Dragoons Fly Again

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Feb 11, 2011
Chaos. That was it was. Pure Chaos. Everyone had thought they would be safe. The kingdom and sent a full brigade of knights to defend this city. They had been told that the foe was ungodly in power, and that they should evacuate the city. They said even if the knights could keep them from taking the city, the damange from the battle could very well level the city. Many people ignored these warnings. What kind of monsters could destroy a city? Sure they had all heard the stories, how beast men from the north were ripping through the land and its people like a fish through water. But no one wanted to believe. And besides, the people of this city were stubborn things. Hard to move, much less bend.

Now they were broken, just as broken as the knights that had come to defend them. The disfigured beast men were flooding the city. Fires were everywhere; the only thing louder than the screams was the sound of a magical made explosion. Chaos, was all Lin could think as she watched as monsters brought down fleeing women and children. That all this was.

Lin was dressed as she always was. Tight fitting purple top, with a matching long skirt, open wide along one side, showing off her long, lovely legs, which were clad in thigh high stockings. She was a bit on the flat chested side, but well made up for that in the curve of her hips and the plumpness of her rear. Her long green hair blew in the wind. She was panting heavily. A dead monster man laying at her feet, her shoes and sword splattered with it’s blood. She wouldn’t run. Ever part of her mind told her to run, but she wouldn’t…couldn’t run. There more rasons to stay and fight and die than their were to run.

She lifted her hand, placing it on the purple jewel around her neck. She always held it when she was nervous, and now was on of those times. She took a deep breath, returning her hand to her sword, and charged forward, engaging another one of the monsters in battle. She got lucky last time, but she was sure she had more than just luck on her side at this point. At least she hoped so.
It was sheer chaos all around the kingdoms, Rose had been trying to find out the cause of all of the humans being transformed into monstrosities. She had been wondering around, going from village to kingdom, slaughtering all that she could. There was only so much she could do by herself now, her long black hair wavered in the wind as she picked up the smell of burning buildings in the distant. Taking her rapier out she knew what that meant, another attack. She clenched the black stone and allowed her transformation to take hold now, once in her dragoon form she took to the skies and flew to the direction of the smoke.

When she got there her stone was glowing brightly, like it had three hundred years ago. She saw men and women fighting the monsters off and flew in to join them. She slaughtered many of them as a girl who was struggling to fight off one of them caught her eye. She flew over to her to aid the girl, she came down hard with her rapier embedding it deep in the monsters heart. Standing up straight she looked at the girl and noticed the purple gem around her neck and realized what it was as soon as it started to glow with hers. She was in shock since she hadn't seen that gem since the last Dragon Champaign and knew now that the dragoons would be brought back together again. "You there, where did you get that gem?" She asked curtly as she stepped closer to the girl to get a better look at her. "Do you even know what this means?" She eyed the girl and brought the girl back up to her feet.
She fell from the sky so fast it was like watching black lighting strike the ground right infront of you. The wind from her impact was so great and Lin was so shocked she stumbled back and fell on her back. What on earth! She thought as she saw the raven haired woman dressed in armor like she had never seen before land and impale the beast with ease. She had seen arrows bounce off the monsters hard skin. It took a sharp sword and a strong wing to even start cutting the beasts. This woman killed the monster with such speed and grace it was almost more terrifying that the monster.

She blinked in surprise as her necklace began to glow. It had always twinkled a bit when she held it in her hand, a soft glow, like a candle flickering out. But this time it was so bright, so powerful. She could almost hear it humming with power and light. She felt an odd pull inside core, like something inside her was reacting as well, trying to pull itself free from inside of her. She looked up in stunted silence as the Black armored woman spoke to her, lifting her back to her feet. She looked down at the brightly glowing gem, and then back to the woman “What…This thing? I found it when I was a kid, it was floating down a river and I grabbed it. Why? What is this? who are you? What on earth are you wearing?” She had no good answers for the woman’s questions, but so many questions of her own.
"I have no time to answer your questions right now. But you can hear your gem calling to you. You must release the power within now! Don't think, just do!" Rose instructed as she slayed a few more of the monsters as they tried to attack her from behind. "Now girl! We don't have much time! If you want to help me save your people then you must let the transformation take hold of you! Don't hold back! Hear the dragon's call and listen to it!" She yelled as she was now fighting the monsters off of her, cutting them in half with her rapier.

It had been so long since she had fought in the last Dragon Campaign, however she wasn't rusty and she had her duties to fulfill. She had to train the new dragoons who were supposed to save the world once again. Only this time it wasn't from the Winglies, it was from the humans that had their DNA altered and changed. They were turned into monsters now and Rose had to get to the bottom of it, with or without help. She looked back at the girl and hoped she would listen to her advice and let the spirit take a hold of her.
She couldn’t help but resist the pull of the voice inside of her. The feeling was not threatening, she could sense it meant her no harm, but it was new and overwhelming, and it was human nature to resist things of that ilk. As the strange woman in armor continued to fight the monsters she took a deep breath. If her father died in this attack, so be it. But to let these people die would be unfitting of her as a warrior. She closed her eyes and gripped the stone. I need power, she thought to herself, I need your power, give me all you got. She pleaded to the feeling, that voice inside of her as she stopped resisting its call.

It was like nothing she could ever explain. She wanted to scream out, like her body was being torn apart, but she felt no pain. Light enveloped her as the air around her began to smell like a thunderstorm. She felt her feet leave the ground as she was pulled up into the air. Pulses of energy struck her body, like lighting striking trees. Each time something seemed to change, her clothing into armor, the shape and feel of her weapon, the strength she felt in her muscles and soul. It felt like minutes, but it had only been seconds. The light faded and she looked t herself in shock. He body had been encased in an almost ornate looking armor, seemingly fitted to suite her perfectly. It was light, covering her chest, thighs, shins, feet, forearms and hands. Her midriff left bare like she liked it, making for easier maneuverability. Even her sword had changed, Looking more solid, light glowing from it, it looked to her as if it was made to match her armor.

She Just then realized that she was flying, She had wings, and was in conscious control of them, as if they were another set of arms that had always been there. Felt strength and power welling up inside of her. There was so much she felt like it would drive her mad if she didn’t use it. She tighten the grip on her katana and gave a wicked smile as she gave in to the urge to exercise her new found powers, flying into combat with the monsters with an almost feral level of ferocity.
[Read my signature hun, taking a small hiatus but will be back to reply to all my rps! I'm not abandoning ANY of my rps, I just need a slight break. ^^;; I hate leaving the rp like this when we just started but I need to take care of some stuff and whatnot.]
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