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CX-43: The True Final Solution! (Group WWII Zombie RP)

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Jan 16, 2009

CX-43: The True Final Solution!

[1] Timeline
[2] Basics of the Roleplay
[3] Characters


Real History of Nazi Chemical Weapons:
[1937] Nazi Germany develops nerve agents tabun (in 1937) and sarin (in 1939) with the help of IG Farben chemist Gerhard Schrader. IG Farben was Germany's premier poison gas manufacturer during World War I.

[1944] The nerve agent soman was later discovered by Nobel Prize laureate Richard Kuhn and his collaborator Konrad Henkel at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg in spring of 1944. The Nazis developed and manufactured large quantities of several agents, but chemical warfare was not extensively used by either side. Chemical troops were set up (in Germany since 1934) and delivery technology was actively developed.

Re-Imagined History for Roleplay:

[1940] While IG Farben continued its research into poison gas, Nazi scientists began their own experiments with chemical weapons. This was initially intended as a counter measure incase the Allies used chemical weapons against the Germans.

[1943] With The Moscow Declaration, signed by the USA, UK, USSR and China, which demanded the unconditional surrender of Axis powers and proposed the establishment of an international organisation for peace, Hitler orders his scientists to work faster on producing chemical weapons intended to cripple and strike fear in their enemys.

Within months of The Moscow Declaration Nazi scientists develop CX-43, an experimental gas intended to not only kill but vicously intoxicate those who breathe in the gas. Testing of CX-43 begins in concentration camps imediatly after the first large shipment is complete.

By the winter CX-43 is rushed into being weaponised and CX-43 warheads are installed in bombs for aircraft and V2 rcokets all of which are focused on Britian and the Soviet Union in anticipation of possible attacks from either sides.

As the Russians began their advance towards Germany from the east after their victory in Stalingrad, unprepared and in somecases unstable samples of CX-43 were loaded into light attack aircraft and dropped like pesticide upon the the advancing red Army. Soon after the effects of CX-43 take effect the Russian advance grinds to a halt as their troops who fell to CX-43 begin to turn against them in a blood thirsty rage. The effects of CX-43 soon travel back to Russia as their advancing forces are slowly consumed by undead hoarde.

German forces on the Eastern front are soon provided with all kinds of chemical warfare protection equipment without being given a reason.They are ordered to make full use of the equipment and shoot anything or anyone who is not German. They are not warned of the possible threat of CX-43 victims.

[1944] As fear of US/UK invasion of France after recent invasions of Axis controlled Italy grow, Germany begins its CX-43 attack on Britian. England, Scotland, Wales Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are attacked. Even though the Republic was a nutural state it was still attacked in fear of Allie forces gathering their for the French invasion. Italy is also attacked with CX-43 with the hope of ending the Allied invasion of Italy.

[1945] All US and other Allie forces in Europe have succumbed to CX-43 infection. The US withdraws its troops from the pacific fearing the Japanese will soon use CX-43 against them. With this retreat the US declare themselves no longer at war with Germany or Japan and focus on protecting their own land from possible German or Japanese invasion.

CX-43 infection spreads throughout Russia and Italy and begins to effect neighbouring nations. While the infection in britain is accidently carried over to France by the German Navy. German scientists begin research into a cure and or possible vacination to prevent the effects of CX-43.

At this point Hitler is consumed by the power he now has as the leader of the only European super power, his attention soon turns to the pacific. Japan now seems a useless Allie to Nazi Germany now America is no longer a threat.

CX-43 is now fully tested and weaponised. Also Nazi rocket research has advanced greatly as a result on the attack on the UK.

By winter Germany launchs a suprise CX-43 attack on Japan's major citys. Within a couple of days Japan's millitary strength is crippled and the path to America is clear for a German invasion.

[1946] By spring German aircraft carriers and battle ships begin to approach both the Eastern and Western shores of North America.

May 1st 1946, the invasion of America began as Gernam aircraft began their toxic assualt on both of the US coastlines. The US Air Force and Army are mobilized and begin their defence of their homeland.

After ther use of CX-43 in Europe and Asia the American millitary has prepared their forces and their civilian population for chemical warfare. Though they were ill prepared for the second Nazi Blitzkreig, German ground troops begin to land on the eastern and western coast while para troopers are dropped further inland as CX-43 begins to ravage the US millitary and civilian population.

NOW! (The Roleplay):
It is the summer of 1948 and America has fallen to the Third Reich, though their control is not as firm as they would like due to the mass infection caused by CX-43 both in America and Germany. Sufferers CX-43 have slowly developed into ravanous hoards of undead monsters hungry for the flesh of those not yet infected.

In Germany the situation has grown worse and now Berlin is the only safe Zone in the whole of Germany and Europe. It is tightly packed with the remenants of the German war machine that remained in europe during the American invasion. Hitler is dead, killed by radicals within his army who blamed him for the hell that europe had become. What remains of Hitler's Nazi Germany in both Europe and America is now under the control of rogue General Hans Kreiger a former Panzer commander who rose through the ranks swiftly as Germany's enemys fell. General Kreiger was responsible for the uprising that led to the death of Hitler and many other high ranking Nazis.

