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Church Thanatos

Jan 17, 2011
Another post form me your friendly neighborhood airman. :) hurray! Lol well to expand on my previous post I seem to be finding myself strapped to a government computer a majority of the night this is a call out to all email rpers...umm I've been playin for about 13+ years and I welcome all players who cares if your just starting out we have all been there! I've played a lot of roles and probably have a character in my extensive warehouse to fit yours :) im not a fan of fandoms mainly because I feel like I wouldn't do an already established character justice and would hate to try and fail. But already established worlds? Id do pretty good in. So drop me a pm with your ideas hell even if its just "id kinda like to try...." we will work together and I promise if you don't enjoy your session there is a money back guarentee! Kinks....that's right im good with everything except bathroom play and extreme the bedroom anyways. Thogh if violence is plot specific like a knockdown dragout fight then sure ill toe the line. Granted this is a little long but I hope to get a pm soon!
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