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A Hetalia Craving...? [mxm] [mxf]

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May 14, 2010
I have a strange craving... and it's all about Hetalia.
I am really hoping I can find some of these considering it's a really big craving right now. I would really like for them to be as in character as possible in these situations.
I like it smutty and plot too... though a plot based on smut is pretty great.
I put this here because I play the male, which ever the case you'd want. Though I don't care if I play submissive or dominate.
I like it kinky and hardly have any limits. Haha Rabbit Hole
Plots can be discussed depending on what you like to have in the roleplay. Please don't be afraid to let me know your kinks and what you like too.~

Now, about my post style:
+My usual is 3 paragraphs and then will go up if really interested and there's a lot to work with. I do sometimes do two, but anything less gets kind of boring. I like detail... a lot of detail... like how the person feels, if the sex is good, what they are doing... blah, blah
+I am on often, college is so slow for me so I roleplay a lot now.
+I don't like PM roleplaying.

I'll play anyone pretty much. I don't have a choice. I'll also do other pairings as well. Some I really wont even be willing to try though. I'll list a few that I really like and you can always ask about more.
I really like the idea of Russia being in it completely. heh
M/M pairings:
Russia - Lithuania
Germany - Italy
America - England
Germany - Prussia

Russia - Belarus
Prussia - Hungry​
Hallo Sir Ma'm i'd love to do a Russia Lithuania RP with you with myself as Lietvu.
I'm not quite up to your standards but if you have patience with me I'll do my best especially since I want to raise my literacy level.
That sounds really good to me. It's my favorite pairing.~
That's alright. We'll see how it goes and hopefully I wont scare you away if my post are a little long. ^^;
Sqeee I've been doing RL RP's of that with my girlfriend so if I mention something as if its cannon and it isn’t pleas tell me cause well the cannon story and our RP's are blurring a little well that and the fact that I haven’t managed to see the whole thing or read it because my bandwidth is so bad.
And I love long posts from my partners XD this one time just for a normal post I managed more than half a word doc page of size 12 font hehe so my posts can really vary.
So which time period a little bit about that time and who should start. Oh and wether were going by historically correct or Hetalia correct.
Oh and where we are going to do this cause well truthfully I'd prefer email so as to save bandwidth but here is fine to.
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