With a new world and a new leader comes a new ultimate objective, as world domination has in a way been acheived General Kreiger now wishes to try and save humanity form CX-43. Though the SS have other plans.


Basics of the Roleplay:
Setting: America and in times Europe (But breifly).

Characters: US survivors and their German occupiers whom must now work together to survive the CX-43 monstrositys. Though there will obviously be alot of animosity between the Americans and Germans after all the Germans are to blame for the zombies and ofcourse invaded America! The SS however seek to maintain German superiority in America and refuse to help their comrades who cooperate with the Americans. There have been numerous reports of executions of both americans and germans by the SS whom have commited many other atrositys whilst in America.

Status of Occupation: Even though the Zombies out number the living the German forces in America are intent on forfilling their occupation to the end. They have installed themselfs as the new authority in America and treat the american's as second class citizens. This will be simmilar to their occupation of France only with Zombies and a lack of supplies ect due to situation in Europe. Though with no sign of the infection dieing out there will be some cooparation between the Americans and Germans though the Germans will aloways make sure the Americans know who is boss through their strength as a millitary force and their obvious control of all weapons in America. The SS however seek to maintain German superiority in America and refuse to help their comrades who cooperate with the Americans.

Status of CX-43: By now the CX-43 used during the invasion would have gone, its only reminants being the infection passed through the bites of zombies. However their will still be samples of it in its raw form in unused chemical weapons still in possion by the Germans, the bulk of this stockpile is found on their Command ship 'The Blitzkreig'; a refurbished aircraft carrier that now functions as a navel V2 rocket launch site. Its stock pile of 100 V2 rockets has obviously been greatly reduced as a result of the invasion, however there are still 34 V2 rockets with CX-43 warheads on board just incase. Thr Blitzkreig also functions are the German Command Centre for US operations, a floating fortress back up by aircraft carriers, destroyer battleships and U-Boat submarines.


Marie Massacre said:
Name: Lieutenant Colonel Elliana Hawke
Age/D.O.B: 25
Nationality/Race: American

Role/Occupation: Former commander of the 2-39th Infantry Batallion.
Skills and Abilities: Superb marksmen. What is called Hawkeye. 40 shots 40 kills.
Bio: Elliana was born in the US. She is a twin, that was how she made it into the military initially. She cut off her hair and pretended to be her twin brother. She eventually became a Lieutenant Colonel and the commander of the 2-39th Infantry Batallion. She was considered one of the best marksmen in the Army. Which was how she progressed so rapidly. Once the zombies started coming around, she took shelter and began taking out zombies using the set of skills she knew best. Her sniping abilities. She also knew how to handle much heavier weaponry. Including SAWs and heavy machine guns. Now she has taken up hold with a Nazi SS Officer.

Dr Curiosity said:
Name: Colonel Kenneth Gladney
Age/D.O.B: 36, born January 3, 1912
Nationality/Race: American
Appearance: Despite being passed the age of a normal persons prime, Kenneth is a reason to think otherwise. Standing a little over six feet with a body made up of chiseled frame, not one of an overly productive body builder, but an athlete. His medium brown hair was cropped high and tight, as most men in the marines wore their hair. Green/brown deep sunken eyes showed a gentle, but almost nonexistant side to the man. He had high cheekbones, a defined jaw line, and a pale crescent shaped scar over his right eyebrow. He wears all black military fatigues, and a faded black combat boots, abandoning the use of shirts altogether. Instead he wears his shoulder rigs, the nylon straps slinging to bare skin. Aside from all that, he carries a gas mask tied to a loop on his belt.
Role/Occupation: U.S. Marine Corps Colonel
Skills and Abilities: Unmatched unarmed combatant. If you are thinking about getting into a fist fight with him, think again, then run away.
Bio: Kenneth was not some prodigal son of a renowned military officer who was destined to do great things for his country. He was born in California, and is the son of a sailor, or was at least. He traveled the world with his father for the earlier years of his life, spending time in exotic countries and the like. That is where he recieved his great combat skills. While away, he studied many disciplines of martial arts in the places he went, such as Brazil, Korea, Thailand, India, and more. It wasn't until he was 19 that he officially returned to the states, and the only real opportunity to him seemed like the military. Kenny started in the navy, as a sound engineer, operating sonar equpment on battleships and in submarines. Later in his life, he left the Navy for the Marines, passing basic training well enough to work his way through the ranks. It wasn't until the span between the world wars that he was promoted to Colonel, as a great deal of men were during that time.

When the CX-43 hit the coasts, Kenneth was lucky enough not to have reached California yet. What he saw when he got there was a sight like no other. However, Colonel Gladney was not a weaker man, and when the situation might have cost his life, he would rather it be another than his own. For thetime being he is holed up in Camp Pendleton with a few others, holding their own between tightly packed buildings, sandbags and barbedwire barely managing to hold off zombies long enough for the rag tag team to put them down.

