Robots in Disguise! (SexyChick + Dominick Escalona)

Apr 18, 2011
Megatron may wish to stay and rule earth but not Starscream. Damn Megatron and his folly! With the Energon stores hidden by the United States government's Sector 7, Starscream could take the ragtag Decepticon remnant back to Cyberton; back home.

Home...The thought brought a rare feeling of nostalgia to Starscream. All the plans, and all the hopes would be for naught if he could not claim the energon. For all the failures and complications over the past few years, there finally was a fortunate break. In the next chamber, held the meat-bag right hand of Samuel Witwicky. She who held the location of the hidden Energon, and she who would break.

Starscream enters the interrogation room and spy's his subject. She lay unconscious, limply bound to the wall by her wrist. He had to admit for a primitive, Mikaela Banes was strong-willed. Time and time again she had resisted the chemical influences and refrained from revealing the location of the Section 7 warehouses. Time was growing short and the deception remnant needed the energon or they would be forever stranded on this green waste. In his rage and desperation, Strascream walks to his captive and rips the filth cloth dress from her body, spying her near nakedness. Looking over her smooth skin, he conceives a bypassed solution and prods her lightly untill she reaches consciousness.

"This is your last chance, meatbag, reveal to us the location the energon stores and we will leave your miserable planet forever!"
She yells something, but he doesn't listen. He's heard her insolent remarks again and again over the past few days. To be truly honest, he didn't expect and a helpful answer. Asking was just part of the usual procedures. Not the usual procedures today though, Starscream thinks to himself.

He eyes Mikaela over, noting the defiance in her eyes and her face. It angered him to no end. Such audacity in such a frail, weak-minded creature. He had survived eons upon eons of existence, yet she has the brazen arrogance to look at him that way. To look at him as a man would look his rival, his equal. He has to shake the anger away, and that was the worst part. For such a lesser being to bringing him to such crude emotions such as frustration and anger. He calms himself nonetheless. If he let his frustrations get the better of him, he may do something rash and lose the last hope of his comrades.

His thoughts go back to his captive and he says nothing. He smiles. Or at least what he thinks would look like if a robot smiled. 50hz should be sufficient to start, he thinks. He raises a gigantic finger, now vibrating back and forth 50 times every second. He stares at his captive, to see if her immediate future has begun to sink in. This time he really is smiling...
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