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{Dom seeking MxF, MxM} {lots of genres}

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Aug 5, 2009
Now, just before we start, here's the thing: I'm female. If this bothers you, I warned you before hand - I'm female and I want to play a male dom for some of you girls. I can also do switch, but I won't sub I'm afraid. There, that's all! C: If it bothers you that I'm a female or you don't think I'll roleplay as well, then...well, I don't want to cater to you, so just find a male and everybody will be happier I imagine.

So, let's get started~

Please note that I only want to roleplay with literate people who will be able to write at least a paragraph per post. Not a line, at least four lines per post unless you really have nothing to write, but usually I'll accomodate to that (say if your character gets knocked out or something I'll write my post and then something like 'He sat by her until she next opened her eyes.')

Turn Ons:

I love anything with animals. I have quite a few animal pairings and plots I'd like to try out!

Strong women. Really, I don't want to be roleplaying with some weak girl who only ever replies with 'Yes sir' 'No sir' 'Whatever you say, sir.'
If it is a rape roleplay, have her struggle and fight back for a while until she either gives in or starts to enjoy it. If it's just a normal romance roleplay, at least throw in some banter or have her tell him what she likes. Don't just sit back and let me do all the driving. I want to either be dom or switch but it doesn't mean I want to write a story rather than roleplay.

Tentacles, mythical beasts...anything along those lines. Animals are awesome too. DId I mention animals? I'll mention them again. ANIMALS. Anthros, furries, whatever you want to call them, feral, dragons...they're all great.

What I want in a roleplay partner~

Effort! Please don't just whack a few lines in and then ignore me when I reply. This really bugs me.

Fun in and out of the roleplay. Don't be moody or demanding please, just be...normal. Weird is fine, I like weird.

Turn Offs:

I don't have many while playing as a male, I'll do mostly anything.

No scat, vore or pissplay though. I might do wetting/toilet control.
So yeah, the no scat means that there's no faecal matter involved at all. If we're doing anal, no matter whether it's her first or millionth time she's gonna be squeaky clean, okay? D:

For a full list of everything, go here:

If you have any questions about stuff not on there please ask me~ All of the maybes are negotiable.


I do quite a lot of genres, so I'll leave out the fandoms (Just check out my female thread located here: for an idea of what fandoms I roleplay and I'll be happy to play a male in them.)

What I'm craving:

Animal x Human (I have a couple of plots for this)
- Dolphin x Human (If you'd do this I will love you forever, no jokes)
- Deer x Human
- Stallion x Human

Anthro x Human/Anthro
- Anthro stallion x Human (I have a plot for this)
- Anthro deer x Human
- Pretty much any odd pairing but with anthros instead

A roleplay involving tentacles.

Now, I have a few ideas for this!

Idea 1: Just your standard tentacle rape roleplay.

2: Some kind of demon/vampire that can control shadows or has some kind of tentacle...thing built in. He could seduce your character or vice versa - this could be consensual instead of rape. I love consentacles.

And this also links in with my last big craving, Pokemon!

I really want to do some kind of pokemon roleplay, whether it's pokemon x trainer, pokegirl x trainer, pokegirl x pokeboy or whatever...I want to do it.

This one can link in with some of my other plots, too.

Tentacley pokemon idea: Bayleef x Trainer, or another pokemon with vine whip. Basically, it's mating season and my character has no mate - he doesn't have anything really, and he's getting frustrated because he can smell other pokemon in heat that he can't have. Your character either offers herself or he can push himself on her, it's up to you.

Odd Pairings:

I do them all, pretty much. I'll put what I DON'T do, then you can contact me regarding what you'd like.

I don't do:
Father x Daughter
Mother x Son
Aunt x Nephew
Uncle x Niece

^ or anything of that sort.


The Beast:

She'd only moved to the town of Sycamore-upon-tayna recently and yet being in such a small town with a small college meant that any local legends and rumours spread quick and fast so she knew about the Legend of the Beast almost instantly.

It was said that a long time ago, a hundred years or so ago now, a young man arrived at the small village with new ideas and big plans. He wanted to change the village and make it a big industrial city, which of course the villagers weren't too happy about but he really took the biscuit when he shot one of the sacred animals that lived around them.
For his sins, a powerful sorcerer/wizard/whatever trapped him in the body of a male sacred animal and they hid him away in the forest away from any females or any other living creatures in general, fencing him in and keeping him immortal, at a young age forever until he learned to love or (insert cheesy thing here).

That's where she comes in, the young girl who likes to go wandering, taking pictures and sketching. She wandered too far one day and stumbled upon him, a sexually frustrated animal (bull, horse, stag?) who hasn't seen life for years, let alone a beautiful young adult.

Able to communicate somehow, he strikes up a deal with her: She gets to live in return for aiding him with the sexual frustration he's been stuck with for hundreds of years, able to smell animals in heat but never allowed to get close enough to actually do anythig about it.


Studying by the sea was something she always tended to do, and just one day out of the blue the dolphins who had been watching her from a distance finally approached her. Every day after that she went to visit them and they slowly grew closer, becoming best friends despite the language barrier. After all, Dolphins are incredibly smart.

The leader of the pack/school grew interest in her and when mating season came around, his heightened senses could smell that she was horny at that point for whatever reason.

Somehow, he breaks the language barrier and either offers himself to her or pushes himself on her. I'd prefer the former, though. Eventually she becomes his mate in secret.

This could be a pregnancy plot or it could go on and turn into a big plot where she slowly turns into a dolphin herself, or a mermaid.

Lycan Lover

They'd been your classic highschool sweethearts, totally and utterly in love. He was caring and kind and she was sweet and loving, the one couple everybody said would last forever.

One week, Jacob went on holiday to his homeland of england and went out wandering on the full moon. The scars he recieved from this meant that every full moon he would go through an excruciating transformation into a beast. His girlfriend starts to notice him acting odd - becoming angrier around the time of the full moon, never availiable for those couple of days when the moon dominated the sky and of course, the stories about a monster in their wake. Strange howling noises and dead animals everywhere was bound to hit the papers of their small town eventually.

She goes to investigate, and what she gets isn't what she bargained for - she sees her boyfriend change into the giant monster of the wolf, but she can see that he's still in there somewhere. It's breeding season for wolves and she soon realises that all of his agigation is because he's not getting what the wolf needs, a she offers herself. He has her brutally but despite the scratches, she herself doesn't become a wolf for some strange reason.

Again, this could be a pregnancy plot if you're into that or it could just be normal. It's all up to you.

Farmyard anthro x human:

(This was from a roleplay I did and enjoyed, but it kind of died Dx I really liked it though and I'd like to try again.)

The female here works as a farmhand at a breeding stables. The owner's son also works there and he frequently sees her and admires her body from afar while she does the same.

One day, when she's cleaning the horses out she finds a stallion who's a little...excited. Feeling randy herself, she decides to help him and the owner's son finds her in the act. Rather than being grossed out, he's turned on by it, also affected by the phermones from the mares. Whatever happens then is up to us.

Obligatory vampire plot!

I do love vampires, but I'm quite specific with them.

So yes, I will do a vampire plot with you quite happily but I would prefer you to provide it, cause you can do anything with vampires...master/slave or even just lovers.
Um Hallo I’m looking for a Dom for a MxM Role Play are you interested cause you ignored my previous post.
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