Sweet Angel Jocelyn said:
Name: Gabriella Dumas
Age/D.O.B: 21
Nationality/Race: American/French, White

Role/Occupation: USO girl
Skills and Abilities: First Aid, Dancing, Singing
Bio: Gabriella was born the youngest daughter of French immigrants, on US soil, so she was a US citizen automatically. When she was ten the girl started taking dance lessons from a neighbor. By eighteen she was traveling and performing. When most of her friends started to marry and work to help the cause, Gabriella began to travel over Europe to brighten the fighters' days. She was caught with a troop in Germany when the outbreak began, and knows that she won't be able to home any time soon, so she's looking forward to helping with first aid, if nothing else.

xMILENKOx said:
Name: SS-Reichsführer Jürgen Von Wolf.
Age/D.O.B: 57 / March 3rd 1891.
Nationality/Race: German, White.
Appearance: A true aryan bored and bred, with short almost bald, golden blonde hair and ice blue eyes that are sunken in dark black circles that are often hidden behind tinted black circular glasses. Jürgen is a tall man standing around 6'6" with a strong yet slim build, he also had a strong yet narrow face. Jürgen can always be seen clad in his black SS Reichsführer uniform, jack boots and a black leather trench coat. He is also easilly noticed by the lack of a left hand that he lost whilst serving on the eastern front.
Role/Occupation: SS Reichsführer of US Operations.
Skills and Abilities: Jürgen is silver tongued devil and a master of manipulation! He has helped the SS stay strong in the wake of Hitlers death through propaganda and promises of a return to Hitler's Germany!
Bio: Jürgen Von Wolf is the SS Reichsführer of US Operations as a result the SS in America serve him with a simmilar fanatical loyality as they did Hitler. Jürgen served directly under Heinrich Himmler the Reichsführer of the SS, a military commander, and a leading member of the Nazi Party while in Europe before being premoted upon his arrival in America after the invasion. Before however he was one of Hitler's greatest supporters and a major driving force of the SS. He saw most of his millitary duty during the second world war on the Eastern Front and as a result lost his left hand to a Russian granade. As expected Jürgen dispises anyone who is not German and of coarse anyone who isnt white or christian.


Name: Oberschütze Günter 'The Butcher' Reinhardt.
Age/D.O.B: 44 / October 15th 1904.
Nationality/Race: German, White.
Appearance: Günter is a monster of a man standing 6'9" with a large muscular build and often reffered to as being a monster or tank of a man. His dark brown hair is always shaved down to the scalp, it is known he does it to mock victims of of Nazi Gas Chambers who are shaved before death but really he does it out of shame of not being blonde and not being truely aryan, though his eyes are a dark blue. Güntertypically wears a black short sleeve SS uniform with a black trench coat over it.
Role/Occupation: SS Oberschütze and personal enforcer of Jürgen Von Wolf.
Skills and Abilities: Günter is a heavy handed thug and ofcoarse has the weight to back it up, as the German Boxing Champion he is skilled with his fists and enjoys to to take the fight to his enemy up close and personal. He is also known to be a visous and sadistic torture expert.
Bio: Before Hitler came to power Günter was a member of the hardcore paramillitary that acted as the Nazi Partys muscle. From here he pregressed through the ranks of the SS spreading fear and terror to all those who oppose the Nazi regime. It was here he met Jürgen who saw his potential and kept him close.


Name: Prof. Dr. Christian Schenck
.Age/D.O.B: 35 / December 24th 1913.
Nationality/Race: Austrian, White.

Role/Occupation: Wehrmacht Medic.
Skills and Abilities: Christian is a dedicated Doctor, happy to help anyone one and is one of the lead researchers into a cure and prevention of CX-43 exposure.
Bio: Christian had never been a solider, he cared not to kill and mame but to save and protect. He was a successfull doctor before being drafted into the Wehrmacht against his will and forced to work as a front line medic in France.

Marie Massacre said:
Name: Truppführer Katja Himmel
Age: 27
Nationality: German

Role/Occupation: Former Nazi SS Troop Leader
Skills and Abilities: Katja is good at getting what she wants. Be it by her famed interrogation methods, or be it by her more sensual persuasion techniques.
Bio: Katja was born and rasied in Germany. She is the perfect picture of the Aryan race. She supported Hitler all the way through his reign, but with his death she moved on. She knew that the zombie problem was far more pressing then that of continuing a dead man's quest for power. So now she is more focused on erradicating the zombies in the same way she erradicated the Jews. She's one of those girls who didn't get her position because she tried her. But because she slept her way to the top.

Szymanski said:

Name: Hauptmann Karlheinz Stanger
Age: 34 / January 1914
Nationality: German (Old Prussian)

Role/Occupation: Hauptmann (Captain), Kompanie 2, 711. Infanterie-Regiment (remaining manpower strength about 3%)
Skills and Abilities: Nothing extraordinary. He’s got a decent shot with a Luger, and can use an MP40 to good effect. Knows how to survive, having learned from (costly) mistakes.

