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Fantasies of a Celestial Princess

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Apr 7, 2011
This thread is being completely reworked and rewritten. Stay tuned, and excuse the dust.

NOTE: I play characters of both genders, and those in-between. This thread shall be in both gender forums, with some RPs listed in both (as in I'll play the male or the female) and some listed only in one. I will try to keep both regularly updated, but be aware not all my requests are in this thread. The male equivalent is 'Fantasies of a Celestial Knight'.

Alright, so my first request thread!

First of all, I will tell you a bit about myself. I am a long-time RPer, having been into this since long before it was legal for me to do so. Don't worry, I'm 26 now. Point is I have a long wealth of experience and am pretty darn good at this, I think. I have some RPs in the forums now so you can go see my style for yourself. There's only one at the time of this writing but I'm sure more will show up, since thread RP turned out to be pretty cool with me.

I am a male, but I will generally play any gender. The only exception is that I don't do yaoi, or herm on herm. There must be a female involved. I am happy to be that female, even in a hetero scene. I enjoy playing both sides of the coin, and variety is my great love, so I don't limit myself other than that. However if I'm playing a male don't go near my character's butt. Rimming, pegging, etc. on a male character just squicks me out, yet it's one of my favorite things with females. Yeah, I know, I confuse me too.

Now I like just about everything under the sun. From an in-depth high fantasy epic to military science fiction to simple modern romance. If you have an idea you want to pose to me, please do. I love making up the idea with my RP buddy.

I would prefer Thread RP if you have no strong preference, since it let's others see what I can do and it's a very convenient format. That said I'll gladly RP in other methods. PM and E-Mail are prefereable to IM now. I'm running multiple RPs here at BMR and live IM chat puts pressure on me, though I don't mind it for OOC talk and will still RP through it if you're worth it. But a word of warning. I'm going to be on primarily from 8 AM - 5 PM Pacific, Weekdays. I should be on late on Wednesday. If we're in an IM RP expect nothing outside of those times and only infrequent posting on other methods, but I should respond fast and frequent inside my window. This may change in the near future. Like June-ish.

A kink list can be found via my signature. Note that my Fave list cycles, representing the current items from my Yes list that I am interested in most. Most of my Maybes depend on context, especially which gender I am playing and how it is handled.

Here are the scenes I want most right now. Some may be quick, dirty sex and some may be long and plot-driven, I do both. You should be able to infer what's what through the description. Also please note that I am flexible in some areas. If I ask for a paladin but you want to play an angel, I can probably adapt the plot since they are similar. As long as the core kinks and spirit of the plot remain, these ideas are more guidelines than rules.

* House Party - Linked to the next but this is a distinct plot. A college sorority regularly throws exclusive, super-secret parties. Only the most popular and attractive people are invited. The location is always different, and you're not allowed to being a friend or tell anyone you got invited. Of course they're actually sex orgies, with only the best-looking people around showing up. Again I would most likely play, primarily, a sweet and innocent girl. I would handle the orgy in the background a bit, and you may indeed play some NPCs. She'd not know what the party was till she got there, and gradually turn from nervous virgin to exhibitionist whore. Invovement of some light drugs (no heroine or crack or anything, recreational college drugs like weed) is actually a plus, intoxicated girls are hot. This could also become a group RP with enough people

* Over Her Head - A plot about a good, pure, and fairly virgin girl who decides to take a walk on the wild side and get's more than she bargained for. She goes to a night club, or perhaps to a party not knowing it's really a sexy party. She get's swept up in the life, and before she knows it she's got people being VERY friendly to her. Actually at this point I wouldn't mind if another guy swoops ni, saves her, and shows her a good time. Oh he can be in it just to seduce her and take her virginity even. The point is, there's a difference between being taken advantage of and being RAPED. I'm not looking for her to be raped, just moved along faster than she's used to. She'll love it in the end.

