person by any means, having a keen intelligence behind his rugged face.

Wearing blue overalls over a brown grease stained shirt, and matching brown pants with equal amount of grease on em, Jack pulled his tool belt off and tucked it away in red tool box. Sighing, something felt a little off today for some reason, having heard rumors of some guy in town that looked like he had crawled out of a sewer. A few people were freaked out by this guy, but Jack hadn't seen him. Heading home for the day, he wasn't worried as he walked home, preferring the exercise since everything was in walking distance just about anyway. He did own a car, but it rarely got any use since it was the last memento of his parents he had. A 1997 Mazda RX was a bit over the top perhaps, but considering his folks had burned in a plane crash before his graduation, it was all he really had left of them at the moment besides old pictures and stuff.
It didn't take long for Bonnie's feet to carry her home. She retrieved the key from inside the top of the lamp next to the door and unlocked it quickly before replacing it. She shut the door quickly behind her, locking it and looking around her house to make sure nothing was inside with her. She had left school three hours early so if any of her neighbors saw her they would definitely know something was up. She moved into the kitchen where the light was better and she wouldn't have to bother with turning anything on. She glanced around her, making sure there was nothing there. Even just the natural shadows in the kitchen made her skin craw.

She stood by the table that was just inside of the sliding glass door. There was only one neighbor who would be able to see her there and he usual worked very late so she didn't have to worry about it. She pulled out the locket from her pocket after dropping her back on the ground. She tried using her nails to pry the stupid thing opened. It didn't work. She tried throwing it at the tile floor. Still nothing. She put it down on the table and went to go get one of the meat beaters. After a few minutes of hitting it against the metal surface, it cracked opened a little. And when it did, the atmosphere in the kitchen changed. She suddenly felt dizzy. The shadows grew darkened and moved with life. She didn't understand what was going on. She gripped the back of a chair, trying to keep herself from falling.
Jack saw someone, his next door neighbor to be precise, run into her house and quickly lock the door. He had just about been ready to slip the key into his own locked door of a small two floor home when his ears had picked up on the noise. He didn't think that was a normal thing for Bonnie, he thought her name was, to do. Sure, she was a little weird, but that wasn't a bad thing since he wasn't exactly normal himself. Besides, what was normal? Chuckling despite himself, Jack tucked his key back into his overall pocket. The fact he hadn't went into his house right then probably saved his life since something had been waiting on him to enter.

Instead, Jack Chambers walked over to Bonnie's house and gently knocked on the door. "Bonnie? You ok in there? It's Jack, your next door neighbor. Aren't you supposed to be in school or something right now?" He asked, hoping she was ok as worry, genuine worry at that, filtered through his voice despite his effort to hide his true feelings on the matter. No need to freak her out more if she was already freaking out for some reason or another. Even so, Jack was a friendly guy, had no criminal record, (yet,) and had never gotten into a fight in his life. Small scuffles maybe, but no punches had ever been thrown his way. Hoping she'd at least answer him, the two red eyes that stared at him from his bedroom window disappeared, and whatever had been up there left in disappointment. It would have to hunt elsewhere.
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