Bio: Born in the year of the Great War, his father was one of the very first casualties of the Eastern Front. While the times were difficult in the decades after the war, Karlheinz’s family continued to have a decent standard of living. By his mid-twenties, he worked as a history teacher in a local school in East Prussia, witnessing first hand the influence that the Nazi Party had in distorting German history. However, he kept quiet – for safety reasons, and also because he was fascinated with the whole thing. Knowing his history, Karlheinz longed for the days of a great Germany once again.
Eventually, the temptation of the Wehrmacht grew too strong to turn down. He enlisted as an officer, and was assigned to 711. Infanterie-Regiment – attached to a reserve division for the first few years of the war. The regiment was then transferred to the Amerikan front. Karlheinz was unprepared for the horror of CX-43, and lost many men under his command in the first few months.
Now, though, he is stronger. He’s experienced. He knows how to survive. To him – it’s just how many (German) men he keeps alive with him.



"Ein, zwei, drei, Feuer!" Yelled SS-Reichsführer Jürgen Von Wolf as he stood in the back of a volkswagen kubelwagen that was parked in the street while SS soldiers had another american family lined up against their home for execution. Without a seconds thought the soldiers fired mercilessly with their stg 44 assault rifles, the shots echoed thoughout the street as the soldiers emptied their entire magazines into another mother, father, son and daughter for no reason. SS-Reichsführer Jürgen Von Wolf was incharge of SS operations in America, he and his own small army operated independently from the German army and turned the already hellish situation into a total nightmare. Without a care they hunted down American's hideing from the Germans and the zombies, if they didnt shoot them they let the zombies have them as they watched before killing the zombies after they had feasted. Most small towns and villages had been turned into burned out mass graves as a result of the SS, they had become more of a threat than the zomibes. After all the zombies could be outrun and hidden from, while the SS hunted like wolfs with the hlep of tanks, halftracks and even the luft waffe when ever SS-Reichsführer Jürgen Von Wolf gave the order. Even though the general german army didnt agree with his actions their were powerless to refuse him wat ever assistance he requested. Jürgen was a true aryan bored and bred, with short almost bald, golden blonde hair and ice blue eyes that are sunken in dark black circles that are often hidden behind tinted black circular glasses. Jürgen is a tall man standing around 6'6" with a strong yet slim build, he also had a strong yet narrow face. Jürgen can always be seen clad in his black SS Reichsführer uniform, jack boots and a black leather trench coat. He is also easilly noticed by the lack of a left hand that he lost whilst serving on the eastern front. Though the lack of his left hand didnt make him defenceless, his semi auto mauser pistol sat ready for action in a holster on his right hip. Though he much prefered to let his men do the killing as he loved to watch just as he did in the european death camps.

Stood at the front of the kubelwagen was SS-Oberschütze Günter 'The Butcher' Reinhardt, Jürgen's most trusted lap dog and personal bodyguard. Günter was a monster of a man standing 6'9" with a large muscular build and often reffered to as being a monster or tank of a man. His dark brown hair is always shaved down to the scalp, it is known he does it to mock victims of of Nazi Gas Chambers who are shaved before death but really he does it out of shame of not being blonde and not being truely aryan, though his eyes are a dark blue. Güntertypically wears a black short sleeve SS uniform with a black trench coat over it. Armed with a flammenwerfer 35 he had been the one buring americans out of their hiding places and ofcoarse torching their corpses and homes. He was just as sadistic as his master though he had the strength and power to back it up. As the soliders stepped away from their victims Günter walked over to them and began to spew flaming naplam over the dead family. The excessive heat turning their flesh into black ash within seconds and soon all that was left was blackened bones. As this was done the soldiers began to paint warnings onto the walls of houses; 'Face justice now', 'Cowards will suffer the same fate', 'Submit and live, hide and die' were just some of the SS warnings that were painted throughout America. Though these were not just intended for the Americans, German's who helped Americans were seen as lesser creatures than the Jews. Once they were done the soldiers climbed aboard the two half tracks as Günter climbed into the driver's seat of Jürgen's personal kubalwagen and this SS convoy moved onto next town to spread fear and terror.


However not all German's were not like this, Prof. Dr. Christian Schenck for example would rather preserve life than take it away. It wasnt a secret that the SS wanted him dead, they just had not got a chance to get hom alone after all he was a well respected man in the German ranks and it would be a big no no for the SS to openly execute him. As a result of this Chris rarely traveled alone and tended to stay at medical facillitys for long periods of time to keep away from the SS. Today he was sat in a makshift research lab in German medical camp, with dead zombies laid down on tables for examination and possible ifected german soldiers sadated and locked in cages. Prof. Dr. Christian Schenck was determined to find a cure or for the effects of CX-43 or even a vacination to prevent further infection. After all the wehrmacht were incharge with destroying the reminants of the CX-43 infected, Chris was just here to help them in this mission. He had command over a small number of doctors and nurses that provided health care for both Americans and Germans, a major reason for the SS to want him dead. Even though the presivasion of human life was one of the German's main objective the SS would still murder Americans without a care. Infact many of his American patiants were victims of SS attacks. With a tired sigh he rubbed his eyes as he stood up from a bench he sat on as he examined blood samples though a microscope. The men who created CX-43 didnt even know how to stop its effects and it was seeming to be unstopable by medical professions and the only way to stop it was with bullets and fire.
Lieutenant Colonel Elliana Hawke slammed her back against the wall of one of the buildings. Her hand gun in her hand, her rifle slung onher shoulder. She was panting softly. She took a peek out from behind the wall. They were still following her. She growled softly. She had to find somewhere to go. Somewhere that wasn't easily accessible. She needed to know that she could get in and those bastards couldn't. She groaned, taking out some splunking gear. The spikes would surely be able to penetrate the walls of the building. She used the equipment to climb up the side of a building that had been abandoned. It had been locked down. Metal doors, and barred windows. She had hit the jackpot. But she'd have to slimb to the top. And that would certainly be no easy task. But her upper body, and core strength was nothing to be poked fun at. She was incredibly strong. She made it to the roof of the building. Sweat covering her skin. She was wearing her Army uniform still, but the top was taken off. Leaving her with her bottoms and a tee shirt. Along with the multitude of weapons she carried on her. She took up a good prone position on the roof, using the rfile that had been slung on her shoulder. Trying to steady her breathing to get a good shot.


