Hidden Feelings [SoraXRiku/Doom Cookie]

Doom Cookie

Mar 25, 2011
Earth ;)
Sora's life had turn to normal after everything had happened, he still kept in touch with all the new friends he made, but being on the island was amazing. Kairi was there, Rikku was back to normal. Things couldn't get better. They were all growing up and growing together. Especially Sora and Rikku, though Sora doubted that his best friend saw it the same way.

Since they had come back to the island, Sora had began to realize that he looked at Rikku differently - much differently. He found himself day dreaming about him and getting excited when he was close. It was all a bit confusing, he thought he wanted Kairi. In a way, he still did. But something about Rikku just got to him.

Sora headed to the beach as he thought to himself. They'd just said good bye to Kairi, who was leaving for a week long vacation with her parents. It was just Sora and Riku for a whole week! It was like a dream. But he didn't know how well it would go. He knew that Rikku still wanted to drink like they did every weekend, but Sora was worried. He was very honest when drunk. Honest and horny. Normally it was pointed at Kairi, but with her not there with them there was only Rikku for him to be flirty with. But how would his best friend take that? He really didn't know and tried not to think of the possibilities as he waited for his best friend to show up with the bottles.
Riku was happy to be back to normal and being able to be with Kairi and Sora. Riku was a little upset when he found out Kairi was leaving then for a week but he quickly got over the thought when he realized it was a perfect time for him and Sora to have some guy time.

He was hoping to have a good time drinking with just Sora plus he was wondering what would happen when his friend got drunk and there was no Kairi to flirt with. He always found it very entertaining to watch Sora flirting and telling everyone his emotions for Kairi. When he finally noticed the time he toss on a shirt then picked up the bag of bottles and headed to Sora so they could start drinking. He had a few new and stronger drinks to try out plus the usual drinks they always had.

"Sora come get this bag." Riku called out as he was walking up to his friend with a grin a beer bottle already opened and in his free hand. He had only taken one drink out of it. "I have something new for you to try tonight its in the bag somewhere." He told Sora with a smile then sat down and took a swig of his beer.
Sora smiled when he heard his best friend call his name. He shot up quickly from his sitting position on the beach and ran up to him, taking the bag like some well trained puppy. He reached into the bag and grabbed a bottle, not bothering to look at what it was as he walked beside Riku. He took a swig of it, holding it's sweet taste in his mouth a moment before swallowing; it had to be what Riku was talking about. "Hmm, not bad." he said with a grin.

Once to the beach he sat down, setting the bag between him and Riku. Normally Kairi would be sitting between them, the booze between her thighs as they all talked and watched the sun set. But not tonight. It was just him and Riku, just the guys. That thought was both kind and hurtful in Sora's head. He missed Kairi already, but he enjoyed getting alone time with Riku also. He finished off his bottle quickly, the sweet liquid going down easily, a slight tingle in his finger tips. It had to be stronger than what they normally drank.

He looked up at Riku with a smile "So how was your day? Do anything exciting?" Sora so hopped that Riku had a story to tell, his day had been far too boring - sulking most of it away at the beach.
Riku smiled as he put his bottle down and stripped his shirt off showing his very nice body with his well defined 6 pack. He then went back to drinking as he got comfortable where he was sitting. He did not seem to be upset or missing Kairi but it was because he already came to terms that some guy time was just what he and Sora needed. They were always with Kairi when they hung out and having a girl always around got annoying sometimes.

"So how do you like the new drink i picked up. They are a lot sweeter and i know you like your sweet drinks. Just be careful they are stronger." Riku said with a grin and looked up at the sky as he sat there relaxed with his best friend. He soon finished his beer and got out one of the new drinks with a smile as he opened it and took a long drink from it.

When he heard Sora's question he smirked and said "My day was kind of cool i worked out as always and had a long sparing match with a few guys. it was really cool this one guy showed me a new move and it makes you a little faster when you attack someone's side maybe ill teach it to you if you ever get better at fighting." He teased with a grin. He loved to tease Sora about his fighting skills since he never won.
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