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MxM master/pet type thing?

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Dec 24, 2010
On the far shore of a cthulhu sea.
Was wondering if someone would like to Play either sub or dom In a male/male Rp type thing.
I dont care what you play but, i'll be indulging my newfound love for Neko's. We can take it in any direction you'de really, My only two rules are, My character will not take more damage or lose more blood than i'de be willing to in real life (Roughing up a bit is fine just no hardcore beat downs.) And nothing that belongs in a toilet will be incorperated into this RP. This could turn into a long term thing if you would want it to.
Huh... I like something along the lines of kidnapping? Depending on who plays dom. like the sub char would be walking home from the library or something and is picked up by the dom? Or maybe like a semi non-consensual thing where the sub picks up the dom as a hitchhiker and somewhere along the lines.... things... erm.. happen? lol
I wouldn’t mind doing a such a RP either that is if you are still searching and you don’t mind that I only play submissive well bottom whatever the one getting fucked, my charies fight allot you see so those terms don’t really apply.
Hi! I'd also be willing. I'd aboslutely love to do something with Neko's. You can find more about me here. Did you have a plot you were thinking about involving anthro's?
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