Hearing someone yell in German Truppführer Katja Himmel quickly made her way to where Jürgen and Günter were slaughtering more Americans. As far as anyone knew, she was still SS. She still wore their uniforms. So maybe joining them would be the smartest decision she could make. "Reichsführer!" Katja yelled. She had made sure to get roughed up a little in her last fight, just in case something like this should happen. "Americans. They are everywhere..." She had always been good at getting what she wanted. She was wearing her uniform bottoms, but her jacket had been ripped off of her. And her shirt was ripped up. Exposing some of her chest, and some of her toned stomach. She had a bloody lip, and a bruise on her cheek. She wasn't used to having to work for what she wanted. And she hoped she wouldn't have to now. Her pants hugging the curves of her ample backside. She knew she could get what she wanted either way. She just didn't want to be on her own anymore.
Marie Massacre said:
Lieutenant Colonel Elliana Hawke slammed her back against the wall of one of the buildings. Her hand gun in her hand, her rifle slung onher shoulder. She was panting softly. She took a peek out from behind the wall. They were still following her. She growled softly. She had to find somewhere to go. Somewhere that wasn't easily accessible. She needed to know that she could get in and those bastards couldn't. She groaned, taking out some splunking gear. The spikes would surely be able to penetrate the walls of the building. She used the equipment to climb up the side of a building that had been abandoned. It had been locked down. Metal doors, and barred windows. She had hit the jackpot. But she'd have to slimb to the top. And that would certainly be no easy task. But her upper body, and core strength was nothing to be poked fun at. She was incredibly strong. She made it to the roof of the building. Sweat covering her skin. She was wearing her Army uniform still, but the top was taken off. Leaving her with her bottoms and a tee shirt. Along with the multitude of weapons she carried on her. She took up a good prone position on the roof, using the rfile that had been slung on her shoulder. Trying to steady her breathing to get a good shot.


Hearing someone yell in German Truppführer Katja Himmel quickly made her way to where Jürgen and Günter were slaughtering more Americans. As far as anyone knew, she was still SS. She still wore their uniforms. So maybe joining them would be the smartest decision she could make. "Reichsführer!" Katja yelled. She had made sure to get roughed up a little in her last fight, just in case something like this should happen. "Americans. They are everywhere..." She had always been good at getting what she wanted. She was wearing her uniform bottoms, but her jacket had been ripped off of her. And her shirt was ripped up. Exposing some of her chest, and some of her toned stomach. She had a bloody lip, and a bruise on her cheek. She wasn't used to having to work for what she wanted. And she hoped she wouldn't have to now. Her pants hugging the curves of her ample backside. She knew she could get what she wanted either way. She just didn't want to be on her own anymore.

Upon Katja's call the SS convoy was stopped, Jürgen was quick to stand in the kubelwagen and glare down upon Katja. He didnt recognise her after all he only knew a few of his soldiers by name. "Where is your squad child?!.." Jürgen yelled in response, Katja's appearance obviously showed defeat and defeat to the americans was something Jürgen dispised. He had shot men for retreating from the enemy in the past. With word of possible american threats in the area the soldiers began to exit the half tracks and form a parimiter around the convoy. Günter how ever remained behind the wheel of the kubelwagen just incase while he watched Katja like a hawk. Unlike his mater Günter could be easilly persuaded by an attractive women though he knew such actions would come with a hefty price.
"There were many Americans. And then upon taking out the Americans the zombies were upon us, we had no chance sir," Katja said softly. "I barely made it out with me life. A few moments longer and I would've joined my men in their open grave." Katja looked over at Günter, her eyes making an attempt to persuade him to help her out. Her long blonde hair had been torn from it's usual tight bun, falling round her shoulders. Covering in blood. She then looked back at Jürgen. She was good at getting what she wanted. And she always made it a point to get it by whatever means necessary. She bit her lip lightly, cringing as she did so. Forgetting she'd busted her lip in the previous fight.
The dark haired girl screamed, loudly. She was finally back home, but things weren't better. She was tired of zombies! And even more tired of the damned Germans. Why was she getting dirty? Why was she laying on the floor of a dusty and slightly dirty porch, trying not to be seen?

