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When I say I want you I mean bend over [Hahvoc&Doom[

Doom Cookie

Mar 25, 2011
Earth ;)
Alice hurried home from work, it had been a long day but she was excited to come home to her baby. After leaving wonderland she took a few years to travel and get the expansion done, but after that she was able to return home - return to Wonderland. She found the Hatter and was able to bring him back with her. Though others looked at him in a weird sense she didn't care. She loved him and knew he was the man for her, unlike Hamish, the man whom had proposed just before her second visit to Wonderland.

She was almost home when she decided she'd show up in her favorite outfit, and outfit she knew he would love. She pulled into a gas station and pulled her backpack out. She headed into the bathroom and changed into her sexy blue dress and all the accessories that went with it. She smiled at the gas station attendant that started at her as she walked out. She assumed it wasn't often someone saw a twenty-four year woman in a sexy outfit like her little blue get up she had.

Once back in her car she headed to her house, parking the car once there. She smiled, just thinking of how she'd flaunt herself about the house for him. Thinking of how she would tease him. She headed into the house and yelled out for her love "Hatter! I'm home baby." She knew his name was Tarrent, but loved to call him Hatter anyways.

She set her keys down and closed the front door behind her, walking through the living room and into the kitchen. She sat her cute little ass on the counter top, crossing her right leg over the left as she waited for him to emerge from where ever he was hiding.
A yawn escaped Hatter as he relaxed upon the window sill, book in hand as per usual. A cup of tea on a little table with milk and sugar beside it remained steaming and untouched. He always got heavily into a book when it had his attention. It was a big deal when a book captured him so thoroughly. Adjusting his jacket and hat, he flipped a page before his hearing was captured by a voice he knew so well. A smile curved his lips as he heard her footsteps echo after her words. He didn't bother to give away his position but instead put his book down and took a sip of delicious tea. Leaving the items where they were, he thought of which direction of the house he should go. She was in the kitchen, he knew, so he wanted to surprise her.

Tapping a half-gloved finger against his stubble-covered chin, he thought and thought. It didn't take long before Hatter grinned and swiveled on his heel to tramp quietly down the hallway that led towards the back of the house. It wasn't a very large house, more tall than wide, and painted in varying colors that suited he and Alice quite well. A brush of fur against his leg had him reaching down to pet Malificent, their wonderful little kitten, courtesy of Cheshire.

"Be a good girl and go distract Mother."

Malificent gave an excited little purr and dashed off to find Alice as asked. Humming a little tune to himself, he tucked his hands into his pockets and whistled the tune he knew would ensnare his beloved. It echoed throughout the house along with the words that followed as he moved around a corner, staying out of sight and just beyond Alice's reach as she moved through the house.

"Alice, oh, Alice~ Come to me and we will see, what we can do, with just us two~"

He let out a small little laugh as he turned down another little hallway, nearing the kitchen but still beyond seeing Alice.
Alice sat on the counter top, listening careful for her love; knowing that he would try something. He always did, such a playful man he was. That was just one of the many things she loved about him. He was as mad as she was, if not more. As the thought crossed her mind she heard his whistling and looked up. As she looked up she saw Malificent prance into the kitchen and hop onto the counter with her. She grinned widely and scratched behind her ears, "Did Daddy send you?" she whispered in a delighted tone. The pur she received in return was enough for her.

As she realized what tune he was whistling she grinned wickedly. She knew that tune all too well. She'd heard him sing it more than once and over the years it had become their song. She hopped off the counter and began searching for where the tune was coming from, whistling the harmony back at him. It was a bit difficult as the sound bounced off the walls and reverberated throughout the house; proving that he had to be moving around.
She let out an excited giggle as she heard his words, back in the kitchen where she started. She knew where he was now, she knew how close he was. With a grin she casually sauntered around the corner to the hallway, stopping just before him with a grin. "Hello dear." she smiled at him as she leaned against the wall, her finger gently tracing circles over his chest. "Did I interrupt your reading dear?" she asked in a soft tone. She knew that was what he was normally doing while she was at work, reading books and drinking tea. Over the years she had learned to always keep plenty of both in the house.

As she looked into his gorgeous brown eye she wondered what he was thinking, what he was feeling. What crazy idea he was coming up with now. She knew that if he was roaming the house as he did that he had something planned and something told her that she would love it.
When she came into view, he felt the blood rush from his brain and down into his nether regions. She was wearing the outfit. The one outfit that would drive him insane with love and lust and desire. He couldn't stop the grin the curved his lips upward- with a little edge of craziness. Feeling her finger trace against his chest through his shirt and speak so sweetly, she was in for a treat. Hatter could think of so many different and delicious ways to take off the outfit - or keep it on. What to do, what to do...Tipping his hat back to see her face before, he moved one of his hands to cup her chin gently, making her look up at him and expose more of her smooth and elegant neck. He was going to mark that neck. It was much too smooth and flawless.

His other hand moved to slide up her stomach, gently between the valley of her breasts before finally moving to stroke at the soft skin of her neck. So soft, so delicate, so begging to be marked by his teeth. He could feel her pulse jump at the feel of his fingers upon her neck. They were probably a little cold. He moved forward, hoping to push her back just the slightest bit since she was already leaning against the wall. He wanted her to be a little more excited, a little more on edge. He wanted her to try to guess what exactly he had planned. His hand on her neck moved down her body in the same, slow way until his hand was touching her thigh. His thumb moved back and forth over her skin, wanting to tease and tempt his little Alice.

"I was reading, my love. But I always make time for you..."

That grin took on a boyish quality as he looked down at his beloved and wonderful Alice.
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