* Domestic Goddess - I love 50s suburbia. The pastel colors, the chipper American Dream attitude. But most of all I like the image of a feminine housewife, but twisted into a sexualized version. You know, instead of slippers and a pipe, she greets her husband with toplessness and oral sex. But she's very casual about it, as if it's just the thing you do. This can go several ways, from a married couple to an incestuous situation where her son has replaced her late husband in that role, to... well I'm not sure really. Honestly this is more of a concept than anything, and I'm not entirely sure how to solidify it into an interesting plot past kinky sex. Which you know, I'm okay with the occasional throw away kink scene, though it really must be well done. I still have minimum standards of quality that must be met. The only other real plot element I might be able to incorporate is a religion I once thought up for an RP. They basically worship the male... everything. Women are subservient and like this to thier husbands. But! The guy really has to be a man to earn it. Hit a girl, don't do your job, be a criminal, whatever, and the women stop giving you all that treatment. That aspect is totally optional but it does raise the point that I don't want her serving some guy because he's an abusive ass, even if she likes being roughed up a little (spanking is very hot in this one as punishment) it should be because this guy really cares for her and deserves a good woman. Note also, this is totally doable in a lesbian or futa set-up as well. ADDITIONAL: I just thought of something to add here. If you want this to be less realistic and more of a fantasy set-up, she could be an ACTUAL Goddess. Of love or maternity or... whatever. If you've seen Ah My Goddess, imagine if whats-his-face wasn't a wimp and Belldandy wasn't a shy prude, or was brought out of that shell by her man. Yeah, come on. We all know that she's as wasted on that guy as Misa is on Light. Ahem, point being, yeah, this can be an actual goddess who has chosen to serve a mortal husband, even if it's a totally realist setting aside from her divine nature. But not an enslaved goddess. If you want that, you've missed the point of this request.

* Nerdy Guy - Not sure where this one is really going other than a vague concept either. What can I say, geeks are hot sometimes. Now we're talking sexy geek here. Tobey McGuire, Daniel Radcliffe, Shia LeBouf are some examples to show what I mean, as far as physicality goes. The set-up could be many things, from another, female geek catching his attention to him somehow seducing the captain of the cheerleading squad if it's set in school. But it is bonus points if the girl he gets is someone who would be considered out of his league.

* Re-Orientation - This scene is about orientation play. This is another where I will play the male or the female. By this, I'm speaking of a character engaging in/being forced to engage in sexual activities against their sexual orientation. Now as stated I don't do yaoi, so keep that in mind. But a girl being forced to go lesbian, or a lesbian being forced to go straight? Hot. Note that like my Paladin scene this isn't about making her cry and beg you to stop, no no. She should crack. She should break, and like it. Sure at first it should be disgusting and infuriating to be done to her, but it just feels so good... As for specific set-up it can be alot of things. One specific idea I had was the lesbian as the aggressor. A stuck-up bitch who is boss of an office is known for fraternizing with her female employees. But there's one particularly gorgeous, hunky man that makes her think things no other man has. She eventually takes him into her office, and either seduces him or preferably flat out blackmails him into having sex with her and keeping it a secret. He needs his job so he caves. Optionally, to add a cheating angle, he may or may not be married. Also optionally, he might change his mind halfway through the sex and switch on her, becoming the dom and making his bitchy boss take it. Something she'll hate because she loves it so much. This kink can also be integrated into other RP ideas, and I am very happy to do so! I LOVE orientation play. That said, I hope this does not offend any actual gay or lesbian people. I'm fine with it. This is not about homosexuality being wrong or not. It's just about the kinkiness of someone being in such pleasure that they eschew their normal sexual inhibitions in the most extreme and profound way, because they're just that damned into the sex... geez, I need some more plot-oriented requests or I'm going to start looking like a whore. Please note this could also be worked into a romance where a girl unexpectedly falls for another girl, or somesuch.

* Slut - Posted on the female side, but I'll gladly take someone wanting to play the girl. This is self-explanatory. A slut. A promiscuous woman. I want an RP with one. She could be a little trollop who uses her body instead of money, or she could be a porn star. I especially like that idea. This RP would have little to do with plot and alot to do with sex. Public scenes, wearing slutty things in public, seducing men right in front of their wives, this is the sort of thing I'm going for. It would involve multiple males, though they should be good ones. I don't want to be molested by roving hobos, ew. Good-looking guys, wealthy guys, or even average joes. Point is she seduces men who live up to her standards, so don't come at me with gross guys or situations for this. Note if you don't want to run multiple scenarios and/or partners, I'm fine with a one-off scene of her seducing/selling herself to someone. From seducing a married man to selling a night of wild passion to an unlucky virgin guy, I'm pretty open. Note this would probably be a modern realist RP, though I am flexible on that. Don't ask for this with Karen or Ezri, they're not like that.

This list will be updated whenever I lose a craving or get a new one. Feel free to contact me if you want to request a scene or are interested in one of my listed.
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