Well, the questions were easy. The girls she'd gone over to Europe with were dead, and the soldiers that had transferred her back to the states were gone. She wasn't supposed to be fighting for her life, she was too pretty. She was supposed to be getting engaged to a soldier and getting married so that she could spend her life helping him have a better life. But that's not what she got. Instead, she got dirt on her nails, and her favorite shorts were lightly torn.

The zombies were coming her way, and she couldn't help being scared. The French Catholic girl prayed to her God as she pushed herself to her feet, to stand in her high fashionable heels. Then, she wheeled around and ran for it, her black hair waving slightly from the places it had popped out of it's style.
Marie Massacre said:
"There were many Americans. And then upon taking out the Americans the zombies were upon us, we had no chance sir," Katja said softly. "I barely made it out with me life. A few moments longer and I would've joined my men in their open grave." Katja looked over at Günter, her eyes making an attempt to persuade him to help her out. Her long blonde hair had been torn from it's usual tight bun, falling round her shoulders. Covering in blood. She then looked back at Jürgen. She was good at getting what she wanted. And she always made it a point to get it by whatever means necessary. She bit her lip lightly, cringing as she did so. Forgetting she'd busted her lip in the previous fight.

"And you stand here before me? Why hav'nt given your life like your brother's and sister's have for the Father Land?... Cowards are no better than damned Jews!.." Jürgen responded with a growl as he pulled his Mauser pistol from it's holster and aimed down his sights at her. He couldnt care of her aryian heritage or SS status, he expected everyone who served under home to sacrifice everything for the fatherland. Afterall in the past he had shot his own soldiers for cowardice, when the Russians began their advance from Stalingrad he shot anyone who retreated and those left behind were left at the mercy of the CX-43 that was used in the area without warning.

Günter however saw things differently, he stood up from his seat his large build with the flamthrower tank still on his back blocked Jürgen sight of Katja. As he removed the large tank filled with petrol and tar he turned to face Jürgen.
"Mein Herr, we have more pressing matter at hand.. these Americans she speaks off are still in the area.. shouldnt we deal with them first?.." Günter pleaded to his superior as respectfully as he possibly could, after all he had witnessed Jürgen rage at first hand many times and had often been Jürgen's intsrument of destruction. With another growled Jürgen holstered his pistol and sat back down in his seat. "Grab a weapon and lead my men to the yanky dogs!.." Jürgen order with a idle wave toward the half tracks that followed behind his kubelwagen. Meanwhile the SS troops were all stood ready in the surrounding perimeter waiting for further orders.

Günter now climbing out of the Kubelwagen, his place being taken by one of the halftrack's drivers. Günter then lifted two STG 44 Assualt Rifle's from the kubelwagen before approaching Katja, he then handed her one of the guns and then his trench coat that would surely be too big for her. Günter's short sleeved black SS shirt was now visible as were his strong arms.
"Lets move out..." Günter said as he awaited Katja to lead the way. Jürgen shook his head before climbing out of the kubelwagen with his back to Günter and Katja as he reached into his coat to retrieve a silver SS ciggerette tin that had been specially modified for a one handed man like himself. With a spring action button lock the tin popped open to reveal four expensive ciggerettes with golden filters. With a gentle press with another finger the tin's inner tray arched slightly makeing the ciggerettes easilly accessable as he brought the tin to his mouth and gently gripped one with his lips before placeing the tin back inside his jacket. This was soon followed by a golden SS lighter that he used to light his ciggerette as his eyes scanned the soldiers standing around him. "Well what are you all waiting for?.. find the americans!.."
Fear coursed through Katja's veins as he pointed the pistol at her head. But she would've accepted her fate. It was surely better then becoming on of those things. When Günter stepped between them she thanked god for her looks. For they were what had just saved her life. She smiled at him when he haned her the STG 44 and his trench coat. She was rather petite. So the trench coat completely engulfed her little body. So stood roughly 5'3". So the huge trench coat drug the ground. She looked up at him with a soft smile. She signalled for the troops to move out. She led them to where she had lost her squad. The bodies of the Americans were still strewn about, and there were corpses of Germans and zombies scattered amongst them. "This is where it happened. We were taking the Americans from the front, and we were suddenly flanked by a horde of zombies. We took out some of them. But most of us were killed...." Katja said softly. Her husband to be had been in her squad with her. She knew he had been killed by the Americans. She was glad she wouldn't have to see him become one of those things.
"Thats thirty-four tonight Mikey boy, I think I'm winning." Kenneth's voice was barely audible over the thunder clap shots emitted by the M1 Garands wielded in the pair of men's hands. Another clap resonated through the air, followed by a cursing grumble as the Colonel missed a shot. "Still winning."

"You may be winning Colonel, but is that a gray hair I see?" the private jested at his Colonel as he aimed down the iron sight of his rifle, trying to get a beat on a stumbling zombie.

