M a d | W o r l d
I think this a brilliant way to get to know my rp characters if you're too lazy to go through f-list. It's certainly interesting. Feel free to steal if you like. :3 The survey, not my characters. >_> Unless you wanna rp with them. That I can be talked into. |D
Step 1: List 10 of your characters.
Step 2: Answer these questions!
1. Lex Ramone - My druggie rockstar who also happens to be a daddy and the second coming of Christ (no srsly).
2. Brady Fitzgerald - THE GREATEST PERSON EVER. kno. My genius but snarky deception expert. <3
3. Carter Lloyd - My caring, over-protective homicide detective.
4. Jamie Ward - An upper-class teenager with schizophrenia who only thinks his lover is real. ):
5. Ray Hailstone - Another snarky deception expert. Genius psychologist and older than anyone on this list. :3
6. Marcel - The passionate and rebellious loup-garou.
7. Jack Lawson - An 10th grade history teacher/dad who also happens to be HIV positive.
8. Aleksander Depp - Wealthy mad scientist/politician. Sadistic bastard.
9. Jade Austin - Works with deception! Yay, another psychologist. <3
10. Vinnie Russo - Son of an Italian Don. Asexual. Hot.
Four invites Three and Eight to dinner at their house. What happens?
Well, Jamie is a schizophrenic but fairly rich teenager. He's from some unknown small town. Not sure how he'd get hold of a NYPD homicide detective (Carter) and a mad scientist/politician (Depp) from Tokyo. But let's say this
does happen, I imagine conversation with Carter would go over very well as he's a polite, caring guy who would probably notice Jamie's quiet mannerisms and inner turmoil. As for Dr. Depp, well, he'd have to do practice a lot of willpower to keep from carrying Jamie off for experimentation. And Carter would be weirded out by him. << If everyone behaves, it can be a decent dinner but a very awkward one all the same.
Nine tries to get Five to go to a strip club. How?
...LOL UH. It's kinda funny because Jade got interested in microexpressions after reading Ray's books! Well, it depends on the timeline. If they're at that point where she's working for Brady, it might be a little better but still very awkward. I can't imagine why she'd ask but she'd probably mull over it forever and then just come out with it, much to the amusement of Ray who is a total arse but we love him for it. <3
You need to stay at a friend's house for the night. Who do you choose, One or Six?
Definitely one. Lex is a total sweetheart AND he's rich. Marcel is a loup-garou surrounded by other bloodthirsty creatures who would probably kill me. o___o
Three falls in love with Six, Eight is jealous. What happens?
Okay, ignoring the fact that Marcel's kind don't exist in Carter's world... UH. I don't know why Dr. Depp would be jealous?! I imagine he'd kidnap Carter and either torture him to death or have his goons off him. He's got money and he ain't afraid to use it. 'course, if Marcel got wind of it he might just come after the ole doctor, depending on how he feels about Carter.
Four jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue, Ten, Two or Seven?
...I don't know why someone like Jamie would jump me but Vinnie's the son of a mob boss so he couldn't give a shit about what happens to me. I think both Brady and Jack would come to rescue me. Of course, Brady would probably get us in even bigger shit with that big mouth of his (or somehow talk his way out of it, genius that he is) and Jack may not be very imposing but he's a good guy. He'd do what he could.
One decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes later, what is happening?
Lex: *holding a pan. Looks out into the audience.*
15 minutes later
Crickets: *chirp*
o_o My boy can't cook.
Three has to marry either Eight, Four or Nine. Whom do they choose?
Definitely Jade. I mean, sure Carter's bi and all but he
does have a female preference. Besides, Jade is closer to his age, beautiful as all hell and frankly, a lot saner than Dr. Depp or Jamie...
Seven kidnaps Two and demands something from Five for Two's release. What is it?
Brady's been kidnapped again?! Curses!

I have no idea why someone as sweet as Jack would kidnap Brady but it makes sense that he'd demand something from Brady's uncle for his release. Yes, Ray is Brady's uncle. Uhhh, well Ray has money. I guess he'd demand money. o__o Don't know what else Jack could possibly want besides a cure for his HIV.
Everyone gangs up on Three, does Three have a chance in hell?
Carter's a homicide detective but 9 against 1? Pft. Bitch is deaaaaaaad. ;P
Everyone is invited to Two and Ten's wedding, except for Eight. How do they react?
...LOL Brady marrying a criminal. How ironic. Vinnie's Asexual. He'd have no interest but let's play along. Dr. Depp isn't invited! Surprise, surprise. ;P Assuming he cared, he'd probably hold a grudge and plot their demise. He's just that kind of guy...
Why is Six afraid of Seven?

?!?! K no. Uh. I have no idea why a wolf would be afraid of a poor high school teacher with HIV. .__. Maybe he's under the false assumption that he'll catch it?!
One arrives late for Two and Ten's wedding. What happens and why were they late?
He's either drunk or high or both. Lex has a habit of being late. And losing his cellphone. And being adorable. It'd also be a major headfuck since Lex and Brady appear identical. >_> I'm sure Brady would use his words (bad) and Vinnie wouldn't (worse).
Five and Nine get roaring drunk and end up in your house. What happens?
Hahahaha. Two deception experts drunk in my house. They'd probably join my dad and start reading everyone in the house. Jade might reveal things she wants to keep hidden (likehercrushonBrady) and Ray... Well, Ray's bad enough sober. Intoxicated? D: Yikes.
Nine murders Two's best friend. What does Two do to get back at them?
JADE MURDERED BEN?! BUT WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. D: Brady would be stunned that a colleague murdered sweet Benny. ;_____; But it makes sense sorta... I mean, if Jade was a psychotic bitch. They both have strong feelings for Brady. But murdering the godfather of his baby... ;o; I bet Brady would get her locked up. He couldn't bring himself to hurt her. He'd be too messed up considering all the people he's already lost. :\
Six and One are in mortal danger, only one of them can survive. Does Six save himself or One?
Marcel isn't really a
bad guy. It's difficult to say. I mean, he'd probably try and save them both but if not... Eh. His mom died. He might just go out heroically. o;
Two and Three go camping. For some reason they forget to bring any food. What do they do?
Survive off semen! I wish. ;D Well, Carter's pretty handy and Brady's a genius. Between those two, they could find food. Fishing, hunting, that sorta thing. And that semen option is always good. Gives Brady a reason to practice giving head and it'll be nice to see him with a detective again. .__. *sigh*