"If it is, it's from baby-sitting you pansy bastards." Michael chuckled back, blowing the head off another undead walker. "I'm going to check the radio feed, Call in for Sanders to get on duty when you see him." The private nodded in understanding, and Kenneth was on his way. He rolled off the stacked boxes, landing on solid concrete some few feet below. Dark combat boots grinded against loose gravel, and the military man made his was into the nearest building, seemingly a reception office.

Colonel Kenneth Gladney was the man in charge in Camp Pendleton, at least for now. When he had arrived, almost everybody had been dead, sort of. It hadn't been hard to set up a barrier around the Camp, natural terrain making entry inaccessible for the most part anyway. The rest was covered in barbed wire and other fences. The hard part had been clearing out the people who didn't want to stay dead, and saving those who had managed to dling to life. Now, the rag tag team ran the camp, and broadcasted every day hourly on both long and short range radios, once on every frequency before relinquishing for till the following hour.

Sitting down in the wooden chair, Kenneth ran a hand through his short brown hair, a long sigh forcing it's way through his lips. "Okay, let's get this over with." Picking up the com, he put it to his lips while adjusting the frequencies of the multiple radios he had connected to the link. "Is anyone out there?" He mummbled hopelessly, letting the static sit for a moment before speaking again. "I repeat, is anyone out there? This is Colonel Kenneth Gladney of the U.S. Marine Corps. Broadcasting live from Camp Pendleton. Does anybody read?" Once again the static played out. "We offer food, shelter, and protection from the infection. If there is anyone out there, please respond." Static.

Michael grunted and through down the com, sitting back in the seat with a tired look. He'd been at this too long, and he felt the time starting to wear on this. Now, just to sit through the static and pray for a miracle. He wondered these days if there was even anyone left.
Gabriella ducked into an old warehouse as she attempted to get away from the two undead that were following her. Germans, zombies, the occasional soldier that hadn't seen a live woman in quite some time. She was running a lot those days.

When she heard the sound of someone over a radio, the singer's head shot up and she looked around the warehouse. Three desks, twenty something boxes, it was too much to look through, until she caught the direction the voice came from. She rushed to a desk and started to rifle through boxes first.

Papers, papers, papers. Nothing there. Then, she started pulling on drawers. There it was! The com radio, the same type she'd seen so many times during her travels.

"He- Hello? This is Gabriella Dumas.. I'm... I don't know where I am." She said. "But I can follow directions." She blinked. What was she supposed to say. "Is anyone there?"
Elliana's ears barely picked up a staticy broadcast from Camp Pendleton. She was only about 2 miles away Pendleton. But she highly doubted she could make it there even if she she wanted to. She was rapidly running out of ammunition for all of her weapons. And she had severely injured her right leg while running from that last horde of zombies. She she knew it had to be worth a try. She pulled out her radio. "Colonel Gladney. This is Lieutenant Colonel Elliana Hawke of the U.S. Army. I'm about about two miles out of Pendleton. But I'm running low on ammunition and injured. I mananged to get to safety on a roof. But even abuilding won't hold long. I'm low on rations. I can try and make it to your position, over!" Elliana said. She would then just wait on a response. Killing zombies while she waited.
The Colonel stared at the radio in utter disbelief. He had known that the coast was gradually getting filled, but as far as he had seen they were being wiped out upon landing. Now though, not just one, but two return broadcasts were coming in, and one of them a soldier no less. Shock was overcoming the officer, and it took him several moments before he realized he needed to do something. Shouting orders, Kenneth got the whole camp moving. Their only infantry vehicle was being prepped, and several people were loading into it.

Picking the com back up, Kenneth opened the radio up to hit all frequencies at one. "This is Colonel Gladney I read the both of you loud and clear. Lt. Colonel, I'm sending a small convoy you're way. If you can keep to the open streets it won't be hard to find you, over." His voice was almost shaking with utter excitement, and he was leaning so far in his seat he might as well have been standing. "Ms. Dumas, I'm going to need a little more out of you than that. Are you near the beach? This is a beach side military base and if I can get more of a beat on your whereabouts, over." Between speaking into the radio, Kenneth was shouting orders out to his soldiers and subordinates.
Günter followed Katja with half of the Jürgen's SS troop. The soldiers marched their way through the blood and mud insearch for more americans to slaughter. Günter's eyes scanning the horizon for enemies but for now he saw nothing. "Where are the yankys?.." He questioned, slightly angry. After all he would hate to be wasting time and knew Jürgen wouldnt be happy unless he brought back 5 or 6 US dogtags. With his STG held firmly Günter pushed past Katja, taking the lead he began to approach the woods to the north. He had known US troops to hide in woods back in Italy and had witnessed ambushes on italian tanks by US airbourne hidden in the trees. "There is noone here?!.." He growled as he turned back to face Katja, though he was quick to turn back and face the woods as a blood curdling scream echoed from the darkness deep in the woodland. "We should leave now..." Günter's tone now more passive as he slowly began to walk backwards towards Katja as he saw numerous figures emerge from the trees, staggering, crawling, grunting and growling a mixed batch of American and German dead soldiers were drawn to Günter's shouting. The hoard grew larger by each second and soon began to appear to the left and right, rain then began to fall from the sky making the allready muddy terrain even harder to traverse. "EVERYONE BACK TO THE CONVOY!.." Günter yelled once more as he ordered the retreat, knowing full well he and the hand full of men he had couldnt stand against the growing hoard.

"Herr Reichsführer, we have intercepted an American radio broadcast.." Yelled an SS communications officer from the middle Halftrack. Jürgen was quick to run to the Halftrack, keen to listen in on the Americans. As the rain began to fall those at the convoy were unaware of the trouble their comrades were in aswell as the trouble themselves were in as the sounds of their vehicle's engines and all the commotion had caught the attention of other nearby undead who were slowly advancing on Jürgen's posistion. As he climbed into the back of the halftrack Jürgen was snatched the receiver from his comms officer and listened contently to Colonel Kenneth Gladney's broadcast whilst his eyes scanned a nearby map for the location of Camp Pendleton, though he soon heard a voice that he recognised and despised.

:卐:-:卐:-:卐: :卐:-:卐:-:卐: :卐:-:卐:-:卐:

"This is Dr. Christian Schenck of the 1st Wehrmacht medical corp!... Your posistion is no longer safe, your broadcast has most likely been intercepted by hostile German forces... I beg of you to bring all survivors to the 1st Wehrmacht Medical Camp 44 miles east of your current posistion!.. Only the Wehrmacht can keep you safe from the SS! You have my word and the word of our Führer Herr Kreiger that you will not be harmed! The Wehrmacht has ceased all millitary opperations against the Americans to focus their efforts on the infected!... Prof. Dr. Christian Schenck had also intercepted Colonel Kenneth Gladney's broadcast. Now sat in the camps communications tent he awaited a response from the americans.
Gabriella was looking around, trying to figure out where she was. She wished that her parents had been better with directions, and would have taught her the same. She stuck her head quickly out of the big doors of the warehouse and realized two things. Yes, she was by a beach and... The doors she'd just looked out of weren't the biggest ones there. She was in an airplane hanger! How had she not noticed that? Maybe because there wasn't an airplane occupying it?

She rushed back to the radio and spoke quickly. "Yes, I'm by the beach, in a hanger." She told the voice over the radio, just before another came over, German, telling them that the frequency might have been intercepted. She gasped and fell back against another desk.

She couldn't stick around, and she wasn't sure she'd accept that German's words that they would be safe. It was likely he was just trying to get them there to kill them. She'd survived so long on her own, she wasn't willing to just walk into a trap.
Kenneth had been expecting to hear one of the two first recievers respond to him first, so his shock heightened moreso when a third party came in over the radio. A nazi no less, a medical nazi. Seemed almost like a contradiction. Kenneth had heard that the general army of Germany had been attempting to help Americans, and focus their hostilities towards the outbreak. The SS however did not feel that way, and that was reason enough for the man not to trust any german. He had been in enough of the war to know that germans could never be a real ally to him.

His attention was averted by Private Michael at the door, holding two military grade machine guns in his hand. He threw Kenneth the more run and gun of the two, an M1 Thompson, or the Tommy Gun as it was often referred to. It had obviously been modified, the stick magazine being replaced with the much more effective drum mag, along with other small alterations all fitted specifically for the colonel.

Sitting back down, the military officer scowled at the radio before picking up the com once more. "I read you Gabriella." He paused, thinking over his words a bit. "I'll be heading your way myself. Lt. Colonel, we have an infantry vehicle heading out to get you as we speak." Another pause. "And you... Mr. Nazi. Fuck you!" He dropped the com back down, and began to make his was out the building, Orivate Michael following close behind him. The large jeep was being led out the gates as he finished taking stock on his person. Only himself and his private would be going, as there wasn't much need for more. It would only slow them down.

Perhaps fifteen minutes later, the Colonel and partner were led out the gates, multiple undead being picked off by mounted rifleman along the fence. The path was clear, and it wasn't long before the shifting sand was under their feet as they treaded down the beach. Kenneth knew the airplane hangar of which Gabriella spoke. It wasn't an extensive journey, but it would take a bit of time to get to them if they wanted to be discreet.
Gabriella was relieved by the man's response to all of the feeds she'd heard. He was coming to get her personally, that made her feel quite a bit safer, he was sending someone for the Lieutenant Colonel, and he'd told the Nazi off. It felt like a good end.

So, the woman, always a lady, thank you very much, went ahead and worked to make herself look good. She couldn't be picked up by a man, or more than one, looking like anything but an attractive, put together young woman. Luckily for her, shiny surfaces were in every desk, metal clipboards. She took the paper off of one and propped it on a box. Then, she hurried to arrange her hair, releasing it from it's binding, patting some down, running her fingers through it, curling the ends with her fingers. By the time she was done, she had her long black hair looking nearly perfect.

Next she scratched a fingernail over her lips to bring the blood to the surface, and pinched at her cheeks. She couldn't look like a vampire either. No make-up just wasn't an excuse! By the time she was done with all that, and had fixed her clothes, plenty of time had passed and she expected to see the Colonel coming for her any minute there.
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